'The Ingraham Angle' on Biden letting China off the hook

This is a rush transcript of "The Ingraham Angle" on September 22, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: That's all the time we have left. And please set your DVR, never miss an episode. In the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. Laura, big show.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes. Sean, I can't believe all those Haitians are going right to the DNC registration desk. Do you see those set up there right at the border? That was amazing.

HANNITY: We're requesting that they show up in court. We're not demanding. 

We just request - just a simple request.

INGRAHAM: They're going to go right to register to vote. That's the way it's going to work. It's great to see.

HANNITY: We'll give you the amnesty. You know, some kind of great value, just we hope you vote Democratic.

INGRAHAM: A good trade off for the Democrats. Great to see you, Sean. Great show tonight.

All right. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is the INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. Not only has the Biden administration been lying about the Haitian migrants being released in huge numbers in the U.S. We talked about this last night.

Now, some Democrats are asking for all repatriations back to the country to be halted. They want to keep them all in the United States. Senator Ted Cruz, he'll be here on that unfolding the horror at the border.

But first, bought and paid for. That's the focus of tonight's "Angle".

Now, let's imagine for a moment that a Christian university, let's say in rural Texas, has a lab that's doing research on viruses as part of their work on future vaccines. Now, the work involves making the viruses they're studying more pathogenic. Then a novel coronavirus appears in that same town as the university lab and then ends up killing some people and then it starts spreading around the world.

The scientists at the university insist that their work had nothing to do with this new coronavirus. They also refuse to cooperate with any health agency, other than those controlled by the state of Texas. The Republican governor of Texas in this hypothetical is backing the university.

Now, how would the regime press cover that story? And do you think the Biden administration would be demanding answers, issuing condemnations of these risky practices? And citing the crushing loss of life and gargantuan economic consequences caused by this irresponsible university? Well, of course it would. And, of course, the left would just assume that the lab leak was purposeful at that university.

You know, let's get back to real life. Biden's team let's China off the hook completely for what it did in Wuhan for the ensuing cover up and for the cataclysmic harm it inflicted on our country. Now, going back to February 2020, before the pandemic was even declared, I knew something was up when I asked Anthony Fauci directly about China's response to the outbreak.


ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NIAID: The Chinese authorities have really been very explicit that they were going to not tolerate any misinformation.

INGRAHAM: I'm surprised that you would say that given what we know about China's pattern of lying about critical issues, Dr. Fauci.

FAUCI: The Chinese scientist we've dealt with, I've dealt with myself personally for years, if not decades, many of them have trained here in the United States. I have faith that they are not distorting things.


INGRAHAM: So revealing. Now, fast forward to this week at the UN, despite all the challenges, the trade, human rights and the virus, both Biden and Harris went out of their way, not to single out China. But if we don't held China accountable, how the heck can we prevent this from happening again, and again, and again. But don't worry, because our Vice President wants to throw money at some global health slush fund of some billion dollar total.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: To avoid the mistakes of the past and meet this present moment, we must also ensure transparency and accountability to ensure that all countries meet our global health obligations, a global health threats council that would monitor progress and identify gaps.


INGRAHAM: Identify gaps? If China is lying and hiding facts, we won't even know where to look. Now, the press is more obsessed with covering a riot where one unarmed protester was killed than a pandemic that killed more than 675,000 Americans. The fact is China is howling at us, they are laughing. They got away with global death and destruction. And America's response is the equivalent of, "Thank you, Sir. May I have another?"

The order of how things went down with Biden in China goes something like this. Now, early on in the administration, team Biden thought that Europe would help us put pressure on China to change its ways. But, of course, with Trump gone, Europe is cutting its own deals with China and stiff armed us basically.

Then Blinken was embarrassed by China in Alaska. So we now have John Kerry essentially running our China policy. That facts should terrify every living American. The man has been under estimating and mishandling our relationship with China for decades.


JOHN KERRY, U.S. SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL ENVOY FOR CLIMATE: Our nations have worked together to bring about important progress on a range of global issues, including a landmark agreement on climate change in Paris last year. We also worked very closely together on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action on Iran's nuclear program.

There is no U.S. strategy to try to push back against or be in conflict with China.


INGRAHAM: Now, remember when Kerry visited China earlier this month, senior officials in China wouldn't even dignify him with a meeting in person. Only over zoom, he went all the way over there. They sent a junior level staffer to deliver their demands to Kerry. How insulting.

Well, he took that lesson to heart and returned from that utterly embarrassing trip at an even bigger - as an even bigger CCP apologist than he was before.


DAVID WESTIN, BLOOMBERG HOST: There are other things as well, such as the Uyghur situation in the West. What is the process by which one trades off climate against human rights?

KERRY: Well, life - you know, life is always full of tough choices in the relationship between nations.


INGRAHAM: Now, the choice of standing up for human rights is perhaps tough for Kerry, because of the incredible financial leverage the CCP has over his family. Just yesterday, we learned that John Kerry's wife, Teresa Heinz is heavily invested in China through her family trust.

The Government Ethics disclosures revealed Kerry's wife has over a million- dollar interest in a New York-based investment firm that is run by a Chinese citizen and has major holdings in Chinese companies.

Now, how doesn't this add up to someone being at least having an appearance of a conflict of interest, if not an actual one. But the Biden administration just doesn't care here. Conflicts of interest, corruption, that's just part and parcel of the Biden family tradition. And Kerry's family has played a supportive role all along.

Back in 2009, Kerry's stepson, Christopher Heinz, teamed up with none other than Hunter Biden to found a private equity firm that went on to enter lucrative partnerships with CCP-owned companies. And they also cut a multi- million dollar deal with the Chinese oil giant CEFC.

Now Heinz's attorney swears he played no role in any of these ventures. OK, but we know the Biden family absolutely did. And I'm not just talking about Hunter, I want to remind you, and think about this May 2017 email that was recovered from Hunter's laptop by the New York Post last year.

In the message one of hunters partners mentioned setting aside a chunk of equity in their China deal for the quote, "big guy". Well, it's obvious who that was.


TONY BOBULINSKI, FORMER HUNTER BIDEN BUSINESS ASSOCIATE: On May 13, 2017, I received an email concerning allocation of equity, which says 10 percent held by H for the big guy. In that email, there's no question that H stands for Hunter, big guy for his father, Joe Biden.


INGRAHAM: The financial entanglements between the Biden administration and the CCP are real and they're frightening. And they cast some of the more inexplicable decisions that our government has recently made in a new and perhaps more understandable light.

Now, consider the shocking news that the Secret Service and FBI just purchased surveillance drones from a Chinese company that the Pentagon itself had just singled out as a potential security risk. How the heck was that allowed to happen?

If Biden really wants to save our global position and save Taiwan, boost our manufacturers, put China back on its heels, at this point, he has a simple to-do list. If he wants to do any of that. Number one. He should just leave all of Trump's trade policies in place. They worked. Number two, stop relying on Europe. Focus on the China threat with or without them. And number three, fire John Kerry.

Well, is Biden going to do any of this? Probably not. I'm not holding my breath. President Xi is treating us like, at this point, just a play thing. 

It's almost pathetic. It's so easy to play the United States. He knows that with Biden and Kerry at the helm, well, he's got this in the bag, because sleepy Joe is already bought and paid for. And that's the "Angle".

Joining me now is Peter Schweizer, president of the Government Accountability Institute, host of The Drill Down podcast. Peter, you know, a friend of mine last week said, Laura, how does anyone in the press not look at this situation? How we're dealing with China today and not conclude that Joe Biden is bought and paid for by the Chinese? Is that an overstatement? Or does it get it just right?

PETER SCHWEIZER, PRESIDENT, GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY INSTITUTE: Well, I think it does get it right. And here's the thing, Laura, imagine if we weren't talking about Chinese companies. Imagine if we were talking about relationships to big oil or big tech, the press would be all over it. But there's a reason they don't want to deal with the issue of China. And that is a intelligence term that they use in China called elite capture. And elite capture is basically their strategy of going around the world and co- opting elites in, in Asia, in the United States, giving them lucrative commercial deals.

Let's remember, by the way, Laura, that some of those commercial deals with Beijing are still taking place. Hunter Biden is still participating in them, while his father is president of the United States. So, this is a well thought out strategy by Beijing. Basically, what they want to do is decapitate the leadership in the United States by striking these lucrative deals. And it's worked with the Bidens and with others in Washington, D.C.

INGRAHAM: Now, one of the scandals that the media just kind of laughs off, doesn't even consider, is the secret of selling of Hunter Biden's lousy artwork. Now, we know that at some point, in the coming weeks, hundreds of thousands of dollars, as written in "The Atlantic", will be funneled to the son of a sitting president. And none of us will know anything about who sent the money, or where it originally came from.

That's in "The Atlantic" today. Peter, how likely is it that foreign buyers are going to be using this obvious opportunity to shove more money into Hunter's pockets or other family members, namely the president's?

SCHWEIZER: I think it's very likely. And Laura, look, if you go through the Hunter Biden emails, as I've been doing with the team for close to a year, and scouring them, what you find out very quickly is that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden's finances are intertwined. They are not separate entities. There are numerous examples where Hunter Biden is paying bills for his father, which by the way, is not legal.

I mean, politicians can get occasional gifts from family members, but you cannot subsidize the lifestyle of a politician. That's what Hunter Biden's doing. So when Hunter Biden is doing foreign deals, whether they're these deals in Beijing, where he gets checks for $5 million, and there's no evidence he really did anything, or whether he's putting together a painting and putting that up for sale.

At the end of the day, the way the business model works in the Biden family is that the finances are intertwined. And that Joe Biden will benefit one way or another from what they're doing.

And look, let's be clear, Hunter Biden's friend, this gallery owner that is going to be selling his artwork, has spoken in the past about their desire to have ambitious plans to seek and find buyers in China. That's something that this gallery owner has been wanting to do for a while.

INGRAHAM: I mean, Peter, whether it's this or Kerry's - Kerry is basically Secretary of State, vis-a-vis China, his wife has all this money in CCP entities through this trust. I mean, again, I keep saying if Trump were doing - if Trump - they wouldn't be going bananas on this stuff. And now we're supposed to just say, Oh, isn't this great? They're going to do climate change deals, and everything's going to be great. No more coal plants in Central America. China's not going to build any of them. Come on.

SCHWEIZER: Yes. No. I mean, it's absolutely absurd. And just John Kerry's position about climate change, when he negotiated this great deal with China. When you look at the deal and you look what China's doing in 2020, China built more coal-fired plants than are in the entire country of Australia. They just built that in one year.

So this great deal that he says he got from China is ridiculous and the climate change issues become kind of a stalking horse that Beijing uses to avoid criticism. Nancy Pelosi recently gave a speech over in Cambridge, England, where in the past 15 years ago, she was very critical of China, where she basically said, look, climate change trumps all of that. So I'm not going to really bang China on it anymore.

INGRAHAM: Yes. It's out the window. Any criticism of China is now out the window, because of climate change. Period. That's that - I mean, to me that's obvious. John Kerry should be nowhere near our China policy. Peter, best guest on this tonight. Thank you.

And under Biden, we're not taking on China, of course, because some ways we almost seem like we're becoming more like China. In Nevada, yesterday the Clark County Commission voted to declare a public health emergency over COVID vaccine disinformation.

Now, when some citizens showed up to protest the vote is an obvious attack on free speech, security showed up and treated them like this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are you doing?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What are you doing?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm asking you to leave.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're violating our first amendment rights.


INGRAHAM: The man you just saw shoved to the ground is my next guest, Mack Miller, who's also running for lieutenant governor of Nevada. Mack, explain what was happening briefly in that footage. Did you do anything to provoke that response, Mack?

MACK MILLER, NEVADA LT. GOVERNOR CANDIDATE: I asked for a badge number and the name, Laura. Thank you for having me, by the way. The county commission meetings are supposed to be run by the commissioners for the people of Clark County here in Nevada. And those people have a right to ask questions, and be interested in what's on the agenda at these meetings.

And what was on the agenda at this meeting was a proclamation to basically do away with Nevada's Clark County's first amendment rights. And I was there to witness and oppose this proclamation. And that didn't get to happen, because I was attacked after trying to defend the people in this county. They will never stop me, Mack Miller, from being able to defend them. And they'll never prevent me from coming out to defend the people of this great state of Nevada.

INGRAHAM: Now, this is an image of what happened to your head when they slammed you into that metal detector look. Looks like you got a bump on the head there.


INGRAHAM: Again, if you perhaps were had a different political affiliation and you were showing up to speak about some other protected cause, you would have been a cause celeb. Your bump would have turned into a human rights travesty.

MILLER: You know, I'd be - I'd be - they'd be attacking the other side and I'd be just the biggest victim ever. But I'm not, I'm not, because they don't expect that African-Americans, or in my case, American-Africans of Cherokee descent, as a matter of fact, would be a Republican.

I'm the chairman - national chairman of the republican Chamber of Commerce. 

I sit on boards such as the Chinese American Citizens Alliance. It is lucky that Right News America was actually there on scene when this all happened. 

I had blacked out. I was attacked by these security guards.

And, Laura, I want to point out so that our men in blue and our women in blue, and first responders in this nation realize that there is misinformation. There's some misinformation out there. But no amount of misinformation should take away your first amendment rights. And the police, let's get it very clear, the police didn't do this. This was not a peace officer or a police thing. These were hired security officers of the Clark County Commission that tackled me, glued me to the ground.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Mack, is the goal here or their intent is to intimidate others from coming out and saying you can't criminalize speech here. You're not going to ban speech because you want more people to get vaccinated. If that's a laudable cause, make a better argument. But don't ban speech.

Are they trying to intimidate people like you or anyone from showing up at these meetings? Period.

MILLER: Definitely, a show of force. I mean, there are less people guarding our border prior to two days ago than they were guarding this county commission meeting to prevent citizens from coming in, listening, and speaking their minds like they have a right to do.

INGRAHAM: Mack, this was - again, it's looking more like a Hong Kong protest reaction than the United States of America. Good to see you tonight.

And while Americans, like my last guest, are being thrown out of public meetings, illegal aliens are being released into the United States with abandon. Senator Ted Cruz reacts in moments. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: The Biden administration swears it's taking the Haitian migrants situation seriously.


ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, UNITED STATES SECRETARY OF HOMELAND SECURITY: We have reiterated that our borders are not open and people should not make the dangerous journey. If you come to the United States illegally, you will be returned. Your journey will not succeed and you will be endangering your life and your family's lives.


INGRAHAM: No one's buying that. Sure, they deported some Haitian migrants, but today the Associated Press reports that, "Haitians have been freed on a very, very large scale in recent days, according to one U.S. official who put the figure in the thousands. Many have been released with notices to appear, oh, at an immigration office within 60 days." Good luck. An outcome that requires less processing time.

Here with me now, Senator Ted Cruz from Texas. Senator, this is just sheer lawlessness. Reports tonight that the Biden administration is even trying to get a contractor to run a facility in Gitmo, I guess, to hold some of the overflow. What is happening here?

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Well, I got to say, what's happening in Del Rio really illustrates the cause and effect of the Biden border disaster. To really understand it, you have to go back to September 8.

On September 8, under that bridge, there were on any given day between 700 and 1000 illegal immigrants, mostly from Haiti. And that had been the consistent flow for some time is between 700 and 1000 a day, were crossing illegally at that point. On September 8, there were roughly 900 Haitians that were scheduled to be on airplanes to go back to Haiti. And the Biden administration canceled those flights. They said, we're not going to deport you, you can stay here, you can remain in America.

And what happened was simple. Those 900 Haitians, they pulled out their phones, and they got their phones and they called their families, they called their friends. They texted their family and friends. You had 700 people on September 8.

I was down in Del Rio eight days later on September 16. The day I was there, 700 people had become 10,503. It took eight days for that to happen. 

Within a couple of days that 10,000 had become 15,000. And it was straight cause and effect. The word went out that the Biden administration is not going to enforce the law. And if you're from Haiti, come to Del Rio, because that means you get to stay. And that's what's produced this disaster.

INGRAHAM: Well, Senator, what can the senate do at this point? People come up to me and I know they come up to you all the time. And they say, Is there nothing we can do? Because this is a purposeful resettlement of - it's going to be millions of illegal immigrants into the United States. And it's just - the only thing we can do is an election, I guess.

CRUZ: Yes. So look, the Senate could do a great deal. But we're not going to, because there's not a single Democrat who is willing to work with us to secure the border. Every Democrat - today's Democrats have decided they're the party of open borders.

Laura, I got to tell you the last few weeks, I traveled all along South Texas, and not just Del Rio, I was in Uvalde, I was in Laredo, I was in McAllen, I was in Roma, I was in Edinburg. I did roundtables with ranchers and farmers down there with sheriffs and law enforcement, with local elected officials.

Most of the local elected officials in South Texas are Democrats and that's long been a Democratic area of the state. I got to tell you, every elected Democrat I met with was so horrified by what's happening at the border. 

They said to me over and over again, they said, Listen, if the Democratic Party is the party of open borders, count me out. I can't support this.

And it is an unfolding disaster. And yet today's Washington Democrats, there's not a single one of them who cares. Joe Biden won't go down to the border; Kamala Harris won't go down to the border of the Rio Grande Valley, she won't go to Del Rio. They insist these problems aren't happening and this lawlessness - we're already at 1.2 million illegal immigrants, we're on a path to 2 million. And as long as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris refuse to apply the law, it's going to keep getting worse.

INGRAHAM: And only 13 percent from that report back in July, of the 50,000 illegal immigrants they looked at with the court date that they had given, even show up. So there - once they're here, and they're resettled in the United States, or sent into the United States, they're not coming back for the most part. So those are new workers or people who are getting benefits and public schools, health care. Do we have any idea how much this is costing the United States of America, Senator?

CRUZ: So we don't know. The costs are massive, whether the immediate costs of housing them, or transporting them. And by the way, many of them turned themselves in to the border patrol and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the last mile of the human trafficking. They bring them to their final destination.

But you know, it's even worse than that. When I was doing the roundtables in South Texas. One of the things we saw are the color-coded wristbands that many of the illegal immigrants are wearing because the cartels, which are global criminal enterprises, they charge anywhere from $3,000 to $8,000 to cross the border. The cartels have 100 percent operational control of the border. You don't cross the Rio Grande without paying the cartels, or they will kill you. 

And what happens for many of them, they cross the border, and they end up at a stash house. And the cartels will extract even more money. And the wristbands are color-coded by how many thousands you paid and how many more thousands you owe. And then they locate you in whatever city you're going to, and these teenagers, or young illegal immigrants, spend the next several years paying off the cartels. For some of the teenaged girls, they are trapped in forced prostitution to pay off the cartels. And the cartels now have workers across the country in every city you're in, there are people working for the cartels to pay off their debts. It is inhumane. 

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST:  No, beyond, and costly to the United States, and deadly for the United States.

CRUZ:  Yes.

INGRAHAM:  Senator, I want to get you quick reaction to breaking news tonight. Two Afghan refugees that were airlifted into Wisconsin, Fort McCoy, have now been charged with child sex crimes and spousal abuse. 

CRUZ:  Wow.

INGRAHAM: Bahrullah Noori charged with three counts of attempting to engage in a sexual act with a minor, and Mohammad Haroon Imaad is charged with assaulting his spouse by strangling and suffocating her. 

CRUZ:  Wow.

INGRAHAM:  Senator, quickly, do you trust this administration's ability to vet any of these individuals who are by the tens of thousands now in the United States, tens of thousands? 

CRUZ:  So not remotely. Last week Secretary of State Bony Blinken testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and I cross-examined him. 

And he had two major admissions that he made under that cross examination. 

One, he admitted the Biden administration gave the Taliban a list of Americans and Afghans they wanted out, which raises the obvious question, did he effectively put them on a kill list? And the second thing he admitted is what you just asked about now, which is that among the Afghans that the Biden administration brought to the United States were adult males that show up with little girls. The claim the little girls are their wives, and they have child brides, and they are engaging in sexual assault. 

Blinken admitted under oath, yes, that is an issue. It's happening. These indictments are a manifestation of that. But he couldn't answer the follow- up, all right, how many little girls are being assaulted by evacuees you brought into the country? 

INGRAHAM:  No, they are already committing crimes inside the United States it looks like.

CRUZ:  Yes. 

INGRAHAM:  Senator, thank you for being here tonight, great to see you.

And ahead, the musical U.N. opener that you probably missed, and Biden challenges Clint Eastwood? Raymond Arroyo has it, "Seen and Unseen" is next. 


INGRAHAM:  It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we expose the big cultural stories behind the headlines. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Ray, we covered Biden's first appearance at the U.N. yesterday, but few saw what happened on the opening day of the General Assembly. 

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Yes. It turns out, Laura, countries like South Korea are embracing new ways of communicating their country's agenda. So President Moon Jae-in named the K-pop group BTS as special presidential envoys. They promoted ending poverty, protecting the planet, gender equality. And then they did this. 




ARROYO:  That toe-tapper got 13 million plus views online. I'll bet Xi didn't get that kind of crowd, Laura. But given the backlash Biden got over that relentless diplomacy speech. He should have cut his time short and named one of the performers who sang at his convention, name him an envoy. 

Can't you see Billy Porter in the General Assembly? 




ARROYO:  It's going down, all right, Laura. A new Gallup poll has Biden at only at 43 percent approval rating, and among independents he's down to 37 percent. But look, Cardi B is going to make one heck of an opening act at the G-7. 

INGRAHAM:  That was all dubbed in, Raymond, right, the voice of the K-pop band? That was a little dubbed?

ARROYO:  Yes, they were clearly dancing to a track. They were outside. It was a big production. 

But Laura, I don't know if you saw this. Clint Eastwood just premiered a new movie called "Cry Macho" about an aged, washed-up rodeo star. But the president may have beaten Clint to the punch with his own elder, confused mini-series, cry loco. 



JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  China continues across -- excuse me. Climate continues to change across Europe, Africa, and Latin America. 

Pay your fair share. Pay your fair share. 

Nothing is more urgent than all of us working together to defeat COVID-19. 

And that world is going to be much better prepared for future pandemics. 

BORIS JOHNSON, U.K. PRIME MINISTER:  -- agreement. That's the -- 



ARROYO:  Laura, never was a world leader, did he see media shuffled out the room like poor Boris there. The White House press shop has become like the Praetorian Guard, protecting Biden from any and all inquiry. This obviously are worried about his frailty. But this should not be. They are barring the American people from access to this administration. 

INGRAHAM:  Well, the Gabby Petito story has gotten wall-to-wall coverage for a week now. You made some comments over the weekend about the coverage. 

"Newsweek" reports that a FOX News contributor has been slammed for calling the Gabby Petito case a huge distraction. Years ago I called it --

ARROYO:  Yes, but Laura, I called the media coverage of the case a huge distraction. I said God bless the Petito family. We should all pray for Gabby's return. This was a day before the body was found. But I think people are drawn to these true crime stories like lifetime movies. But they are largely local stories, and the media attention to Gabby's case makes one think that she is only missing person in the country. This is the FBI's kidnapped or missing persons page. Look at this. As of the end of last year, there were more than 89,000 missing person files, 34 percent of those are under 18. 

This is a real problem. These stories should be reported locally without exploiting the pain of these families. And God bless Nancy Grace and John Walsh. They've made this a crusade. That's where this should be covered. 

Every soul is precious. But my point is, we can't affect the outcome of this criminal case. And it crowds out issues like inflation and the border surge and the $3.5 trillion spending bill your children's children will be paying that could reshape our future. We need to focus on that as well.

INGRAHAM:  Many years ago I dubbed it tragedy TV. 

ARROYO:  I remember.

INGRAHAM:  So whether it's JonBenet Ramsey or Natalee Holloway. They are all heartbreaking stories. But you go to the St. Louis missing persons, Chicago missing persons, there are a lot of African American kids who are missing. And it sounds like I'm agreeing with Joy Reid, but a lot of them are getting no coverage. 

ARROYO:  Not at all. 

INGRAHAM:  And their stories are just as heartbreaking. Raymond, thank you.

ARROYO:  I agree.

INGRAHAM:  Good to see you tonight.

And Joe Biden's vaccine mandates has his support tumbling among a key constituency in the country. No, it's not Trump voters, but black voters. 

The new findings and reaction with Horace Cooper and conservative TikTok star Topher. Stay there. 


INGRAHAM:  A shocking new poll from Morning Consult shows that Biden's net approval among black voters fell 12 points just since his vaccine mandate announcement. And among unvaccinated black voters, support for Biden dropped 17 points. So what is going on here? Joining me now, top Billboard artist Topher, and Project 12 Co-Chair Horace Cooper. Topher, good to see you tonight. What's your read on why this is happening? 

TOPHER, BILLBOARD ARTIST: Well, I think the trust or the distrust we have for this administration started with people like Joy Reid of MSNBC that stated last year when Trump was pushing for the vaccine to be put out was that who on God's green earth would trust a vaccine approved by the FDA? So this distrust started with the same administration that is trying to mandate it, and it is carrying over to what we see today. 

INGRAHAM:  Horace, this is a big drop. This is not a drop in the bucket. 

This is 12 points, and among unvaccinated African-Americans it's 17 points. 

Could this be a new amalgam of a voting bloc here going forward, African Americans and just people who have their own concerns, whether they be Democrats or Republicans or something in between, just distrust in government? 

HORACE COOPER, PROJECT 21 CO-CHAIRMAN:  I think we are seeing a bit of a divergence. And that is that working class black Americans, lower income black Americans, are starting to act, particularly men, are starting to act politically like their white counterparts. What we saw 10 years ago is that there was this almost monolithic idea, when you show up on Election Day you are going to vote for the liberal candidate. Increasingly when black Americans answer surveys, they say they are not with the woke crowd. And even though a large number have been voting with the left, these latest numbers go along with what we saw during the Trump administration. Black men, particularly working class and blue collar, are seeing themselves a lot like the rest of other working class members. 

INGRAHAM:  Topher, do you agree with that? 

TOPHER:  Absolutely. We've seen the swing, because I am out here every day. 

I'm a Millennial, and we talk about these things all the time. And as you see more and more people recognize the freedoms that have been taken specifically with how they are mandating vaccines, mandates up in New York where you can't go to a restaurant and eat, you can't go to the gym and work out, all these things that help curb your susceptibility to contracting COVID, they are forcing mandates that are going to disproportionately affect black people, and we see this. 

There is a reason, like I said, there's a reason why we distrust what the FDA has approved. And so I read a report from KHN that said from January, 2013, to October, 2018, there were over 8,000 medications that were approved by the FDA that were recalled. That's a lot of medications. So when people just say it's FDA approved and then try to force it down you without any ability to sue the company for any injuries, then it's a problem. And I'm glad people are standing up and speaking their minds. 

INGRAHAM:  I think this is just not a political issue. It shouldn't be political. I think if you are young and healthy, I understand why young, healthy, professional athletes, college athletes, football players, basketball players, they're saying it's just not for me. No offense, I am not anti-vaccine, but this vaccine isn't for me because I either had COVID or if I get it, I will generally tolerate it quite well. That's just a personal decision, Horace. 

The government wants to take these personal decisions about a relatively new vaccine away from individuals. And even BLM, an organizer in New York, is apparently threatening de Blasio over his vaccine mandate. "Chivona Newsome said your mandate will not be another racist social distance practice. Black people are not going to stand by, or you will see another uprising. And that's not a threat, that's a promise. The vaccination passport is not a free passport to racism." Horace, what's that? 

COOPER:  There's absolutely no doubt that there is this divergence. And I think this divergence is going to have some consequences. When the president of the United States looks at the American people not as citizens capable of making decisions for themselves, but as subjects, that he can be disappointed and have his patience come to an end. A lot of people saw that, and they were upset about it. When I heard him say that he was going to make all federal employees take the vaccine, I said to myself, good luck with that. Disproportionately black Americans are in those lower categories of those grades. I couldn't get them to show up to work. How is going to get them to get a vaccine.

INGRAHAM:  I want to put this up, vaccination rate by ethnicity. A lot of people right now aren't aware of this. White Americans, 61.4 percent, Hispanics, 16.7, Blacks are down at 10 percent vaccination rate. Topher, and yet the elites want to make everyone feel like if you didn't get vaccinated, you're an idiot. I imagine people aren't taking that well in your communication. Really quickly. 

TOPHER:  Not at all, because the only person I answer to is God. So I encourage everybody, no matter what decision they do make when it comes to being vaccinated or not taking a shot, to make sure they consult with God first. And say hey, if this is good for my body, if this is good for my family, because he is the only one who knows our future. So I make sure I put my life in his hands. 

INGRAHAM:  Topher, we appreciate it. Thank you so much. Gentlemen, thanks. 

The Last Bite, next.   



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tommy's big birthday.


INGRAHAM:  Tommy's birthday. Our executive producer's big birthday. He was a big lacrosse player in college. I think he's going to go pro any day now. 

Happy birthday, Tommy. You make the show work every night. It's a big team effort every night. 

Thank you for watching. Remember, it's America now and forever. Greg Gutfeld takes it all from here. 

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