‘The Five’ on southern border, police

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," September 23, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST (on camera): Hi. I'm Greg Gutfeld, along with Katie Pavlich, Geraldo Rivera, Jesse Watters, and she once campaigns to ban high shelves, Dana Perino, THE FIVE.

The White House either has no clue what is going on at the border or they don't want you to know how bad it is. After stonewalling the media on the number of Haitian migrants, the Biden administration is finally releasing some numbers. The problem is, they don't add up.


PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: There are 15,000 migrants under the Del Rio bridge Saturday. If you add up the ones that you say were expelled or released, it's less than 5,000. Say there's 5,000 that is still left, where's everybody else?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I'm happy to get you a more fruitful rundown for you if you -- if helpful from the Department of Homeland Security.


GUTFELD (on camera): And instead of fixing the mess down in Del Rio, the Biden White House is repeating false left-wing talking points smearing the border patrol by running wild with a completely bogus narrative that agents on horseback were whipping Haitian migrants. The administration appears to have come up with a solution, take away the horses.


PSAKI: We feel those images are horrible and horrific. There is an investigation the president certainly supports overseen by the Department of Homeland Security which he has conveyed will happen quickly.

I can also convey to you that the secretary also conveyed to civil rights leaders earlier this morning that we would no longer be using horses in Del Rio.

UNKNOWN: Why isn't the president telling people himself? These images that people say looked like slavery are wrong.

PSAKI: I think people should take away that his actions made clear how horrible and horrific he thinks these images are.


GUTFELD (on camera): As opposed to the images we've been showing you for months. And while Democrats smear border patrol agents as racist in relics of slavery, a reporter caught this moment that flies in the face of that narrative.


UNKNOWN: I'd like to show you another video if we could, where we saw actually one man start to be swept down the river. He was clearly not a good swimmer. Several Haitian migrants went in after him to try and help him. But ultimately, it was the border patrol, several agents on the other side of the river, who took a line, threw it into the river and they were ultimately able to help that man, that migrant get out of the water.


GUTFELD (on camera): Are you sure he wasn't trying to whip that guy with that very, very, very long --


DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: It didn't suggest that long rope.

GUTFELD: I mean, I don't know. That looks like a relic of slavery right there, huh? So, anyway, Dana, you have horrific images going on for months, total chaos at the border. And what does the White House do? Ban horses. Problem solved.

PERINO: This is, it's actually one of the maddening things I've ever seen. So, they misunderstood an image. They overreacted to it. And in order to back fill and cover themselves, instead of saying, well, sorry, we didn't mean to impugn the border patrol. They said, actually we're going to take away your best resource. They don't understand that it's the best resource down there because they are so coddled and sheltered. They can't go to the border.


PERINO: They never seen it.

GUTFELD: They have border privilege. You have New York reporters who have no idea why the horses are there because you have rough uneven terrain.

PERINO: I mean, I even know how to turn a horse like that.


PERINO: I mean, you don't -- you use it as a tool. And these horses are such a resource. Right? And so now all of a sudden, these guys, they're being benched.


PERINO: They have to have desk duty. They can't even go out there and do their job that they've been trained to do. It really makes me mad.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Let's say Dana was wearing some nice perfume.


WATTERS: When I in here for a sniff like that.


WATTERS: And that created an image that I was kissing Dana Perino.

RIVERA: I thought that.

WATTERS: Fox would fire me or suspend me, or put me on paid leave. Hopefully, paid leave. Over an image that everybody knows is fake? I didn't kiss Dana. I merely sniffed her perfume. That's the same thing they're concerned about an image, not the truth.

PERINO: This is --


WATTERS: The truth is so obvious there was no whipping going on. Biden appointed Harris because he needed a buffer to all this. Right?


WATTERS: She did the fake thing. Go find out root causes. She failed. Everything got worse. She comes back, she's like, I'm done. Problem is still there. Now everyone is looking at Joe, right? And they're saying, Joe, what are you going to do? Joe is not going to do anything --

PERINO: At worse.

WATTERS: -- for the next four years. Joe is now saying the system is broken. Joe Broke the system. He got rid of catch and release, the wall. De-cop the ICE people. No more deportations. He broke it. His policy is catch and release.

By the way, Joe Biden is the system.


WATTERS: He's been in the system for 40 years. He was V.P. for eight. He can, at the stroke of his pen, get rid of all this and fix it, but he's not. Where did all the money go to Haiti, Geraldo? We talked about this yesterday.

In 2010, since then we've given Haiti five billion. Didn't go to the Haitians, Geraldo. It went to people who we greased, OK? Does Joe care? Joe doesn't even care about that. Mayorkas says the border is closed, Katie. OK. Well, it's not closed if you let half the people in that you catch. That's like if you and I went to a party --


WATTERS: -- and the bouncer says, party is over, and then let us in. Party is not over. Party is just getting started, Katie. So that makes no sense. Then Schumer comes out, lets the truth slip. He says, we need migration and we need amnesty because we have a labor shortage in this country. That's what it's about. They need the cheap labor because that's what their donors want. And then crying Chuck wants the votes. It's perfectly clear.

RIVERA: Just don't sniff me.

PAVLICH: (Inaudible) is raising he didn't ask for permission for an allergy today.

GUTFELD: The thing is, the one thing that gets me, Katie, is that the White House did not react to the border crisis until they found somebody to punish.


GUTFELD: And it was just a white guy on a horse.


GUTFELD: Because that is what's acceptable to Maxine Waters and the squad and everybody else.

PAVLICH: Yes. They haven't been paying attention to this crisis for years --


PAVLICH: -- when it comes to their policies until they could blame a law enforcement official doing the job outlined by the Department of Homeland Security using the horse in the way that he was supposed to because nobody else is stopping these illegal migrants from coming across the order who are disobeying orders.

I think this comes down to this being an issue of trust. If the Biden White House is willing to change a policy like this and put border patrol agents in even more detrimental situations and set them up to fail more than they were previously, based on a lie, what else are they capable of doing?

You know, this was an emotional decision that was driven by hysteria and false narratives on Twitter. That's what happened. And Democrats are constantly turning the good guys, in this case, border patrol, they've done it with the police, into bad guys to satisfy this emotional political agenda that they have.

And it's very obvious to see where they're going because they need a distraction from this real crisis, catastrophe. Right?

Al Sharpton was at the border today. Why do you think that Maxine Waters had this -- this press conference? Because they want to make this about race. Because when they make it about race, you are not allowed to talk about it anymore.


PAVLICH: You can't talk about the failed policies. Can't talk about how they're not doing their job. Can't talk about the threat to American communities from not testing for COVID or for, I don't know, criminals who were taking over buses and injuring our ICE officers. Right?

And so, you know, next week DHS is going to release their investigation into these -- these border patrol agents who were doing their job. It sounds a whole lot like the White House wants them to be punished.


PAVLICH: And if you just look at what Jen Psaki said. She said we feel those images are horrible and horrific. We feel they are.


PAVLICH: So again, not about facts. Not about what's going on in the ground. Not about solving the problem. It's all about giving into this emotional narrative which means just going to get worse.

GUTFELD: You know, Geraldo, Republicans get a lot of things wrong. There's a lot of --


RIVERA: You (Inaudible) being love me is never having to say you're sorry?

GUTFELD: I want a hug. But you know, Republicans have flaws. But there's a big flaw with Democrats. And I was wondering if you would agree with me on this, that they always pit order and process on the opposite end of compassion.

So that if you -- if you desire any kind of process or order, somehow you are cold and nonempathetic. And so, what you end up here isn't the ultimate result, it's chaos, where people actually get hurt. Does that make sense?

RIVERA: I guess it does. But I still am horrified by that image. And I hate to say that. I know that it is not the substantive, you know, heart of this matter. But I worry that because of the horse and because of the image is so vivid, we aren't concentrating on what this is about.

This is about Haiti. Haiti has gone to hell in a hand basket since the earthquake of 2010 where I was -- I watched Hillary Clinton and absolutely misunderstand what was going on in Haiti there on the runway in Port-au- Prince.

You know, these folks have been screwed by the immigration system for generations. Cubans getting most favored nation. Cubans touches the sand in Florida, they get asylum. Haitians touched the sand in Florida they get the bombs rushed.

We really need to understand and I believe there is a huge hysterical overreaction to these Haitians. You talk as if there's been this like this ink stain sweeping across the country.

WATTERS: No one talks about that, Geraldo. We're looking at the shanty town, the camp at the gate of the country.


RIVERA: The camp is almost gone already.

WATTERS: That's your image. It has nothing to do with the color of their skin. That's the image that's shocking people, not the guy on horseback.

RIVERA: That image is -- first of all, --


WATTERS: That's also six days later from 15,000.

RIVERA: Right. This is one third of what it was.

WATTERS: Yes, because two-thirds got let in, Geraldo.

RIVERA: But why -- so what they got let in.


WATTERS: OK. You just let anybody in. Anybody gets to come here, Geraldo? That's the attitude that Joe Biden has. You did invite that.

RIVERA: There was an army of Haitians --

WATTERS: That attitude. No, I'm not. I'm not talking about (Inaudible) army.

RIVERA: Say it's 15,000 -- say it's 15,000.

WATTERS: All right. Don't put words in my mouth. You're doing exactly what Joe Biden does.

RIVERA: You're so sensitive to me putting words in your mouth.

WATTERS: I'm so sensitive. I'm about to smell you, Geraldo.

GUTFELD: And that will be taken out of context.


GUTFELD: And you'll get on paid leave which I'll get behind. I will support you 100 percent.

WATTERS: Only if it's paid.

GUTFELD: And then we'll pretend like you didn't exist.

RIVERA: I deserve pay.


GUTFELD: Up next, the media looking like fools after mocking concerns about violent crime.


PERINO (on camera): Several defund the police policies under fire as new numbers from the FBI are set to show a dramatic and historic increase in murders across the country. The homicide rates spiking 30 percent in 2020, it is the largest one-year increase since the FBI began tracking in 1960.

I think Geraldo was there to cover that. Big cities getting hit the hardest with the murders jumping by 40 percent and now past commentary from the media coming back into focus after some mocked concerns about growing violent crime.


UNKNOWN: The silly narrative about our city is calling them anarchists, is preposterous to me. As you know, image after image on Instagram yesterday in Central Park, and all over New York with people walking their dogs, like this doesn't seem like anarchy to me.

DON LEMON, HOST, CNN: Democratic cities are in chaos right now. Crime is rising.


CHRIS CUOMO, HOST, CNN: Defund police.

LEMON: My gosh, it's so bad. And they get, defunding police.


PERINO (on camera): Are we taking that out of context?

GUTFELD: No. Those are two dumb people talking to each other. It's really kind of adorable. You know? The media is better than the mob at burying bodies. They claimed, NBC claimed that crime is going down by taking numbers of different crimes, putting them together so that --


RIVERA: Conflating them

GUTFELD: Conflating them. Yes. Hiding the rising homicide numbers. So, they literally did bury the bodies. Imagine if you did that with COVID or sex abuse or police brutality. And what's weird about this, this isn't government corruption.

This is media corruption. They are on purpose burying these facts because they know that they excuse the violence. They are responsible for egging on the riots. There were two dozen dead from that. And also, what you are seeing refutes the ideology that law and order is somehow another symptom of oppression which they've been pushing.

But the last thing, the thing that gets me so pissed off about these people., they spread the lies because they don't live in the neighborhoods. They are not affected. Don Lemon is not affected.


GUTFELD: Cuomo is not affected. The Bozos before that in the other clips, they are not affected. They don't live where the death is happening so they can hide it, hiding the homicide rates are not going to affect us.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: It's going to affect the people who need the policing.

PAVLICH: Exactly.

PERINO: Were you there, Geraldo, in 1960 when they released the first numbers?

RIVERA: I was a junior in high school. I was the star of the football team --

PAVLICH: He was.

RIVERA: -- and the wrestling team.

PERINO: I mean, I have figured out some way to bring it back to Geraldo's news about Geraldo.


RIVERA: Let's go to high school.

GUTFELD: That's right.

PERINO: But these numbers are bad. You have a lot of thoughts on it.

RIVERA: I have a lot of experience there. And I just want to say in Chris Cuomo's neighborhood defense, I lived on 89th Street, he lived close to me.

GUTFELD: He is the Hamptons now.

RIVERA: Well, because -- that's because of COVID. But to -- now to the statistics on murder.


RIVERA: This is the biggest example of racism we have ongoing in this country. It's not about the horse and that kind of baloney. It's about the ignoring, intentionally ignoring the fact that this is a murder epidemic centered in the center city.

This is an experience going on right now, young black men, the number one cause of death is homicide right now. That's a fact. No one can deny it. This is the civil rights issue of our time. I have said it before here. Black Lives Matter, all these liberal commentators ignore it.

Young black men are killing other young black men. That's why the murder statistics are out of control. They are bigger than the wave of violent crime that followed the assassination of Martin Luther King. It is the biggest ever. And it is frightening.

And yet, because it is contained, Chicago is the example. Because it's in the south side, you live on the north side of Chicago, you have (Inaudible) up there. You know, northwest. You have a great life. Nice, low crime. All the crimes are down.

You live in the south side. You have a war going on.


RIVERA: And do you know who's caught in the crossfire? It's not just the young guys killing each other. Then they get the little 4-year-old, then they get grandma. You know, in the stray shots.


RIVERA: I think it's really deplorable and the fact that the Democrats don't mention it, shame on them, shame on Joe Biden. You know this is happening. This is for real, undeniable.

PERINO: And it's not just happening in the biggest cities. It's happening all across even in midsized cities. I know you talked about Cleveland before. I've read an article recently about Milwaukee.

RIVERA: We have 127 murders since --


PERINO: And then one of the better big -- in one year?

RIVERA: Since January.

PERINO: And then of course, you have Philly. I know near and dear to your home.

WATTERS: All of these cities are messes. And it's sad because in a year where everybody was chanting Black Lives Matter, black Americans were being killed not by white police officers really, they were being killed by other black Americans.


WATTERS: So how did the left respond to that? Right? How do they respond? They said defund the police. That makes no sense. They blamed racism. That makes no sense. They emptied the prisons. They made bailing out people easier. That makes no sense. They blame guns. That makes no sense.

All these cities have very tough gun laws. So, the question is maybe the goal is not to reduce homicides. Maybe there's a different goal, Dana. And follow me here. Because if all these leaders in these cities are Democrats, why aren't they talking about keeping mothers and fathers together? Why aren't they fixing schools? Why aren't they fighting to keep the jobs from being sent overseas?

They're not doing any of that. Instead, what are they're doing? They're making people dependent on government. They're dividing us by race. And through these perverse incentives and all this cash they're handing out, they're keeping everybody on the doll, right? And so, they want more. And they get payoffs, right?

So, is that more about political power or is that more about saving black lives? I think we know the answer.


PERINO: And the Democrats wouldn't even allow the Senate bill to go forward for a debate, which was going to do some police reforms that maybe actually could have done something.

PAVLICH: Yes. Because they want to use it as an issue, to Jesse's point. I think about what the solution to this is, and I think about what the Justice Department is doing now. They announced this big initiative. They're going to track illegal guns.

The Trump administration did Operation LeGend. And it was named after four- year-old LeGend Taliferro who was killed by a stray bullet while he's sleeping in his bed. And his mother spoke at the White House to talk about how his murder had gone unsolved.

So, when you have a rise in murders, you also have a rise in injustice after of course the murder because that needs police resources to track these criminals down, to prosecute them and to find them. They found the suspect who they believe killed him.

But in Cleveland for example, there was a police officer working on Operation LeGend and he was killed as a result of trying to track down two teenagers who were involved in a shooting.

And when you see people like Joy Reid who have complained about Gabby Petito and people wanting to know what happened with her and her murder, and saying it's an issue of missing white woman syndrome.

Well, last year when crime and murders were going up in the community where she was saying the police should be defunded, she was ignoring the fact that mothers were dealing with their 4-year-old children who were not white getting shot in their beds.

And so, you know, their priorities are very clear when it comes to what they say they care about and the actions that they actually take.

PERINO: It's like the nation into a circuit breaker. Stop this. Up next, liberal late-night hosts team up to lecture America about a very important topic, climate change.


RIVERA (on camera): I just found out that I can pick my own music. That was not mine own music. That was Jesse's.

WATTERS: No, it was not.

RIVERA: Who picked that?

GUTFELD: The Weather Girls.


RIVERA: I am not a headbanger.

GUTFELD: Who doesn't love the Weather Girls?

PAVLICH: It was you, Geraldo. Just admit it.

RIVERA: Well, perhaps daunted by Gutfeld's superior ratings, I hate to say this, but he's got them. Liberal late-night hosts putting aside attempts of being funny last night, teaming up to demand action on climate change.


UNKNOWN: Eight late night shows including this one, are doing climate themed nights. OK? Crisis solved. You're welcome.


UNKNOWN: This is the back line of changes of getting wild fires in the west, floods in the east, freezing cold in Texas. Billy Joel is going to have to write an update for 2021 and call it actually we did start the fire.

JIMMY KIMMEL, COMEDIAN: The pandemic, systemic racism, income inequality, immigration, gun violence. But here's the thing. If we don't address climate change none of those issues will matter at all.

UNKNOWN: Thanks to climate change, we're looking at a future of no sex and tons of violence.


PERINO: Not funny.

RIVERA (on camera): I didn't get that one at all. Who do you think they're trying to convince?

GUTFELD: I think they're trying to convince their -- I guess Hollywood --

PERINO: Yes, the advertisers.

GUTFELD: Yes, the advertisers so they don't lose their job. When you look at that picture of them altogether, if you show that, can you show that? It looks -- they look like a class of Disneyland live performers about to do a live play on planet earth. Right? They're like it's like a child's TV show that is insanely nauseating. They've replaced comedy with tragedy.

I mean, Kimmel talking about, who wants to go, who wants rifle before they're going to bed? Listen to people lecturing it and hectoring them about how the world is going to end. This is really like a cult. They've replaced George Carlin with George Soros.

RIVERA: But put that picture back up. I want to -- are you jealous that you are not in that picture?

PERINO: My God, no.

GUTFELD: I am so relieved. Where would I stand?


RIVERA: You could be stand right in front of the --

GUTFELD: I would hide behind the solar panel.

RIVERA: The solar panel. Right.


RIVERA: Or you could hide --


PAVLICH: Is that solar panel made by Uyghurs in China?

GUTFELD: Yes. It was probably -- it was probably made in China.

PAVLICH: Probably was.

RIVERA: And yet, Katie, you can't deny that the world is hotter and dryer and it has been.

GUTFELD: The people are hotter.

PAVLICH: OK. The world is also been hotter and dryer before human beings existed on the planet. You've had very hot parts of the earth. We had oceans over places like Arizona where I'm from where you can find seashell fossil at the top the Grand Canyon.

So, yes, the climate does change. Whether you can take billions of dollars and throw it into some Paris climate accord and change the temperature of the earth is I think a very arrogant proposition.

But you know, Greg, I just love to be terrified about how I'm going to die right before I go to bed.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

PAVLICH: It's nightmares of drowning or everything that I want.


GUTFELD: To your point, yes.

PAVLICH: But do you think (Inaudible) should do something that actually matters like, I don't know, walk around New York City and pick up masks that people have thrown away. You know, I saw that video from the Grand Teton National Park. There's a grizzly bear walking around with a mask in his mouth. So, you know what, maybe do something real.

RIVERA: That was a fake bear. You missed it. That was a fake bear.

PAVLICH: It's a fake bear.

GUTFELD: Just -- the hiker was inside.

RIVERA: But isn't it -- we have seen climate change go from speculation, Dana, to absolute fact in the minds of people based on their politics rather than their science. I find that alarming.

PERINO: Well, I do think that in some ways, they're preaching to people who already believe in what they believe. But I think one of the frustrating things is that you actually don't talk about real solutions. And one of those things would be like, you know, it takes -- the carbon footprint of one hour of television is more than two residential families, right?

So, there's -- these trade-offs and back and forth -- and there are great innovations that are happening right now. Great stuff on battery technology, really good stuff on carbon capture, things like that. That kind of innovation is what's going to help solve this problem, not telling people basically to not do anything. And then these are nuclear NGOs. What's the other one?

RIVERA: Geothermal?

PERINO: No. Fusion, fusion, not Fusion GPS -- but that there's a lot of innovation and that's what will actually help solve it.

RIVERA: And when you see comedians, do you think that -- do you think performance -- do you think showbiz personalities, can they move the needle?

WATTERS: Well, they used to. Carson used to get 9 million a night, then I went to six.

RIVERA: Well, that's not the needle I meant.

WATTERS: Colbert was only getting what, two million a night now. So, they're not influential, also because they're too partisan.

GUTFELD: They watch it.

WATTERS: Those old guys, they weren't that partisan, and people were influenced by them. Remember, they used to have the telethon, Geraldo? And they used to raise tons of dollars.

RIVERA: Yes. I was on them.

WATTERS: Of course you were on them.

RIVERA: Of course, I was.

WATTERS: It's probably your "ONE MORE THING."

RIVERA: Jerry Lewis.

WATTERS: But they used to actually put pictures up of, I don't know --


WATTERS: -- famine, starvation, earthquakes, and it used to bring tears to people's eyes, they pick up the phone and donate. Is Climate Change that type of immediate threat? What, a wave is going to go over the dune in Nantucket and get Teresa Heinz Carrie estate a little damp? Come on. There's real stuff like fentanyl and, I don't know, pandemics --

RIVERA: China.

WATTERS: -- crime that we just talked about in the last segment. They'd be better served doing something about that.

RIVERA: How come you're talking climate change without talking China? Excuse me?

PAVLICH: No, I just think it's just a lot of virtue signaling from people who don't live the way that they preach.

RIVERA: Virtue signaling. Fox News alert, new developments in the Gabby Petito case. Let's go to a Laura Ingle right now for the latest. Laura? Oh, that's a mistake. There aren't developments. I was very curious as to what the developments might be --

PERINO: No developments. OK.

RIVERA: Because you know I want that creep, that douche, lying Laundrie.

PERINO: OK, up next.

WATTERS: Dirty Laundrie.

RIVERA: Dirty Laundrie. Up next, The View's Joy Behar stirring up controversy. Find out who she says is the true victim in the Clinton Lewinsky scandal. And again, I'm sorry that I brought you that false Fox News alert.


PAVLICH: Well, the Bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky affair is getting brand new attention thanks to the new FX series Impeachment: American Crime Story where Monica serves as a producer. The View's Joy Behar causing some serious controversy with this theory on who the true victim is in the saga.


JOY BEHAR, CO-HOST, THE VIEW: I would submit here that the real victim was the United States of America because -- and Hillary Clinton -- because if you remember. when the debate was going on between Trump and Hillary, Trump brought in all these so-called victims of Clinton's peccadilloes.

When he brought those women into that debate, that hurt Hillary Clinton, and that is the real victim.


PAVLICH: Dana, is Hillary Clinton the real victim of this?

PERINO: I think that the fact that the Clintons handled the Monica Lewinsky situation so poorly and so atrociously that it has continued to follow them ever since. I cannot believe that somebody like Joy Behar can say something like that without getting canceled in today's environment. If she was a conservative and said something like that, that would be grounds for your firing.

Not only that, if you look back at that time, I was on Capitol Hill, and I thought, wait, where are the women's groups? Why aren't they sticking up for her? I don't understand. And it was so eye-opening as to what they were all really about. And they continue to play sort of dirty tricks as we're seeing in this whole indictment of Michael Sussman. But -- and I trace it all back to sort of that whole moment, that decision to trash Monica Lewinsky.

She's never been allowed even to make a living. This show that she's doing is like one of the first paying jobs, regular job that she's been able to get. They completely ruined her life. And for what? How in the world -- Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state. She ran for president. How could she be the victim here?

PAVLICH: She was a senator as well.

PERINO: Oh, yes.

PAVLICH: She use Bill Clinton's political capital to help her get her political career. Jessie, speaking of saying things that can get you canceled, Joy Behar said the so-called victims. What happened to believing all women from the left? I mean, isn't that their mantra?

WATTERS: And some of those women won court victories to prove what happens. But when I see that, I know the MeToo Movement is dead. Remember they officially killed it when Tara Reid accused Joe, but the Democrats covered it up and the media because they had to have a pristine Joe Biden to take on Trump.

And even Rose McGowan like, last week was saying she's still getting threatened innuendo about what she did with Weinstein and I don't know. Bill Clinton's right-hand man just came out and said oh, yes, Bubba was at Pedophile Island with Epstein, and no one even blinked an eye.

So, MeToo is over. If she had said that in the high of MeToo, Joy might had some trouble. But now, it's coming full circle. You can trash Lewinsky now. It's fair game. But I agree. Who could be in trouble with the Sussman indictment? She could be. I'd like to see her answer some questions.

PAVLICH: So, Greg, isn't this just another --

RIVERA: Me too.

WATTERS: Me too.

PAVLICH: -- expose and, you know, just exposing of the left, and they claim that they're for women but they're really about a set of political ideologies in protecting political power, which the Clintons have a lot of?

GUTFELD: Yes. You know, I watched that clip just now and I believe that my eyeballs are the real victim. You know, it's -- but you're right, though. The irony of The View is that it's supposed to be a woman's show.

PERINO: Right.

GUTFELD: But it's really an angry woman's show. And they'll throw any woman under the bus that isn't part of their political belief system. There is no -- and you can -- when you watch that show, I can't understand it. There's no joy on that set, even with someone named Joy on it.

RIVERA: Oh, you're talking about The View.

GUTFELD: Yeah, The View, The View. It's a misery train. And it's like -- and but -- they're harder on women than any man could be if you disagree with them.

PAVLICH: Yes, true. It's absolutely true. Geraldo, a lot of the time, Bill Clinton has an excuse for his behavior with Monica Lewinsky because they say it was a consensual relationship. But in the era of MeToo, just the power dynamics alone of the President of the United States, much older man going after an intern in the White House would been grounds for lawsuits, lots of media coverage, and yet it's been dismissed over and over again and Monica's life has been destroyed.

RIVERA: I was absolutely guilty. I plead guilty. I was one of his principal defenders, had the number one program on CNBC. I spent every night defending him.

PAVLICH: Why did you do that?

RIVERA: Because I felt at the time that it was to adults, and you don't have an impeachment based on oral sex. That you know, the world -- that's his business between him and Hillary, and they should have -- but that's how I felt in 1998.

Now, I look back on that, I think what a schmuck I was. I mean, here's poor Monica Lewinsky. I feel awful for her. The series is terrific. Sarah Paulson as Linda Tripp is unbelievably -- to me --I didn't -- I don't know Linda Tripp. I didn't know she's passed away. But I feel that history will -- has come to scorn Bill Clinton in a way that we used to adore Bill Clinton.

Now he's, he's absolutely out. He's a political liability. He cost Hillary -- I agree with Dana. He cost Hillary the election with his --

PERINO: Oh, I think she cost herself her election, but I think that -- anyway.

PAVLICH: Yes, I think Hillary costs herself and also Bill Clinton was impeached for lying under oath not for what you offered up. "THE FASTEST" up next.


WATTERS: Welcome back, everybody. Time for "THE FASTEST." First up, it's now officially Fall which means Halloween is right around the corner.

GUTFELD: Oh, yes.

WATTERS: And Bernie Sanders' famous inauguration outfit is getting its own sexy costume makeover. The $85 outfit even includes a pair of the socialist winter mittens. Katie, I don't know. I don't know if this thing is going to sell.

PAVLICH: I'm going to buy this. I'm going to be --

WATTERS: You are?

PAVLICH: I'm going to Bernie Sanders for Halloween. That gray outfit is appropriate because it looks like communist Russia from like, the 80s. SNL did a skit once where they marched everyone out on the runway with something looking like that. And if you have mittens, you're warm, and Halloween can be cold.


PAVLICH: I'm doing it.

WATTERS: And Geraldo, it actually was $85.00 that ensemble Bernie had on.

RIVERA: It could be but I mean, with the micro-mini, I think it defeats the purpose of the mittens and the boots, doesn't it? I mean --

WATTERS: It does. It does. I would --

PAVLICH: It's called fashion.

WATTERS: I would not like to see Bernie in the micro-mini. Dana?

PERINO: I've never put the words sexy and Bernie Sanders in the same sentence.


PERINO: That's new. That's new.

WATTERS: Not sexy. Greg?

GUTFELD: You know, I ordered one with -- about a size extra small so I could feel the burn. But this is not real. We -- this is a marketing ploy. This is -- that is not a real -- look, it's some -- they just bought a gray dress and there's nothing to this.

WATTERS: Wait, does the chair come with the outfit or not?

GUTFELD: That's a good question.

WATTERS: You have to bring your own chair?

GUTFELD: I think you have to bring your own chair.

WATTERS: Let's go to the next one. Do we have it? America is already fighting off more than a few criseses. I hate saying that.

RIVERA: Crises.

WATTERS: I know, Geraldo. I'm making fun of it. But we can now apparently add an alcohol shortage to the list. Thanks to Greg. Dozens of states have apparently been running out of booze ever since COVID Restrictions began getting lifted. And some places are limiting the amount of alcohol customers can buy. I don't like that.

GUTFELD: I have reverse psychology for the liquor companies. This is why you have to legalize to ease the burden on our liquor companies because --

RIVERA: Cannabis.

GUTFELD: Yes, cannabis. They got -- well, I would go even further. I would legalize everything. But once you say that -- because that -- liquor companies are against that. They're the ones that are fighting --

WATTERS: Yes. And you don't want to mix those two. That could be a little - - Dana knows.

PERINO: Yes, I mean, I have lots of experience.

GUTFELD: Do you remember the Christmas party, what she did? Holly hell.

PERINO: Oh man. I thought we would never -- I thought we would never talk about that again.

WATTERS: They're still cleaning it up.

PERINO: I thought we would never talk about that again. I had -- I had one thing.

WATTERS: What's that?

PERINO: Are you going to be in Tennessee next week?


PERINO: Stock up, everybody.

WATTERS: They have some good bourbon down there. Geraldo, I'm sure you put a dent in the nation's alcohol supply.

RIVERA: I do my best. I try as a good patriot to carry my share of the burden to consume as much as I can possibly do and remain responsible citizen.

WATTERS: What do we have here? What is this?

GUTFELD: Is that 80 proof, Geraldo?

RIVERA: I never drink before I go on the air because I tend to not be as sharp.

WATTERS: Really?

PERINO: Jesse, in Tennessee, they have whiskey nut bourbon.

WATTERS: Oh, you fact check live on the air?

GUTFELD: That was great.

PAVLICH: Didn't George Washington -- didn't George Washington have a whiskey grain mill outside of Mount Vernon?

PERINO: I think he did.

PAVLICH: So, it is a good American patriotic thing to do, Geraldo.

WATTERS: It is. Kanye West --

RIVERA: Well, he also have 300 slaves.

WATTERS: All right, Geraldo, let's keep it light please. Kanye West is at it gain releasing the latest Yeezy sneakers today and they have quite a unique look. People are comparing them to Mickey Mouse's iconic shoes and a pair of banana peels. Katie, I think they ripped off your dress color.

PAVLICH: Oh, thanks a lot, Jesse. Yes, maybe they did. They look very comfortable but they also look like macaroni and cheese, cheesy. It's like something you can wear to a Packers game.

WATTERS: Geraldo, would you buy this?

RIVERA: You know, Kanye -- no, but I think Kanye West and Kim Kardashian and people -- there are a handful. You make fun of them. They're caricature of themselves. And yet they're creative enough to make millions of dollars.

PERINO: And they're rich.

RIVERA: You know, so I have reluctant admiration for them.

WATTERS: Do you think Yeezy just cook this up to see how many suckers would buy it?

PERINO: I think that's true of a lot of fashion. A lot of fashion, I think they're like, let's just see how much we can get people to pay for this nonsense.

WATTERS: And Greg's wife will be making Greg wear these next week.

GUTFELD: This guy -- but you have to understand, Kanye West is proof that you could do anything and be anything you want in America. The world -- the world doesn't decide. You decide. This guy is a renaissance man. He's a billionaire. He's a billionaire and he can do -- he -- if he wants to -- if he wants to be president, he will. Trust me, four years, six years. But I mean, I actually like that. And yes, you're right. My wife will make me wear that.

WATTERS: It's true. Your wife makes you do a lot of things.


WATTERS: We're going to leave it at that. "ONE MORE THING" is up next.

GUTFELD: Time now for "ONE MORE THING." Jesse, what are you going to sell us?

GUTFELD: You know what it is, from our friends at Fox Bet. Download the Fox Bet Super 6 app and enter for a free chance to win $1 million to Terry Bradshaw's money. All you need to do is pick six outcomes from Sunday's games and just watch to see how it all plays out. It's free. So, download the Fox Bet Super 6 app now.

To get started also, an announcement from THE FIVE producers. They pressured me to say this. THE FIVE has been number one Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The show is hot, people, all right. Number one show on cable news three days in a row. I wasn't here Tuesday. It would have been number one even more if I was there, but thank you to the audience for tuning in.

GUTFELD: Yes. I think we were number one in all of cable.

WATTERS: Yesterday.

GUTFELD: Yes, amazing. You're welcome, America. All right, let's do this. Yes, look at those cats. Yes, it's a cat-off. So, I'm going to play the three videos and you guys got to vote on which cat is the best cat. Number one, bowling cat. Look at this. She's -- that's not really bowling.

RIVERA: Cats never really loved you.

GUTFELD: Yes, I know.

PERINO: That's true.

GUTFELD: All right ---

PERINO: He loves bowling though.

GUTFELD: Let's try baby cat.

PERINO: Babies always win.

GUTFELD: I should have looked at these. These are really --

PERINO: It's pretty nice.

WATTERS: It's pretty good.

GUTFELD: It's pretty -- is that -- I mean, I don't know.

RIVERA: How long will we watch it?

GUTFELD: For hours. And then finally, unimpressed wine cat.


GUTFELD: I think this is the winner. Do we even need to do the vote?

PERINO: No, wine cat.

WATTERS: Wine cat.

GUTFELD: The strobe light and everything.

PAVLICH: Bowling cat ate edible.

GUTFELD: All right, that is true. Geraldo.

RIVERA: I am hosting a show -- Cops is coming back. Cops got thrown off on charges of racism and so forth. Cops was based on series specials I did back in the 1980s called the American Vice. Same producer, John Langley. And here I am posing as George the dope dealer.

PAVLICH: Oh, my gosh.

RIVERA: I'm setting up -- I'm setting up some actual dope sellers. They're going to try to sell me two kilos of cocaine. Cops are in the next room and said they're waiting for my signal. So, I don't know if they have enough -- they have enough to show where I test the cocaine? I say that it is cocaine, then I use the code word, and the camera --

GUTFELD: How long did you test it?

PAVLICH: Did you have a bulletproof vest on?

GUTFELD: Did you test it for three hours?

RIVERA: I can't believe they cut out the best part of the --

GUTFELD: Did you test it for -- did you test it with (INAUDIBLE)

RIVERA: I can show you the pictures. But Cops is coming back and Cops All Access with the great Lara Logan and Tyrus coming to Fox Nation. It debuts October 1. It drops as they say. So Cops All Access leading into Cops the series. It's back. And we guarantee you the perpetrator is will be interracial -- not interracial, of all -- represented of all race.

GUTFELD: We're going to have diversity in our arrests.

RIVERA: We have diversity in our perps.


PERINO: What is that thing? OK, if you've been watching the number one show in all of cable, you know that they've had this -- we've had a big controversy this week about Judge Jeanine's "ONE MORE THING" and whether this bear that she had in her "ONE MORE THING" was real or not.

We did a vote on Instagram. 61 percent of you thought it was real, 39 percent fake.



PERINO: Yes. So, Johnny was our private investigator. He worked to get some evidence and talked to her watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hello. My name is Veronica and this is my little pet. So, someone of you think that this is not a real bear. He has a small eyes, beautiful nose. And he's real. You can see it.


WATTERS: I don't know.

PERINO: Thank you, Veronica. Thank you Johnny for getting to the bottom. The bear is real.

GUTFELD: We should do this with other stories like, you know, politics and stuff.

PERINO: I like -- I want Veronica to come on live.


GUTFELD: Like, we should --

WATTERS: Like the horse and the whipping story?

GUTFELD: Yes. We should do it. All right, real quick. Katie, you got 30 seconds.

PAVLICH: Bret Baier should interview the bear to see if it's real or fake. All right, Rookie, the minor league bat dog for the Trenton Thunder crashed a game between the Buffalo Bisons and Lehigh Valley IronPigs yesterday and he went out got the bat. He wasn't at home, so he was a visiting team, but he's excited to be back fetching those bats and apologize to the team for crashing their game.

WATTERS: The Lehigh Valley IronPigs.

PAVLICH: Yes. And the Buffalo Bisons. We're double --

WATTERS: What's an IronPig?

GUTFELD: It's a steel town. This is Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, Allentown, Lehigh Valley.

RIVERA: What about the slobber on the bat?

GUTFELD: That's a good problem to have. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next.

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