'The Ingraham Angle' on report showing CDC held COVID data from public

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," February 21, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham, and this is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. As we have probably heard earlier in the hour, Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian troops into regions of Ukraine that he claims now are independent. We're going to be monitoring events there. We'll bring you an update shortly, a lot happening on the ground, but to more immediate and serious issues closer to home.

Well, Canada continues its descent into tyranny, authorities even assaulting a journalist covering the protest. She joins us exclusively in moments. Plus, we also just learned that our own CDC has been hiding key data, how surprising on COVID from the public and the reasons why are truly shameful. My medicine cabinet is here. And facial underwear, maybe that's better left unseen. But Raymond Arroyo is here for a truly disgusting edition of Seen and Unseen. But first, birds of a feather. That's the focus of tonight's angle.

So, two men, 29 years apart in age, one just turned 50. He's kind of the political pinup boy of the socialist set, and the other is 79 and closer to a grandfather you visit in the memory care unit. But the similarities between these two leaders and their political parties are striking.

First, they both abuse their COVID powers. Now Biden's vaccine mandates which have been repeatedly blocked by our courts, it caused chaos across our economy and throughout the military even. These mandates have made the shortage of health care workers in the United States even worse, and our children have been harmed beyond measure by Biden and his party slavish devotion to the anti-science demands of teachers' unions.

If Biden could be as draconian as Canada, he would have, if it wasn't for the Republican led states that ended lockdowns early and rejected a lot of these COVID mandates. But Trudeau found out that even Canadians have their limit when he imposed nonsensical vaccine and testing requirements for truckers returning from the U.S.

Now what the parents rising up at school board meetings were to the Biden administration. The trucker convoys protesting the vax mandates were to Justin Trudeau's government. Now in both countries, regular working class people, they just been pushed too far by the elites who truly seem to just enjoy bossing him around. And the growing support for parents' rights here and the truckers' rights up north have brought out the worst in both leaders.

Now according to the Biden DOJ, a mom who's just passionate about keeping her child's school open and speaks out against idiotic masks rules, even for outdoor sports. And she's kind of like the new al Qaeda. Our own FBI sees her as a bigger threat than the criminals running wild in the city streets, or the cartels and human traffickers operating seemingly now with impunity on our southern border.

According to Trudeau and his globalist goons, the large numbers of Sikh immigrants who came out to support the Canadian truckers were basically Nazis and white supremacist, just waving swastikas. It's all disgusting, and they're all lies. But the Sikhs who are shamelessly smear just like the school board members, well, they took the high road.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I love my freedom and my liberty as much as everybody does. And I hate the government telling me what to do with force. That's all I'm here for. It's about choice. It's not about vaccine. And we are all together. We're all Canadians. We're all truckers.


INGRAHAM: We're all together and we're all Canadians, he said, The most chilling aspect of Trudeau's response though, was the crack down on individual bank accounts and other digital currency, no court orders whatsoever. The local interim police commissar says clearing the street though that was just the beginning.


STEVE BELL, OTTAWA POLICE SERVICE CHIEF: If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges. Absolutely. When this investigation will go on for months to come, it will be a complicated and time consuming investigation that will go on for a period of time.


INGRAHAM: A period of time, complex, huge largest ever. Now, where have I heard that before.


DR. PAUL OFFIT, PEDIATRICIAN: In the aftermath of the attack, the Justice Department began its work on what has become one of the largest, most complex and most resource intensive investigations in our history.


INGRAHAM: No end in sight. A 100 plus U.S. attorneys working on January 6th, still. Now despite federal law enforcement trying to paint January 6th as some wide-ranging conspiracy run by insurrectionists or even potential domestic terrorists. We learned that the vast majority of defendants, this was last year by the way, were charged with misdemeanor trespassing and have no or limited criminal histories. Many are employed have stable family and community ties and many are military vets, according to the records.

The more unpopular though Biden and his policies become, the more he and the Democrats return to January 6th. They're even reinstalling the fencing around the Capitol. This is costing taxpayers millions and gives our Capitol a prison, kind of prison camp like look and feel. But Pelosi and her whole crew, they don't care. It's the symbolism of that fencing that they crave to link any protest, any dissent that shows up in Washington with the rioters who stormed the Capitol.

Something else that Biden and Trudeau share though, is that they both refuse to relinquish their emergency powers. They're like baby baboons clinging to their mother's underbelly. They're holding on for dear life, afraid of being eaten by the predators below, or defeated by the voters who are just sick of them. Biden just extended the National Emergency Declaration that was first issued in March of 2020 by President Trump. Keeping it going now is a complete scam, a power grab and red flag.

Mark my words, in a month or so, he'll find some other bogus rationale to extend it again. Right through the midterms. And breaking, just moments ago, Canada's parliament voted to extend the emergency powers of Biden's wonder twin, Justin Trudeau, who earlier today made it clear that democracy won't be returning anytime soon.


JUSTIN TRUDEAU, CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER: This state of emergency is not over. People being out there indicating that they are ready to blockade, to continue their illegal occupations to disrupt Canadian's lives. We feel that this measure needs to remain in place.


INGRAHAM: Successful governments with a free and prosperous people, they don't need to use extraordinary measures, threats, false accusations, intimidation against large groups of their own people protesting peacefully. Criminal statutes already exists for those who broke the law on January 6th, and any who broke the actual laws among the truckers.

Using some wide-ranging investigation as a political tool of intimidation and fear is just despicable. It's what China does. But Justin always did have kind of a thing for the CCP.


TRUDEAU: There's a level of admiration I actually have for China. Their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime.


INGRAHAM: He and Xi have always been kind of tight. Well, sometimes people reveal themselves though. When you think of Biden like he's just like Trudeau because they kind of have an affinity for China, but they can't really say it, be all that obvious. But sometimes politicians do reveal themselves. Like Biden did back in 2013 when he attempted a joke that fell flat at this U.S. China conference. Remember, Biden was vice president at the time and this was right after Xi was elevated by the CCP to become President of China.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I've had the great pleasure and honor of spending a fair amount of time with President Xi, you get to know one another and we ended up spending about 10 days together when I congratulated him on his elevation. I asked if he could possibly help me, but he made no commitment whatsoever. But all kidding aside.


INGRAHAM: Have you ever seen that one before? But now the joke's on us and the Canadian since we're both stuck at least for a while with these two wannabe strong men. In the end, both their policies and their tactics are weak. And in time, they're going to both be sent packing by a public who just wants competence, freedom and clarity. And that's the angle.

And speaking of Trudeau's affinities for the Chinese, well, some of the thuggish tactics used by authorities in Ottawa must have had Xi smiling. Here's what happened to my next guest, a reporter for Rebel News.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now is the journalist who you just saw, Alexa Lavoie. Alexa, thank you very much for joining us tonight. What did we just see in that video?

ALEXA LAVOIE, REBEL NEWS REPORTER: First of all, thank you for receiving me on your show. What we saw - it's a - since the beginning of the freedom convoys since to the 28th of January, I report on the ground every day. And I wanted to be on the frontline to see the interaction between the police officer and the protester, because it's always there, that all the action is on and as well, I wanted to see if you have any violence coming from all the protester or the police.

And so, I was there reporting and my microphone, my Rebel News reach (ph) on my neck. And so, when the first shot of the gas tear gun was shot and I screamed, because I was in shock, I was like, OK, something just happened. And it started to be a little bit difficult to breathe. And afterwards, the police officer went towards the protester, and they hit me three time with the wood stick. And afterwards, I saw - everything goes so fast, but someone shot me in my left leg with the tear gas gun. It was point blank; it was really next to my legs.

And so, I fell on the ground, because not only my legs were hurting, but all the gas from the canister when all over me in my thighs and in my mouth. So yes.

INGRAHAM: Alexa, we reached out to the Ottawa Police for a statement. And they pointed us toward an exchange with Rebel News. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Can you kindly explain how it was that my colleague to my right here, Alexa Lavoie was shot point blank with a tear gas canister doing some very painful damage to her. What was the reason for that?

BELL: So, I'm unfamiliar with the incident you're speaking of. The vast majority of our members have been extremely professional.


INGRAHAM: Alexa, he said that, look, we asked people to move very patiently over a course of many days, we had to clear the area. And he said this is the follow-up on these individuals who've been surveilled and watched is going to continue for, as we've heard in the angle, an unlimited amount of time. I mean, they're going after everybody who was out there and who didn't clear out.

LAVOIE: Right now, it's clear out, but yes, we are still in red zone. So, we have checkpoints everywhere in the city, stopping every people in the street, telling them show you - show me - my citizenship from Ottawa. Are you - prove that you work here or you will be arrested? So right now, my hotel is on the perimeter of the red zone. So, same with my press card, and they say that I made up my card, so I'm not really allowed to work freely in the perimeter.

So, all the shop right now is closed. So, they moved the convoy for restarting the economy and restarting the shop, but right now it's worse than when the convoy was there.

INGRAHAM: Wow. Alexa, what is this really about. I know that for the truckers, it's about mandates, freedom and it became kind of an anti- Trudeau, especially the way things have been handled over the last few years, movement, a broad based movement, not just a vaccine movement. This was a broad based movement. Is he just at this point using this as an excuse to crush dissent in the country?

LAVOIE: I will say he follow his narrative; he don't want to try to understand the point of view of other Canadians who have suffer and still suffer from the lockdown, and from the mandate that his people is suffering right now. So, why he doesn't take a minute to try to communicate with the people who have another narrative, who try to communicate or try to find a way to reach the middle to make everybody happy? No.

INGRAHAM: A compromise. A little compromise or a little, maybe a little understanding, maybe have a meeting with some of the organizers, that probably would have diffused a lot. Alexa, I'm glad you're OK. You really took - you took some shots, and we're going to be following this very closely. But thank you very much for joining us.

And joining me now is Ezra Levant, publisher of Rebel News. And Mollie Hemingway, Editor-in-Chief, the Federalist, Fox News Contributor. Ezra, that was your journalist injured by the police. This is very personal to you, I know. Is there a warning that Americans should take from what Trudeau is doing up north?

EZRA LEVANT, REBEL NEWS PUBLISHER: Absolutely. There's a template here. I mean, the violence is outrageous. The show your papers is outrageous. I'm deeply concerned about what they're doing to journalists that are not with the government agenda. I can't believe they actually shot our reporter.

But I think what is a graver and far reaching threat is that of the social credit style approach to punishing anyone with the wrong opinions. Justin Trudeau has cleared the streets that was not hard to do. There weren't that many trucks, but he's persisting with his emergency powers, so he can seize and freeze bank accounts of anyone who's in his opposition without going to court. The police literally tell the banks which accounts to freeze and they do it, there's no legal recourse, and you're, in fact banned from suing.

So, what that means is, if there's someone who's merely accused of supporting the truckers, maybe it chipped in $50 to their crowdfund, maybe you walked alongside their trucks one day, your entire family bank account is frozen. So not just you, but your wife and your kids can't get money for groceries or rent or gas. And there is no legal appeal. That is exactly the Chinese social credit system. And that could come to America just as easy as the rest of the martial law.

INGRAHAM: Well, Mollie, I sort of went through this in the angle. But given the fact that both Biden and Trudeau over the course of, really separated by only five days, six days, extended their emergency authority, when COVID is petering out, what does this tell you?

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it's what we've seen for the last two years where we've had this amazing constraining of freedoms in this country and other Western countries. And what we're watching happen in Canada is horrifying on its own merits, but also because we know that this is what the regime wants to do here as well. There are multiple problems with it.

The seizing of these bank accounts is done in complete violation of presumption of innocence. And that's something that both Canada and our country share is a belief, as we say that you have the right to be presumed innocent. That's not happening here. But if you don't have the right to make financial transactions, you don't have any rights at all. You don't have freedom of speech, you don't have freedom of religion, you don't have freedom to protest. This is a direct assault on democratic Republic's and from the very same people who claim that they're out to save democracy. These are where the assaults are coming from, these authoritarian tyrants who are cracking down on natural rights that we all have.

INGRAHAM: Blocking off Ottawa, fencing around the Capitol. Ezra here in Washington, DC. I mean, I know they love that fence. They don't like it at the border, no fence at the border. They hate the fence at the border. But they like to wall off the U.S. Capitol because they never much like the people who went in to visit the Capitol. So, it's all going up again, not enough the razor wires going up. But this is a prison camp feel around our elected officials, Ezra.

LEVANT: Well, they're doing the same thing in Ottawa also. There's a huge plaza, right outside parliament that is traditionally where peaceful protests happened. Police refused to allow anyone to go there. Like I say there are about 100 checkpoints in Ottawa, where you have to show your ID or you'll be arrested or even assaulted. Even journalists, in Alexa's case and two of our other journalist, they demand to know what media company they're with and if the police in their whimsical capricious choice don't like that journalistic company or that one, they deny them access.

I've been to military checkpoints in a third world country. It has that same dangerous feeling where you're at the whim of any guy with a gun, that's in downtown Ottawa today.

INGRAHAM: All right. And this is why Washington, DC to this day is kind of a ghost town, lots of parts of the city, it doesn't feel like the Washington, DC that I first came to, that's for sure. Ezra, Mollie, thank you.

And the media is finally caught on to what we've been sounding the alarm on for about two years now. That the CDC is dishonest about COVID. What they're not telling us, next.



ROCHELLE WALENSKY, CDC DIRECTOR: I know many of you watch our data closely and when something changes, it can prompt questions. As CDC Director, our key principle is leading with transparency.


INGRAHAM: Except of course when it comes to releasing COVID data as the New York Times reported over the weekend, shockingly, the CDC has withheld critical data on boosters, hospitalizations, and until recently, wastewater analyses. Among the most egregious submissions from the CDC data though, is that about vaccine and booster effectiveness in younger adults, but what's really infuriating is their lame excuse for all the secrecy, saying the agency has been reluctant to make those figures public when official said because they might be misinterpreted as the vaccines being ineffective.

In other words, they didn't want the unwashed masses reaching conclusions that weren't approved by the medicrats and of course, the Left. Joining me now, Dr. Scott Jensen, who has been sounding the alarm on so much of this, physician and Minnesota Gubernatorial Candidate. And Dr. Houman Hemmati, Board Certified MD PhD research scientist.

Dr. Jensen, let's start with you, you and I have known this entire time that the CDC has been hiding the ball, whether we were talking masks or now on this issue of the boosters. And you're one of the first people to point out the falsehoods about COVID mortality numbers. So, at this point, why is anyone going to trust the CDC?

DR. SCOTT JENSEN, PHYSICIAN: You're right, Laura, and the bottom-line is, Americans really need to wake up. They've been fed a limited amount of information. And this is as much an intrusion of their rights as if they were inappropriately incarcerated.

INGRAHAM: Yes, so Dr. Hemmati, this is something for two years that have - it's upended the lives of so many Americans, obviously, tragically, so many Americans have lost their lives. No one's ever discounting the tragedy of that. But to justify whether it's the time and isolation or quarantine or social distancing, or third and fourth boosters, do we not need actual transparency and real data, real data?

DR. HOUMAN HEMMATI, BOARD CERTIFIED MD OPHTHALMOLOGIST: Laura, we need absolute transparency. This is one branch of the federal government that is not up to be politicized. We can politicize other things, I'm fine with that. We can't politicize public health. That should be off limits to anything political, anything that's influenced by unions, by political parties, by corporations, by any outside factors. This needs to be the one federal agency that is completely and totally guided by science, by fact, and by nothing else.

And two years into the pandemic, like you said, we have so much scientific fact. We have reams and reams of medical data, not from hundreds or thousands of people worldwide, billions of people worldwide. In fact, the entire world population, there's never in history, been anymore medical information than this.

And for the CDC to curate the data and tell us that certain data that they have are not ready for primetime is as outlandish as Eric Garcetti, the LA mayor, when he said he was holding his breath for that photograph at the football game. It's unbelievable. It's - they owe it to us to be transparent and they have to start doing that now.

INGRAHAM: Here's more from that Times article on the CDC secrecy without the booster data for 18 to 49-year-olds, the outside experts whom federal health agencies look to for advice had to rely on numbers from Israel to make their recommendations on shots. So, Dr. Jensen, Israel has gone through its own transformation on the way they're dealing with COVID as well. But is anyone ever going to be held accountable for again, the lack of transparency, and outright lies about what really has gone on here?

JENSEN: I think they are, Laura. I think the CDC is running for cover. I think it's embarrassing that in America, we have to look to Israel for high quality data. I saw that in the New York Times article, even Dr. Paul Offit who arguably is a pro-public health kind of person. He's I think embarrassed by what the CDC has done.

And Laura, I think this is why you're seeing Americans rise up all across the nation, whether they are running for school board, city council. I certainly hadn't planned on running for governor, but I am doing this because I am fed up. I think Americans deserve to know when 18-to-49-year- olds aren't benefiting from vaccines. Why aren't we drawing antibodies test on these people? Why isn't the CDC saying do vitamin C, D, zinc, and get your antibodies checked, we'll help you have the information necessary so you can make a good decision?

INGRAHAM: We have been talking about this T-detect test, Dr. Hemmati, for, I don't know, a year-and-a-half, and it tests your T cell immunity to COVID. And antibodies wane, yes, but Memory B and then T cells are the last line of killer cells that would go after the virus. That is testable. It's an emergency use authorization, but so is the vaccine, Dr. Hemmati. And it's like that doesn't even exist. Now, they're like, well, natural immunity actually might be relevant. A talk show host helped figure this out with some smart people like you guys.

DR. HOUMAN HEMMATI, PH.D. RESEARCH SCIENTIST: That's true. And the problem is that, again, they are sticking to their original narrative from back in March of 2020, and we are two years into this now. We have so much more data. And for some reason there are so many elements within the administration altogether that are just so resistant to changing based on changing data. They feel like they are admitting like they don't know what they're doing.

And it's fine to say, you know what, medical science is changing. We have new data. Let's shift how we do thing. But they have been resistant, and in so doing, they've been harmful as well. And they need to really change how they do things and be transparent and actually listen to science and listen to the people.

INGRAHAM: I think we also have to follow the money. Who gets grants from whom? And that's a conversation for another day. Doctors, thank you.

And now to a FOX News alert. After recognizing the independence of two separatist regions in eastern Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered troops into those regions. FOX's Lucas Tomlinson is live in Kyiv, Ukraine, with the late breaking details. Lucas?

LUCAS TOMLINSON, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: That's right, Laura. Earlier tonight Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered forces, what he called peacekeeping troops, into eastern Ukraine. Ukraine's president addressed his nation at 2:00 a.m. local time.


VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT (through translator): We are on our land. We are not afraid of anything or anyone. We don't owe anything to anyone. We won't give away anything to anyone. We are confident in this. It is not February, 2014, but February, 2022.


TOMLINSON: February, 2014, a reference to the Russian invasion of Crimea eight years ago yesterday, Laura. Later that year, 58 countries abstained from condemning Russia at the United Nations. While Russia was kicked out of the G-8, it kept its seat on the United Nations Security Council and retains veto authority. Here in this western Ukrainian city six hours from the capital, the remaining American diplomats have fled the country, making U.S. withdrawal from Ukraine complete. Ukrainians I've spoken to earlier tonight are very nervous and afraid of a potential full-scale Russian invasion.

After recognizing the two separatist regions in eastern Ukraine, U.S. officials say annexation like what Russia did with Crimea could be next. That would give Russia control of 13 percent of Ukraine's land. This is a crisis over 30 years in the making. Vladimir Putin has never accepted that Ukraine and Russia are two different nations. He thinks they are one people. Ukrainians here disagree. A majority want to be part of the European Union and NATO.

Ever since NATO expanded to the Warsaw Pact countries of Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic in 1999, Putin has felt threatened. When NATO began bombing Serbia three weeks later, Putin thought Moscow could be next. He thinks the launchers used by the U.S. military to fire defensive missile interceptors from Romania and Poland could be used to launch offensive Tomahawk cruise missiles into Russia.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Soviet Union. Many Ukrainians here think he's trying to put it back together. Laura?

INGRAHAM: Lucas is in Lviv, not Kyiv. Sorry, Lucas, I've got you in the wrong part of Ukraine. But thank you for that report.

And why is Bill Gates talking about not wearing pants in public? This is an odd transition. To prove a totally bogus anti-science point, of course. Raymond Arroyo explain it, seen and very unseen, next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we explore the big cultural stories of the week. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Raymond, there are a lot of very strange mask stories out there.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Laura, you've heard of masks referred to as facial underwear. A designer, Dion Lee, unveiled a collection that takes that literally. At Fashion Week, Lee previewed a line of chic jockstrap masks.


ARROYO: These coordinated underwear masks match the model's outfits, including one shear lace thong mask. Now, I want to remind you, a man was evicted from a plane in December for wearing a lace thong as a mask. And when I saw this, Laura, I thought I would like to drawers out your thoughts on this designer facial floss chic.

INGRAHAM: No, Raymond, first of all -- first of all, is that the new -- is that what guys will get their gals for Valentine's Day going forward? Is that the new thing? Victoria's Secret, is that it?

ARROYO: You know my problem with it, they are trying to enshrine these masks and make them chic and part of the pop culture.


ARROYO: But underwear usually holds asses, so now I guess it's appropriate.

In one of the more outrageous stories that I came across this week, Laura, the New York City Department of Education is investigating a so-called holiday pageant, what we called a Christmas pageant. It featured middle school kids belting out lyrics to the tune of the 80's hit "The Safety Dance," including, quote, "It's safe to vax, and if your friends don't vax, then they ain't no friends of mine."


ARROYO: In addition to pushing the vaccines, the kids also demonized those objecting to vaccines based no religion. They're holding up little placards making fun of them. Oh, and they advertised for Pfizer and Moderna. Unbelievable.

INGRAHAM: So wait, I thought the whole, I thought the whole diversity, equity, and inclusion, the thing that we are doing now is to include everyone. But it's really to ostracize certain people and to vilify or villainize the religiously and traditionally minded, really is that where we are now in schools?

ARROYO: This is New York City. Everybody who came in had to show a vaccine card, by the way, to get into this little pageant. But the galling thing is I think the teacher who did should be fired instantly.

INGRAHAM: Absolutely.

ARROYO: And the parents should sue the school district based on religious grounds, because there was one point where they recreated Charlie Brown and Linus talking about the meaning of Christmas. But instead of quoting the Gospel, Linus recites Allen Ginsberg's poem "An Ode to Moloch," the pagan god, the devil, who they sacrifice children to. So this is really in-your- face anti-religion. It's horrible.

And in Munich, Laura, Microsoft founder Bill Gates engaged in his own COVID pageant. He used a national security conference to push what time has shown is the flimsiest protection of against COVID yet. Watch.


BILL GATES: This is the downside of wearing a mask? It's got to be tough. You have to wear pants. This is tough stuff. These societies are so cruel. Why do they make you wear pants? I am trying to figure it out.


INGRAHAM: Oh, my God, and he is super smart, right? That's the best argument he could come up with? It's called inapposite, Bill. Maybe you didn't learn that at Harvard.

ARROYO: He even admitted later in that talk that because of vaccines and natural immunity people had T cell immunity to COVID. When you have 90 percent immunity, why are we talking about masks, Bill?

INGRAHAM: No. Why did he -- is he know, why doesn't he just become head of the CDC, Raymond? He should just become head of the WHO. He did the whole computer thing, and now he is a medical doctor of the world. OK.

ARROYO: This week the CDC is about to announce loosening the mask mandate requirements indoors. So the timing of all of this, the runway show, Bill Gates, it's all off. It doesn't cohere with the science or where we are at the tail end of this pandemic.

Laura, I have some breaking news, a FOX News alert. It looks like the ratings have come in. NBC news suffered a 48 percent drop off in Olympic viewers. So your "Not One Minute" campaign seems to have borne some fruit. Those Chinese Olympics were not what Americans wanted to watch.

INGRAHAM: That was one giant prison camp with a few slalom runs in it. Curling, what they should have had, Raymond, is curling with the members of the CCP, the senior committee, they should have done the curling. All right, they should have done the curling, and there could have been something funny there. But other than that, it was a total train wreck. That Russian skater all the way on down to the --

ARROYO: Look, I am saving your Raymond Arroyo cup for when you come to New Orleans for Mardi Gras. They gave the grand marshal his own cup, so I'm saving this one for you, Laura.

INGRAHAM: This is truly scary. We're going to be there. Watch out, I'm going to see you in a few days. So we'll see exactly what you are made out of with your grand marshal.


ARROYO: Looking forward.

INGRAHAM: All right, Raymond, thanks. Great to see you.

There's an epidemic in America of hate crime hoaxes. We're going to break down the latest deception in moments. Stay right there.


INGRAHAM: This edition of their justifiable racism series takes us to Sacramento, California, with an egregious hate crime turned out to be nothing more than a race hoax. A black female student reportedly just admitted to scribbling racist graffiti at a Sacramento high school. The student wrote "colored" and "white" over two drinking fountains, which is obviously a reference to Jim Crow era segregation and meant to inflame racial intentions.

But here's the wild part. While the school wants to take disciplinary action, the NAACP and other race activists want it all swept under the rug. Joining me now is Dinesh D'Souza, conservative commentator, host of "The Dinesh D'Souza Podcast." Dinesh, this has happened before. This is a teenager in this case, so we don't want to blow this totally out of proportion. But gosh, if there was a different fact pattern, they probably wouldn't just laugh this off, would they?

DINESH D'SOUZA, CONSERVATIVE COMMENTATOR: Well, yes, I think I want to highlight the bigotry here not the student, not even of the racial hoax perpetrator, but of the left and the university and school administrators, even of the NAACP. The basic idea here is we cannot apply to blacks and other minorities the same standards that we apply to anyone else.

So for example, if a white student tried to perpetrate a racial hoax that would in effect blame his black colleagues and students, fellow students, for having bias against him, this would be outrageous. The white student would be castigate, would be expelled, would be brought up on charges. But somehow, if the situation is reversed and it's a black perpetrator, the idea is, well, look, the black students can't be judged by the same standards as the white students. They've got to be held to a kind of lesser standard. In a sense, they are deprived of agency, of moral accountability. So there is a kind of deep presumption here of inferiority, at least in the manner that the students are treated not just at this school, but in racial hoaxes that are now occurring on schools and campuses across the country.

INGRAHAM: Doesn't Ibham Kendi and that whole crowd, the anti-racism handbook author, they believe that, correct? That there is no possibility of racist views really being held by non-whites? That seems to be where they are going with all their analysis.

D'SOUZA: Yes, this, Laura, I think goes back to, well, it goes back to the early stages of Affirmative Action. Once Affirmative Action had sort of evolved into racial preferences, the left had to make a distinction. And they made a distinction between what they called "invidious racism," that is basically racism that is in favor of White House, and "benign racism." And benign racism was essentially racial discrimination in favor of minorities. But benign racism was still considered to be racism. It was still a form of discrimination.

Over time, the left realized, well listen, why admit that benign racism so called is racism at all? Let's just define racism in a way that only whites can do it. Let's just make racism in a sense a subset of white supremacy, and that way whatever minorities do, however targeted it is by race, we just don't even count it as racism because we define racism in a way that excludes that possibility.

INGRAHAM: Dinesh, people like Gavin Newsom are claiming that all these culture wars are just their hoaxes propagated by the right, that they are dividing the country along racial lines, because they know these issues are hurting them, and he saw that San Francisco school board election and all these other school board elections across the country. But they are the ones who have done it from the beginning, and they continue to do it. But now I don't think they know what to do at this point. So they are like you're a racist. Their default answer is you are a racist.

D'SOUZA: If there is one central aspect of the American creed, it's simply the idea that all men, all individuals, all humans are created equal. And the whole doctrine of colorblindness is nothing more than an application of that principle. So far from this being a divisive doctrine, it's actually the only doctrine that could conceivably unify the country. And that's the left attempting to poisonous against that ideal, that's why they are in trouble. That's why people are, in a sense, blocking, because they know that there is no way other way for the country to move forward other than to treat people, all individuals, as a minority --

INGRAHAM: Dinesh, thank you so much. And up next Kamala embarrasses America again.



KAMALA HARRIS, (D) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Bringing together allies, working together around our collective and unified position that we would all, not just prefer, we desire, we believe it is in the best interest of all that there is a diplomatic end.


INGRAHAM: Was anyone impressed by Kamala Harris in Munich? She really defused the tensions.

That's it for us tonight. Gutfeld next.

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