'Justice' on COVID spike, Biden policy failures

This is a rush transcript from "Justice with Judge Pirro," January 1, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KATIE PAVLICH, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Hello, and welcome to a Special Edition of JUSTICE, and Happy New Year. I'm Katie Pavlich, in for Judge Jeanine.

Tonight, we take a look at where we've been and look ahead to where we need to go as a nation in 2022.

Last year was a rocky one, to say the least, and it was a record setting first year for the Biden administration, but not exactly in the way they intended.

2021 saw the highest ever increase in homicides in modern history, the largest increase in a hundred years. Inflation soared to a 39-year high and has impacted each and every American family from coast to coast. And not surprisingly, that has resulted in Joe Biden earning the distinction of having the lowest economic rating of any President since Jimmy Carter.

So, will things change in the year ahead? Americans aren't so sure as a staggering 62 percent believe the country is on the wrong track. All of this comes as the nation continues to reel from the COVID pandemic and a stunning lack of leadership and a clear absence of any sort of coherent plan from the incoherent Biden White House.

Here is the President this week.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Look, there is no Federal solution. This gets solved at a State level.

GOV. ASA HUTCHINSON (R-AR): As you look towards Federal solutions that will help alleviate the challenge, make sure that we do not let Federal solution stand in the way of State solutions.

BIDEN: My message to the Governors is simple, if you need something, say something.


PAVLICH: What we need, Mr. President, is a leader.

Here to discuss the year that was 2021 and to share some predictions for 2022 is former Arkansas Governor, Mike Huckabee. Governor, first of all, Happy New Year to you and your family. There is of course, a lot we want to get to and your take on tonight.

But first, let's start with the big picture for a few minutes, and some of what you just heard from the President.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: You know, I was watching just with amazement that he basically said, I don't have a plan. This is the guy who a year ago said I'm going to shut COVID down. The only thing he shut down, Katie, is the economy.

I think there is going to be a movie out this year, and it's going to be called Honey, I Shrunk the Economy starring Joe Biden. And I wonder when you gave that figure that there is 29 percent of the people who think we're on the right track, who are those people? Are they the ones who bought Hunter Biden's artwork?

My gosh. I can't imagine anybody looking at the current state of Americans saying, man, we're on the right track. We're really, really just smooth sailing right now. It's stunning to see how rapidly this administration has pretty much collapsed.

PAVLICH: You know, Governor, Joe Biden campaigned as someone who had 30 years, 35-plus years of experience in Washington, and therefore he knew how to handle the beast of bureaucracy to get things done.

It seems like the bureaucracy is just completely swallowing Joe Biden alive, and they continue to deny that any of these problems exist.

HUCKABEE: Well, it's hard to tame the lion when you're one of the cats, and that's the problem with Joe Biden. He has been there for 50 years. That's all he knows. He has never really had a job where he signed the front of the paycheck, where he had to make payroll out of his back pocket, where he stood on a factory floor and heavy concrete and came home bone- tired every day from making things and doing the same procedure over and over. He has just never experienced what a lot of Americans have.

So you know, it's easy for him or Jen Psaki to say, oh, everything's okay. The inflation is really only hurting the rich people. That shows how utterly clueless they have become to think that that single mom who can barely squeeze the handle on the gas pump and get five bucks in the tank, not because that's all she needs, but Katie, that's all she can afford.

And under this economy and the disastrous policies that he has put into place, I think the only thing that is good about it, is that there's going to be a huge electoral sweep in 2022 for Republicans, not just in the House and Senate, but also in the Governor races, and I think we're going to see it most significantly, State legislatures, School Board, City Council, and County Commission.

PAVLICH: Yes, at that State and local level that you heard the President talking about. It's also not just Joe Biden, though.

I mean, you've watched this pandemic play out. The President has had people like Dr. Anthony Fauci around him making terrible decisions and being wrong, quite frankly, since the beginning of this even under President Trump.

As you mentioned, American families are suffering as a result of COVID restrictions, COVID policies, inflation, but then you turn around and there is this headline this week in "Forbes" showing that Dr. Anthony Fauci is going to receive a $350,000 pension once he decides to finally call it quits.

I mean, if you're the average American, looking at how your life has been turned upside down by his mistakes and the policies that he has pushed to lockdown your life, and you've lost everything as a result of it, and then you see that you're going to be paying this kind of salary to him, when he leaves with no consequences for his bad decision making.

HUCKABEE: Well, no wonder he can afford three masks, $350,000.00 a year pension from a government job, not bad work if you can get it. It's just that not too many people are able to get it.

I think he is long past his sell by date stamped on the side. And quite frankly, he has had a disastrous tenure over the last year because he keeps changing his mind. We're told follow the science, and I think the only science that we've been following is the political science, whatever the politics dictates, not the science of healthcare.

And that's proven true by so many clinical practitioners of Medicine, people who actually see patients -- Dr. Fauci doesn't -- who have said, look, some of these things we're doing don't make sense medically. We've quarantined the healthy people, rather than the sick people. It's first time in human history we've ever done that.

And so there are just so many things we've done that defy commonsense and logic, but a lot of Americans have gotten fed up with it.

Okay, I think vaccination is a great thing and we ought to do it if we're at that age group, or we're likely to benefit and not be hospitalized. But I don't want the government forcing people to do something that should still be their personal choice medically in consultation with their doctor.

PAVLICH: Yes, you know, Governor, it's interesting. Now that we've seen this rise in cases in the Northeast and among media, for example, you've heard the tone change a little bit. So when it was people in Florida getting COVID, it was like, oh, the people in the red states who aren't following all the instructions from Washington, D.C., and therefore they deserve to get sick.

But now that we're seeing the numbers change in their places, and this realization, finally, that you can't necessarily control this thing, you have to mitigate it. We're seeing that that narrative change on who is responsible and how much can really be done, especially with the President now throwing up his hands and saying, well, this is a State issue, not one that the Federal government can necessarily solve.

HUCKABEE: That's exactly what Donald Trump said a year ago, it was that we let States make decisions and the Federal government would offer them support. They get them ventilators, they get them PPE. They would assist with medical facilities, if that needed to happen, but the States needed to run it.

The reason that's important, Katie, is because that's how the government was created to work. Fifty individual states, each creating their own solutions so that if one makes a mistake, we don't make a national mistake, we make a State mistake. And if a Governor finds something that really works, then all the other states can copy it. That's how it's supposed to work.

But the Biden administration has wanted a one size fits all, make everybody do the same thing. Force it, mandate it from the top down, and even Joe Biden this week, in a rare moment of I think unguarded honesty, basically said, boy, we screwed this up. Why don't you Governors just do the best you can and tell us how it's working out?

PAVLICH: Yes, exactly.

Well, thank you for your time tonight, Governor. Happy New Year. We appreciate you spending your night with us.

All right, the questions and confusion surrounding COVID, the White House's seemingly shocked reaction to the new omicron strain, the complete failure on tests, I could go on and on. They are endless.

Here to help us break down some of those questions is FOX News medical analyst and author of the "COVID: The Politics of Fear and the Power of Science," Dr. Marc Siegel joins me now.

Dr. Siegel, first, you know, we're seeing these long lines still, after Christmas going to the New Year of people standing in line for testing, and yet, we have an administration saying they're not going to send Americans tests until mid-January.

DR. MARC SIEGEL, FOX NEWS CHANNEL MEDICAL CONTRIBUTOR: That's deeply disturbing, by the way and I would change the name of the movie that the Governor has in mind. Instead of Honey, I Shrunk the Economy. That's fair. But how about Operation Snail Speed? I think that would fit this whole situation.

You know that as a practicing internist, I don't even want people going out of their house when they're sick to wait online coughing and sneezing and maybe spread this thing to others at a pharmacy, which doesn't even have the rapid home test.

And that's right. The word is home test, because the Biden administration is promising 500 million home tests by mid-January. That's something that should have been there months and months ago.

The N.I.H. wasn't authorized to start to look over rapid tests for approval, Katie, until late October and then they started to quickly approve the Roche test this week and the Siemens test this week, both of whom say they can bring tens of millions of tests out to people. But when? When?

We are here with almost half a half a million new cases of omicron a day, and we don't have the testing for it. And now the flu season started.

So I'm left where I usually am, which is patients call me and I try to figure out what they have over the phone or via a televisit without the testing I need, a quick rapid test would be wonderful. But snail speed is the word.

PAVLICH: So Dr. Siegel, I actually have a question about that, because it's almost like the administration backed themselves into this situation. They went out and said, everybody, regardless of whether you have symptoms should get tested before they maybe go home for the Holidays.

But now we're seeing these increased case numbers, these long lines, because people who don't have symptoms are also in those lines while now people who have symptoms, as you just mentioned, can't get a test.

So have they done themselves a disservice by pushing this idea that everybody in the country should just be testing as much as possible?

SIEGEL: Yes, Katie, that's really brilliantly said by you. I think that would be a test for hysteria or fear, rather than a test for COVID. I mean, look, with this much omicron around, everybody is encountering it. So does everybody that sees somebody on the street who then tests positive got to go to get a test themselves? No. It's somebody with very close contact in the house for hours, and then maybe somebody that's at high risk or somebody that's got symptoms.

And again, if you've got symptoms, I want you tested at home, except I don't have a home test to offer you.

You know, the administration has been a one trick pony here on the vaccine. Now, I'm a huge fan of this vaccine, as you know, a big proponent and I believe in the boosters, and I believe that it decreases in hospitalizations, but they don't have anything else, any other tools in their arsenal, do they? So that's why they're pushing mandates and they're demanding and they're bullying.

But where is the Paxlovid? Where's the Pfizer pill I need to prescribe? Where's the monoclonal antibodies? We only have one that works against this. Where is it? I can't get it.

You know, there are a lot of news that is coming out that it's going to the wrong States, maybe that don't even need it as much, but regardless, tremendous scarcity.

PAVLICH: Yes, we're seeing now Florida reporting, Texas reporting and New York reporting they don't have enough of the monoclonal antibodies. We're also seeing now in New York, Dr. Siegel that they are running out of these treatments, and they are rationing them now based on skin color, which of course is unethical in a lot of ways.

So, we appreciate you coming on tonight, Dr. Siegel. Thank you so much.

SIEGEL: I completely agree with your last word. Give it to those in need, not by race or anything. Right, exactly.

Thanks, Katie.

PAVLICH: Indeed, absolutely. Thank you, Dr. Siegel.

All right, still head. Will the inflation crisis end in 2022? Economist, Steve Moore is here live with some bold predictions. Don't go away.



MARGARET BRENNAN, CBS NEWS ANCHOR: You're talking about cost of living? Was it wrong to consider inflation transitory? I mean, these price spikes seem like they're going to be with us for a while.

KAMALA HARRIS (D), VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We have to address the fact that -- we've got to deal with the fact that folks are paying for gas, paying for groceries and are -- need solutions to it. So let's talk about that.


PAVLICH: Americans are talking about Kamala and they are likely to continue to talk as we move towards the 2022 elections. Republicans are sounding the alarm and sending a strong message about what Americans don't need as they continue to struggle under Biden's bad policies. Take a listen.


REP. JASON SMITH (R-MO): We are facing the highest inflation in 40 years since Joe Biden became President on January 20th, and that means higher prices for all Americans to put food on their table, clothes on their backs, and medicine in their cabinets.

And what is Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer wanting to do to address it? They're wanting to spend trillions more dollars of government funding. That is the wrong recipe.

You cannot stop inflation by just spending your way out of inflation. That's the wrong recipe. The American people don't want it and they've had enough.


PAVLICH: Joining me now to discuss all of this and more as we predict what 2022 will bring, author of "Govzilla," FreedomWorks senior economist Steve Moore.

Steve, the Vice President says we need to talk about talking about -- talking about the conversations that we should be having. So, you're here to do that with us tonight. Your thoughts about what she had to say?

STEVE MOORE, ECONOMIST: Hi, Katie. Happy New Year. I guess, I shouldn't be laughing. I mean, it's actually kind of scary, isn't it, Katie? That this woman is one heartbeat away from the Oval Office.

Obviously, she is not fit for office. She doesn't know anything about the economy.

But look, we have been on a massive spending binge in 2021 that just ended. That is unprecedented, Katie, in American history. I mean, if you add the cost of World War II, World War I, the Civil War with the Revolutionary War, the Interstate Highway System, the Intercontinental Railroad, the moon landing, it still doesn't add up to as much as money as Joe Biden has proposed spending.

And when you ask me what my prediction is for the economy in 2022, the answer is, it depends. It depends greatly. Katie, on what happens with this, God awful, Build Back Better Bill which in my 40 years of studying the policy and the economy, I think is the single worst Bill I've ever seen.

So right now, it looks like it might be dead, but the two Joe's -- Joe Biden and Joe Manchin -- are still talking about making a compromise on this. I hope -- I hope we stick a stake through its heart, bury it, pour salt on the soil, so it never comes back.

PAVLICH: Well, Senator Joe Manchin, you mentioned from West Virginia has been paying attention to the numbers just like everybody else has. I want to put some numbers up on the screen now.

Producer prices are up 9.6 percent, which is the highest on record. Consumer prices are at a 39-year high at 6.8 percent and yet the administration continues to argue that Build Back Better will reduce inflation.

MOORE: Yes, nobody believes that. I don't even know if the people in the White House believe that. They may believe it, but the American people don't buy it. I mean, we understand that when you completely flood the zone with cheap money, you're going to cause the high inflation we've had.

This strategy the Biden administration is using right now, it is like a third world country. It is what Argentina and Venezuela and Greece, and Zimbabwe do. They keep printing more and more money and spending more and more money. You know, Katie, in every case, it leads to economic disaster and the American people are kind of on to them now.

PAVLICH: Well, Steve, you know, Senator Bernie Sanders, of course, is in charge of the Senate Budget Committee now. So all of these massive bills coming out of Capitol Hill are really his doing and he believes in the Venezuelan type system.

I mean, he is the guy who said that breadlines in Nicaragua were a sign of good economic progress that the government was providing for its people. So how do they move forward with solving this problem if they actually believe in this kind of economic philosophy?

MOORE: Yes. And don't forget, Katie, that he also had his honeymoon in Moscow. So that tells you a lot about his philosophy.


MOORE: What's scary to me, and I think scary to the American people right now is that Joe Biden has adopted the Bernie Sanders agenda. Remember when he was running for President 18 months ago, he said, I'm not Bernie. I don't believe in his agenda. And yet it's as if AOC and Bernie Sanders are running this White House.

Look, I hope Joe Biden comes to his senses and moves back to the middle and starts -- we should be cutting government spending drastically in 2022 to move towards a balanced budget, but also to tame this inflation because we don't. We could be looking at 1970s inflation.

I lived through that era, Katie, it was a disaster for the American workers because paychecks shrunk, people could buy less and less with their money. We don't want to go down that route.

PAVLICH: Before I let you go, I want to fact check the President. Joe Biden tweeted this two days ago, a couple of days ago. He said: "We're ending 2021 with what one analyst described as the strongest first year economic track record of any President in the last 50 years. Let's keep the progress going."

So Steve, he found one analyst to try and argue that it's been so successful for the past 50 years.

MOORE: Yes, I think that was somebody has CNN or CNBC who is a liberal. Look, the problem for Joe Biden is the 62 percent. I think you just cited that number -- 62 percent of Americans think we're on the wrong track. So, they certainly don't agree with this analysis that we're doing the right thing in Washington today.

PAVLICH: All right, Steve Moore. Your go-to. Thank you so much.

MOORE: Thanks, Katie.

PAVLICH: All right, coming up, 2021 was the year of crime in cities across America. What will it take to turn things around in 2022?

Our law enforcement expert shares his predictions up next.



We're learning more about the destruction left behind following Thursday's fast moving wildfires in suburban Denver. A Colorado official now says at least three people are missing and nearly 1,000 homes were destroyed. Hundreds of additional homes were also damaged. Teams are searching for the missing but the task is complicated by debris that's now covered by eight inches of snow.

And the Governor of Kentucky declaring a state of emergency after a powerful storm caused flash flooding, power outages, and damage from a possible tornado. There have been several high water rescues, but so far, there are no reports of injuries or deaths.

The storm comes just three weeks after deadly tornadoes in the state killed 77 people.

I'm Marianne Rafferty. Now back to JUSTICE.

For all of your headlines, log on to foxnews.com.


JOE GAMALDI, VICE PRESIDENT, F.O.P. NATIONAL: The fact of the matter is we've had a toxic cocktail that has been shoved down the throats of law abiding Americans, and that includes rogue prosecutors who are letting violent repeat criminals out over and over again, the continued demonization of law enforcement, and of course the unmitigated disaster that is bail reform.


PAVLICH: Outrage continues to grow as the crime crisis facing our country seems to only be getting worse by the day. So how should we address the lawlessness in America and the just the disgusting anti-cop rhetoric of the left in 2022.

Crimestoppers of Houston victim advocate, Andy Kahan joins me now with his predictions for the year ahead.

So Andy, you've been working on this. You've been standing up for victims' rights. Do you see anything changing in the coming year when it comes to protecting innocent people from felons who are violent, who are being led out of jail by these liberal DA's?

ANDY KAHAN, VICTIM ADVOCATE, CRIMESTOPPERS OF HOUSTON: It has to because crime is issue number one, it's issue number two, it's issue number three, it's issue number 999 amongst the upcoming elections in 2022, and particularly in Harris County in Houston, Texas.

I have now documented 156 people who have been murdered by defendants released on multiple felony bonds in a majority of those since 2020.

Crime is up, ladies and gentlemen, and it is associated with bail and felony bond reform and public safety has to be priority number one, what really bothers me I've been doing this for 30 years as a victim advocate, I don't understand and grasp the concept of why public safety and crime has now become a partisan issue.

It makes zero sense to me, but what I have seen, I have seen some movement towards that because look at your New York Mayor right now. Your New York Mayor, Eric Adams has made removing the bond reform that has caused so much destruction and carnage amongst the people of New York City as priority number one.

So I start -- I'm thinking you're starting to see the trend now that this is not going away, and we have to get a grip on it.

PAVLICH: Yes, so you mentioned bipartisanship when it comes to fighting crime, but the reality is that leftist policies that have been implemented in cities across the country based on this ideology that criminals are really the victims, and we should treat them with better care, those policies come from a certain direction of the political aisle.

So when you're trying to tell people that this has to change, how do you get to the point of it being a policy problem, rather than a politics problem, necessarily?

KAHAN: You know, one thing we've done in Crimestoppers and I'll give kudos to us is we've actually taken on this project of keeping track of defendants charged with murder, while out on a multiple felony bond, or they were given a get-out-of-jail free card, or they're out on bond and forfeited their bond. I would encourage other cities to start doing it.

But what we truly, really need is a national database, charting how many defendants had been released on bond after bond after bond, who then commit crime after crime after crime, again, and the fact that we don't have anything like that is disturbing.

And keep in mind, I'm just looking at murder. We're just one entity. I shudder to think what it would be like for other offenses that are out there now. We have 113 defendants charged with capital murder that are actually out on bond in Harris County. That's almost unheard of. And of those, 113, three of them have actually been charged with additional murders.

I have three law enforcement officers, two of them that were on active duty that have been murdered by defendants released on multiple felony bonds. We have got to get a grip on this because our citizens have become collateral damage of this great big experiment under the guise of criminal justice and bond reform and it is time that we say enough is enough. And I think you're starting to see that trend.

PAVLICH: That's absolutely enraging, and we're grateful for people like you who are out there advocating for the victims because there are lots of people whose lives have been changed or taken away as a result of these horrific enraging policies.

KAHAN: You know, here is what is really -- I agree. Here's what you never hear about. We always hear, well, it's going to cost so much money to keep more and more people locked up. I never hear anybody, particularly elected officials and public officials ever talk about the cost of victimization, on what a cost when a family loses a loved one to murder who no longer has a breadwinner. It's time to put victims' rights at the forefront.

PAVLICH: Yes. Yes. Thank you, Andy Kahan for all your work. We appreciate it.

KAHAN: You bet.

PAVLICH: All right, next, we head to America's Southern border and we'll be joined live by Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich. How can we stop the surge of illegal immigrants into the country and fentanyl into the country? That's next.



REP. TONY GONZALES (R-TX): Nothing has changed and life on the border is as bad as it's ever been.

GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R-TX): There are deadly consequences because of Biden's open border policies.

LT. CHRIS OLIVAREZ, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY: ... seeing record numbers day in and day out not just in Del Rio, but also in the Rio Grande Valley and also along the Southern border.

REP. ANDY BIGGS (R-AZ): It's a massive national security crisis. It's a humanitarian crisis. And it's not going to get better because this administration is doing nothing about it.

KEN PAXTON, TEXAS ATTORNEY GENERAL: We have a massive influx of illegals, out of control, who are bringing COVID, drugs, and all kinds of other problems in this country.

DR. MEHMET OZ (R), PENNSYLVANIA SENATE CANDIDATE: We obey the law. We pay our taxes. The government secures our border.

With a porous border, not only do we get illegal immigrants, we support cartels that are human trafficking and they're bringing opiates across the border.

Every state is truly a border state.


PAVLICH: Welcome back to this Special Edition of JUSTICE. Tonight, we are back taking a look at the major issues of 2021 and sharing predictions for the year ahead.

We turn now to the Biden border crisis and the dangerous surge of illegals and flow of fentanyl into America.

Here with more on all of this is Arizona Attorney General and U.S. Senate candidate Mark Brnovich.

Mr. Brnovich, thanks so much for joining us tonight. So I'm from Arizona, you're in Arizona. Tell us what's happening on the ground there as we head into yet another year under the Biden administration open border policies.

MARK BRNOVICH, ARIZONA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Well, Katie, as you know, nothing epitomizes the failure of the Biden administration more than the catastrophe they've created at our Southern border. And you know, frankly, I was hoping this Christmas, we would get a secure border. But instead, the only people that got gifts were the cartels and the people that have entered this country illegally in countries like Guatemala, and Honduras, and American taxpayers are paying for.

This is going to cost us not only in human treasure, but in human lives. As you know, we've seen a record amount of fentanyl flooding into this country, a record amount of people entering the country illegally. I mean, literally this year, it's like the entire population of Biden's home state of Delaware and Nebraska just in one year.

And then you throw on top of that the thousands of pounds of fentanyl coming into this country that's going to impact not only Arizona and Texas, but it's going to impact every city in this entire country. And that's why we need to continue to fight and push back against the Biden administration and just get them to do the right thing and that is making sure they secure our border because border security is not only National Security, it is community security.

PAVLICH: Yes, and Arizona families are paying for it in more ways than one, but you mentioned getting the Biden administration to do the right thing. What is the State of Arizona doing to do the right thing?

You know in Texas, they've used the Texas National Guard to bolster the border. They've sent Texas law enforcement vehicles to build their own blockade when the Border Patrol was overrun. They're building their own wall. I mean, what is the Governor doing to try and solve this problem in the ways that you can at the State level?

BRNOVICH: Well, I appreciate everything Governor Abbott is doing and it frustrates me as a constitutionalist and rule of law individual that it is the Federal government's job and the Biden administration's job to secure our border.

And so I have actually sued the Biden administration, everything from making sure they deport those people that have deportation orders so we don't have criminals and people charged with dangerous crimes being released into our community, to making sure they build a wall.

And actually, I'm going to be arguing a case at the U.S. Supreme Court in February, dealing with the public charge rule, where the Biden administration is literally giving taxpayer benefits and government welfare, essentially, to people that aren't even U.S. citizens.

It's not fair, Katie, as you know, to U.S. taxpayers and it is essentially incentivizing people to break the law and come here illegally. And you know, I'm a first generation American. My family comes from the former Yugoslavia, and people come here, because the rule of law means something and the Biden administration is essentially shredding that and shredding the Constitution in the process.

PAVLICH: So what is your message to Arizona families and families across the country because as we know, open borders affect every single state when we're seeing now the number one killer for young people ages 18 to 45 is fentanyl.

BRNOVICH: Katie, I know you know a lot about Arizona, and it breaks my heart when you see Pima County, the second largest county in Arizona. Fentanyl now is leading cause of death for our young folks. And so, just this year, we've seized nine million fentanyl pills, enough to kill the entire population of Arizona.

So this is a serious problem, and I just want folks to appreciate that I'm going to be fighting hard every day. I'm a middle class public school kid, first generation, and it breaks my heart when I see what the Biden administration has wrought upon this country.

The manmade disaster facing us as Americans is not climate change. It is the Southern border and the chaos that the Biden administration has brought not only to Arizona, but to this entire country.

PAVLICH: Absolutely, Attorney General, thank you so much for your time tonight.

BRNOVICH: Thank you, Katie.

PAVLICH: And good luck.

BRNOVICH: Thank you. Thanks.

PAVLICH: All right, up next, who will be the biggest winners and the biggest losers of 2022? Bold predictions from Tomi Lahren and Joe Concha straight ahead.


PAVLICH: Welcome back to this Special Edition of JUSTICE.

It's time now to break out the crystal ball and unveil who will be the biggest winners and losers of 2022. Not only that, my next guests will tell us what they believe will be the surprise of the year.

Joining me now, our FOX Nation host, Tomi Lahren and FOX News contributor, Joe Concha. So ladies first, Tomi, who is going to be the winner for 2022?

TOMI LAHREN, FOX NATION HOST: Well, I hope the winner is the American people. I hope it is freedom, because that was certainly a big loser in 2021 and I won't even say it was Republicans or patriots or people that value their personal medical freedom. I would say, it is Americans as a whole.

Because whether you voted for Joe Biden or you didn't, in 2021, under the leadership of this administration, you were a loser. So I hope in 2022, we all become winners, not only with our gas prices and our store supply shelves, but also when it comes to freedom and personal choice. And the only way we can ensure that is to fight for our freedoms and make sure we stop hemorrhaging them away for the protection of the Federal government, which we know has been failing at every turn.

PAVLICH: I like that. Joe, who are your winners?

JOE CONCHA, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Wow. Beauty before age, I think is the saying we want to say here, Katie.

Look, commonsense is my winner, all right for this year, because remember what we endured during this past craptastic year, a President trying to convince us that spending trillions of additional dollars via Build Back Better actually costs yellow zero dollars, looks down. Right?

So look, that kind of spending would lower inflation and reduce the deficit. That argument will go down as the worst con job we've heard since, you know, tobacco executives tried to tell us that smoking wasn't addictive, but in 2022, we're going to see more parents, for instance, reject the likes of critical race theory as we saw in Virginia.

We're going to see refunding the police, not defunding the police. We're going to see Nancy Pelosi retire for good as House Speaker. Her legacy probably in tatters because Americans will reject her party's attempts to expand government into every aspect of American life.

You know to win in 2022, Republicans just have to be pragmatic, right? Make the common sense arguments and forget riding a wave. We're looking at a red tsunami in November, given the situation with inflation, crime, education, and the border, Katie.

PAVLICH: Well, Tomi, when there are winners, they're of course, losers. So you've chosen a loser for 2022.

LAHREN: The loser is going to be tyranny, and I'm not even just going to say Democrats because if Democrats would wisen up and go the way of Kyrsten Sinema or Joe Manchin, they could actually be winners if they come back to the moderate side and think critically and think with freedom first.

But I think tyranny is going to be the loser. I think after two years of doing the same thing over and over again, and not solving the COVID problem, which our President has admitted there is no Federal solution, I think tyranny is going to lose and I hope that the winners are the American people because when tyranny loses, the American people win.

But like I said before, it is up to us. It's not just Republicans, it's up to Republicans to vote in America First candidates, but it's up to all of us to reject that tyranny and understand that the government is not protecting us, and we have to learn to protect ourselves and we can only do that through individual rights and freedom.

LAHREN: All right, Joe, who is your loser? Don't be to mean.

CONCHA: Oh, I have -- you know, Katie, I have CNN here. You know, there's going to be major upheaval coming there in 2022 after speaking to multiple people there. You know, people that are in a pretty high position, because when you lose three out of four viewers when compared to what the network was averaging in the first month of this year, think about that, 75 percent of the audience is gone.

When you're getting beat by TLC, HDTV, INSP and not one but two Hallmark Channels, change is needed to be made.

Look, CNN has no 9:00 PM host, they have almost no female anchors or hosts, with their own programs on that network. And now a second senior producer is now being accused of sex crimes against young girls. Ah, so we have not seen an entity fold and fail like this Katie, since, you know, the Afghan Army in Kabul.

So take it to the bank, the CNN you see now will not be the CNN that we will see when we're doing a segment like this in the beginning of 2023.

PAVLICH: All right, I'm taking it to the bank and I'm writing it down. And I'll come back to you a year from now, Joe, and we'll see if you're right.

CONCHA: Thank you, Katie.

PAVLICH: All right, Tomi, not everybody likes surprises, but we like surprises on this show. So, what do you think is going to be a big surprise this year?

LAHREN: I think the biggest surprise is you're going to see so many Democrats, so many formerly woke liberals come on over to the right side of history and start making better decisions.

I think wokeism is dead. I think Democrats are starting to realize that. You know, they spend months and months lying to themselves that this President was both effective and coherent. I think they're starting to realize that he is not.

And I think the biggest surprise is you're going to see so many of those former Trump-o-crats come on back, and they're going to vote with their pocketbook and they're going to have to vote red to do it.

PAVLICH: That would certainly be a big surprise. Thank you. That's a lot of faith you have going on with the Democrats changing their behavior, I guess.

Joe, what do you think is going to happen?

CONCHA: Okay, so Republicans take back the House, right? That is no surprise. It's a guarantee, as we spoke about before, but here's the surprise, okay.

The G.O.P. names Donald Trump, Speaker of the House. Remember, you don't have to be an elected official. Anybody can be it. I can, you can, Trump can.

All right, stick with me here. Okay. He accepts the job just so he can sit behind Joe Biden during the State of the Union, and make Trumpian faces when the President tries to take credit for something or, you know, or puts in some sort of like AOC like policy, right?

Trump then as House Speaker launches impeachment proceedings against the President and Vice President. Somehow those succeed, which means the Speaker of the House, him, is now President. And yes, I am, you know, 100 percent kidding about this -- kind of, well, maybe. I don't know. It's Trump, it could happen.

PAVLICH: I hope you're right. The faces behind the State of the Union would just be hilarious. Memes for days. Joe and Tomi, thank you so much. Happy New Year.

CONCHA: Yes. Thanks, Katie. Happy New Year.

PAVLICH: All right. Up next, the I.R.S. has a message for drug dealers and criminals. Don't forget to file your taxes. This story is so absurd you'll have to see it to believe it.

Stay tuned.







PAVLICH: Well, 30 years later and Homer's boo still rings true. The I.R.S. apparently believe this week that the best use of their time was to wag their finger at thieves and burglars telling them that they better report their illegal income, or else.

And if you'd hazard a guess that these reminders don't actually work, you'd be right. MarketWatch couldn't find a single tax professional who had ever heard from a bank robber concerned about their bags of cash, pushing them into the next tax bracket.

Joining me now to discuss this crazy story, Town Hall Managing Editor, Spencer Brown.

Spencer, you know, the I.R.S. going after everyone all the time, including criminals.

SPENCER BROWN, MANAGING EDITOR, TOWN HALL: Well, leave it to the I.R.S. to turn something that sounds more like a parody or a satire story into real life and a real policy that they actually have and that they're working on there.

And as far as I can tell, the only reason for trying to do this would be they're trying to scrape as much money and find as much extra tax revenue under people's sofas to pay for Joe Biden's ridiculous tax and spend agenda.

You know, this just makes no sense for why they would be trying to get criminals to fall in line with I.R.S. regulations. And there's that line about how taxation is theft. But in this case, the I.R.S. has turned theft into taxable income apparently.

PAVLICH: I mean, nobody ever said that criminals were the sharpest tools in the shed. Right? But the I.R.S. is saying that if you've taken a bribe, you should report it on your tax return. If you stole something, you should report it -- stolen property.

So my question is, if you're putting on your tax return, do you then get some kind of deduction for the tools that you've used to gain the income? Like do you get a deduction for like a ski mask when you rob a bank or a crowbar or something like that?

BROWN: Yes, I wonder what the deduction for a getaway car is? You know, I mean, it's the same ridiculous logic that you see from the gun control crowd, too.

I mean, they think that putting another law on the books in order to keep guns off the streets is going to be followed by people who are already breaking the law in the commission of their crime, and somehow they're not going to use a gun that the Federal government told them they can't have.

It's just -- it's ludicrous. But that's basically the MO for the Federal government at this point.

And to think that criminals are now going to be reporting their bribes or they're going to be reporting the value of the goods that they've stolen this year, maybe in some of those smash-and-grabs we've seen popping up around the country is just absolutely laughable, and it is more reason why people distrust the I.R.S. because if this is their best effort, in order to collect tax revenue in order to pay for Joe Biden or the congressional Democrats' agenda, it's just not going to happen.

PAVLICH: Well, this is of course, the same I.R.S. that Joe Biden and the Democrats want to give 80,000 additional agents and regular everyday people can't get a phone call back from the I.R.S., but they have time to be writing about reporting stolen goods on your tax return that you're not going to file as a criminal.

SPENCER: Oh, absolutely not. I don't think criminals are known for adherence to IRS guidelines, among other things. Obviously, you know them thinking that they're going to be able to get people -- criminals -- to file taxes on time or report everything is not the case.

PAVLICH: Well, tax season is coming, Spencer Brown. Thank you for joining us. Happy New Year. See you soon.

That's it for us tonight in the Special New Year's Day Edition of JUSTICE.

Thanks so much for watching. Judge Jeanine will be back next Saturday night.

"Unfiltered" with Dan Bongino is up next.


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