How Joe Biden made history as the most absent president ever

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," March 3, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

INGRAHAM: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. Team Biden is actively working to cover up what's going on at our southern border. And a border mayor has a warning for the administration tonight. Also, Congressional Democrats citing vague Internet chatter. Well, they closed the Capitol because of that and canceled Thursday votes. And just how big of a role is Dr. Biden playing in this administration? Raymond Arroyo will tell us in Seen and Unseen. But first, the problem creators. That's the focus of tonight's ANGLE.

The Democrats are great at one thing, identifying problems that in reality can never be solved, then promising to fix them. And then pushing policies that only make things worse. At which point, the same Democrats simply demand that you sacrifice more of your money and your rights. And then rinse and repeat.

Now, case and point, the question of how to get America back to normal, we went from 15 days to slow the spread to we just need a vaccine to you must wear masks and socially distance forever. Now as THE ANGLE told you last spring, these shifting metrics were all part of an effort to keep you both hopeful and compliant.

Now remember those tedious White House COVID briefings.


DEBORAH BIRX, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CORONAVIRUS TASK FORCE COORDINATOR: If people mitigate strongly, the work that they did over the last two weeks, will blunt that curve, and they won't have the same upward slope.

ANTHONY FAUCI, NIAID DIRECTOR: We're starting to see the leveling off, but it's important to remember that this is not the time that we need to be pulling back at all.

BIRX: Every American understands how important their role is, as we move through these next five days to not let up for an instant.

FAUCI: By the time we get into the fall, I think we're going to be in pretty good shape.


INGRAHAM: Well, by the time we get into the fall, it's all going to be getting normal, right? But it was all a crock. The truth is that so-called experts, they never liked the idea of freedom loving Americans doing what they want, when they want to do it. COVID is their chance to shut you down and they're taking it.

Now yesterday, Texas and Mississippi. I know you heard about it, they announced that they were going back to normal. So, of course, team despair was back in the press today. A new consensus is emerging among scientists that SARS Cov-2 will likely cause a significant burden of illness and death for years to come.

As a result, people could expect to continue to take measures such as routine mask wearing and avoiding crowded places. Now, this is the type of thinking that kept us in Afghanistan for 19 years and almost two decades later, you wonder what was it all for in the first place?

The only proper response to Biden and Fauci's disappearing goalposts is to just ignore them altogether as Texas and Mississippi did yesterday. Now, of course, there's nothing more aggravating to a liberal than independent minded Americans doing what Fleetwood Mac sang about all those years ago and just going their own way.

So, Old Joe, well, he lost it today.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We've been able to move that all the way up to the end of May to have enough for every American to get every adult American to get a shot. And the last thing, the last thing we need is Neanderthal thinking that in the meantime, everything's fine.


INGRAHAM: That's rich coming from him. Now, wasn't Biden the guy by the way, who promised to unite America that he was going to restore dignity in the White House? It turns out that he's just another snob using dismissive, deplorable like, demeaning language to describe people who didn't vote for him.

Now, Biden's rage or condescension will backfire. Because day-after-day, other states will follow Texas's lead. They're going to see the truth. And they don't want to keep paying for other states to stay closed and bail them out. And they shouldn't have to. But that's exactly what Biden's idiotic $1.9 trillion porker of a bill does, it rewards incompetent states, and punishes responsible ones. This was about power and politics all along, as I mentioned to Sean. They're using this pandemic, to fundamentally upend and change the way we live our lives, from the way we do our business to the way we educate our kids into the way we travel.

And while you suffer through lockdowns, they'll just pat themselves on the back for things like saving the climate. Well, they can only thrive though when you're miserable, and you're powerless. That's why every piece of good news about this virus from vaccines to declining deaths and hospitalizations, it's all been dismissed and kind of downplayed in the end by Fauci and friends. And it will always be until the Democrats realize that liberty is more popular than lockdowns.

As soon as tomorrow, the CDC is going to release guidelines for the fully vaccinated people telling them how they can conduct themselves. Well, is it good news? Of course not.


RICHARD BESSER, FORMER CDC DIRECTOR: I think people may be a little disappointed. If you're expecting the CDC to say, take off your mask and go have a party, it's not going to happen. They're going to say that if you're around other people who are vaccinated, small groups inside, you can take off your masks and you can give each other a hug and be together. But it's not the time to let down our guard.


INGRAHAM: It's never the time to let down your guard. So, how many times does Lucy have to pull away the football before we all get it here in the United States? If it's up to them, you'll never get back to normal because they didn't like the old normal.


FAUCI: I don't think we're going to be completely normal a year from now, but I hope we are well on the way to normality.


INGRAHAM: In 2022. Now, once again, we hit a benchmark that they set, but it always disappears. Biden's experts are kind of like illusionists. But the fantasy solutions, of course aren't limited to COVID. Joe Biden and DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas are creating the most severe border crisis in our lifetime. And it's all in their quixotic quest to establish a more humane immigration system.

By abruptly ending Trump's wildly effective remain in Mexico policy for asylum applicants, the Biden administration is luring families and children to our southern border in record numbers. Check out these increases year- over-year. It is staggering. The number of unaccompanied minors is exploding especially in the Big Bend and Del Rio sectors where we were just a few years ago, arrivals there up 141 percent, 122 percent, respectively.

The DHS is now predicting that 117,000, let that sink in for a second, unaccompanied minors will cross into the U.S. this fiscal year. And almost all of them will be able to stay. They're going to flood our public schools. They're going to get free health care, food stamps, housing assistance, you name it. Well, what are we getting returned? Well, potential COVID super spreaders. That's what.

The city of Brownsville, Texas says that 108 migrants so far, 6 percent of those released by Border Patrol have tested positive for COVID. Oh, goody. Were they quarantined? The rest of us would be? No, they were not. In fact, those COVID infected migrant families are now heading to places as far away as Maryland and New Jersey.

Now, I thought the CDC warned against any unnecessary travel, but they get to travel with COVID. Meanwhile, the Biden administration is trying to cover this up by shutting down a Twitter account used by ICE to keep the public you aware of the latest developments. The account was created in 2013 and bolster under the Trump administration was used to post details about known fugitives, including their name, nationality, criminal history, and the U.S. jurisdiction where they were released.

Now, wow, they're shutting that down. Don't we have a right to know? What did Biden promise again?


BIDEN: Vice President Harris and I and our entire administration will always be honest and transparent with you about both the good news and the bad.


INGRAHAM: That's why journalists can't go near those migrant camps in Texas either. It's all transparent. The Democrats' fantasy solutions though, also extend to climate change. They're not going to do anything to stop China's greenhouse gas emissions. Instead, they'll try to make fuel more expensive here. And how about race relations? What about that? Well, they're reparation games, they're just going to breed more resentment, and they're never going to happen anyway.

Instead, what they should be doing is honestly advocating for the only measures that actually improve the lives of poor and working-class people of all races, strong families, faith, hard work, the rule of law, and yes, fixing failing schools with school choice. And remember what we kept telling you, right, the Left cannot fix anything though. Because all they can do is making empty promises.

Like the promise that everything will be better in a few months, if you just stay home and wear a mask. And that's THE ANGLE.

Joining me now is Kim Strassel, Wall Street Journal Editorial board member and Fox News Contributor and Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan, Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee.

Congressman, I want to begin with this breaking news that the House is going to cancel votes tomorrow, because of this amorphous Intel that they've uncovered about the people who want to come to the Capitol and do people or the building harm. There seems to be some disagreement about how specific this threat is. Watch.


SEN. MARK WARNER (D-VA): The intelligence that I've seen that's now been released to the press is, is I think, a bit of an overabundance of caution.

REP. MICHAEL MCCAUL (R-TX): This threat is credible, and it's real.


INGRAHAM: So, who's right there, McCaul says the threat is credible, and it's real. And then we have the democratic senator from Virginia saying, well, kind of downplaying it.

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): Yes, I mean, who knows? I haven't got a briefing. But this fits in with what the Democrats want to do. They got the compound around the Capitol. Now. I mean, think about Laura, we've said this many times, you said on your show, we can't build a wall on the border, we got a border, that's unsecured. We got a border that's open. But we got a wall around the Capitol, we got razor wire around the Capitol. And now they're telling us because someone said something crazy on the Internet, they're going to shut down Congress.

Maybe in a way, it's good, because in the next two weeks, think about what the Democrats are going to do. They're going to radically change election law. They're going to radically change police law, they're going to radically change - excuse me, gun law next week. And they're going to radically change immigration law to add to the fact that the border is already open, and unaccompanied minors are flooding across into our country.

So, maybe it's a good idea that we're not here. But I don't know that the threats that critical. We've not got a briefing guy; all members have not got a briefing. So, I just don't know. But my guess is, is probably not that serious. But well, I just don't know for sure.

INGRAHAM: Well Kim, I actually heard former FBI folks on TV tonight, saying that, if there's a 1 percent chance that something could happen. It's the obligation of Congress to close up shop and I guess go home. And I'm thinking to myself, that's an interesting scenario, because we know there's chatter all the time, we know it. And there was during the Trump administration, Lord knows. And so, this is going to keep happening or the militarized zone is never going to end.

KIM STRASSEL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, you just put your finger on the important thing, Laura, is this a different standard, the one that we have had in the past? We rely on law enforcement to deal with these threats. We want Congress to be safe. But is this the sort of thing that would have shut down Congress previously? We don't know as even the congressman said, we haven't had the briefing. But you can certainly see a certain agenda in Democrats' actions right now, including in the White House, because they want this to be a theme.

Look, they're going to try to keep what happened on January 6th, alive as an argument that the only extremists that are out there in the country are fall on one side of the political aisle. insurrection, other words, because this is their way of trying to undercut all conservative policies and the Republican Party.

But that is a very different thing. And I think it's dangerous. We should not be playing games with what our threats, credible or diminishing them or over hyping them because it gets in the way of law enforcement to do their job correctly.

INGRAHAM: Congressman, I also want to move to these forever lockdowns. Dr. Fauci was asked about Texas, and this is how he responded.


FAUCI: I don't know why they're doing it, but it's certainly from a public health standpoint is ill advised. What we don't need right now is another surge. So, just pulling back on all of the public health guidelines that we know work. It just is an explicable why you would want to pull back now.


INGRAHAM: Congressman, why should any state in the United States at this moment stay locked down, when we haven't open southern border?

JORDAN: No, they shouldn't. Let's go back to work. Let's go back to school. Let's go back to normal. I think sometimes the only one who has been more wrong about COVID than Governor Cuomo is Dr. Fauci. So, let's just get back to normal. That's the best stimulus package. Florida has proven that. It's a thing that makes common sense. And we got this this crazy pipe, if you're an American, and you will go outside and don't wear a mask, some liberals going to scream at you and say you're killing grandma.

But if you're a COVID positive migrant, come on in. That's what they're telling you, come on, 100 sums into one city in Texas. So, why don't we actually - Kim said it best, this double standard, it's driving Americans crazy. So, we're not going to protect the southern border, protect the country, but we're going to put a wall around Congress, and we get a few things on the Internet. We're going to shut down Congress. It makes no sense.

INGRAHAM: But it was--

JORDAN: Good common sense. Democrats in Congress don't seem to have any of it.

INGRAHAM: It's so obvious. I mean, this has been going on now for a year. OK, we needed vaccines, we needed to save the hospitals. We did all that. We flattened the curve. The infections are way down. But Kim, the goalposts aren't moving, they're invisible now, OK and it's becoming obvious that it's no longer about the virus, it's about systemically changing our country.

STRASSEL: We've talked a lot about people losing faith in for instance, elections. But this was also the year that people lost faith in the experts. Just look at what the experts have continued to say, versus the real-world experience. And one of the great things about this country is we have 50 different states, they can all practice different types of governance. But remember those days when everybody was listening, happily to Cuomo tell us how we were supposed to run a state and trashing on Ron DeSantis down in Florida.

Hey, let's compare the numbers between those states right now in terms of kids getting educated in terms of actual cases and deaths per population, in terms of vaccinations. So, we have these different state abilities to do different things, and we should be celebrating that. Let's see how this all goes.

INGRAHAM: No, they don't want independent thinking Americans. They want Americans who are compliant. And Kim and Congressman Jordan, thank you so much. Great to see both of you tonight. And as it relates to immigration, Biden, and his administration, they're using a three-pronged approach to cover up the ongoing border crisis. First, they deny that a crisis even exists.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you believe that right now there is a crisis at the border?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think that the answer is no.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: At what point, does it become a crisis?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Well, I would say, I don't think we need to meet your bar of what we need to call it.


INGRAHAM: Second, by banning the press from touring the facilities that hold these unaccompanied migrant children and families. And third, as I mentioned in THE ANGLE preventing ICE from even alerting the public to illegal alien criminals by locking down their Twitter account.

Joining me now is someone dealing with this issue up close and personal. Doug Nicholls, Mayor of Yuma, Arizona, Mayor Nichols, your message to the Biden administration tonight.

DOUGLAS NICHOLLS (R) YUMA, ARIZONA MAYOR: The message is the same message that I started in 2019. But we're continuing now with a pandemic overlay. And that is, immigration is a federal issue, not a Yuma local issue. It needs a federal solution, not a Yuma local solution.

INGRAHAM: So, what does this mean for local communities? I mean, I've been to a lot of these border towns, reported from Del Rio, Texas, which is now being completely overwhelmed. The Eagle Pass station there. What is it like to just run the community that you live in now, given these numbers, and they're only going to - it looks like quintuple?

NICHOLLS: Right. So, really what it is right now. It's so early in the process. But having been through this in 2019, I can see it tracking exactly the same as far as the severity and where this is going. So, it's really about trying to be prepared. And one of the very difficult things about trying to be prepared during a pandemic, is the things that we've all done to in response to the pandemic that don't seem to always translate.

So, for instance, people that are coming into the country, legally or illegally, there's restrictions. Well, it doesn't appear to be that that's the case when it comes to our illegal crossings. And so, as people and families are released from Border Patrol. There's no testing going on. We don't know if they're being released at a 6 percent infection rate or 20 percent infection rate. We just don't have that information to know how to manage that situation.

INGRAHAM: Are you concerned tonight Mayor about a new COVID variant spread in your community given what we've seen in some of these other big border crossings?

NICHOLLS: So, the COVID variant is something that I have not even begun to track, just trying to get my hands around what's going on right now. But definitely a variant would really be a challenge. I don't know how the current vaccines work; we have really just begun to vaccinate our community. And so, to get through the point of knowing if the variants are going to be impacted by these vaccines or not, and then really introducing our community to a whole new virus, essentially, even though it's a variant, it's a big concern.

We struggled, and we worked really hard to make sure our community was safe and responded well, and people got the care that they needed. That could be a challenge right now.

INGRAHAM: And we hope that kids are going to be going back to school. I know Governor Ducey is urging that today in a new executive order, but do your schools need more complications now, given everything they've dealt with?

NICHOLLS: That is absolutely not what they need. They are back to school this week, most of them, which is a great, great news. We've seen a lot of mental health issues, not just with our kids, but with our adults and that isolation is just tough. Physical health is very important. We need to take care of that, but so is mental health.

INGRAHAM: Mayor Nicholls, thank you so much for joining us tonight and good luck in Yuma. And another set of January 6th narrative go down. Glenn Greenwald is here to walk us through them. Plus, house Intel Ranking Member Devin Nunes says Adam Schiff, trying to use the events of January 6th to reset the committee. What does that mean? He'll tell us.



SEN. DICK DURBIN (D-IL): Just weeks ago, white nationalist helped lead an armed insurrection against our democracy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Absolute clarity. This was an armed insurrection.

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL (D-CT): An armed insurrection that was designed to stop counting votes and in fact, assassinate members of Congress and the Vice President.


INGRAHAM: For weeks, we heard that refrain, but just how armed was the so- called insurrection.


SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI): Grounds during that day?

JILL SANBORN, FBI COUNTERTERRORISM DIVISION ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: To my knowledge, we have not recovered any on that day from any other arrests at the scene at this point.

JOHNSON: So, nobody has been charged with an actual firearm weapon in the Capitol or on Capitol grounds.

SANBORN: Correct.

JOHNSON: How many shots were fired that we know of.

SANBORN: I believe the only shots that were fired were the ones that resulted in the death of the one lady.


INGRAHAM: She has a name. Here to respond is independent journalist Glenn Greenwald. Glenn, so the same people who have let the whole armed insurrection narrative spread now tell us there is a threat. But they can't tell us about it. But there's chatter. So, they have to cancel votes and close down the Capitol and put-up razor wire, what is going on here?

GLENN GREENWALD, INDEPENDENT JOURNALIST: Other than Russia gate, I don't think we've been deloused with as much propaganda since probably the claims about Iraqi WMDs back in 2002, as we have over the last month or so or six weeks about the riot at the Capitol. I cannot overstate, Laura, how desperately important to liberals it is to cling to the maximalist's narrative about what happened. They don't accept it.

If you say that it was a protest that went out of control and became violent or even a riot, it's they insist that it has to be an armed insurrection, as we just heard, or even a coup attempt. Why is that in part because they want to elevate fear levels about their political adversaries to make everybody think that they're fighting not just conservatives or people with a different ideology, but domestic terrorist who actually tried to overthrow the government.

And also, because they're very intent on introducing a whole set of new laws that will vast the FBI and the CIA and the NSA under Joe Biden, immense powers on American soil against American citizens, which will happen to be directed also at their political adversaries. So, they're desperate to maintain this mythology about what happened that day.

INGRAHAM: Yes, combing through social media and other surveillance that is in the offing. And Glenn, there was a disturbing exchange at today's hearing between Senator Rand Paul and Assistant FBI Director, Jill Sanborn.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): Did you have a generalized collection of data about people who were on the Hill on January 6th?

SANBORN: Not that I'm aware of. I do know that we have used data. And this is reflected in some of the charging documents that had geolocation data. I don't know the background for what the underlying predicate was for that search warrant.


INGRAHAM: Geolocation data and other comments about the need for more surveillance tools and social media. Surveillance, Glenn again, what does this tell us about what they will - what lengths they will go to.

GREENWALD: I mean, it's such - do you know, this is a story that was reported by my old outlet "The Intercept" with Ken Klippenstein and Eric Lichtblau where they gathered enormous amounts of cell phone data about everybody who was near the capitol, including members of Congress. Zero legal authority. This is what I meant earlier.

If you get enough people to be petrified of the threat that they're facing by constantly inflating and elevating what it actually is, they will then acquiesce to anything. So nobody wants to ask questions about what the FBI collected and whether it was illegal for them to do so because there was an insurrection, an armed insurrection going on, and nobody should care what they do in order to stop it.

And if they can create this framework going forward, that the United States is facing people who want to overthrow it, that there's an armed group, a large group in United States who believes in rightwing ideology and white nationalism threatening the very existence of the U.S. government, a total fraud, a total fiction, but if they can get people to believe that, they can start doing things like mass surveilling the citizenry and infiltrating groups and monitoring everybody not just online but in their private conversations. That is absolutely what they are setting out to do.

INGRAHAM: Glenn, we are going to stay on this. And thank you. I couldn't think of anyone better tonight. Thank you so much.

And when it comes to lies, Congressman Adam Schiff of course is a one-man super spreader. After years of peddling baseless conspiracy theories in order to persecute President Trump, the House Intel Chairman is now calling for a reset to restore comity to his committee. That would be nice, except in the very next breath, he said this.


REP. ADAM SCHIFF, (D-CA) CHAIRMAN, HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE: Within the Democratic caucus there is continuing anger, among the other emotions, over the fact that even after the failed insurrection so many of our Republican colleagues were back on the House floor trying to overturn the result of the elections. Most of the Republicans on the Intelligence Committee are among that group.


INGRAHAM: Wow. Here with me now is Devin Nunes, ranking member on the House Intel Committee. Your response to the Schiff's backhanded offer of unity?

REP. DEVIN NUNES, (R-CA) HOUSE INTELLIGENCE COMMITTEE RANKING MEMBER: Well, we have come to expect it from them. And remember we at one point we had an intelligence committee that then turned in to the impeachment, get Trump committee. I guess now he is going to turn it in to the let's go after the insurrectionist committee.

So, look, we are all for trying to get the intelligence committee to work. But I find that hard to believe that we're going to get to that point if they're going to call us the domestic terrorists, and as you just said, an armed insurrection. And they fail to point out continually that the Democrats are the ones that have a long history of objecting to the electors. And so there has been a breakdown in the institutions, as we well know, as your guest I think laid out very well in the last segment.

INGRAHAM: Congressman, the thing that I'm really worried about is the public is now, I think they are going to be very hesitant to get involved with rallies or protests. I remember in 2009 and 2010, I think you were around during the Obamacare rallies, protesting Obamacare. We were up on Capitol Hill. It was a great time, we had music. It was fun for people. Who is going to do that now, even if the fences were down, given the fact that you now know geolocation data is used, and that you could very well be surveilled and called a domestic terrorist later?

NUNES: It wouldn't the first time that we were surveilled. You may remember that they actually did get -- they go our phone records and then misrepresented that during the impeachment hoax. But, Laura, you're exactly right. One of the basic rights we have in this country is freedom to assemble. And so you have to remember that all of this talk is really, I think, frightening the American people at this point to get out and be part of the government because they don't know if their own government is going to be spying on them, including the members of Congress.

And the fences and the razor wire that are around this Capitol right now, it's a Hollywood production. And if we are going to shut everything down every time somebody says something bad or calls into my office, this Capitol will never open up again. Maybe most Americans would think that is probably a good idea.

INGRAHAM: I think if Nancy Pelosi has her way and she remains in power, I don't think Washington is, frankly, ever going to open. It's certainly never going to be the same. They don't want the people to have access to Congress. They don't want people walking, the unwashed masses walking into the Capitol Hill just to chat or make an appointment with a congressman, I don't they want that anymore. They just want to tell us what to do.

NUNES: And it also benefits them on another level, too. Because people either are afraid to come and rally and protest their government, and also the fact that it's all locked down, it's allowing them to squeeze through this real radical agenda with really no opposition from anybody in the United States because people don't know what is going on and have no access to the representatives.

INGRAHAM: They are doing it tonight with the vote bill, regulating voting. Congressman, we've got to run, but thank you so much.

And Joe Biden surrogates goes to school looking for dollars. And we're going to reveal what they're hiding from you. "Seen and Unseen" with Raymond next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we reveal the stories behind the headlines. And for that we turn to author of the forthcoming book "The Thief Who Stole Heaven," FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Ray, Biden sent a pair of visiting angels out to push his agenda today.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Laura, it was all about emotionally selling that $1.9 trillion COVID package we have been talking about, while Kamala Harris visited a small business today making the case that we need trillions to help these entrepreneurs, never mind that only a pittance of the money will go to them. First Lady Jill Biden toured a pair of schools in Connecticut and Pennsylvania. She was flanked by the new education secretary and the teachers' union leader Randi Weingarten. Dr. Jill tried to engage the students and offer some advice.


JILL BIDEN, U.S. FIRST LADY: What are you reading?



Ten years from now we don't want to forget what we learned about ourselves. And I think if we have a record of that, so I encourage really all of you to do something, anything, just to remember this time.


INGRAHAM: My gosh.

ARROYO: Laura, why do children want to remember a depressing time when they regressed in learning, were shut in their homes, and kept from their friends, and for no good reason? Remember the CDC guidance urged that schools be reopened even without teachers being vaccinated. But the Biden administration and the teachers' unions didn't like that. So out went the science. Talk about neanderthal thinking.

And Randi Weingarten whom you saw in one of those clips was really the shadow education secretary today, patrolling the language at these events. She doesn't want the teachers back in school until they get the $170 billion payout from the COVID relief bill. Bad news.

INGRAHAM: Leaning in to the child and saying what are you reading?


INGRAHAM: It's like what are you wearing? The kids, the kids are very intimidated by all this star power. Dr. Biden is in the house. They are very intimidated.

ARROYO: It was really awkward.

INGRAHAM: It would have been great, though, Raymond, if they said, "Well, Dr. Seuss."


INGRAHAM: Ray, where is Biden, by the way, as in the president?

ARROYO: Laura, he hasn't held a press conference after 43 days in office, something no president in 100 years has done. He's restricted to very tightly controlled events like this bipartisan cancer meeting in the Oval today. The press was shoved out after a few minutes. And when Biden does speak, he offers uh-dresses. Here is what, uh, I mean.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And, uh, the vice president and I are of the view that, uh, we can make significant strides, uh, infighting cancer and Alzheimer's and other diseases, uh, if we, uh, take a slightly different approach. And, uh, what I want to talk to them about today is, uh, how we go about --


INGRAHAM: My God. That is a new drinking game.

ARROYO: Right. We would all be loaded if "uh" was -- you take a shot on every "uh." And aside from these empathetic events when he conducts one of these Zoom meetings, as he did today with Democrats about the COVID bill, the White House is loath to subject Biden to any questioning. Who is pulling the cord here, Laura? Listen.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And I'm happy to take questions if that is what I'm supposed to do, Nance. Whatever you want me to do.



ARROYO: Then they just bring the curtain down on him, Laura. It's like Biden is playing this hide and go bleak strategy here where the only time he talks, it's all emotive stuff about people dying or the family members dying and how deeply he feels about it. But then otherwise the curtain comes down. We get no questions.

But before I go, I want your reaction to the latest donation to the Smithsonian Institution. Besides Edison's lightbulb and Judy Garland's ruby slippers, welcome Dr. Fauci's 3-d COVID model, Laura. That's right, Anthony Fauci is receiving a Great American Medal from the Smithsonian for his extraordinary leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic. He donated the 3-d model there. Laura, I have been waiting all day. Your reaction to this new addition to the Smithsonian?

INGRAHAM: Horton hears a spike protein, COVID spike protein. That looks -- maybe a Christmas ornament for next year. That will be the White House Christmas ornament right there.

ARROYO: He should have donated the report cards of the children with all the "f's" and the business foreclosures, or better yet, donate himself. Behind glass he might be a little less dangerous to everybody.

INGRAHAM: Fauci under glass, like pheasant under glass. Raymond, thanks so much.

And White House senior adviser Cedric Richmond says Biden is prepared to move without Congress on the issue of reparations. So what does that mean? And what does the man trying to fill his vacant congressional seat think about this? He'll tell us next.



CEDRIC RICHMOND, SENIOR ADVISER TO PRESIDENT BIDEN: We have to start breaking down systemic racism and barriers that have held people of color back. We don't want to wait for a study that we even support. But we're going to start acting now.

If you start talking about free college tuition to HBCUs and you start talking about free community college, tripling Title I and all of those things, I think that you are well on your way.


INGRAHAM: White House senior adviser Cedric Richmond laying out what the Biden administration is really focused on. But how do racial based reparations make things better for middle class Americans? What about the lives of Cedric Richmond's former constituents in Louisiana's second congressional district?

Joining me is the Louisiana congressional candidate Claston Bernard. He is running for Richmond's old seat. Claston, you say that reparations are a gimmick. Explain.

CLASTON BERNARD, (R) LOUISIANA CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: Today, there are people who went through a lot. He is talking about probably college. Will a 90-year-old go to college? Will someone -- the reality is we have had reparations since the 1960s. I think $20 billion or $26 billion have been spent on the government program to help minorities. And where is that money? Where are we today?

We keep talking about reparation as if the people who are responsible for what happened 200 years ago are still alive. Biblically speaking, it says the people who commit the crime are the ones who are actually responsible. You should not hold the children of those people responsible for the sins of their parents.

We have to move away from this. Slavery was ugly. Jim Crow was nasty. But the reality didn't break black America. Government programs broke black America giving them money. And right now I think they know they are in trouble. The person in the White House is insensitive to blacks. Look at his crime bill. Look at what he has done. They are looking for some more gimmicky, another carrot to dangle to the people. Because --

INGRAHAM: A piece in "New York Magazine" -- I'm sorry. A piece in "New York Magazine" today noted a big problem facing the Democrat Party was that as white liberals increasingly define the party image and messaging, that's going to turn off the non-white conservative Democrats. Hillary Clinton voters with conservative vote on crime, policing, and public safety were far more likely to switch to Trump.

Claston, tonight, the House of Representatives passed a bill that will strip hundreds of the millions of dollars from police departments across the country. Who benefits from taking money away from policing to keep neighborhoods safe?

BERNARD: Majority blacks. And this is a problem. It's always virtue signaling. They are always looking out for their status quo. And it sounds good, but they talk to talk to the black mothers who are crying for their lost loved ones. They need to talk to the people who have mowed down in the street.

We have a problem with all this stuff that they are doing. And it's not helping the black people. I will just say this. Government just needs to leave black Americans alone. Give them the opportunity to stand on their own two feet. For over 200 years people like Frederick Douglass have been saying that. Just level the playing field and leave us alone and allow us to find out who we are as a people. And I think we would be in a lot better position.

Defunding the police hurt minority communities. And the reality is probably only three percent of people in the minority community commit most of the crime. So you are endangering --

INGRAHAM: Claston, we are going to have you back. I'm fascinating by this race. I think you're going to do a great job. You are going to surprise a lot of people. Thank you so much tonight.

And on masks, we have the Last Bite.


INGRAHAM: Just how long will your school age kids be in masks? Biden's new education secretary offered an ominous clue.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No issues with the masks? The only trouble that we have is that their masks are too big, but I always have extra.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right, right. And they will grow into it, eventually.


INGRAHAM: Grow into it? From the empathy administration.

That's all the time we have tonight. 

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