'Ingraham Angle' on voters rejecting radical Democratic agenda nationwide

This is a rush transcript of "Ingraham Angle" on November 3, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Never miss an episode. It's easy to do, even I can do it. Very simple.

Anyway, but in the meantime, I have some really, really good news. Let not your hearts be troubled, because Laura Ingraham, the top rated show on cable last night. We were close, but you topped us. You beat us. I give full credit. Great job last night. What a fun night, right?

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: It was fun. It reminded me of 2016 fun. I mean, it really - it was actually fun.

HANNITY: Can we duplicate this in 2022 and 2024? That's all I'm asking.

INGRAHAM: There's no doubt. But, Hannity, don't you think that some of the Italian vote in New Jersey got a little sick of the attacks on Christopher Columbus. I'm sorry, nobody's talked about that. But I have a lot of friends in Bergen County. And they - they are like, people were killing each other.

It was horrible time. But they really took offense to the attacks on Columbus and Columbus Day. I know, it's just a small issue. But I kept hearing that all day long from people and I just thought I'd throw that out there.

HANNITY: We saw how close it was. And I know you had the Republican candidate on show (inaudible) like we did. And it was so close. I'm like - this is a tsunami election. Now, Republicans though, they got to get their act together. They got to run on platform, and they've got to mean it and stand behind it and fight for the principles.

INGRAHAM: You bet. And I loved your interview with the new lieutenant governor.

HANNITY: She's great, right?

INGRAHAM: Winsome new - she is awesome. She is fantastic. That was a fantastic interview. Sean, thank you so much.

HANNITY: All right. Have a great show.

INGRAHAM: All right. We'll see you tomorrow. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight.

Now, the aftershocks of last night's Republican earthquake still being felt. We're going to analyze all of it. Plus, in communities across the country, you know that old adage, all politics is local. It played out in big ways for Republicans. We're going to talk to some of the patriots on the frontlines, who you haven't heard from.

And Raymond Arroyo is our tour guide through the carnage that was the media's reaction last night. Plus, he's going to explain why that race card - I should say the house of race cards, that whole thing crashed and burned.

But first, the definition of insanity. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.

Now, last night I predicted that most Democrats would glean all the wrong lessons from the Republican victories, and today I was proven right. The progressives were back at it on Capitol Hill today. Instead of hitting the brakes on the radical spending spree, they want to slam on the accelerator.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does it change the agenda for the House?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's on paid family leave going back into the bill without Joe Manchin is ok?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm just - I'm so excited that it is going back into the bill. It's been a priority of the Progressive Caucus for a long time. And we're thrilled.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think Terry McAuliffe has been saying for weeks that his fate was tied to the progress of negotiations here on Capitol Hill. And there ought to be a clear message to my party.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sir, what went wrong last night?

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): Failure to deliver.


INGRAHAM: OK. Well, all wrong. They are still misreading the electorate. Bernie Sanders was not elected President, Biden was.

Now, sure Blumenthal's right. There was a failure to deliver. But McAuliffe turned out a record number of Democrat voters. But the problem was Republicans came out in bigger numbers, and not for spending trillions on new entitlements, or amnesty for illegals and end to our energy independence. None of that.

Now, this was one of my favorite exchanges of the day with a liberal - it was a progressive member of the House Appropriations Committee. Now, even the CNN anchor seemed exasperated.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What lessons can be learned in your view from the Virginia race?

REP. MARK POCAN (D-WI): Number one thing is, they wanted Democrats with majorities to get something done.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But you didn't get it done before the Virginia race, because progressives were holding off the infrastructure bill.

POCAN: Reporters - as I'm a journalism major, the only people who asked me when we're going to pass a bill are reporters is in the bill.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But the infrastructure bill could have actually - it was passed in August. It's been, what, four months? So it could have actually created thing - you could have - Democrats could have said they passed something.

POCAN: You guys are all an anxious sort. I understand.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They are saying that you can run on a message of--

POCAN: If you let me finish, I'll be talking to you.


POCAN: Yes. It's a lot easier if I'm allowed to talk too.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have been giving you plenty of time.

POCAN: You needed to get both bills done to get that done. And we now have paid and family medical leave for four weeks in the bill and a prescription--

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But you know the Senate isn't--

POCAN: And people will feel that. What we call this is the storm before the calm.


INGRAHAM: OK. The man sits on the Appropriations Committee. And he thinks next year is going to be the calm because we're going to spend trillions of dollars, and eventually just make energy more and more expensive for the average American? And by the way, magically, the new climate corps will miraculously make inflation disappear. Isn't that a great trick?

Now, voters in Virginia and New Jersey are not stupid. They know what Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin, the whole crew want to do. And they know it's going to cause more inflation and lower the standard of living for everyone, but the very rich, or the very well connected.

Suburban moms care a lot about education for sure. But the economy, supply chain issues, empty stores on Christmas, that bothers them a heck of a lot too. Democrats managed to even lose 75th House of Delegates district in Virginia, which is majority black. Of course, the very forces that dragged the Democrats down though, are still betting it all on the race issue.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Youngkin played the race card for a reason, because he knows it works on certain white voters.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Racism raised its ugly head and the Republican candidate used it very aptly.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're feeding them anger, they're feeding them resentment.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Some of it was - dog whistle racism.



INGRAHAM: OK. It's time for Biden impersonation. It's not working.

The example of the Jamaican born Winsome Sears, you just saw her on Sean Hannity, is Virginia's new Republican lieutenant governor. She makes them all look like frauds. Oh, and if he is someone few are talking about Cuban- American Jason Mijares, who won the race for attorney general in Virginia.

Now, both are first in the Old Dominion. But, of course, we know Democrats only prattle on about firsts when they're on their team. The populist conservative movement was already gaining Hispanic support under Trump. And that support is only growing.

Sean Trende of RealClearPolitics noted that, "So the shifts in New Jersey should be much more concerning to Democrats than the more or less uniform swing we saw in Virginia. Biggest swings from 2017 are in heavily Hispanic areas."

Now, we're going to talk more about the Hispanic issue later on in the show. But somehow, Democrats conclude that the way to stop the bleed with Hispanic voters is to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on climate change and universal pre-K. And how exactly will Hispanic small business owners and there are thousands and thousands stay fully staffed when Democrat policies will just make it easier for people to stay home longer?

My friends, this is sheer madness. Trump's pre-COVID economic success demonstrated how to do it. He did it. The fact is Democrats long ago lost touch with the beating heart of America, which is its middle class, the blue collar workforce. Their jobs were exported overseas and the old establishment didn't care frankly of either party. Their fathers and sons are now dying from drugs crossing our southern border. They don't care.

They're losing their jobs because of vaccine mandates. But the Democrats don't care. They're in favor of vax mandates. And now, these same blue collar workers are struggling to fill up their gas tanks, and no one on the left cares.

Perhaps, Democrats should remember what happened the last time they ran through their dream legislation despite having zero Republican support.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You see all that red, you see all that flashing at home. Those are Republican pickups and we are nowhere near finish. We do know the Republicans will win more than 50 seats most likely, more than 60 seats. And, Wolf, it is everywhere. It is north, south, east, west. Liberals are being beat, moderates are being beat. It is a shellacking.


INGRAHAM: The 2010 results were a total rejection of the partisan passage of Obamacare. But Obama himself didn't try to dodge responsibility.


BARACK OBAMA, 44th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Yesterday's vote confirmed what I've heard from folks all across America. People are frustrated. They're deeply frustrated with the pace of our economic recovery, and the opportunities that they hope for their children and their grandchildren. And as President, I take responsibility for that.


INGRAHAM: Now today, of course, his Veep for eight years refused to take any responsibility.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Given what you said, do you take some responsibility?

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I'm not sure that I would be able to have changed the number of very conservative folks who turned out and the red districts who were Trump voters. But maybe, maybe.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You won the state by 10 points, Mr. President.

BIDEN: No, I know we did. But I - we'd also - I was running against Donald Trump.


INGRAHAM: Oh my, that - that is such an embarrassing answer. But while the Democrats' willful ignorance is a boon to Republicans, and it is, it's going to be terrible for the country. Those who least deserve to suffer will be forced to suffer. Those who least deserve a big payday, will get one.

But a year from now, all Americans will have their say in the midterms. And the day after, the same experts who keep getting paid to be wrong, will again try to explain away the Democrats' defeat. Never acknowledging that it's because their policies are destroying the American dream. It's the definition of insanity. And that's the 'Angle'.

Joining me now is Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton. Senator Cotton, good to have you on tonight. Now, the Democrats were routed, as I said, after Obamacare in 2010, but aren't these new spending bills actually worse than Obamacare?

SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): Laura, this is the definition of insanity, with almost every Democrat in Congress doubling down today, saying they need to go even bigger and bolder and faster, to pass their reckless tax and spending bills. But I can tell you, that's not what the body language said.

Those Democrats in Congress looked like the voters walked over their grave last night. Because the voters in New Jersey and in Virginia, and for that matter in places like San Antonio and Long Island and Minneapolis and Seattle, all repudiated the Democrats' radical agenda.

They know that this short - multi-trillion dollar spending bill is just going to make the prices they pay at the gas pump, or the grocery store go up, that it's riddled with billions of dollars of ridiculous, ridiculous equity programs that are counting and dividing by race, things like tree equity, whatever that means. And that it's going to encourage local school districts to continue to push critical race theory, now down to pre-K if the federal government gets its hands on pre kindergarten education. That's why the Democrats get repudiated last night, but they have no answer in Congress today.

INGRAHAM: Now, Joe Biden, thinks again that this massive spending bill is just a silver bullet for everything that our country faces. Watch.


BIDEN: People are upset and uncertain about a lot of things, from COVID, to school, to jobs, to a whole range of things and the cost of the gallon of gasoline. And so if I'm able to pass sign-in law, my build back better initiative, I'm in a position where you're going to see a lot of those things ameliorated, quickly and swiftly.


INGRAHAM: Senator, how will his bill do anything to change, for instance, the price of gasoline, which is breaking a lot of budgets right now? Just that issue.

COTTON: Yes. Laura, not only will it do nothing to address those challenges, it will make many of them worse. Every American with an ounce of common sense knows, if the federal government continues to shower trillions of dollars on this economy, it's going to drive inflation even higher.

They know that this bill has nothing to do with coronavirus. The problems in our schools are created by Democratic governors and school boards who shut our schools down and then keep our kids in masks. And when they do have them in school, tried to teach them to hate America and call their parents domestic terrorists if they complain about any of it. That's what's wrong with our schools. It has nothing to do with the bill that the Democrats are trying to pass right now.

INGRAHAM: Senator Cotton, your colleagues who claimed to be moderates, we heard from some of them today. Warner in Virginia, Tester showed up yesterday, hadn't seen him in months. But Joe Manchin, Kyrsten Sinema, I mean, don't they need to start listening to their constituents? And are their constituents clamoring for a climate corps and 75,000 more IRS agents and all the other things that go along with it?

COTTON: No, Laura, but that's why there really aren't any moderate Democrats left in the Congress. There are only vulnerable Democrats. And some of those you mentioned are up for re election next year. There's others in states like Arizona and Nevada and Georgia and New Hampshire. But I can't imagine are very eager to vote on this mishmash of democratic priorities.

Look at the House of Representatives. You've got democratic congressman from Virginia, in New Jersey, who if they were on the ballot last night would have lost their seats. And look at Nancy Pelosi and they see the--

INGRAHAM: Sorry, go ahead.

COTTON: Go ahead, Laura.

INGRAHAM: Well, I was just going to say why--

COTTON: They see what Nancy Pelosi said in the years after Obamacare. Nancy Pelosi said after the 2010 election and when Republicans had a historic victory, that it was worth losing the House to pass Obamacare. Well, that's why she feels now. And she's talking about those Democrats in vulnerable districts, in New Jersey and Virginia and elsewhere around the country. They should think long and hard about whether they want to walk the plank for Nancy Pelosi to have the capstone of her career, a bill that is going to solve none of America's problems.

INGRAHAM: Yes. West Virginia voters, Arizona voters, Virginia voters, Montana voters, they all have to make their voices heard in phone calls to these senators. This got to stop the madness. Senator Cotton, great to see you.

And after last night's results, the GOP is expanding its list of the vulnerable House Democrats it's going to target in 2022. Now, today the National Republican Congressional Committee added 13 new names to its target list, now it's a total of 70. Wow! But how many more names could be added before 2022?

Joining me now is House Minority Whip Steve Scalise. Congressman, you're not letting that grass grow under your feet very long. I love it. Tell us about the strategy.

REP. STEVE SCALISE (R-LA): Yes, Laura. And after last night, there's an even bigger plainfield of Democrats who are in swing districts. Because if you think about it a month ago, if you were in a district that Joe Biden won by maybe 12 points, you probably thought you were safe and it was just those few members where maybe Trump won by one; or Biden won by two or three, that were the vulnerable ones.

Well, last night, Joe Biden won by 10 points in Virginia, and he lost by two points last night. Make no mistake, Joe Biden's agenda was on the ballot last night. There were a lot of things that were rejected by the voters last night. Big Government socialism was the biggest thing voters rejected. They also rejected critical race theory, defunding the police was rejected, the idea that union bosses are more important than parents and the kids education that was rejected by the voters too.

And so if you're a Democrat, not just in the states, like Virginia and New Jersey, any district in the country, if Joe Biden won by 10 or 12 points, those districts weren't Republican. And by the way, they can't bring Joe Biden, because Terry McAuliffe brought out all the big guns, all the leftist, all the radicals.

Kamala Harris might have said it best, Laura. When she said, what happens in Virginia is ultimately going to be what happens in 2022 and 2024. So how about that?

INGRAHAM: I wanted to move on to this family medical leave and family leave issue, which the progressives say is the key to winning back all those disaffected parents. Watch.


REP. PRAMILA JAYAPAL (D-WA): We have the formula to appeal to parents even more by passing a bill that provides childcare, that provides pre-K, that provides jobs in the Build Back Better agenda. What we are doing is cutting costs for working families.


INGRAHAM: OK. So paid family medical leave, they were told that Joe Manchin will not sign on to what they're pushing. And that - just that one issue. Is that going to change? What are they doing?

SCALISE: Yes. They keep doubling down on the failures that the voters last night said in blue states. These weren't swing states, purple states. These were hard blue states like New Jersey, in Virginia, where voters said enough of the spending plan - frankly, the spending is what's leading to the inflation. And their answer is today to try to go back and pass this crazy multi-trillion dollar bill to pay people not to work, to tax people. There's an natural gas tax in their bill, that taxes low income families, middle income families, taxes them to then give $450,000 checks to people who came in illegally.

INGRAHAM: Congressman, sorry to interrupt. But Biden claimed--

SCALISE: Except they won't take it out.

INGRAHAM: And the ACLU came back tonight and said, whoa, whoa, whoa, if he's not aware of basically - I'm paraphrasing, that this is what's planned for the separated families. 450,000 per family could go up higher, then it's a betrayal. If they go back on us, it's a betrayal of what we were told.

So Joe Biden doesn't even know what his own the handlers are agreeing to on his behalf. That - I found that to be disturbing. It's like, that's not happening. Well, apparently it is happening. Who is in charge?

SCALISE: That's his justice department that's negotiating that. The same justice department, by the way, that was going after parents saying that they're domestic terrorists if they go to the school board meeting to say, Stop teaching your kids to hate America.

And Merrick Garland, who they said would be a moderate on the Supreme Court, what a joke that is. Merrick Garland still won't resend that order, because they want to go down the far left, big government socialist path. The voters don't want it.

INGRAHAM: Do we - just yes or no. Can we expect a 50-state - not a cobbled together Rust Belt, Florida, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin strategy, but a 50- state strategy moving all the way through 2024? Can we expect that?

SCALISE: Absolutely. And it's going to be a lot like 2010. And go look at the wave that happened in 2010, where we won in states where we never won before. You're going to see the Northeast in play. You're going to see the west coast in play. It's all going to, I think, go back to this rejection of big government socialism that you saw last night in a number of states. Virginia probably being the most prominent.

INGRAHAM: All right, Congressman. We're looking for a 1984 style victory, not 2010.

SCALISE: And '94.

INGRAHAM: 1984 in 2024. Exactly. All right. Congressman Scalise, thank you.

And the red wave didn't just sweep across Virginia. Across the nation, conservatives dominated and far left causes were rejected. We're going to take you on a tour of Republican dominance coast-to-coast. And then hear from some of the people who are on the frontlines of all these wins. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: Now, voters' rejection of progressive radicalism wasn't just evident in the races in Virginia and New Jersey. Now, this repudiation stretched coast to coast now. It's time for around the country in 90 seconds. Election edition.

First in New Jersey, where a trucker who spent 153 bucks on his campaign is on track to defeat the democratic states senate president. A man seen as one of the most powerful democratic critic legislators in the country. And just to the north of New York, Republicans crushed Democrats in two district attorneys races on Long Island and what's being seen as a stunning rebuke of New York's bail reform law.

And while not technically a GOP win, the crushing defeat of the socialist Democratic candidate for Buffalo's mayoral position is another resounding defeat for the far left. Likewise, pro business, pro law enforcement Democrat Eric Adams won the New York City mayoral race.

Now, in Texas, Republicans flipped a Statehouse seat in the San Antonio area that Biden won by 14 points last year, and that is majority Hispanic. Up north in Colorado, more than half the Denver School Board could be replaced after a slate of conservative candidates swept their races. And as the Left Coast turning as well, well, Republican and Davidson won a resounding victory in Seattle's District Attorney race against a self described police abolitionist.

In the city of George Floyd, voters rejected a ballot measure to defund the Minneapolis police department. American voters aren't stupid. They've spoken. The New Left is not welcome here. And that's around the country in about 90 seconds.

Now, it's time to meet two of the people behind last night's victories. Joining me now is Angela Allen, who won her Virginia School Board race after being turned off by one party rule; and Don Samuels, former Minneapolis city council member, who fought against this reimagining of the police.

Angela, let's start with you. Congratulations on your win in Goochland County. What is driving moms like you to run for these positions?

ANGELA ALLEN, GOOCHLAND SCHOOL BOARD MEMBER-ELECT: Thank you so much for having me on, Laura. And I'll tell you, it's because we are in charge of parenting our children, not the progressive radicals that are trying to indoctrinate them. And so moms around Virginia stood up and Glenn Youngkin's message resonated with them. And we couldn't be more excited to be writing this beautiful red wave through our state.

INGRAHAM: OK. Interesting there. And, Don, that group behind the ballot, question number two, that would have defunded the Minneapolis police department was propped up with a flood of out-of-state cash. They got $175,000 in donations from, I guess, it was the ACLU of New York, and 220k from the Solidaire Action Fund in California. The ballot pushers also got 650,000 from the Open Society Policy Center founded by George Soros.

Don, how did you feel about outside groups trying to basically dismantle your city's police department?

DON SAMUELS, FORMER MINNEAPOLIS CITY COUNCIL MEMBER: Yes. We found that a little disturbing because we here know what our needs are and what our threats are. And we were ready to move forward as best we could and reforming the police at this opportune time after the death of George Floyd and the admission that we did need change and policing by everyone. I think that was exploited to some degree by forces outside our city.

And - so the vote was a resounding sort of a democratic revolution, if you will, in our city to say, we are going to come back from the extremes and find practical solutions that won't betray us in their outcomes, making things worse.

INGRAHAM: Yes. I like the idea of a common sense analysis, Don. And Angela, I think you're coming at it from a common sense point of view too. I mean, I don't know anybody who doesn't think the evils of slavery should be taught and taught really clearly to our kids. And the heroes of the abolitionist movement, their story should be taught as well. Obviously, that's just an obvious.

But other things were going on with state control and even federal - the threat of perhaps eventually federal mandates on local educational decisions. How important was that?

ALLEN: It was critical for me, Laura. And honestly, the Virginia constitution dictates that local school boards should be governed by elected members of their community. We continue to be subject to overreach out of Richmond here. And voters have had enough. They understand that they fund the public school systems, and therefore their voices should be represented in the decisions that are made in terms of the curriculum and the policies that are put forth for our students.

INGRAHAM: Well, Don, just a few days ago, Ilhan Omar, the congressman representing the district in which the lot of the chaos and the damage and the destruction was done in the wake of the Floyd killing, and she actually supported the dismantling of the police, so did Keith Ellison, the State AG In Minnesota. But she also ends up blaming - she blamed the police for bringing this on themselves, the issue of police defund. What's happening with the Democrats if they don't see how important the issue of safety on the streets for the good people of Minneapolis and, frankly, St. Paul as well? Why are they out of touch?

SAMUELS: Yes, well, this is pretty much a Democratic city, so our vote reflects our values. I think the congresswoman and the attorney general were out of touch, in fact, with the voters on this issue. And last night's victory said that, in fact, the people of Minneapolis want a sensible solution to both renegade police officers and the culture of policing, and to keeping our communities safe. It is both-and, not either-or. And the either-or was going to win on the either and put the or at great risk, meaning the 30 children who have been shot in our city, the 80 people who have been killed, 85 percent of those being African-Americans, those shot, same percentage. So this is what the people of Minneapolis want. This is what they voted for --

INGRAHAM: Safety. You mean safety. I was on the streets north of Lake Street, am I saying that right? Where the entire precinct was burned down. So I was there a couple months after the Floyd killing, and I was in tears. It was still smoldering. It was horrific to see it, and the people don't deserve that. They don't deserve it. They don't deserve the damage, they don't deserve bad policing, they don't deserve police dismantlement. But Ilhan Omar said we don't want your damn reforms. That's what her reaction to that was.

SAMUELS: We are proud of our voters and grateful to the people of Minneapolis for making the commonsense approach.

INGRAHAM: Don, Angela, thank you for being out there and explaining these issues to us tonight.

And what was the missing element that drove the seismic elections nationwide last night? Raymond Arroyo is going to reveal it. "Seen and Unseen" next.


INGRAHAM: We have a FOX News alert. New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy has taken to the stage in Asbury Park, New Jersey. He looks like he is in a gloating mood, even though he won by a pathetic, what, 23,000 or so votes, at least so far, a state Biden took by 16 points just last year. We will let you know if he makes any news.

It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we unpack the cultural side of these seismic elections. For that we turn to FOX News contributor, author of the book "The Spider Who Save Christmas," Raymond Arroyo.

Raymond, the media reaction to these results, well, it was amazing.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We live in very unpredictable times. The Republican is leading in Virginia by 84,000 votes. That is a shock to the system.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Obviously very sobering, unexpected, surprisingly. I didn't expect the night to go that badly for Democrats.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where are there counties where McAuliffe is underperforming Northam by more than 10 points.



INGRAHAM: Oh, my God.

ARROYO: Laura, this is what happens when certain media refused to cover parental unrest over curricula, or backlash over lockdowns. When the people speak, it's an "oh, my God," moment, because these are the events and movements you never covered before. They've never even considered them.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, it's like if a tree falls in the forest, it doesn't fall if no one sees it. So they refuse to really report on it fairly. So of course, was that Jake tapper saying "Oh, my God"? Was that he? Well, at least it's an honest reaction, whatever.

Raymond, this is how the other networks tried to explain Youngkin's victory in Virginia.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It is not worth Democrats' time to play the blame game, but instead they should be pressing the reset button, resetting on how they respond to these horrible, racist dog whistles from the GOP and the lies from the GOP.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: White voters do have anxiety about a changing America, right, that it is blacker, it is browner.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was not a dog whistle. It was a bullhorn.


ARROYO: This is really sloppy and just untrue analysis, Laura. You expect more from Andrea Mitchell. But look as you mentioned earlier, Virginia elected a black lieutenant general, the very impressive Winsome Sears, an Hispanic attorney general. In fact, Youngkin expanded Trump's Hispanic support in the state. Trump got 36 percent of the Hispanic vote. Youngkin last night, 55 percent. So it may not be a dog whistle, but it could be a mariachi horn one Democrat should be very wary of.

INGRAHAM: I think it's just great news.

ARROYO: It is great news. You see growth among all these demographics. But there's a national driver here that few are talking about. Virginians, New Jersey voters, others across the country, they're not stupid. They see the president on the world stage. This was yesterday, and moments like this no doubt have an impact on the vote. Watch.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The operation and the gouging that occurs in some of the pricing of beef and chicken and other things is that, I think that -- and anyone who would prefer, as bad as things are in terms of prices helping -- hurting families now, trade this Thanksgiving for last Thanksgiving.


ARROYO: And Easter and Flag Day and Grandparents Day, Juneteenth -- what was the question? He is so out of it, Laura. But people are voting as a hedge against this kind of wandering, meandering, not only syntax, leadership. As you said earlier, he doesn't even know what is in his own bills. Then today, the president literally undermined his own narrative on kiddy vaccinations as he delivered it.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: After almost 18 months of anxious worrying every time a child had a sniffle or started to cough, we have already sent millions of doses -- excuse me -- millions of doses, and millions more to come by next week. These doses will be available at approximately -- excuse me. I beg your pardon. I swallowed wrong.


ARROYO: And they think racism fueled the votes in Virginia, Laura? Why reach for our conspiracy theories when the story is right in front of your face, rambling and coughing all over the place, trying to get your attention. Voters wanted calm from Biden, and instead they have gotten unsteady, expensive chaos. This is the payback that you saw last night.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, you have an update also on the veterans' homeless camp story that we covered recently in L.A. So we have all these illegal immigrants crossing the border, and some are going to get $450,000 if they were separated under Trump, apparently. Everyone wants in on that deal. You brought this story to the fore on the vets who are homeless.

ARROYO: And the full story is part of your new California on the edge FOX Nation special. But THE ANGLE gets result, Laura. That story helped move the Veterans Administration, and this week and they are allowing veterans to finally, after 18 months, move their tents off the streets and onto the 388 acres of the V.A. grounds that were actually intended for them. It's a start, but none of these men should be in tents. The V.A. was supposed to build them 500 units of housing. That has yet to happen.

We are going to stay on this story, but let me tell you, at least they are off the streets. I spoke to Robert Reynolds tonight who has been such a great advocate on this. He's an Iraqi War vet, and he is thankful, but we are going to follow up on this. This is the least they can do for these men.

INGRAHAM: Yes, illegal immigrants get treated like first-class citizens and our veterans get treated like, I don't know, fourth-class citizens.

ARROYO: Can't get a shower. Our vets can't get a shower.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, thank you for doing that story, and "California on the Edge" is now available FOX Nation. I think you'll enjoy it.

And another issue that drove voters last night was, of course, vaccine mandates. And now a day after the left was repudiated on the issue, San Francisco has just announced the most pernicious mandate yet, one that is going to target five to 11-year-olds. We're going to tell you what it entails and speak to two parents fighting back in moments.


INGRAHAM: Has anyone learned anything on the left from last night's election? The radicals running San Francisco, of course they certainly haven't, and they are still moving forward with mandating vaccines for five to 11-year-olds. Soon kids in the city will have to be vaxxed or they'll be banished from public life.


DR. SUSAN PHILIP, SFHPD DIRECTOR, DISEASE PREVENTION: What about the local San Francisco health orders that require vaccination to go into a restaurant or to go to a Warriors game, when is that going to apply to children's five to 11? We definitely want to wait and make sure that children have an opportunity to get vaccinated, so that will have been no sooner than about eight weeks after the vaccine is available to kids.


INGRAHAM: These people are demonic. What she's not telling you is that San Francisco has not had a single COVID death among people under 20 years old, not one.

Joining me now is Bernadette Rosselli, a mother of five just outside of San Francisco, and Dr. Houman Hemmati, board-certified MD, PHD, research scientist, father of two. Bernadette, what was your reaction when you heard the city was planning to force vaxxes on kids, otherwise no public events, apparently, for them?

BERNADETTE ROSSELLI, PROTESTING SAN FRANCISCO CHILD VAX MANDATE: Hi, Laura, thanks for having me. Absolutely ridiculous. There's not enough science behind this right now. And parents are concerned, and rightly so. And so I think that it's important that we take the time to make sure our children will be safe, especially when they are at such a low rate of risk. It's really not necessary to rush into this. Let's give it a little bit of time. We don't have the science backing the long-term effects of it. And I think that, again, there is no rush for this.

INGRAHAM: There is virtually no risk.

ROSSELLI: -- super low.

INGRAHAM: Yes, but let's be really clear. The risk to children five to 11 who have no underlying conditions, it's virtually nil, OK.

ROSSELLI: Right, absolutely.

INGRAHAM: And San Francisco held a virtual town hall with doctors yesterday. When asked about whether they would give children the vaccine, here was their response.


DR. LEE ATKINSON-MCEVOY, SAN FRANCISCO PEDIATRICIAN: My colleagues who I work with who have children five to 11 are texting me constantly, asking me, when can I schedule?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Although I do not personally have children yet, I have already gotten on my family group chats, telling them that they should be getting their kids vaccinated.


INGRAHAM: DR. Hemmati, they don't have kids, but they want to tell us what to do with our kids, or San Franciscans what to do with their kids? Medically, how does the cost-benefit analysis go for kids and the vaccine?

DR. HOUMAN HEMMATI, SAYS MANDATE NOT BASED ON SCIENCE: I'm glad you asked, right. With vaccines, as with any drug, there is a calculation that has to be made of risk, benefit, and need. Don't forget, if a drug has a great risk-benefit, but it doesn't have a medical need, why take it? If I'm not in pain, I don't take a pain medicine, for example. That is a generalization.

With vaccines you have to make sure that there is a need. The FDA and the CDC both did a pretty good evaluation based on the limited data available today of the risks and benefits of the vaccine. They didn't really look at the medical need, however, as much, but when they looked at the risk- benefit, what they did find was there was some potential benefit. There was no reduction in hospitalizations, severe infection, or deaths shown. This is largely because it was a sample size of just 3,000 kids who got the vaccine.

Similarly, they didn't show any severe side effects. However, we know that some of the really severe side effects or adverse events are rare, and in the sample size of 3,000, it's too small of a subset of a population to really assess whether there really are risks that are more rare than one in 3,000 or not. And so that remains to be seen.

But the FDA admittedly used not the actual hard data, but what they consider modeling in order to make their decision and eventually give that authorization. And the modeling is as good as the model, right. And so in their model they, in fact, admitted that under four of the scenarios that they tested, one of them failed, and that was when there is relatively low community infection rate and low community transmission rate. And so in that case it's slam-dunk, even based on the FDA's best case modeling, right, that this is not necessarily a winning argument risk-benefit-wise.

INGRAHAM: And I will say to both of you that Dr. Fauci was on MSNBC tonight, we don't have to play it, and he was like, oh, we are scrupulous in how we do the cost-benefit analysis, and it's favorable. So Fauci is still out there, and the goal, I'm sorry, is to terrify parents. That is the goal. And Bernadette, they're positively giddy about getting the kids vaccinated. Bernadette, the cost-benefit analysis, you heard Dr. Hemmati, he's brilliant, beyond brilliant, your thoughts now. Is it even a close call given what we know now in this sample size?

ROSSELLI: No. I'm going to be honest, and I wrote this down because I didn't want to get his quote wrong, but when they met on October 26th and they talked about whether or not they were going to approve this or not in five to 11-year-olds, one of the doctors, Dr. Rubin, who is on the FDA panel, and this is what he said. He said "We are never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is until we start giving it. That's the way it goes." These are our children. They are not guinea pigs. I'm sorry, this is science we are going by, let's just see what happens? If this is the approach they are taking, I am truly concerned. And I think more parents really need to look into this.

INGRAHAM: This is not about -- I'm sorry, it doesn't seem like it's about the virus. Bernadette, Dr. Hemmati, we'll have you both back.

And the Last Bite reveals how CNN handled the topic we just discussed.


INGRAHAM: How did CNN handle the discussion we just had?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was pretty nervous, but then I said to myself that night, I have to do it to protect the world.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just want to be safe from COVID, but I think I could do more. So I got the vaccine. And it was really a me choice.


INGRAHAM: A me choice.

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