Jesse Watters: The true origin of COVID

This is a rush transcript from "Watters' World," May 8, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Breaking tonight: brand new information backing the lab leak theory of COVID-19. This, as President Biden hasn't even bothered to ask China about it. There could be a reason for that involving Dr. Anthony Fauci, and the scientific community may be covering it all up.

Why? For money.

Nicholas Wade, an investigative reporter who covered science for almost 30 years at "The New York Times" just wrote an article breaking down the likely origin of the coronavirus that's killed over three million people worldwide.

In the 30-page article, he explores all the evidence behind the two competing theories. The lab theory versus the nature theory, wet market.

Wade singles out two groups that pushed the theory that COVID sprang randomly from nature and not a lab, and one group wrote an opinion piece on March 17, 2020 in "The Journal of Nature Medicine."

The authors were a group of virologists led by Kristian Andersen from Scripps Research Institute and the letter said this: "Our analysis clearly shows that SARS-CoV-2 is not a lab construct or a purposefully manipulated virus." But it looks like no one in the virology community checked the work of these five virologists. It is puzzling, isn't it? Because their hypothesis is full of holes.

Wade explains the motivations. "Careers can be destroyed for stepping out of line. Any virologist who challenges the community's declared view risks having his next grant application turned down by the panel of fellow virologists that advises the government on grant distribution agency."

Bottom line, too much money was at stake.

Take Peter Daszak, President of EcoHealth Alliance of New York. Now, he drafted the "Lancet" letter, which was also widely used by the media to push the anti-lab leak theory. That letter stated: "We stand together to strongly condemn conspiracy theories suggesting that COVID-19 does not have a natural origin."

Now Peter's organization funded coronavirus research at the Wuhan Institute, the place where many believe the virus escaped from. Pretty big conflict of interest here. The guy who funded the risky virus research at the Wuhan lab calls claims the virus escaped from there a conspiracy theory.

So how do we know that a virus like this was in a lab being studied and that got out and we'd have no vaccine? Because Peter said so in December of 2019. Listen.


PETER DASZAK, PRESIDENT, ECOHEALTH ALLIANCE OF NEW YORK: Then we started looking, where did they come from? And we went out to southern China and did surveillance of bats across southern China and we've now found after, you know, six or seven years of doing this, over a hundred new SARS related coronaviruses, very close to SARS, some of them get into human cells in the lab and some of them can cause SARS disease in humanized mouse models and are untreatable with therapeutic monoclonals and you can't vaccinate against some of the vaccine.

So this is clear and present danger.

I think coronavirus is a pretty good, I mean, you're a virologist, you know all this stuff, but you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily. The spike protein drives a lot of what happens with coronavirus, zoonotic risk.


WATTERS: So when John Roberts asked President Trump this in April of 2020, it makes sense.


JOHN ROBERTS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CHIEF WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Mr. President. multiple sources are telling FOX News today that the United States government now has high confidence that while the coronavirus is a naturally occurring virus, it emanated from a virology lab in Wuhan that because of lax safety protocols, an intern was infected, who later infected her boyfriend, and then went to the wet market in Wuhan, where it began to spread.

Does that correspond with what you have heard from researchers?

DONALD TRUMP, THEN PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Well, I don't want to say that, John, but I will tell you more and more we're hearing the story and we'll see.


WATTERS: But Peter did an interview with Democracy Now right after that blasting the lab theory.


DASZAK: Well, first the idea that this virus escaped from the lab is just pure baloney. It's simply not true. I've been working with that lab for 15 years and the samples collected were collected by me and others in collaboration with our Chinese colleagues. They are some of the best scientists in the world.

There was no viral isolate in the lab. There was no cultured virus that is anything related to SARS-Coronavirus-2, so it's just not possible.

And might you say, it's really a politicization of the origins of a pandemic and it is really unfortunate, the stories as President Trump said he has been hearing have been around since day one of the outbreak. And they're around in every outbreak, every single outbreak of a novel virus, somebody somewhere says, well, this has been manufactured in a lab.


WATTERS: So if it wasn't from the lab, then it had to be just randomly from nature. So let's look at that theory.

Nicholas Wade explains this in his article about natural emergence. "What became clear was that the Chinese had no evidence to offer the Commission in support of the natural emergence theory. This was surprising because both the SARS-1 and MERS virus had left copious traces in the environment."

"The intermediary host species of SARS-1 was identified within four months of the epidemic's outbreak and the host of MERS within nine months, yet some 15 months after SARS-2 pandemic began, and after a presumably intensive search, Chinese researchers had failed to find either the original bat population or the intermediate species to which SARS-2 might have jumped, or any serological evidence that any Chinese population including that of Wuhan had ever been exposed to the virus prior to December 2019."

Wade points out that the lab theory is probable. Virologists believe they can get ahead of a potential pandemic by conducting what's called Gain of Function experiments, and these experiments manipulate natural viruses to make them more deadly to humans. And then they can work backwards to invent vaccines to cure it.

These are incredibly risky experiments, incredibly risky.

Researchers retrieve bats from caves, study the coronaviruses in the lab and perform these Gain of Function experiments increasing their ability to attack human cells in order to get a jump on these vaccines in development.

So, how do we know all this? Because our own government several years ago, partially under the direction of Dr. Anthony Fauci helped fund this type of risky research.

"Shi Zeng-li saying Lee or 'bat lady' (as she's referred to) set out to create novel coronaviruses with the highest possible infectivity for human cells. And this information would help predict the likelihood of 'spillover,' the jump of a coronavirus from bats to people."

"It cannot yet be stated that she did or did not generate SARS-2 in her lab because her records have been sealed, but it seems she was certainly on the right track to have done so."

The scientific community is beginning to splinter.

Earlier this year, Bill Maher had two biologists on the show that said this about the lab theory.


BILL MAHER, TALK SHOW HOST: The virus did start in the lab. It would almost be a conspiracy theory to think it didn't start in the lab. Right?

BRET WEINSTEIN, BIOLOGIST: This virus attacks so many different tissues in the body, it does not seem natural. The fact that it does not, at least at the beginning did not seem to transmit outdoors nearly at all is very conspicuous.

I mean, after all, most animals live outdoors. So a virus that seems to be adapted to indoor transmission is a bit conspicuous.


WATTERS: Joining me now is the author of the piece and investigative science writer, Nicholas Wade.

So thank you for writing this article. I think every American should read what you've written, Nicholas. What I was struck by initially was the fact that the scientific community really coalesced around, I would say, almost propaganda, shutting down any lab leak theory hypothesis and labeling it a conspiracy theory and you're saying there may have been a motivation that we don't know about behind that. Tell us about that.

NICHOLAS WADE, INVESTIGATIVE SCIENCE WRITER: Well, thanks, Jesse. You had a very good summary of the story.

There has been a wall of silence from virologists on this issue, and as you've indicated, they do have a lot at stake because they have been doing these Gain of Function of experiments for about 20 years and they do have enormous risks attached to them, and it would seem, especially if the virus did indeed escape from Dr. Shi's lab that there was a big miscalculation of the size of these risks.

So what we've had, so far, just two statements by virologists, the ones you mentioned, one of them Dr. Daszak in "The Lancet," and one headed by Kristian Andersen in "Nature Medicine." And these sort of dismissed any contrary view as a conspiracy theory and insisted that the virus emerged naturally, and all other virologists have sort of got in line behind those two statements, even though as you mentioned, they are full of holes.

So I think they realized that if it does end up that this was a lab leak, there's going to be enormous blowback and people are going to be asked what they hell they have been doing.

WATTERS: Exactly. And it's just inconceivable how experiments like this were taking place in a lab that was just not up to snuff in terms of safety protocol. And it seemed like people were aware of the fact that this lab in Wuhan did not have the right protocols in place during these experiments.

Explain to the audience the mounting evidence that this virus, you know, was in bats originally, but then was somehow manipulated in a lab?

WADE: Well, first of all, we didn't actually know that it ever was in bats. I mean, one of its ancestors must have come from bats because since it's very closely related to other known bat viruses.

But the evidence that it may have been manipulated comes on several fronts. One, I think, is that, from the very start, it was very well adapted to humans, but most other viruses of this type, when they spill over, they take a long time, they take many mutations to get themselves into a really good pathogen. This one was there from the start.

Now you can easily explain that if you assume it has been grown in what they call humanized mice, so a standard tool in the lab for studying these viruses, obviously, you can test a lot on people. So you genetically engineer a mice so that the cells of their airways have human proteins and then it looks to the virus just like a human airway.

So if you've got these viruses in humanized mice and they escape, well, of course, they're going to be very good at attacking human cells. That's one big indication that the virus may have been manipulated.

Another, of course, is the very risk, a commonsense one, it broke out in Wuhan, the pandemic broke out in Wuhan, which is the home of China's leading lab looking into this type of virus.

So it's very hard on the natural emergence scenario to imagine how the virus broke out someplace else, built itself up into a real good human pathogen and without infecting anyone else, the guy who was infected jumped on a train to Wuhan, didn't infect anyone on the train and it was only when he got to Wuhan that he started spreading. It does -- it just doesn't make a lot of sense.

WATTERS: So before we go, we now know -- and this has been documented -- that I believe, it was under the Obama administration that there was funding sent from our government to these labs in Wuhan and Dr. Fauci and someone else actually approved this type of risky Gain of Function research at the lab.

Do you think that that's a reason why the United States has been so touchy about confronting China because our tax dollars may have funded some of this risky research?

WADE: Which is a very interesting issue. I think we should not have jumped to judgment on it because the facts are really not very clear. It's certainly true that the National Institutes of Health was funding this research over many years and it did so despite a moratorium on funding these experiments, which was followed by a reporting system within the agency, funding dangerous research was required to oppose it.

So the N.I.H. funded this through the moratorium, invading a loophole that allowed research to continue if it was great in the public interest or if there was some national security implication, and then falling when this reporting regime repressed moratorium, again, the N.I.H. did not report this research.

So we just didn't know what was going on or why the N.I.H. behaved in this way. Now, it's very possible it seems to me that national security may have been at the bottom of it because by funding this research at this sort of leading Chinese lab, we had a window of kinds into perhaps what the Chinese military was doing.

But it remains to be seen, there is a lot more to come out here.

WATTERS: Wow. Yes, I mean, that's just kind of layers of espionage that I don't know if we'll ever get to bottom of.

All right, Nicholas, thank you so much. This was an exhaustive article that every American should read if they are interested at all about what and how we now find ourselves with three million human beings dead because of this. Thank you.

WADE: Thanks, Jesse.

WATTERS: Cartel smugglers outfoxing Joe Biden at the border. We discover their secrets in the desert. A "Special Report" ahead.


WATTERS: Open borders Biden not just letting migrants flood into the country, he is also helping the cartels smuggle in a record amount of drugs.

Seizures of the extremely deadly drug, fentanyl, increased by a whopping 233 percent between March of this year and last. Cartel expert, Jaeson Jones just returned from the Arizona border. He is here with an exclusive look at how cartels are smuggling so much product on under Biden's watch.

All right so what's the strategy down there in the desert?

JAESON JONES, CARTEL EXPERT: Well, right now unfortunately, you know C.B.P. and local and other state law enforcement agencies are just being overrun and the data shows that.

We've got preliminary data coming in now that shows that for the month of April, 177,000 people are going to be apprehended along the southwest border just in a 30-day period.

But there's also another number we've gotten access to, Jesse, which is that 42,000 were known to have gotten away from C.B.P. officials and I want to stress those are known meaning that a C.B.P. official witnessed an individual getting through the border either a sensor picked them up or they had a sign, so we're at record numbers and the thing that really concerns me right now is as we go from border security to migrant care, which is exactly what the Federal agencies are forced to do, more drugs ...

WATTERS: Man, they are babysitting.

JONES: ... and more fentanyl are coming into this country right now than ever before.

WATTERS: So, they distract with babysitting, you know, they have little babysitting centers set up and Biden is playing heed and seek with media there, oh, look, no crisis, no kids and then they just stash about 1,200 children in a building next door.

So that's the cartel's strategy, though, right? Flood the zone with the kids and then sneak the narcotics around the other side.

How do they go about not being detected in the desert? Because there's got to be, you know, more than sensors out there, right, we have to have a little manpower?

JONES: Yes, no, we spent a week in Arizona just outside a community known as Casa Grande, and now, I want to stress, this is 70 miles from the border, so we have cartel operations that deep having or occurring in the United States, and I met with law enforcement and private citizens and what they do is, the Sinaloa specifically is pushing their scouts into the mountain where is they'll set up to two weeks at a time and communicate on two-way handheld encrypted radios back to what they call Central in Mexico so they can move their drugs into the United States.

And it is really interesting, they have what are known as debris fields, 70 miles into the country where these operators with the Sinaloa are wearing camouflage hats, backpack on their chest and their back and all across, but they also cover their shoes.

They cover their shoes with what is known as a carpet shoe and you're seeing one here that I've got, and they wear these things and they'll move 10 miles day into the United States every day for about seven days straight. They get to one of these debris fields, they drop all of their camouflage clothing, and then they get the drugs and they throw them into a waiting vehicle and off they go and this is happening back to back ...

WATTERS: Pull that shoe one more time.

JONES: ... 70 miles into the country.

WATTERS: Let me see the shoe again because, you know, when I used to play games in the yard and the woods with my buddies when I was a little kid, I used to just put a bunch of mud on the bottom of my shoes so they couldn't hear me creeping up and breaking twigs and leaves and -- I mean, it looks like we're just getting outfoxed.

They have radios. They have tactical gear. They have specialized footwear.

I don't know if Joe Biden is up to the job. I have got to be honest.

Jaeson, thank you very much and I hope everyone pays attention with what's going on because fentanyl is a killer, straight up.

JONES: And it is coming. And I just want to stress, it is coming, it really is.

WATTERS: It really is, and we see it in the death toll.

Biden's puppet masters: a WATTERS' WORLD investigation into Biden's brain trust. Who is really running the show?


JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Welcome to "FOX News Live." I'm Jon Scott.

The heart of New York City in lockdown right now after a shooting leaves three people in the hospital including a four-year-old girl.

Law enforcement says a dispute occurred around 5:00 p.m. Eastern. Sometime during the argument, one person pulled out a gun and shot the three victims. There is a person of interest, but the investigation is still going on.

And one of the largest pipelines on the East Coast has stopped all operations after a ransomware attack left Colonial Pipeline crippled. The cyber breach occurred sometime yesterday afternoon with one senator indicating the attack came from overseas. This particular pipeline is critical to the nation's infrastructure as it carries more than 45 percent of the East Coast's fuel supply.

I'm Jon Scott. I'll be back tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. Eastern for an all new "FOX Report." Now back to WATTERS' WORLD.

WATTERS: WATTERS' WORLD investigation: who is really running the Biden administration? Not Joe, it is his puppet masters.

Just over a hundred days in and we know Joe likes to keep a low profile, that's for sure. He doesn't hold a lot of events, he is in bed pretty early each night and he likes to avoid answering questions. Maybe this is why.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm sorry. I'm going to -- this is the last question I'll take. Then, I'm really going to be in trouble.


WATTERS: You're probably wondering who would he get in trouble with? He is the President. So who were the five people pulling all the strings?

This according to POLITICO.

Biden's brain trust is dominating the decision making at the White House. They have to approve everything. Biden doesn't make a lot of the decision. Aides complain because every decision must go through his handlers, even the smallest hire.

Decision making is incredibly slow, Biden is governing in a bubble. Almost nobody is allowed to see Biden in the Oval except a very small select group of people.

Number one, Ron Klain, White House Chief of Staff is at the top. He is obsessed with reducing any Biden family scandals, especially those involving Hunter. So he has a lot on his plate.

He has been working with Biden for Decades. He was Chief Counsel when Biden led the Senate Judiciary Committee, Chief of Staff when Biden was VP, the Ebola response coordinator under Obama and he has even admitted the Obama administration did every possible thing wrong on the swine flu.

Klain is a lobbying king. His Big Tech connections from his lobbying days are endless, a major score for the Biden administration. He was a part of the Executive Council of Silicon Valley's lobbying arm in Washington. He has also lobbied for CNN's parent company, AOL-Time Warner.

He was a venture capitalist, of course, until he came to the White House.

Dark money? Klain is all over it, involved with groups like the Center for American Progress just to name a big one.

Klain is a rank partisan. According to CNN, Republicans were frustrated with Klain during the Oval Office meeting in February, where he was calling all the shots, not Biden, and shaking his head no every time a Republican senator even presented one idea.

Next up, Steve Ricchetti, Biden's counselor. He has been pulling strings in Biden's life for a long, long time. He also worked in both the Obama and the Clinton administrations, very swampy.

According to "New York Times" sources, Ricchetti has overseen lots of Biden's financial and personal decisions, in addition to his political ones. He was the one who made his seven-figure book deal happen, and his book tour that brought him over $15 million. He is Biden's money man.

Ricchetti is also a well-known lobbyist, of course, his own lobbying firm raking in millions of dollars. His clients are some of the top corporate companies in America -- AT&T, Pfizer, General Motors, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Dow Chemical just to name a few. He has his hand in every major market.

According to "The New York Times," his connections to K Street, the lobbying hub and the Clintons was a problem for -- get this -- Obama. It turns out several Obama advisers tried to stop Biden from hiring machete during the Obama administration, but Biden fought back. Why would Biden want him so bad? Well, he has helped make big bucks for Biden and is well connected to Corporate America.

Then there's Mike Donilon, Biden's senior adviser. He also worked in the Obama administration serving as a top aide for then VP Biden. He has worked with Biden dating all the way back to '81 when Biden was a senator. He knows him well. Donilon, nicknamed the "Biden Whisperer" is known for being a message guru.

Just before Biden took office, "The New York Times" wrote, "President-elect Joseph R. Biden, Jr. is delivering a message of cooperation and conciliation as he prepares to move into the White House. It's Mike Donilon's message."

Donilon probably loses his mind when Biden veers from the script that he wrote for him.

Before coming to the White House, Donilon was Managing Partner of MCD Strategies, a media consulting firm, where he made over four mil. Two of his big clients, the Democratic National Convention Committee and the Biden campaign.

Donilon, a bit of a grifter. Well, we'll wait and see about that.

Biden's Deputy Chief of Staff, Bruce Reed worked in the Clinton presidency as Director of Domestic Policy Council and Chief Domestic Policy adviser. He worked very closely with Biden to pass the '94 Crime Bill. He also worked in the Obama administration, of course as Chief of Staff to then VP Biden.

Reed used to be the President of The Broad Foundation focusing on education. No surprise here. The Broad Foundation's individual donations have swayed far left over 90 percent of them coming from the Broads themselves.

They donated thousands to Biden in 2020. They donated over a million in March 2020 to the LCV Victory Fund created to help elect environmental champions handle climate change. And the LCV Victory Fund spent millions in our last election to run ads slamming Trump and promoting Biden.

They've also donated hundreds of thousands to D.N.C. services. It could explain maybe the hold up and reopening schools.

Then there is Stef Feldman, Biden's longtime aide, turned climate champion, a staple of Biden's circle. Feldman's Biden's policy guru and a huge ideologue.

According to E&E News, Feldman is behind the $2 trillion plan for climate change and clean energy jobs. They credit her with a lot of the executive orders Biden passed including killing Keystone. She said Biden was so proud to stop it.

Feldman's goal, she says, is to create clean energy plants.

But over a hundred days into the administration and all she has done is puppet master Joe into killing thousands of good union jobs.

Now, outside of those five, there is also Susan Rice, head of the White House Domestic Policy Council and the Obama connection. Many believe Rice is controlled by the Obamas and is working their agenda from within the Biden White House.

So next time, Biden says he might get into trouble, you know why? There's key people running the Joe Show, and it's unclear if Biden is one of them.

Next, a rash of hate crimes and racial attacks the media is hiding from America. Gruesome. Why? We will explain.


WATTERS: The media is all about power. If they can't exploit a story, they'll just totally ignore it. The racial attacks we're about to show you are barely being covered by the mainstream media. Why? Because they were committed by African-Americans, and that doesn't fit their narrative.

Two Asian women attacked with a cement brick as they were closing their liquor store in Baltimore. One needed 25 stitches on her head. Daryl Doyles is charged with two counts of aggravated assault.

A horrifying hammer attack in New York City, an Asian woman was hit in the head after refusing to take off her mask when confronted by a stranger.

In East Harlem, an Asian man walking down the street minding his own business was stomped on and left in a coma. Jarrod Powell is now charged with a hate crime for that assault.

And synagogues destroyed in the Bronx. Four different ones vandalized during an 11-day crime spree. Windows and doors shattered and prayer books ruined. Jordan Burnette is facing hate crime charges but was set free without bail. Of course.

Why didn't the media splash these attacks all over their shows like they do with other cases? I think we know.

Black Republican Senator Tim Scott was attacked for saying America isn't a racist country. Gary O'Connor, the Lamar County, Texas Democratic Party chair who is white posted on Facebook, "I had hoped that Scott might show some common sense, but it seems clear he's a little more than an Oreo with no real principles."

Where's the media coverage on that?

MSNBC host, Tiffany Cross took it a step further.


TIFFANY CROSS, MSNBC HOST: The sole black Republican in the Senate sounded a stoned fool -- lucky for McConnell he has his own pet dancer to try and reorient the view of America for him.

There are two sides to every token, so thirsty for white approval.

Please Senator, say more about how un-racist the country is why you trot out that tired line about going from cotton to Congress to clowns.


WATTERS: Joining me now, conservative commentator and author, filmmaker and host of "Dinesh D'Souza Podcast," Dinesh D'Souza.

All right, so Dinesh, it looks like to me that the mainstream media in the beginning, when there were a few, I guess, white attacks on Asian-Americans -- remember that shooting spree at the massage parlors -- that got blown up and we heard for weeks about the rise in hate crime attacks against Asians.

But then if you look further, a lot of these attacks are committed by African-Americans and the media just dropped it. And that leads me to wonder, are they covering for the black American community because there's some sort of bargain if they kind of sweep these things under the rug, they'll continue to vote Democrat.


I think that what's going on here is that the left has a narrative that they are -- they are trying to fit the facts into the narrative. They don't develop the narrative in response to facts.

So even if you start with the massage parlor shooting in Atlanta, they discovered very quickly that this was really not racially motivated. The guy apparently had some kind of a sex problem. He had a problem with the massage parlors, and so disproportionately, he had harmed Asian-Americans, but not exclusively Asian-Americans.

Now, the truth of it is, there are a lot of assaults in the country going on against Asian-Americans and I think for one reason alone, Asian- Americans are far and away the most successful minority in the country.

Now, remarkably, they're successful not because they've been discriminating against anybody, because they've been outperforming everybody. This is true on every measure of academic performance. It's also true on every measure of economic success.

If you made a list of ethnic groups in the country, Asian-Indians come out on top, then it's Chinese-Americans, and it's Japanese-Americans and down the list you go, whites are really down toward the middle.

So right away that simple fact blows out of the water this nonsense about white privilege. Whites can't be asked to give up their privilege because they don't have any.

Now you can't start talking about Asian-American privilege because there's no privilege, the Asians have earned their success. A lot of the black attacks on Asian-Americans, I think, are explained by a very simple fact. Members of the least successful ethnic group in the country are attacking members of the most successful ethnic group in the country and the obvious explanation is envy.

People at the bottom envy people at the top. They are particularly angry because these people at the top are coming into inner cities. They are being successful. They're moving out to suburban neighborhoods. They're buying nice houses, their kids are doing well in schools and so, it is like these unsuccessful people are like "what the heck" and so they take out their anger, their frustration, their resentment on these Asian-Americans, and of course, the left which knows that this is what's going on comes and goes, "It's really white supremacy, don't believe your lying eyes. It's really white supremacy that's the root cause," that's a favorite phrase "root cause" of all these problems.

WATTERS: So you're saying it's a socioeconomic factor that Asian-Americans are setting up shop in black communities and the inner cities that have been successful from a financial standpoint and you're saying perhaps the less successful, African-Americans are angry and jealous at that success and are in taking it out on innocent people.

Yes, we have seen that to a certain extent. I don't know if it explains everything, but that definitely could be a factor. Dinesh D'Souza, thank you so much for coming on WATTERS' WORLD.

D'SOUZA: My pleasure.

WATTERS: Cancel culture coming for Disney, you won't believe what they're upset about this time.


WATTERS: Stacey Abrams is peddling a lot of fiction these days, but this might take the cake. She wrote romance novels under the pen name a Selena 20 years ago. Did you know that?

The first three of her steamy collection, "The Rules of Engagement," The Art of Desire" and "Power of Persuasion." They're being reissued next year, the same year is the 2022 Georgia gubernatorial election, which she may or may not run in.

I guess they're hard to get, we tried to get our hands on some, even used copies are selling for upwards of a hundred bucks.

Abrams says the books quote: "Showcase women of color as nuanced, determined, and exciting."

Joining me now, FOX News contributor, Raymond Arroyo who is also very nuanced and exciting.


WATTERS: Raymond, it is pretty steamy. What's the read on this?

ARROYO: Well, you know, Jesse, I actually tracked a few of these down. I admit, I downloaded them onto my Kindle, thanks to you and your producers, I don't know why you made me go down this path, but here we are.

Look, this is my big takeaway.

WATTERS: It's just me, okay.

ARROYO: Yes, this is you. When you have titles like "Hidden Sins," "Secrets, Lies and Deceptions" as a politician, it not the best look, okay. And a lot of the reviewers salute the eroticism of Selena Montgomery/Stacey Abrams. I don't know about you, but I don't care about the eroticism of politicians.

In fact, if Trump or Brian Kemp or Marjorie Taylor Greene decided to show us their erotic side, I would probably cover my eyes and never download that to any Kindle or any other device I have.

But here we are Stacey Abrams --

WATTERS: I had to idea.

ARROYO: Go ahead.

WATTERS: She was such an erotic person. I thought ...

ARROYO: Well, that's what they are saying.

WATTERS: She was just into voting rights, it is a whole another layer that it is just fascinating.

ARROYO: You've got it.

WATTERS: I can't wait to get my hands on these books. It seems like a great beach read.

ARROYO: We will do a romantic reading one week, Jesse.

WATTERS: All right, cancel culture -- please, no. Please. No, no, no, that's okay.

Please tell us, Raymond, the cancel culture is coming for Disneyland. They don't like Prince Charming. What did he do?

ARROYO: Well, there were two San Francisco reporters who were objecting to the update of the Snow White attraction. You see it there where the Prince Charming kisses Snow White and brings her back to life.

They say the kiss is without a consent, now -- and therefore it's not true love. Now, look, Jesse. I mean, if these two are worried about making fairy tales, bringing them into the woke adult reality that we have to live in today, why aren't they concerned about a stepmother who tried to poison a minor, paid an assassin to rip her heart out? Or the fact that you have a minor living in the woods with seven strange little men?

I mean, that's far more disturbing to me as a father than, you know, the guy kissing her to bring her back to life. That's what EMS workers do, Jesse.

This is called the kiss of life, by the way, if it happens on the street. It's a good thing. Leave them alone.

WATTERS: Yes. You're saving some girl's life and you're getting grief for it. Unbelievable.

All right, Raymond, you wanted to talk to us about these global warming freaks that they don't want us to have cats and dogs. They don't even want me to have Rookie, my beautiful mini poodle. They think that's going to kill the environment. What pets do they want us to get instead?

ARROYO: Well, look, Jesse, this is all a piece. The truth of the matter is to be carbon neutral, they would prefer to have no organic life on the planet, except for plants and I guess, them to comment on everybody.

Their objection is poop bags, the meaty meals that these animals eat, and the fact that kitty litter poisons the environment.

Now look, my feeling is the only pet they're comfortable with is the old pet rock maybe or the digi pet. Maybe those are the only ones we're going to be able to have.

Believe me, it starts with the pets, the next stop, they want to get rid of our kids, Jesse. Protect Junior, Jesse. Lock him up and hide him away. They're coming for him next. All those diapers and the formula, the plastic tops -- oh, forget it. This is a problem. Everything from the car seat, it's all non-carbon neutral I am sure. You're a triple footprint in that household.

WATTERS: You can't cancel. Junior. Junior is un-cancelable and yes, there is a big footprint, you should see the diapers. Unbelievable.

ARROYO: I agree. That's part of the deal.

WATTERS: Raymond Arroyo, He is going to go read some Stacey Abrams novels, right now.

ARROYO: All right, my friends. Yes, I'm going to go rehearse my dramatic reading.

WATTERS: Thanks, Raymond.

ARROYO: Thank you.

WATTERS: All right, still need a last minute Mother's Day gift. Of course, you do. I have the perfect idea. Last call.


WATTERS: Mother's Day is tomorrow and if you're still looking for the perfect gift, do I have an idea for you? A signed copy of "How I Saved the World." Moms love me, so why not?

Now, you won't get the physical copy in time for Mother's Day, but you will get a special certificate that you can just print at home and let mom know that a signed copy is going to be on our steps on July 6th.

The only way to do this go to That's Do that now because I know you don't have a gift. Just do it now. Print this out right here and it looks nice.

Make mom happy and have a Happy Mother's Day to my mom, otherwise known as Mom Text. And happy first Mother's Day to Emma

That's all for tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. "JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE" is next and remember, I'm Watters and this is my world.

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