'The Ingraham Angle' on Democrats' radical shift, Beijing Olympics

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle" on January 5, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. Now, under the cover of a sweeping January 6 dragnet, there's a political purge underway. Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene will be here a little later on in the show to discuss it.

Also, what can be taking the place of the tedious entertainment industry award shows this season? Raymond Arroyo has the big reveal and Seen and Unseen.

But first, the monsters they created. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.

Now, in 1994, after getting wiped out in the midterms, Bill Clinton knew that the only way to guarantee a Democrat win again was to move to the middle.


BILL CLINTON, 42ND PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I also called the leaders of the next Congress, Senator Dole and Congressman Gingrich, to tell them after this hard fought campaign that we are ready to work together, to serve all the American people in a non-partisan manner.


INGRAHAM: Now, he went on to work with the new Speaker of the House, Gingrich, to balance the budget and implement conservative policies like welfare reform. Of course, when Obama then followed Bush, he did some pretty liberal stuff as we know, like Obamacare. But he was actually a talented politician at least.

Obama couldn't do everything the hard left wanted, but they believed he would lay the groundwork for a massive expansion of federal power. And then after Democrats lost in 2016 with Hillary, they just went totally bananas.

By 2020, the party could not resist throwing in with its most radical elements. They worked with the press and corrupt forces inside our own government to hound Trump with relentless and baseless investigations. And, of course, leveling all these ridiculous accusations.

The left salivated the prospect of impeachment and conviction. They were committed to winning by any means necessary. When it became obvious in 2020 that Joe Biden, their hologram candidate, couldn't inspire any political excitement or energy himself, they had to find that energy somewhere else. And find it, they did, in BLM, the teachers unions, the Greta Thunberg climate crowd, COVID fear mongers, the squad. You know, the Graeme.

Suddenly Democrats who campaigned as moderates, were spouting the lingo of diversity, equity and inclusion, vaccine mandates, build back better in the elimination of the filibuster. They're now stuck with these crazy hard-left policies and toxic people issuing unrealistic demands. And then when moderates like Joe Manchin don't play along, they're torn to shreds by the squad.


REP. AYANNA PRESSLEY (D-MA): He has never negotiated in good faith, and he is obstructing the President's agenda.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (D-VT): But if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of West Virginia and America, let them vote no in front of the whole world.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And it's unfortunate that it seems we can't trust Senator Manchin's word.

REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): The excuses that he just made, I think are a complete ***.


INGRAHAM: Now, they can't admit that the increasing crime is directly related to their permissive policing and anti-law enforcement rhetoric. Instead, Democrats are pushing ahead to coddle criminals in places like New York City.

The new DA there is rolling out the welcome mat essentially for felons by releasing guidelines to treat serious crimes like armed robberies as misdemeanors. He wants to do with all away with all the jail in most cases with the exception of maybe homicides. But if you murder someone, the maximum prison sentence now in New York that he's going to ask for is 20 years.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Would these policies give criminals a green light?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No. I mean it depends upon your definition of criminals.


INGRAHAM: Oh, my gosh. This is insane. These are the monsters they've created. And as it relates to COVID, the Democrats can't admit the obvious, that the virus is a virus and it's going to spread. It's mutating into less virulent strains. That means it's time to get back to school, drop the testing, drop the math, drop the mandates, get back to work.

Those who want the vaccine, more than 62 percent of the country, have already gotten it. And nearly 74 percent have gotten at least one dose. Biden should celebrate that. Instead, the hectoring continues.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: For God's sake, please take advantage of what's available. Please.


INGRAHAM: And the COVID control freaks he's empowered are threatening now to put the screws on the unvaccinated.


ARTHUR CAPLAN, DIRECTOR, MEDICAL ETHICS, NYU GROSSMAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE: We can penalize them more. We can say, you got to pay more on your hospital bill if you weren't vaccinated. You can't get life insurance or disability insurance at affordable rates if you weren't vaccinated. Those companies should not treat us as equals in terms of what the financial burdens are that that disease imposes.


INGRAHAM: Now, does the administration think this type of rhetoric, the COVID shaming that they're doing, really helps?

Now, Biden's people obviously agree with this sentiment? How many times have they said, this is the pandemic of the unvaccinated? The shaming is all the rage with these people. But none of the federal mandates or COVID lectures are helping Biden.

According to the latest CNBC Change Research poll, 55 percent of those surveyed disapprove of the way Biden's handling COVID. So the monsters nourished by his enfeebled administration are devouring everything around them and doing enormous damage in the process.

Now, take the teachers unions, for example. Biden could end their tyranny in places like Chicago overnight. But he's afraid to punish the hand that fed them in 2020, Randi Weingarten.


BIDEN: This is a great day for you all. You're going to have one of your own in the White House. And Jill's going to make a great First Lady.

JILL BIDEN, FIRST LADY OF THE UNITED STATES: Joe and I will never forget what you did for us. Joe and Kamala will not only listen to you, they're going to make sure that your voices are leading this movement.


INGRAHAM: Oh, they're leading it all right. And as a result of Biden doing the teachers unions' bidding, schools are closing again. And the cries of working parents go unheated.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm missing a day of work. And my children are not in school. It's very hard on my family right now. There's no reason for them to be at home. My kids are being held hostage at home.


INGRAHAM: Newsflash, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris don't care. It's infuriating.

The fact is, just as we predicted, Biden's far too weak to tell any of the special interests lined up at the trough to stand down. They've left their entire party get hijacked by January 6. And Liz Cheney, Cheney is desperate to use that committee to try to retake the Republican Party from the populace, which might be good for her, I guess. But it certainly does nothing to help the Democrats.

Americans didn't approve of storming the Capitol, but it's not in their top 20 of priorities to drag out an investigation. But look, the Democrats don't care. It looks like they're going to spend the entire year talking about January 6.


MERRICK GARLAND, ATTORNEY GENERAL: The actions we have taken thus far will not be our last. The Justice Department remains committed to holding all January 6 perpetrators at any level, accountable under law.


INGRAHAM: But not the people responsible for the Afghanistan withdrawal. They're not held accountable at all.

Now, this is the Democrats' entire political agenda in 2022, we will protect you from the insurrectionists. Of course, while they drive up inflation, destabilize our position abroad, fly illegals into your town, and let Fauci keep your children from normal schooling, and you from work.

This isn't a hard-left country. They're not going to be able to convince voters to dump the Electoral College, make DC a state, get rid of capitalism, or eliminate prisons, not going to happen. This isn't the Biden administration, though. Is it really? It's the MSNBC administration.

As right now, for all intents and purposes, Biden is a lame duck president. Americans don't care what he says, his own party doesn't really care what he says; other countries, they certainly don't care what he says. And can anyone in good faith really say, he's going to get better with age? If he can't remember the current date or the names of his own cabinet members now, how the heck is he going to sound in 2024?

And here's my prediction. A GOP win in November will not force any Democrat introspection (inaudible) Bill Clinton in 1994. It's just going to harden their opposition, and deepen their commitment to rules changes, to ensure they never lose power again.

The monsters are too strong now. It will take an Electoral tsunami in 2024 to wipe them out. And that's the 'Angle'.

Joining me now is Mollie Hemingway, Fox News contributor and senior editor at The Federalist; and Phil Kerpen, president of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

Mollie, the left unleashed a series of Frankensteins on the country. They needed that energy and the passion going into 2020. And now, they've completely lost control of them.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, SENIOR EDITOR, THE FEDERALIST: Well, it seems like the Democratic Party actually has had - or the progressive part of the Democratic Party has had a lot of success in rising and becoming dominant in the Democratic Party. The problem for the Democratic Party is that a lot of these radical policies are more and more alienating for normal Americans.

And so you're right, that Biden can't really do anything, because he is beholden to some of these extremist groups. I mean, he may want to divorce from these teachers unions, because of the problems they've caused in Virginia. They were responsible for a Republican sweep of all three statewide offices, which is amazing for Virginia.

But they also give like $700 million a year to the Democratic Party in political funding and activism. They are the primary constituent group that are delegates to the Democratic Convention. They are the Democratic Party. So even though they're making it hard to get votes from normal Americans, there's not that much he can do. They've been beholden to identity politics, that is - that kind of racism of identity politics is very noxious to most Americans, but not in the Democratic Party. So the real problem they're facing is party wipe.

INGRAHAM: Now, Phil, Chicago teachers union, members, they're out on TV, and they're trying to defend this decision to defy all science and logic by closing schools. Watch.


ERIN BURNETT, CNN HOST: Why do you not feel it's safe for teachers in Chicago to be in classrooms right now, given that, I believe, your vaccination rate as well north of 90 percent?

MICHAEL SMITH, CHICAGO TEACHERS UNION FIELD REP: It's not a matter of, we don't want to be there, it's that we can't stay there. Testing, masks, vaccinations, proper ventilation. Our schools, most of them, don't have those basic things.


INGRAHAM: Well, Jen Psaki, Phil, today said, I guess they've already distributed $130 billion for all this ventilation and all the social distancing, just a total payoff.


INGRAHAM: Yes. Like what?

KERPEN: Chicago got $1.8 billion for the COVID upgrades that they held our kids hostage for, last year when they did the shakedown of the whole country. And so, we can't possibly teach unless you shovel massive, massive, rain billions of dollars down on our head, the taxpayers - fine, we pay the ransom.

And here we are a year later, it's winter again. They're saying, you know, we're going to vote. It's not a strike. It's not a strike. We're going to show up to work online. Illinois doesn't have online school. But it's not an illegal strike and negotiate with us, but we're not going to teach until - It's actually it's interesting. You know, how long they said they're not going to teach for, Laura, you want - two weeks, they said. Remember the last two weeks, it was a year and a half.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Well, I don't - when any of these schools, public or private, Mollie, say, Oh, we're going to close for - it's the weather or the ice in a situation like this, the weather and the ice become week after week after week. I don't believe what any of these people are saying.

HEMINGWAY: Well, it's just amazing. Just like Phil's talking about, last year, we did so many payouts to Democratic special interest groups under the guise of COVID needs. And yet here we are, a year later and they're still saying that they can't function, even though we gave - in some cases, it was like trillions of dollars in some of these packages to fund - schools being kept open.

But clearly, the teacher unions don't care, and they really don't care even if it's causing major problems for the Democratic Party, which is really what's interesting.

INGRAHAM: And by the way, over at CNN, they're peddling the same lies that were used to keep kids out of school last time around. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Should these kids be in school?

RUCHINA BICETTE-MCCAIN, EMERGENCY MEDICINE PHYSICIAN: I agree with the teachers union, to be honest, John. History repeats itself, and for some reason, we are not learning from our mistakes. Now, we're in an even more transmissible variant into the mix and the surge is going to continue to (inaudible) children go back to school right now.


INGRAHAM: Phil, your reaction.

KERPEN: We've got - we have a systematic review in The Journal of Global Health. They looked at 90 studies of the impact of school closures on COVID transmission and their conclusion was, schools have a protective effect because they're relatively structured environments. They said that when you close schools, you approximately double the risk that a child would contract COVID, because they're in totally unstructured environment.

They act like, when you close a school, the children go and they disappear into a closet and interact with no one, rather than being out in the community and interacting with lots of people, which is what actually happens. So this is contrary to all of the science. Even if the only thing you care about is COVID, which is still some elements that are left in this country.

But we also know the massive educational harms, the mental health harms, the suicides, they don't see the drug overdoses.

INGRAHAM: They don't care.

KERPEN: They don't care. It is unbelievable. And I'll tell you what. The administration has zero control over them. So Biden walks out and he says, every school should be open. They say, we don't care. We're not going to go to work.

INGRAHAM: The monsters they've created. These are the

KERPEN: The irony of it is, this is more the Twitter presidency than Trump, because there's a Twitter mob of people with pronouns in their bios. And anytime they try to do anything reasonable, they get heckled down and then they reverse within a day or two.

INGRAHAM: I think it's going to lead to a mass exodus from the Democrat party. That's what I think.

Mollie, I had to save this just for you though, because this myth that democracy is under attack a year after January 6 is being pumped everywhere. And now they've trotted out 97-year-old Jimmy Carter to sound an alarm about this. He supposedly wrote a piece in The New York Times saying, "The spread of disinformation, especially on social media must be addressed. We must reform these platforms, corporate America and religious community should encourage efforts to counter disinformation. Saying, we're at genuine risk of civil conflict and losing our precious democracy."

They're really scraping the bottom of the barrel here, Mollie. What's up?

HEMINGWAY: You know - but it's interesting, because Jimmy Carter was one of those top level Democrats who spent years pushing the lie that Donald Trump had stolen the 2016 election. This was a lie that was pushed throughout all the media among top Democrats, including Jimmy Carter, who said that the Russians won 2016 election. So he knows a lot about disinformation.

But how come it is that you can be - if you're a Democrat, you can push these lies, you can use - you can undermine the country, you can say that the people don't get to elect a president if it's Republican. And that's fine. Nobody has a problem with it, no matter how damaging it is to the country.

And yet, we're all supposed to drop everything in response to just one of the many riots that struck the country in the last - you know, in the year preceding the last year. The left rioted at the White House, at federal courthouses. They burned cities down, they destroyed buildings, Police precincts. They refused to accept the 2016 election for years.

And now, they want to make hay out of this. I think, because the Democratic Party is struggling so much, even though it controls the Senate, the House, the presidency. It's not - its policies are so awful, that they're going to war using this as an excuse. And they're even saying, that if a Republican is elected in the years to come, that that will not be legitimate. They have trouble accepting election results, and they need to be held responsible for the damage they've done to the country.

INGRAHAM: How ironic. He's the anti-democratic force, as are so many other people making the same argument. If the outcome isn't the one they want, then it's illegitimate. Mollie and Phil, thank you.

Now, on the eve of January 6, House Republicans have serious concerns about the supposedly new and improved U.S. Capitol police force and its coordination with Speaker Nancy Pelosi's office.

Fox's congressional correspondent Chad Pergram is here with all the details. Chad?

CHAD PERGRAM, FNC CONGRESSIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Laura, this has the potential to be a Donnybrook. Republicans aren't buying an assessment that the Capitol is as secure as it should be one year after January 6th.

Capitol Police chief Tom Manger and other members of the Capitol Police Board appeared this week at a press conference. The first for the board in its 75-year history.


TOM MANGER, CAPITOL POLICE CHIEF: United States Capitol Police as an organization is stronger and better prepared to carry out its mission today than it was before January 6 of last year.


PERGRAM: One House GOP leadership source told Fox, "The whole spectacle was coordinated by the Speaker's office." Capitol Police Inspector General Michael Bolton says, the Police have still not implemented 64 out of 104 recommendations for security after the riot.

The source suggested that either Bolton isn't being truthful or Manger isn't being truthful. Manger told the Senate committee, he is more than 400 officers short, and it will take two to three years for the department to be fully up to speed. Laura?

INGRAHAM: Chad, thanks.

And later we expose how the DOJ dragnet created in the wake of January 6 is the real threat to democracy. Congressman Marjorie Taylor Greene has some insight on that. But up next, shocking reports from China tonight have us once again asking, why are we sending our Olympic athletes there in a few weeks?


INGRAHAM: With less than a month now until the Olympics kick off in Beijing, the CCP's cruelty and callous disregard for human life is in full display in the city of Xi'an, which is now under brutal COVID lockdown.

Now, the reports coming out of the city of 13 million people are horrific, and should have every U.S. elected official questioning this decision to send our athletes to the upcoming Beijing Games.

Now, for starters, some Xi'an residents aren't allowed to leave their homes. No one is allowed to leave the city without special permission. And one resident wrote on Chinese social media, "Can't leave the building, and it's getting more and more difficult to buy food online."

Another lockdown victim ominously wrote, "To be honest, I don't think COVID is scary. I think having no food to eat is my biggest threat."

But what's really disturbing are reports of critically ill people being turned away from hospitals. Sky News is reporting that, "one woman put in a call for help out online after her father suffered a heart attack, but was initially refused care as he came from a medium-risk location despite having a negative PCR result."

But this next account shared by the AP is perhaps the most distressing. It's about a pregnant woman who felt pains in her stomach on New Year's Day, but was not allowed into a hospital. She waited outside the hospital on a pink plastic stool until she started bleeding. She was finally led into the hospital after medical workers saw the blood, but the fetus was already dead.

Why would we prop up a regime that operates this way that treats its own citizens this way? Why would we give them cover and the benefit of our presence? Moreover, how can we trust the CCP to care for and protect our athletes? The answer is, we can't. We shouldn't.

Joining me now is Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of State, Fox News contributor. Mr. Secretary, these Olympics are poised to be a massive PR coup for President Xi. And yet, we're plowing right ahead.

MIKE POMPEO, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: Good evening, Laura. It's great to be with you. Look, I've been calling for us not to let our athletes go to Beijing for a long time now. I really regret that the leadership in the United States and the IOC has failed these athletes.

I love the Olympics like anybody. My mother took me to the LA Olympics. I saw Carl Lewis run. We were sitting in some really high up seats at the LA Coliseum. I love this event. But your point's well taken. We shouldn't prop up Xi Jinping. This will become known as the genocide Olympics, what's taking place in western China is nothing short of genocide.

We shouldn't forget too, this virus that you were talking about the beginning your show came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology, almost certainly that is this virus was foisted on the world. And then second, not only we're propping up one of the greatest human rights violating leaders in all of recorded history. But we're putting our athletes in a very difficult place.

Imagine one of them wants to say something about Tiananmen Square, or they want to talk about the Wuhan Institute of Virology, I promise you the chance of them getting their exit visa will be low. And those athletes should all know too that Beijing is the most surveilled city in the world, whether it's their cell phones, or their iPads, or whatever it is.

It's something they're saying to someone else, you can bet that the Chinese Communist Party will be able to track everything they do, every place they go, and everything they say and they will record it. And it will be used for the Chinese Communist Party purposes for time ongoing.

INGRAHAM: Now, just days ago, this is just a little notice story in the Washington Post. It revealed that China was mining for social media data on Westerners. "A Post review of bidding documents and contracts were for over 300 Chinese government projects since the beginning of 2020 include orders for software designed to collect data on foreign targets from sources such as Twitter, Facebook, and other Western social media."

I guess I'm in trouble, Mr. Secretary. Ask me if I care. No one's covered this, except this one piece thankfully in the Washington Post.

POMPEO: You know, I hadn't seen the most recent reporting, but I certainly know precisely what it is they're talking about. It was on your show. Goodness, might have been as much as a year ago when we first talked to - or more than a year ago when we first talked about the rest from TikTok, right? The fact that the Chinese were surveilling every dataset and surveilling kids here in the United States, who are using TikTok.

They - there is no such thing as a private entity. There's no such thing as private information. This is all owned by the Chinese Communist Party. It's all controlled by Chinese Communist Party and will all be used for the purposes of Xi Jinping. And we have seen this - the person who doesn't care about basic dignity for any human being, reporters in jail in Hong Kong.

He's taking the Uyghurs in the west and entering them in things that look very much like what was taking place in Germany in the 1930s. And we of course have spoken about this virus that has now killed millions of people across the world. This all came from the Chinese Communist Party

They should be held accountable for each of these things, and they should not be permitted to benefit from the glory of the Olympic movement.

INGRAHAM: The fact we never got unique access into that Wuhan lab, we were never able to examine the original documents, the investigation into who patient zero was. And yet a year plus later, almost just a year exactly later, oh, it's just like applause, thank you, sir. May I have another? And he's going to be sitting there in all his splendor in the stadium bragging that they were able to control COVID in their country, of course, by welding people into their apartments. And we're not sending diplomats there, though, Mr. Secretary. That'll show them. Does that make a difference in the end, that we're not sending diplomats there?

POMPEO: Not a bit. Xi Jinping doesn't care. He's going to get a chance to stand on the world stage. He'll be carried by American media all across the world and global media on the opening night of the games, and there he'll sit talking to the world using Chinese propaganda tools all across the world, talking about this great democracy of China and what a wonderful nation it is. This is a debacle. He shows you that the IOC itself is disconnected from the central things that matter.

INGRAHAM: Mr. Secretary, you've been an incredible leader and a voice on this, and we thank you.

Now, a pair of awards shows are canceled. I know you're devastated. But Congress is set to fill the void. Raymond Arroyo has it in "Seen and Unseen" next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we explore the big cultural stories of the week. And for that, we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. All right, Raymond, you have some big awards show news, I understand.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I do, indeed. Let's start with an INGRAHAM ANGLE exclusive. We have obtained an exclusive preview, Laura, of this Sunday's 70th annual Golden Globes.

The Hollywood Press Association has announced that they will have no celebrities accepting their Golden Globes, no press, and they have no celebrity presenters. Oh, and NBC is not broadcasting the ceremony, which I guess is a good thing since at this point it's likely to be the staff of the Beverly Hilton attending. The Grammys are also postponing their ceremony, citing COVID worries. But fear not, Laura. The January 6th Committee is ready to fill the primetime void.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I remember as a kid getting to watch a bit of the Watergate hearings, which were a daily spectacle that the whole country tuned into. And if we can do that for a break-in in a couple of offices in the Watergate Hotel, certainly we can do it for a massive break-in to the Capitol of the United States.


ARROYO: That's right. The select committee is interested in creating their own nightly spectacle, Laura, reportedly considering making it a primetime miniseries. I'm not sure it'll be as interesting as the Golden Globe red carpet, but it's coming your way in March or April, so set your DVRs.

INGRAHAM: Well, it might get higher ratings than the actual Golden Globes, correct? Because wasn't that cratering? This is a Christmas in February, March, and April if we're not going to have to watch any of these awards shows, Raymond. This is a -- these are ongoing gifts.

ARROYO: Well, consider the alternative, though. Liz Cheney said, and all the members of this commission, that this was not a political commission. This thing looked more P.T. Barnum than Warren Commission to my eye. And they need a lot of stars, so stay tuned for those subpoenas. We'll see what happens.

In advance of any TV spectacular, Laura, or special event, the media often does puff pieces to whet the appetite. Remember, Barbara Walters used to interview celebs before the Oscars. Now, CNN is doing its own January 6th preshow, "The Children of January 6th."


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And Jackson says, my dad this was great dad who taught me all of these great things and taught me to do the right thing, and then all of a sudden Jackson has to use that knowledge his dad gave him on doing the right thing and use it to turn his dad into the FBI. Now, it's kids saying how do I keep my parents from getting radicalized on Facebook?


ARROYO: OK, let me sum up this special for you, Laura. They are now politically dividing not only Americans, but families, celebrating children for ratting out their parents with authorities. This is deeply insidious, and just what you've come to expect, I guess.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, I saw that this incredibly fascinating narrative of the bratty kids telling on their parents for going on a Facebook page. Wasn't it in that illustrious journal "Teen Vogue?"

ARROYO: Yes, that is correct.

INGRAHAM: How is that publishing? This is ridiculous.

ARROYO: They're promoting on all fronts.

And Laura, as you have long reported -- and we've got to get to this, it's so important, and the CDC admits most masks afford no protection against COVID. Now "USA Today" is reporting that health officials warn that cloth masks have no effect against Omicron. NBC still wants your kids masked and ready.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They go all the way over your head. Not the most comfortable, but very, very snug. Not a lot of air is getting in between the sides of my cheeks or the tops of my cheeks.

You really want to make sure you have one that fits your child's face, and you want to layer the cloth mask over that mask. So the surgical mask goes on first, and then the cloth mask.


ARROYO: And then you put a plastic bag, and you put tape over the kid's nose and mouth. they can breathe through their ears. Laura, I read an interview with a researcher at children's hospital in Philly today. He said when kids get Omicron, the symptoms of the disease are so reduced, and the disease is not at all severe. So why do they want to multi-mask kids like this?

INGRAHAM: Well, it's a sign of submission. I think when they see the -- I like the face shield -- they have the face shield and the two masks. And when you don't have a face shield and you're sitting next to them on an airplane, boy, the look they give you. Do you notice that, Raymond? How do you -- oh, great, I'm not sitting next to a fellow traveler with a face shield. It is all theater. None of it makes a difference unless you're wearing a real N95, and you can imagine how children would be able to deal with that.

ARROYO: But then you can't breathe.

INGRAHAM: No. For 15 minutes you can wear it.

ARROYO: People are passing out. They get oxygen deprivation.

Before we go, I have to show you this. A woman entered an ice cream shop in Argentina. She didn't want to run afoul of the store's mask mandate, so she created a mask using her dress. I hope the dress was multi-ply. Her chances of contracting COVID dropped, Laura, but her chances of catching a cold or an unwanted advance just doubled. They denied her service, by the way, but I think she'll have no problems getting ice cream if she really wants it.

INGRAHAM: I thought she'd get the sprinkles for free. But what's worse -- what's worse, taking the dress off or getting the COVID? It's COVID. What's worse at this point? Raymond --

ARROYO: It all looks absurd to me, the multi-masks and taking the dress off. It's all --

INGRAHAM: We've been talking about -- Raymond, we've been talking about this since April of 2020. Now they're just coming along to the fact that the regular cloth masks don't work. OK, well, they should have just listened to THE INGRAHAM ANGLE in May of 2020. Raymond, great see you, as always.

And democracy isn't imperiled because of what transpired on January 6th, but rather what the left is doing in response. Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene is here to explain in moments.



MERRICK GARLAND, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: The Justice Department remains committed to holding all January 6th perpetrators at any level accountable under law, whether they were present that day or were otherwise criminally responsible for the assault on our democracy. We will follow the facts wherever they lead.


INGRAHAM: What do you think he meant by "at any level," or "otherwise criminally responsible"? We can certainly speculate, but what's really important here is that Attorney General Merrick Garland is defending the mass surveillance state created by the government to monitor and punish political opponents. I don't care how much he said on the contrary today.

This time it's being used against anyone who was anywhere near the Capitol building on January 6th, but next time, it could easily be you and your friends who are targeted.

Joining me now is Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. Congresswoman, this is the most significant aftershock of January 6th, this expansion of government surveillance to punish political opponents.

REP. MARJORIE TAYLOR GREENE, (R-GA): When I was listening to his statement just then, I was wondering does that apply to Antifa and BLM rioters? Most of their charges have been dropped. And all of those riots happened to the American people in their communities where they live, where private businesses were looted, police officers were attacked, federal courthouses were attacked. And I can't understand for the life of me why no one cares about communities in American cities, but yet they care so much about the riot at the capitol?

I was there that day, Laura. I was in the chamber. I was very much what you would call a victim of that riot. It upset me greatly. I couldn't believe it happened. But what they're trying to do with the January 6th narrative should terrify all Americans because it is a true two-tiered justice system, and it shouldn't be happening in America.

INGRAHAM: Yes, as we've said many times on this show, those who committed crimes should be punished, but something much more sinister is going on here at the prosecutorial investigative level. And to that point, it seems, Congresswoman, that Ray Epps isn't the only January 6th suspect who kind of mysteriously disappeared from the FBI's most-wanted list. "The Washington Examiner" is reporting tonight that an unidentified man wore an earpiece during the riot, and he was filmed carrying what appeared to be a concealed handgun on his left hip. He was pictured on the FBI's most-wanted list for over five months until he was removed without explanation on the same day "The New York Times" reported that an FBI informant was, indeed, at the Capitol on January 6th. Congresswoman, that's an interesting coincidence.

GREENE: Absolutely, and I greatly appreciate your willingness to talk about these things. There's so many people in the media that are just following the January 6th committee narrative. I think there's a lot more that happened that day on January 6th, and it is appalling. Anyone that committed a crime, they deserve their day in court, and they should -- they've been charged, and they should be charged.

But what you're talking about, like Ray Epps, why did I not see him in the D.C. jail when I went in and went on that tour that day, but I saw many people being held in there that have been held months on end, haven't seen their families, pretrial defendants held in solitary confinement, completely denied rights like haircuts and shaving, chapel, and medical services when they have issues, health issues that greatly need treatment? There's a lot of questions that need to be answered, and the January 6th committee is unwilling to ask the right questions.

The FBI put people on their wanted list like Ray Epps, I think he was in the top 20, and then took him off. John Sullivan, who recorded Ashli Babbitt's death and then sold his videos to media companies, he has been charged. But he had a knife on him inside the Capitol, but yet at the same time, he's not being held in jail.

There are so many issues here, like the man that was on the scaffolding ordering people to go into the Capitol. Where is that man? Who is he? And why hasn't he been charged?

And then there are reports of people wearing earpieces, but not just one. I've seen reports of many people wearing earpieces. Who are they? And why were they wearing earpieces? And what exactly -- what was going on? Why wasn't the National Guard there? That's what I really want to know. I was a brand-new member of Congress, and the National Guard wasn't even called in, and Nancy Pelosi didn't give permission for them to be there that day.

INGRAHAM: Well, there's certainly a lot of video that's not been released, and a lot of information that's not released, but maybe they're waiting to August of this year right before the midterm elections. That's their entire campaign.

I want to get your reaction to Congressman Adam Kinzinger's thoughts ahead of tomorrow. Watch.


REP. ADAM KINZINGER, (R-IL): It's easy to demonize and isolate Liz Cheney and I. We're willing to play that, to do that because it's the right thing. But I'll tell you, if you put everybody on truth serum, they'd agree with us. The problem is the base voters are not having anybody tell them the truth, and they're the ones that are going to be misled and abused as they have been for so long.


INGRAHAM: Congresswoman, talk about abuse. He's sits on the January 6th committee alongside Adam Schiff.

GREENE: Of course he does, and Adam Schiff lied and lied to the American people with his Russian collusion witch-hunt. It's a complete scam. If Adam Kinzinger wants to be on truth serum, he needs to subpoena Ray Epps and call him before the January 6th committee. Why don't they subpoena his phone records and his banking records instead of worrying about innocent people that worked in Trump's administration or people that got a rally permit, legally got a rally permit for January 6th to use their First Amendment right.

Adam Kinzinger is a complete joke and totally irrelevant to the GOP. He's completely serving the Democrats and hoping that he gets some kind of contract from MSNBC or CNN. This whole thing is absolutely ridiculous. I'm here in Washington D.C., Laura, and the reason why I'm here is because I think January 6th is an important day. And I'm willing to talk about the real things that happened that day because I think the American people deserve the truth.

INGRAHAM: Congresswoman, thank you for being here tonight. We'll be watching tomorrow.

And the Democrats have a Kamala problem. I'll explain it in moments.


INGRAHAM: The "K-exodus," or "Kamala exodus," continues apace. Just this week two more staffers announced their resignations. Peter Velz, Harris's director of Press Ops, and Vincent Evans, the deputy director of public engagement and intergovernmental affairs. She must be closing in on, what, a baker's dozen in the defections category. The Democrats are ready for her to be the party's standard bearer? She can't keep a staff.

That's it for us tonight. "GUTFELD!" next.

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