'So much for being a moderate': 'The Five' react to Biden's address

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," April 29, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JESSE WATTERS, FOX NEWS HOST: Hello, everybody. I'm Jesse Watters along with Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, Katie Pavlich and Juan Williams. It's 5:00 in New York City and this is "The Five."

President Biden making his first address to Congress last night and while he ran on unity, he sounded anything but that.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We inherited a nation, we all did that was in crisis. The worst pandemic in a century. The worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. The worst attack on our democracy since the civil war.

Now, after just 100 days, I can report to the nation, America is on the move again.


Turning peril into possibility, crisis to opportunity, setbacks and the strength.

I promised we'd get 100 million COVID-19 vaccine shots into people's arms in 100 days. We will have provided over 220 million COVID shots. We have to come together to rebuild trust between law enforcement and the people they serve. To root out systemic racism in our criminal justice system.

We need more Senate Republicans to join the overall majority of Democratic colleagues and close the loopholes required in background check purchases of guns. We're not changing the constitution. We are being reasonable.


WATTERS: Biden's speech praised by progressives and of course it was, considering it was ushering in a new era of big government with trillions of dollars in spending tax hikes and expensive progressive programs. So much for being a moderate.


BDEN: My American Families Plan guarantees four additional years of public education in every person in America.

To provide access to quality affordable childcare.

To provide up to 12 weeks of paid leave and medical leave.

It's time for corporate America and the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans to just begin to pay their fair share.

I think you should be able to become a billionaire and a millionaire but pay your fair share.


WATTERS: And then one of the biggest issues facing the country, only receiving three minutes of his attention, the border crisis.


BIDEN: For more than 30 years, politicians have talked about immigration reform and we have done nothing about it. It's time to fix it. The country supports immigration reform. We should act. Let's argue over it. Let's debate it, but let's act.


WATTERS: All right, Juan, so Joe Biden gets up there and says we're going to spend $6 trillion. We're going to raise taxes and grow the government more than FDR and he expects the Republican Party to come on board with that? That violates every single principle of the Republican Party, Juan.

That would like a Republican getting up there and say we're going to do a $6 trillion tax cut and we're going to restrict abortion. And why don't the Democrats join me and unite behind this great agenda. It's preposterous!

JUAN WILLIAMS, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, I think we've been through some preposterously difficult time, you know, beginning with the virus and the virus' effect on our economy, and obviously with the George Floyd situation. We have been through some difficult times here, Jesse. And I think what you're seeing is the president talk about an inflection point to saying to people, listen, this is our opportunity right now to build back better, I think is the slogan, to really look at what we can do to get the American economy and the American people on track.

And by the way, you know, for all your criticism of the speech, you know, the reviews are in. I just saw that CBS poll. The CBS poll had 85 percent - - 85 percent approval, 78 percent --

WATTERS: You're going with reviews.

WILLIAMS: Well, I'm just saying, this is what the American people who saw the speech are saying, 78 percent feel more optimistic after hearing the president. The CNN poll was the similar thing, they had 51 percent of a positive reaction.

And by the way, you know, in terms of your saying this is a bunch of big liberal spending --

WATTERS: Juan, no one watched.

WILLIAMS: -- no green new deal, no Medicare for all. That is not true. I think that they had lower ratings, but of course, you have to take into account all the streaming and different devices people watch things on now.

WATTERS: No one streamed it.

WILLIAMS: But that's not the point. The point is people liked this speech.

WATTERS: No, they didn't. Greg Gutfeld, I think of Barack Obama and Donald Trump were averaging around $30 million to $40 million to $50 million per state of the union. Biden laid an egg, didn't even get half of that. No one watched it. No one liked it. Everybody fell asleep. Don't listen to Juan say this got rave reviews. The only great reviews it got were from the liberal media.

GUTFELD: Yes. Trump actually scored better if we -- from the same speech. So, I think up by a CNN poll if I remember. This had all the stuff that I guess I'm used to from big government, higher taxes, the lack of incentivized policies, more laws, huge deficits.

But there was something new in there, the idea of positing an American domestic threat without laying it out, without actually attaching specific facts and numbers to it. This is really interesting and when you do something like that, you should back it up with information, which he didn't.

There is a difference between Republicans and Democrats when you are talking about threats. When you talk about let's say illegal immigration, the Republicans will focus on the number, of the specific number of illegals that are coming over. We'll talk about the data.

We'll also talk about the data when it comes to energy or the terror threat. We knew -- we knew exactly, almost exactly how many members of ISIS there were as we were killing them. That's how we knew that we were killing them.

We knew how many Al Qaeda there was a little bit too late, but we did know. But here you have a case where the Democrats identify, or Joe Biden identifies a threat with absolutely no data to convince or persuade somebody like me. He's not going to have any problems persuading Juan, right?

So, there is no reason for the data, but when you're talking to America and you're talking about an enemy that is inside America, you need to tell us how many there are, where they are. Do you have the names of them? Because if they are domestic terrorists, we have to hunt them out. We have to kill them.

Instead, what he did was he -- instead of finding a common enemy, which is basically, you either can do climate change or COVID or terrorism, you went with white supremacy, right? That turns America inward at each other. That's from the unifier.

This is pure woke pabulum, regurgitated from an old white male who piled (ph) around with bigots and now he's using his time as presidency as his own personal reparations, right? If you believe this is the number one problem in America, it is up to you to persuade us. Because if you don't, then the media has carte blanche to exaggerate and create the number for themselves.

There are millions of white supremacists. They would call them Trump voters actually. They are everywhere. They are everywhere. I really don't need to say who they are. Lastly, when he said that January 6th was like the worst lethal attack on the country since the civil war.

Apparently, forgetting about flight 93 being aimed at the capital or JFK's assassination or 9/11, McVeigh. What about McVeigh? You forget about, or Scalise? I mean, that is insulting. That's absolutely insulting. But other than that, it was a really good speech.

WATTERS: Katie, I don't even think to Greg's point that he was trying to persuade anybody. He knows he has the numbers. This is pure political power at its finest. And I think he's just trying to blow out the bank and buy enough votes to win re-election and print money to juice the markets. That's the play here.

KATIE PAVLICH, FOX NEWS HOST: I think that they know that they are in charge. So Joe Biden has been compared to FDR. He likes that. He knows that they could lose the House in two years so they're trying to shove through as much as possible in that short period of time.

But I just can't get over how the entire environment last night and the capital came off. It was so pathetic to not see the entire place full of Democrats and Republicans sitting next to each other in front of a president who ran this idea of unifying the country, bringing people together, especially when they have the opportunity to do so.

I thought they looked incredibly weak, not just Joe Biden, but the United States as a whole to the American people and to the world when you have a body of people who have been vaccinated, you have CDC guidance from the government, which we're all supposed to be listening to, and yet, the hallway and the floor was practically empty.

And it wasn't even half-full. I mean, not even half of Congress was there. And so the visual that you are seeing there is just so weak and pathetic, not just in terms of unifying the country but in terms of the showing to the world of we beat the virus. The United States led the way on vaccine research, got three of them out in record time to get people back to normal.

And here we are as a country standing up after the communist Chinese -- the Chinese Communist Party put us down for a year and we are back. And the leadership in Washington is here to represent the people and we are moving forward, but instead it's the opposite. While Biden is telling everyone to get vaccinated while acting like nobody is vaccinated. It makes no sense.

WATTERS: None of it made sense. Dana, one part in particular, he said saving the planet is going to create jobs and I thought to myself, well then, why did everyone lose their job when you killed Keystone? Wasn't that supposed to be saving the planet?

DANA PERINO, FOX NEWS HOST: That was one of them. I mean, he did use the word jobs a lot, but there was no nod to them. There was also no nod to any children who have been out of school for a year. The mention when it came to education was to talk about the teachers. And so, it's a missed opportunity there.

There was no even -- not like a grace note to say that, you know, the previous administration got this vaccine underway and here we are. There is none of that. I mean, I guess we maybe shouldn't be surprised on that. You know, Biden won by a very narrow margin. And the big issue was COVID. And now he is governing as if he has a mandate that would make FDR and LBJ blush because it's like -- they would have been like, wow, nobody could actually get away with that.

I actually don't think they're going forward. He's going to get much of this, all of these proposals are going to take a big haircut. He's only at a little bit over 50 percent approval and you have several senators who are looking at re-election. Hassan up in New Hampshire, that's going to be a tough race. You have Mark Kelly and Raphael Warnock.

So, they're all going to be thinking about their re-elections as well. They're going to have to take a haircut on this kind of thing. And I know we have a lot more to talk about, so I'll save it for later.

WATTERS: All right. Up next, Senator Tim Scott's rebuttal to Joe Biden and the vicious racial attacks against him that Twitter just let trend for hours.


PERINO: It was a big night for Senator Tim Scott who delivered the official Republican rebuttal to President Biden's speech to Congress. Watch.


SEN. TIM SCOTT (D-SC): Hear me clearly, America is not a racist country. We also heard about a so-called family plan, even more taxing, even more spending to put Washington even more in the middle of your life from the cradle to college. We get to live in the greatest country on Earth, the country where my grandfather and his 94 years saw his family go from cotton to Congress in one lifetime.


PERINO: After that response, the senator faced an onslaught of racist attacks including on Twitter where the #UncleTim was up trending for 11 hours until the social media giant finally took it down. Senator Scott responding to that earlier today.


SCOTT: Last night what was trending in social media was Uncle Tim and they double down on this concept of liberal oppression. It is stunning in 2021 that those who speak about ending discrimination want to end it by more discrimination. The left is -- they have doubled down that they are going to not attack my policies, but they are literally attacking the color of my skin.


PERINO: Jesse, for a long time here on "The Five," you know, I've talked about my communication rules. One of them is never (inaudible) doing a rebuttal to a presidential speech. He proved me wrong. He really nailed it I thought. So, let's get your reactions to his speech overall and if you want, of course, the attacks that came after.

WATTERS: Well, a black Republican senator says America is not racist and white liberal say no, no, it is, it is racist. They want you to think this country is racist so blacks and whites are against each other and Democrats can then exploit that divide for power.

White liberals, Dana, have a savior complex. They want to swoop in and have black America be the victim and then save them. It helps them assuage their white guilt and to satiate their thirst for power and control. That's what this is about.

They ridiculed black Republicans because they are panicked so they're going to lose their base. The minute a black Republican emerges on to the scene, they are viciously smeared.

That sends a signal to other black Americans, don't you dare switch parties. They are very concerned that they are losing the grip on black voters in America and the cries of racism are going to get louder and louder as that grip loosens.

Right now, if you go back in history, the Democratic Party actually fought to the death to keep their slaves. And the Republican Party is now accused of wanting to put black Americans back in chains? Nothing could be further from the truth.

The Republican Party wants black Americans, white Americans, all Americans to be free, free from government oppression, free speech, free religion, free to keep and bear arms and free to keep more of the money that we earned because the Republican Party trust the people to control their own destiny and the Democratic Party does not.

PERINO: Greg, he is a talented speaker and I think that also is another thing, which is he's got a temperament and a tone and an approach that I think a lot people like, oh, okay, so he's easy on the ears and then but the message is totally different from what you're hearing from Biden.

GUTFELD: Yes. And also, the hatred, the reaction gave it new life. I think if the people hadn't reacted the way they did on Twitter. I mean, Twitter could have acted faster than 11 hours. I mean, remember how quick they acted to protect Hunter? I mean, they blocked that article before it came out.

But to Jesse's point, there is nothing scarier to a white liberal than a black Republican because you can't be a victim and a Republican. It's not allowed. All hurdles and obstacles and your life were seen as fuel for achievement. So, rejecting the victim status makes Tim Scott utterly useless especially to the media and the Democrats, that's why they despise him.

I give credit to Kamala Harris for agreeing with Tim Scott about that America is not a racist country and you notice that nobody called her anti -- Auntie Kam or Uncle Kam. But remember, this is all part of what Joe Biden said to, I guess it was Charlamagne the God, you know, if you don't vote for Joe, you ain't black. It's the plantation of the mind.

The Democrats need blacks to believe that its own -- you only have one choice, right? There's only one choice, liberalism, meaning that you actually really don't have a choice. And if you do choose something other than being a liberal, then you're undermining your own blackness. Of course, they would never say that to a black man's face, they'd do it on Twitter.

PERINO: And Juan, you have written about this before and talked about it. I mean, it's a little bit of a not a new phenomenon for black Republicans to kind of get these labels hurled at them.

WILLIAMS: Right, but I mean, so I think Twitter was absolutely right to take that down. I mean, I think it was offensive. I will say that, you know, you've got to understand that if Twitter asked to remove abusive language targeting Tim Scott, you can -- we all have to get comfortable with the idea that they would act to remove abusive language that targets people on the left as well.

But anyway, getting back to the speech, I thought Senator Scott did a fine job, Dana. It's a difficult spot, as you said, to speak in the rebuttal you're speaking after the president of the United States in the grand setting. Basically, you're speaking in a room to a camera. His argument, though, to me was not that strong and that he was saying, well, you know, Republicans do want to do something for people who are hurting and help with the job situation.

Biden had spoken about, you know, creating jobs for the forgotten man. So Scott says, well, no, this is all big socialism, big spending and the like. And I just don't think it rang true given, you know, that there was no explicit plan for how you're going to help people much less how are you going to explain the fact that, you know, Republicans didn't care so much about deficit spending under President Trump.

But the one less thing I'd mention to you is this thing that was raised earlier about him saying, this is not a racist country. I didn't have that thought, but true, I don't think it's a racist country, but I do think -- and this is what people have been saying to me today is, yes, but we have ongoing racial problems.

This is a country that was founded with legalized slavery and we have ongoing consequences to that to this day. And so we have to work on it. Now, today, Senator Scott met with Senator Booker, Senator Durbin, Representative Karen Bass and others on police reform. That's part of that effort.

PERINO: Which shows, Katie, that he recognizes the same thing. Is that -- definitely have a pass that we have to contend with, that we can actually move on and try to solve some things too. Does he have a bright future in your opinion?

PAVLICH: He certainly has a bright future, Dana. I was also worried when he was picked to do this because I like him a lot and I hope that he has a future.

PERINO: Yes, right.

PAVLICH: I think after doing a good job last night he does. But generally speaking, you know, he went after a number of different issues that Democrats have been talking about over the last couple of months, whether it's the Georgia law or school of choice. But what I think is the most important thing is the overarching theme of his speech, which was the American dream and the promise of America.

He said original sin is never the end of the story. It's only the beginning. And redemption is the story of America. He talked about his own family and how we went from cotton to Congress, right? And how his grandfather used to read the newspaper even though he couldn't really read just to show his grandson an example and to set an example for him.

And so it goes against this entire argument that we've seen from the left, would be the 1619 Project, this critical race theory in schools, that America is a good place, although not perfect. And it's a place where people can redeem themselves and move forward with their lives, whether it's in Congress, in business. Wherever you want to make it in life, America is a place to do it.

PERINO: And he was reluctant to talk about himself, but he did a good job this morning, of course, also responding to questions about the attacks.


PERINO: Coming up, the predictable response from the media to both Biden and Tim Scott's speeches.


WILLIAMS: Welcome back. The media giving a big thumbs up to President Biden's speech.


BRIAN WILLIAMS, MSNBC HOST: After four years of a monotone child, it was bracing to hear a speech delivered at times by a whisper.

UNKNOWN: I thought it was a remarkable speech.

MARTHA RADDATZ, ABC NEWS HOST: He is really trying to bring the country together. It was, make America feel good night. Make America feel pride night.

JOHN KING, CNN ANCHOR: I thought the speech was carefully and very smartly crafted in a political way.


WILLIAMS: But the media had a much harsher take on Senator Tim Scott's GOP rebuttal.


NICOLE WALLACE, MSNBC HOST: This is a speech delivered from a planet where facts don't matter, which is where the current Republican Party resides.

JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: I'm not sure what the purpose of this was. I am shocked and a bit embarrassed for him. This was a lost opportunity.

JOY BEHAR, HOST, "THE VIEW": He does not seem to understand. And a lot of them don't seem to understand the difference between a racist country and a systemic way -- and systemic racism. They don't seem to get the difference.



WILLIAMS: So, Dana, let's go back to Tim Scott's speech. And I want to ask you if you think it's going to elevate him. I remember with Fred Thompson a way back, it really put Fred Thompson on the map as a presidential candidate. It did not do that for Marco Rubio or Bobby Jindal. What do you think it does for Tim Scott?

PERINO: Again, I really think that the undoing of the rebuttal is very, very hard. And I think only somebody with oratory -- oratorical -- oratory skills -- help me, Greg -- I think.

GUTFELD: Oratory.

PERINO: He has good oratory.

GUTFELD: You don't want help from me. I'll say something terrible.

PERINO: He speaks really well. That's what I want to say. And, yes, there's just no doubt like, he is now elevated. Everybody is talking about him. You know, sometimes, unfortunately, trending negatively on Twitter with a racial slur we'll elevate you to our people.

Like for example, Kamala Harris was asked about his very comments last night by Robin Roberts this morning on Good Morning America. Tim Scott said it's not a racist country. What do you think? She said, I agree, it is not a racist country, but we have issues we have to deal with.

And then as you pointed out, Juan, what is Tim Scott doing? He's not just out giving speeches and raising money. He actually is rolling up his sleeves and working on the legislation. So, I think that yes, it definitely elevates him. It's interesting that the media -- so many in the media had that reaction.

If they had been with me last night, first of all, Peter was really annoying me because we -- like beforehand, he was flipping through the channels. We'll talk about the Netflix surfing a little bit. We're dealing with that. Then I'm like, I got to watch the speech. He sat there and read a book, but then was like from the peanut gallery. Let's just say there were some people who did not like the speech.

WILLIAMS: Well, Greg, I think you didn't like the speech from what I heard earlier. But I wanted to ask you if you could agree that the President did seem to be in command, alert, not some doddering old guy, you know, which is a lot of the conservative complaint. It looked like that got blown away last night.

WATTERS: The President was alert. (INAUDIBLE)

GUTFELD: Yes, problem solved. He wasn't -- he was conscious. No, I think the real news here is that Joy Reid can be embarrassed. I mean, who knew? By the way, the two Joys -- we have two Joys in that montage, and either -- they were both joyless.

Look, here's the deal. The media is in charge of the nation's narrative. So, generally, when they're reviewing something, they're reviewing how well their narrative is effectively spread. So, I used to think that the media was the bullhorn for the Democrats. It's actually the opposite.

The Democrat Party is the foot soldier for the powerful people in media. They are given the talking points and they're interchangeable with what you would see on CNN is exactly what you'd see coming from the Democrats. But the difference is, it's coming from the media now. It's not coming from the politicians.

WILLIAMS: So, Jesse, I was struck that Biden made a point of saying that you have mostly good police in this country. And then I saw Maxine Waters applauding. So, to me that look like a unifying gesture. How did it look to you?

WATTERS: I was happy everybody clapped. But I think Greg just made a good point. And when Greg actually makes a good point, I think we should recognize that. That was really astute. But Juan, just to what we were saying in the A block, Biden laid such an egg. That might have been the lowest-rated and see the union ever by about 20 million.

And I think it's -- you should know that people have been able to stream things for about a decade. So, I don't think streaming just started this year. I'm disappointed in Andrea Mitchell and Martha Raddatz and Brian Williams. I'm disappointed and here's why, Juan.

These legends have covered or observed, I don't know, the masterful delivery of Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton's charismatic stem winders, George W. Bush's defining language after 911, Barack Obama's soaring oratory, Donald Trump's showmanship and intense patriotic language, and they're going to look at Joe Biden's speech and say that was remarkable?

Juan, that's like watching a football game with all punts and penalties and Jim Nantz says that was the greatest game I've ever seen. You'd think Jim Nantz is a moron if he told you that. You're saying it was good because he promised to spend more money than anybody ever? Is that -- is that the barometer right now, someone can tax and spend really well. That's easy.

There's no creativity there. There's no innovation there. He's just buying votes and redistributing the wealth. Anybody can do that. We're supposed to give this guy a big round of applause because he takes our money and gives it away and makes more people dependent? Come on, Juan. This wasn't a great speech. This was bad.

WILLIAMS: All right. I don't agree, but I'm going to take your point and go to Katie. Katie, let's just forget the pundits then. But the American people and the poll said they liked the speech.


PAVLICH: Well, let me see if I can do this correctly. It was the most unifying speech since the Civil War. And everybody who criticized Tim Scott is a raging racist and they should be canceled. Left's rules, not mine.

GUTFELD: There you go.

WILLIAMS: All right. Hunter Biden has a new gig. We're going to tell you about it next right here on THE FIVE.


GUTFELD: While the biting DOJ prioritizes search warrants for Rudy Giuliani, Hunter Biden will be enjoying a new speaking gig to talk about fake news. The President's son will lecture undergrads at Tulane University in New Orleans this fall as part of a course on media polarization and public policy impacts.

You know, Dana, I kind of get it. I mean, how could Hunter Biden say no to a student body?

WATTERS: Oh, Gutfeld.

PERINO: Very good, very good.

GUTFELD: What, what?

PERINO: Very good question, very good question. So, if I was in the White House Communications Office, I'd be like, guys, could we just -- like, what is he all of a sudden available?


PERINO: You couldn't find him. And the media was asking for him, and now he's going to go give speeches on fake news? It doesn't necessarily -- I thought it was an artist now.

GUTFELD: Yes. And he --

PERINO: What happened to that?

GUTFELD: And he uses a straw to blow his art.

PAVLICH: A glass straw.

GUTFELD: I think that's what he told the police when they showed up. It's for my art. I don't know --

PAVLICH: Yes, in the pool house.

GUTFELD: Jesse, I wonder if any other speakers will help him work on his lines.

WATTERS: Greg, you are just on point today. Man, I got to give it to you.

PAVLICH: So many thoughts. I love it.

GUTFELD: I took today off -- I mean, yesterday.

WATTERS: You know, you should take more days off. You know, you come back nice and refreshed. I just got -- you know, I can't believe that they're raiding the guy's house who broke the Hunter Biden Ukraine story. Think about it. Biden's Department of Justice just raided the home of the guy that broke the Hunter story. And then they took all his computers and blackberries.


WATTERS: And now they're going through all his communications. It's a cleanup job. That's all it is. It's a cleanup job with the Rudy thing. And then this is just cleaning up Hunter's image because he had a rough last couple of years with the Chinese diamonds and getting strippers pregnant and then fighting off alimony while he was getting wires from Russian billionaires and Chinese communists.

So, you know, they're giving him speaking gigs, and they're giving them art deals and book deals. This is all just to help, you know, polish his image a little bit right now.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know, Juan, unlike the left on campus, I say the more voices the merrier. I think it's great that he's speaking there. I in fact, think that he might have some tips for the kids like how to know when you've got a good dealer, how to balance a job while financing three hookers. These are questions that people are going to want to know answers to.

WILLIAMS: You know, I see that the right-wing now is fascinated with Hunter Biden. I mean, is AOC busy? She's out of work now. I mean, goodness gracious. Look, I don't think anybody really -- anybody really cares if Hunter Biden is invited to make some remarks via, you know, Zoom to a class a Tulane. It's just not that interesting.

I think maybe it's if he eats a hamburger next, you know. I mean, maybe that'll be the news. It just seems like a whole lot of nothing to me. It's just an opportunity to try to go after Joe Biden because I think there's so much Republican envy for a guy who's got, you know, support from the American people and a roaring Stock Market.

GUTFELD: Yes, he's -- Hunter, I think there is a --

WATTERS: We're allowed to point to the Stock Market now?

WILLIAMS: Sure, why not? It's true, isn't it?

PAVLICH: The Republicans aren't asking -- the Republicans at Tulane aren't asking Hunter Biden to come do this to attack Joe Biden. I mean, Hunter Biden is doing this himself. And maybe Greg can help these kids fill out their Tinder profile, how to date your brother's widow, maybe that would be something that he can help them with.

But Tulane costs $56,000 a year. So, I think that Hunter is going there for the money. He's thinking he can get in on that.

GUTFELD: I think if you have students that are at Tulane right now and you're a parent, you know, just call him and tell them, you know, to lock the doors because Hunter is in town. Up next, Netflix --

PAVLICH: Yes, no drugs.

GUTFELD: -- yes, out with a solution for your chronic TV show indecisiveness.


PAVLICH: Welcome back. Do you ever have a hard time picking out what to watch on Netflix? You are not alone, but help is on the way. The streaming service just announced a new feature that will automatically start playing a random show for you based on their algorithm every time you open the app. Dana, not a fan of this want to be in control?

PERINO: Well, sometimes it does take like a half an hour to figure out what you're going to watch. You know, like, go through it all. And then the other thing is for me, that's not very good because Peter watches the scary shows and I don't. But like, I don't, it just shows his stuff. So, like all of a sudden, there'll be like violence on my TV and I can't take it when I just want to watch Younger, which Peter refused to watch last night, which is why we've gotten the argument in the first place.

PAVLICH: But Greg, doesn't this take away the ability for people to look at what people have been watching and be like, why were you watching that? And now you can't deny that it was your -- what you're watching?

GUTFELD: You know, like, we have different accounts in my apartment so I never know what's going on. But I don't know if I've ever introduced Gutfeld's rule on THE FIVE. But Gutfeld's rule is 95 percent of everything is crap. So, when you're sitting there on Netflix, it dawns on you that 95 percent of everything on it is crap. And 40 minutes go by and you're going like -- there times -- the worst thing is when you start to watch something, and then you're like, crap, do I -- I already put 15 minutes into this monstrosity, what do I do?

And so, if you step out of it, you lose that 15 minutes forever. So, actually, I think this might -- I longed for the days when you would just at night in bed, turn on the TV, watched the sports, and then you watch Letterman, and then you fall asleep. Those were the days.

PERINO: And now you watch "GUTFELD!"

PAVLICH: So, Jesse, isn't this kind of like a digital Blockbuster trip though? You know, you used to go to Blockbuster and you cruise through for an hour to try and find something to watch.

PERINO: Oh, God, don't bring that up again.

WATTERS: Yes, no. I would just love to log on to Gutfeld's account and see what that algorithm pushes out first. I might have to just cover my eyes at first. But I think they should try this Netflix thing at restaurants. You sit down and they just start bringing you food. They bring you drinks, they bring you food, and you just -- you just take it. I like that, don't make a decision.

PAVLICH: Juan, do your -- does your entire family have your Netflix password and make them watch whatever they want?

WILLIAMS: Yes, but wait, but I think is it Netflix or Amazon where they ask who's watching. You know, is Delise watching, am I watching. You know, they want to know exactly who's watching. And to my mind, it's just like YouTube. You know, if you watch boxing matches they just keep -- the algorithm produces more boxing matches for you to watch.

And I don't want algorithms choosing everything I watch. I'd rather have some control in my life. I think it makes me feel like you know I was being served up to them rather than they're serving me entertained.

PERINO: You sound like a Republican, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Oh, there you go.

PAVLICH: Yes, weird.

WATTERS: It freaks him up.

PAVLICH: Netflix is going to convert him. All right, "ONE MORE THING" up next.


WATTERS: It's time now for "ONE MORE THING." Here are the first mom texts of the Biden era. Here we go. Number one. We have a president who has been in office for a week no matter what he does, no matter what he says, and no matter what proposals he makes, he is turned into a socialist and an incompetent one at that. Why, days in, do you need to do that? I think you know.

Number two. How in the name of God, does it ever help our country to disparage Fauci? Who are you? Where in the name of heaven is your perspective?


WATTERS: Number three. I've been really impressed with the intellect and articulate performance of Jen, the Press Secretary, not you? And lastly, Honey, Maine is filled with solar panels. You don't have to have hot weather and desert terrain to generate energy.

So, in my new book which we talked about yesterday, How I Save the World, there's a whole chapter of mom texts. Some of these texts are too hot for Fox.

PERINO: Is that hard to write?

WATTERS: It's very hard. And what I did was I actually responded to each text in the chapter.

PERINO: Oh, that's good. That's good.

WATTERS: And you're going to love it. So, go pre-order that on Amazon or where books are sold. Greg?

GUTFELD: All right, tonight at 11:00 p.m. "GUTFELD!" We got Julie Banderas. She is now a fan favorite. Tyrus is back, Kat is on, Ryan Streeter. Jessie was on on Tuesday and I think he had a nice time. I had to bribe him --

WATTERS: I had a great time.


WATTERS: I did. It was a great show.

GUTFELD: It certainly was. Let's do this interesting thing, Greg's optical illusion. Now, I've been watching this tape over and over and over again and I do not know what's going on, but I keep watching it. First, I thought it was the medications. But then I realized it just keeps going through. What do you think is happening?

You know what it is? It's like the first down -- the first down line in football. It's like -- it just -- you can walk on it, step on it. I don't get it. Anyway, I figured we could look at this for a few minutes and then talk about it afterwards over drinks.

PERINO: You might need some drinks.

GUTFELD: Yes. There you go.

WATTERS: All right. I can't figure it out either. Dana?

PERINO: So, I have a good friend, Jennifer Williams. She used to be an executive producer here. She started "THE DAILY BRIEFING" with me. And for the past 18 months, she's been raising this puppy that we named Tyrus. They gave me a chance to name it. And he has now graduated. That was him as a little puppy. But now Tyrus is a big boy and he graduated yesterday. He is off to go and help somebody.

This is Canine Companions for Independence. They do amazing work. And Jen is a really good person to keep raising these puppies and then that hard moment of having to say goodbye and wish them well on their way.

PAVLICH: Good for her.

WATTERS: I can't believe you named your dog after Tyrus. You mean Tyrus, Greg's Tyrus?

PERINO: Yes. He loves him.


WATTERS: OK, all right, I guess.

GUTFELD: Jesse is mad.


PAVLICH: What kind of dog is he, Jesse?

WILLIAMS: I thought that was great. That's a great thing to do.

WATTERS: I have no idea.

WILLIAMS: Anyway, you know, for me, it's enough of a challenge to run an obstacle course. So, imagine what I thought when I saw somebody doing it on skates while holding a hockey stick and trying to control the puck. Take a look.


WILLIAMS: That's Peter Lenes, the Vermont native as a hockey player currently on a team in the Austrian Hockey League. What you can't see is that people are throwing the obstacles out of the back of a moving truck, trying to trip him up. If we choose a team, I'm going to take Pete. That's a pretty awesome video.

PERINO: I love that.

WATTERS: Pretty slick.

PAVLICH: Good training.

WATTERS: Looking good. All right, Katie P., take it away.

PAVLICH: OK. Here's this guy named Ben Burville. He's a scuba diver and he's also a doctor from the coastal town of Amble Northumberland.

GUTFELD: That's great.

PAVLICH: And for 20 years, he's been hanging out with these seals and they just take his hat off, hang out with them. He's been able to develop, you know, friendship with all these seals. And for people who didn't know, seals actually act a lot like dogs. So, they're the ocean's dogs, which is kind of fun. So, shout out Ben Burville of Northumberland for the 20 years of diving with those cute little fellows.

PERINO: Northumberland.

WATTERS: I want to punch that seal.

WILLIAMS: That reminds me of that octopus documentary.

WATTERS: Are we even allowed to punch a seal?


WATTERS: I mean, that seal was getting a little too close. I would have punched it? Is it illegal to punch a seal? Can you punch things if it's underwater or if it's a --

PAVLICH: They're friends. They're friends.

WATTERS: Are there different rules to that? OK. I think you might be able to get away with it. "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next with John Roberts.

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