'Hannity' on Taliban violence, Calif. recall race

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," September 13, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right, Tucker. And welcome back and thank you.

And welcome to HANNITY.

ANNOUNCER: Americans Held Hostage Abandoned Behind Enemy Lines, Day 30.

HANNITY: It is officially day 30, Americans held hostage. They were abandoned by Joe Biden behind enemy lines.

Tonight, there are many Americans still trapped behind enemy lines, hostage to the whims of the Taliban, the terrorists. We still cannot get an exact number, which in and of itself is a disgrace, and likely hundreds of Americans and more when you start including their family members.

Our fellow citizens hopelessly trapped in Afghanistan, along with thousands of green card holders, thousands more with special immigration visas, and our Afghan allies -- yeah, they now will be sentenced to death one after another. It's already begun. They're all now at the mercy of the Taliban, who according to the Biden administration, they're very business-like and very professional.

And, of course, nothing could be further from the truth. These are evil, murdering terrorists, Joe, who now control the fate of scores of Americans and our allies for 20 years that we made a promise to we'd get them out of this moment ever came. You abandoned them.

As we speak, Taliban death squads are now going door to door they're hunting their political enemies when anyone with any ties to America or the West. And according to "The Times of London", at least four American- trained anti-terrorism agents they were tortured, they were murdered by these death squads. One victim had all of his fingernails pulled out before they shot him in the head. How's that for professional and business like, Joe, and Tony Blinken and Jen Psaki?

Now, this updated image posted to social media about a week ago obtained by "The Washington Examiner". Now, we have not verified it, but it shows the Taliban beheading of an Afghan soldier. "Washington Examiner", they have the video. We have this picture. Very professional and business-like, right, Joe?

Now, other videos not yet verified by Fox show Taliban terrorists now -- we do have videos of them whipping and beating women now all over the country. This is happening daily now and with regularity. Under Taliban rule, it is illegal for women of protest. It is illegal for women to hold certain jobs. It is illegal for women to show any of their face in public.

Women are now segregated in schools and there are reports of young girls ripped away from their moms and dads and forced to marry Taliban fighters and become sex slaves or become sex slaves. There are travel restrictions on women, clothing restrictions, schooling, work restrictions. Breaking any rule, that results in whippings and beatings or death.

And just listen to this gut-wrenching video as evidence.


HANNITY: Beating a woman who's screaming, professional and business-like? Joe, you're watching?

Clearly, Afghanistan is once again hell on earth for all women and others, a paradise for the world's most brutal terrorists. According to several top experts, including Obama's own secretary of defense and former CIA Director Leon Panetta, this country is now a safe haven for al Qaeda, ISIS, ISIS-K, and other terror groups.

And as for the over horizon anti-terror strategy that Joe Biden is now bragging about, he's also bragging about having leveraged that he has none, it's not going so well. Look at this investigation from "The Washington Post" and "The New York Times". Wow, even a blind squirrel gets the acorn, right?

A recent drone strike, you know the one they bragged about but they wouldn't tell us who actually got hit, the one they said targeted an imminent ISIS threat armed with explosives -- yeah, "The Washington Post" and "The New York Times", they're now saying that the they killed an unarmed human rights worker and seven children. Joe, you did that?

Americans and our allies left behind enemy lines. Thirteen American soldiers murdered and now were taking aid workers and young children and Joe killed them. Imagine if it was Donald Trump, and a terrorist safe haven in Afghanistan 20 years after 9/11. Biden's spineless impotent actions surrounding the withdrawal have been so bad that Joe is now getting booed pretty much everywhere he goes, including this weekend at the 9/11 Memorial in New York City. Take a look.


HANNITY: Weak, feeble, cognitive mess -- notice that Joe is walking in with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama in order to look more credible, less weak and pathetic as he really is. But it really doesn't matter, does it, because everyone on earth, all of our enemies, all of our allies, everyone knows very few people have the courage to just say it, Joe Biden is completely and totally inept and out of it. They know his clueless secretary of state isn't much better.

We had Tony Blinken today didn't even have the courtesy of going before Congress, walking two blocks announced that he expects the terrorists and the Taliban -- the professional and business-like Taliban -- to uphold their commitments on counterterrorism and respect the basic rights of women and girls, just like last week he was lecturing them on wokeness and inclusivity. How dumb is this man?

Take a look.


ANTONY BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE: We expect the Taliban to ensure freedom of travel, to make good on its commitments on counterterrorism, to uphold the basic rights of the Afghan people, including women, girls and minorities, to name a broadly representative permanent government and foreswear reprisals.


HANNITY: Where's Mike Pompeo when we need him?

We now have a secretary of state so totally, completely, utterly clueless, kind of makes Neville Chamberlain look like Patton in comparison. Tony Blinken is really that dumb and a complete fool. No clue about the real world, no clue or understanding at all about the enemy that is the Taliban. They are our enemy. They are terrorists. How dumb are you? How is it possible for some one person to be that stupid?

He expects terrorists to uphold their anti-terrorism commitments, lectures them on wokeness, inclusiveness, expects the Sharia-loving Taliban to protect the rights of women and girls? You're not watching the videos, Tony?

You know, you're not seeing any of the beatings we're showing almost nightly, Tony?

And today, Blinken wasn't given the benefit of the doubt to the -- he was actually giving the benefit of the doubt to the Taliban as he was busy trashing Donald Trump, the same Donald Trump who before they had any negotiation said, I will obliterate you if you don't follow every dotted I, crossed T, comma and period. And he would have done it. Take a look.


REP. BRAD SHERMAN (D-CA): How meticulous was the planning for the Trump administration declared May 1st withdrawal?

BLINKEN: Oh, thank you, Congressman. We inherited a deadline. We did not inherit a plan.

SHERMAN: So no plan at all. It's amazing that it wasn't much, much worse.


HANNITY: You also inherited secure borders, energy independence and a good economy that was bouncing back, and you raised COVID cases by 300 percent compared to last year. You had no problem ruining the good policies of Donald Trump, but now, it's convenient, you want to blame Trump for the fact that you didn't obliterate them the way Trump would have?

Trump's deadline was in May. That's before the Taliban fighting season. That's the opium season.

The Biden administration blew right through the deadline. Blinken was lying, as the world watched the Taliban on the move, they did nothing. When they had full safety and security at Kabul, they could have extracted every American, every Afghan ally and even the billions of dollars of military equipment.

Now, Donald Trump's plan, the one that he had in place, we're going to keep Bagram Air Base in perpetuity, and we were going to hold the Taliban accountable by force. If they stepped one inch out of where they were allowed to step, he would have bombed the living Adam Schiff of them.

Anyway, if they harmed any American, not a single American died in 18 months, the last year of Trump's presidency, not one.

Anthony Blinken is living in an alternate reality. If he had any honor at all, he doesn't, he would resign immediately. He should be fired, impeached. But guess what? He doesn't have honor or decency, and he's not bright.

In fact, he didn't even show up to his hearing at Capitol Hill today. Instead, he appeared on a webcam from his office, like three blocks away. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. Blinken, assuming it's not classified, can you tell us where you are today?

BLINKEN: Yes, I'm at the State Department.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Couldn't be bothered to come home down here and see Congress. All right. That's great.

How many Afghan citizens came to the United States that had not met the qualifications for special immigrant visa?

BLINKEN: We're in the process --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no, how many? How many did you bring? You were just at Dulles, how many did you bring?

BLINKEN: We have -- we will have by the end of the month, we will have brought a total of approximately 60,000.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That have not met the SIV process.

BLINKEN: Some of those will be -- some of those will have been through the SIV process.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are Afghan refugees required to be vaccinated for COVID before coming to the United States of America?

BLINKEN: They are vaccinated in the United States before they are -- before they are resettled.


HANNITY: They didn't vet them. They didn't have COVID protocols. They only exist for American citizens. Do you hear that?

We left thousands of green card holders, SIVs, American citizens behind enemy lines in Afghanistan, but somehow evacuated tens of thousands of people other people without any appropriate paperwork and no vetting.

And according to Congressman Tom Tiffany, Wisconsin, many of these potentially unvetted individuals, they're allowed to leave a Wisconsin military base completely unsupervised and travel as they please, unvetted.

Great work, Tony. Great job, mission accomplished. Job -- Joe, way to go. By the way, it's Monday, Joe, in case nobody reminded you or gave you a card.

Mark my words, this crisis will have lasting consequences for our country, one of the biggest foreign policy debacles in the history of this great republic. At one point during the hearing, the line of questioning took a pretty unexpected turn. Blinken was left totally completely speechless, which actually was maybe the only moment it made sense. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How long was your recent interview with the FBI and was it a deposition?

BLINKEN: I'm sorry? I don't know what you're referring.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you saying that you have not had a recent interview with the FBI since becoming secretary of state?

BLINKEN: I'm -- I'm not sure what you're referring to.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did the State Department turn over documents to the FBI related to Hunter Biden, Burisma and/or the Blue State Strategies Corporation?

BLINKEN: You'll have to ask --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So, you have no knowledge of this? You have had no -- you don't -- you -- are you saying you have had not had an interview with the FBI --

BLINKEN: It would not be appropriate for me to comment in a public forum on any legal proceedings that the department --



HANNITY: Oh, hamana-hamana-hamana, you want to plead the Fifth, Tony?

Now, based on Blinken's weird answers, IU'd guess that he has been interviewed by the FBI, just to guess about Hunter and Biden's family's illicit international money-making scheme, you know, the syndicate, very serious. If the president of the United States is in any way compromised, you the American people I think deserve to know that.

Here with reaction, two members of Congress present at today's hearing, ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Michael McCaul, and congressman from California, Darrell Issa, who's been working very hard behind the scenes, along with others, in fairness, to help rescue Americans caught behind enemy lines.

Congressman McCaul, let's start with that last answer because, obviously, he was caught flat-footed. Your reaction?

REP. MICHAEL MCCAUL (R-TX): Well, I think he's caught flat-footed the entire hearing. He could not explain how he's going to get American citizens left behind enemy lines out. The interpreters as you mentioned are being executed right now by the Taliban.

And when I asked him about, what are we doing about our intelligence and surveillance, reconnaissance, ISR capabilities? We have no eyes and ears on the ground in Afghanistan, Sean, anymore. It's dark, and we can't see Russia China and Iran as well.

And when I asked him about this and I asked him, did President Putin threaten the United States of America telling him that he could not build intelligence capabilities in the region? He could not respond to that question other than to say we need to go to another setting to talk about that.

HANNITY: You know, Congressman Issa, we can't get a direct number of how many Americans are caught behind enemy lines. I have had -- I saw your stated number publicly of about 500, if we added family members, probably over a thousand. Tell us what the latest numbers you're getting are because we have people like yourself and others -- these stories will be told, stories you know about and I know about, efforts to help save Americans. But we can't tell it now.

How many Americans do you estimate are behind enemy lines, and how many Afghan allies are left behind enemy lines with data that will likely get them killed?

REP. DARRELL ISSA (R-CA): Well, it's many thousands of those people who fought and helped us throughout the years that are genuinely and accurately and entitled to those visas that the State Department never issued then burned and left without granting. But the number of 500 or so is still a very valid number, perhaps a little more.

Only 60 additional Americans and their families have gotten out in the last few days, with a lot of fanfare from the State Department, even though they did not come out on a chartered flight by the State Department or in any other way were assisted by the State Department.

As a matter of fact, when I questioned the secretary on something that says do not count on your government, he absolutely said -- well, that's not true, even though it both came off his website and was emailed to us by State Department officials.

HANNITY: I've seen those and I quoted a lot of them.

Congressman McCaul, the administration is saying the Taliban is professional and business-like. Now, we see them beating women almost on a daily basis. We see the segregation in schools now. It's only a matter of time before women won't go to work or school. We get these reports of young girls ripped away from their moms and dads and married off to Taliban members.

Is that professional and businesslike in your view? And the videos of women being beaten, in your view? How does somebody make such an ignorant statement as they have?

MCCAUL: It's so naive, and let's introduce the new Taliban government, the new team. One actually harbored bin Laden, the Haqqani Network, infamous for tying itself with al Qaeda. Every one of these members -- and the Taliban five, they got released from Guantanamo courtesy of President Obama now are part of the Afghan-Taliban governance.

I think this is -- and the idea that that, Sean, they're going to try to negotiate to legitimize this government, that they can somehow trust them is one of the worst foreign policy debacles, you know, I think I've seen in my lifetime. These are terrorists. And you know what?

HANNTY: Well, they don't --

MCCAUL: They have a lot of weapons now that they've inherited and they have al-Qaeda building and this is worse than pre-9/11, and the terror threats can be real.

HANNITY: Congressman Issa, they wouldn't give us the name of the ISIS-K person that they claim they took out with a drone strike. Now, "The Washington Post" and "New York Times" are saying that actually it was a year old engineer working with a group Nutrition and Education International, which aimed to eliminate malnutrition in Afghanistan, and seven children were killed. Did they lie to us?

ISSA: They may have lied or they may just be that that wrong. Understand that when they completely withdrew, the State Department and the Central Intelligence people and the soft (ph) people, they lost all their ability to be accurate.

So I'd like to give them the benefit of the doubt. I suspect they didn't know and they made something up.

But again, Sean, if this administration trusts this government so much, why is the embassy empty? Why did it have to be withdrawn if in fact we were going to hand over to these terrorists the country?

HANNITY: Congressman, but that we watched them on the march in February, March, April, May, and we watched the Afghan army collapse, and they didn't push them back and they didn't expedite the withdrawal. It could have been done safely while we had control. We could have saved every ally, every American and we wouldn't have had to leave them billion dollars and billions and billions of dollars on our military equipment.

Thank you both. Congressman Issa, keep up the good work. Same with you, Congressman McCaul. I hope you can save a lot more Americans.

Now, we turn to Biden's illegal, unethical vaccine mandates tonight, which are causing serious ramifications all over the country. Foxnews.com reporting one New York hospital forced to put baby deliveries on hold as maternity workers quit over this mandate. Now, get this, if you work for Congress, you're exempt from the mandate. Rules don't apply to them -- of course not.

And meanwhile, wannabe dictator, Dr. Anthony Fauci, you know the guy that helped fund the Wuhan lab, is now pushing for more rules. Now, he wants a vaccine mandate for all air travel international and domestic, something he said he'd never do. Not out of the question given the current federal mandate which was something Fauci, Pelosi, Joe Biden, Jen Psaki all said they would never do, and we played that tape over and over again.

Here with more, co-host of "Outnumbered", Kayleigh McEnany, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.

Governor Huckabee, Joe Biden said he'd never do the mandate. He did it. Nancy Pelosi said, no, we can't -- we can't require people to do this. Jen Psaki said it's not the role of the federal government. Flip-flop Fauci said he'd never do it. That's -- never going to come to that. And it came to that.

So, now, I'm an extremist because I support their position of six weeks ago. Help me out with that.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, first of all, you've got to realize, Joe Biden doesn't remember what he said yesterday. He certainly doesn't remember what he said six months.

HANNITY: All right. I'll give him a pass, he doesn't remember. What about everybody else?

HUCKABEE: He does not remember it. But everybody else is just following the line. This is about controlling us not controlling the virus.

I want to be very clear, Sean, I've had the vaccine. So, you know, I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I'm a person who believes that if Biden is really as good as he claims to be at selling great ideas to America and bringing us together, he ought to be able to convince us by way of telling us the benefits of the vaccine but also making allowances for people who have natural antibodies. I've never had COVID, so I don't have the natural antibodies. I had to get some artificial ones.

But for those who have had them, about a hundred million Americans, they don't need it.

But here's the thing , when my mother wanted me to eat spinach, she didn't try to tell me about the virtues of vitamin E. She told me Popeye ate spinach and I'd be strong like he was.

Joe Biden needs to tell us the benefits rather than scaring the daylights out of us or boring us to death with a bunch of stuff where he says, follow the science. He's not following the science, Sean. If he was, he'd be saying to Congress, you guys have to mandate your own vaccines, they don't and the reason, because they think when they eat beans, they don't produce gas. So they ask the rest of America to do something we don't have to do, and we're sick of it.

HANNITY: And you could see the backdrop. You see he got booed at the -- over the weekend and all over football stadiums around the country, I hear a lot of F Joe Biden, Kayleigh.

KAYLEIGH MCENANY, CO-HOST, "OUTNUMBERED": Yeah, can't say I'm surprised. On every single front, Afghanistan, the economy. You know, you know it's bad, Sean, when you have to pivot from the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal to inflation, a flailing economy and vaccine mandates. You know it's bad, Sean, when you have to move to language like Bill de Blasio. We will shake you. The voluntary phase is over.

Joe Biden, you will pay if you do not do this. The vaccinated have a right to be angry at the unvaccinated.

Cedric Richmond, his stooge, who goes out and defends his policies says we will run them over -- speaking about governors like Ron DeSantis and Greg Abbott. When you pivoted to that language, I can tell you being a former press secretary, you're not in a good spot.

HANNITY: All right. Kayleigh, thank you.

And, by the way, Governor Huckabee, you have to keep that beard until Sarah Huckabee becomes the next governor of Arkansas. That's the rule. I just made it up.

All right. Coming up, Texas Governor Abbott has a lot to say. He joins us live.

Leo 2.0 Terrell asked people in California about the recall, he will join us. A full report and more, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. On Thursday, President Biden announced a set of sweeping new vaccine mandates that will require hundred million Americans to have the shot.

The backlash -- it was swift, it was intense, many Republican leaders vowing to take Biden to court to try and stop the madness. One of the most vocal defenders of personal freedom during this pandemic has been Texas Governor Greg Abbott who called Biden's new mandate a power grab, vowed to fight it.

Governor Abbott joins us now.

Historically, and the courts have also ruled on this, that it would be the states that would have such mandates, not the federal government mandating. Ron Klain was kind of bragging that they're doing an end-around on this. But I don't even think it meets the OSHA qualifications.

On what level, where do you see the lawsuit going? Because I believe you have a strong case and will very likely be successful.

GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R), TEXAS: Well, Sean, it turns out that President Biden is becoming a habitual violator of the United States Constitution. You'll recall that it was just recently that he said he did not have the authority to impose the moratorium on evictions and yet he did it. And the courts ruled against him.

He also said he didn't have the authority to and would not mandate the vaccines on people in the United States of America and he does not have that authority under the Constitution. As you point out, it is states and governors who have the authority. And, Sean, I have issued an executive order already in existence that prohibits any government from imposing a vaccine mandate on my fellow Texans.

So we're going to have a constitutional showdown. I believe that governor's orders will supersede the president's orders because the president does not have the authority to impose this. But more practically, Sean, is the effect that President Biden is having on businesses.

President Biden's order, it will cause businesses maybe to shut down. I've seen a report that showed as many as 40 percent of workers may not show up to work if they're required to get a vaccine shot. That will cause employers not to be able to have the employees they need to run their businesses. So this is very dangerous for business.

In fact, the Texas Association of Business said this is a frightening precedent established by Joe Biden because if he's able to do this, he would be able to establish any type of regulatory regime over the way businesses operate. That is bad for business in America.

HANNITY: Let me ask you this -- I'm against one-size-fits-all, you know, medicine here. What about people that have rare conditions? What about people that have natural immunity, for example?

If we're going to follow science completely, that would be things -- you know, how is it that Joe Biden only last week for the first time mentioned monoclonal antibodies like Regeneron as a therapeutic when taken very early has shown tremendous results from what I've seen?

But I'm not a doctor. I refuse to play doctor on radio and TV. I ask people to ask their doctors and make the right decision based on their unique health history, their current medical condition, do their own research, talk to their doctor, doctors, medical professionals they trust.

How is it Dr. Joe knows better than somebody's own doctor?

ABBOTT: Sean, you make a very important point. I will talk about a doctor who plays a doctor on TV and in person and that's Dr. Gottlieb, the former administrator for the FDA and a consultant for Pfizer who on TV recently said that acquired immunity can be just as effective as the Pfizer vaccine. And as you know, there are maybe as much as 30 percent of Americans who may have acquired immunity that should not be required to get a vaccine shot. And so, there is --


ABBOTT: -- understanding or acceptance of that.

HANNITY: Yeah, Dr. Rand Paul had COVID. He said -- he talked about T cell antibodies, for example. The Cleveland Clinic, they're going to study it even further but they had their initial results were that they felt -- initial results -- that well, if, in fact, you had it you don't need any vaccine, but they're urging people now to get vaccines, but they're studying it further.

But the initial results were very impressive. So, again, following the science. And then you got the issue we now have breakthrough cases. So why isn't there more emphasis -- and I'm not a doctor -- on therapeutics like monoclonal antibodies, like Regeneron? Like I know Ron DeSantis, your counterpart, he set up centers all over Florida. I think you're doing it in Texas.

ABBOTT: Yeah, we're opening these Regeneron antibody therapeutic centers across the entire state of Texas, it's so important for people to understand the value that this antibody therapy provides. It can help people quickly recover from COVID, and it is absolutely free. All you need is a doctor to recommend that you get it and we make it so easy for people to get it. It is one way that we can keep people out of hospitals and help people more quickly recover from COVID.

That needs to be taken into consideration by the Biden administration but also by all the governors who are running their states and making these decisions about whether or not people should be mandated to get a vaccine.

HANNITY: I'm telling people --

ABBOTT: We encourage people to get a vaccine but we should not mandate it.

HANNITY: You had a breakthrough case, Governor. You -- if I'm not mistaken, I thought I read it, I might be wrong, that you got Regeneron very shortly after you were diagnosed after being fully vaccinated, correct?

ABBOTT: That that is correct. So I was vaccinated, I did get COVID, I did take the Regeneron, and I quickly recovered. I had some aches and pains that would be consistent with a very mild case of flu, but I tested positive for four days, and then was good to go after that.

And so, I've seen the value of Regeneron and I encourage my fellow Texans and my fellow Americans to take advantage of this incredible treatment that we have that will help you to quickly get over COVID and get back to work.

HANNITY: I urge people take it seriously, do your own research, talk to your doctor, doctors, and make the decision with the professionals. And I'm pro-science, I'm pro-vaccination science, and I'm also pro-freedom, and people have conditions that we don't know about, and it's dangerous for people I think to be playing doctor, telling one size fits all medicine -- nah, that doesn't really work for me.

Governor, thank you. We appreciate it.

Now, even in deep blue California, failed Governor Gavin Newsom, he's fighting for his political life ahead of tomorrow's recall race. Every single one of Newsom's failures tonight is on the ballot -- from economy- killing lockdowns, making students suffer under Zoom school, his own kids had in-person learning at a private school, his energy policies, rolling brownouts, homelessness, crime, lack of the science of forestry, and all these out-of-control burns, his infamous dinner at the ritzy French laundry restaurant, but he's telling everyone else you got to stay home -- no mask, no social distancing. Blatant hypocrisy, far left Green New Deal, socialism and so much more.

And don't forget he's pretty much -- oh, let me send a check just before the recall to almost what, 66 percent of people in California.

We sent our own Leo 2.0 Terrell down to Venice Beach. He got the really tough assignment to get reaction to tomorrow's recall. Take a look.


LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Would you vote in the recall? And who would you vote for?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Larry Elder, of course.

TERRELL: Okay, why would you vote for Larry Elder, of course?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because while Larry Elder actually cares about the politics and he's not going to sit there and keep making a welfare state he can make money off.

TERRELL: You don't like California, you're here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, I like to vacation but I don't want to -- I don't want their governor.

TERRELL: What's wrong with their governor?


TERRELL: Recall election tomorrow.


TERRELL: Who do you favor?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, Larry Elder, of course, no doubt.

TERRELL: Okay, tell me why Larry Elder. Tell me why.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's our only chance. It's the only chance to save California.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Voting against the recall.

TERRELL: You're voting against the recall. Can you tell me why?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because there's no reason to recall Newsom particularly not if we're going to replace him with someone who's going to get a low percentage of the total vote.

TERRELL: Why Gavin Newsom?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because he's done a good job.

TERRELL: He's done a good job as far as what areas?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Every area that you can think of.

TERRELL: Are you happy with the job Gavin Newsom is doing?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Absolutely not.

TERRELL: Okay, tell me why.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've been here 40 years in California and I've seen nothing but decline.

TERRELL: Do you think Larry Elder will be a better choice than Gavin Newsom?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh most definitely, yes.

TERRELL: Tell me why Larry Elder?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh because he's going to clean this place up, man. We got to get Gavin Newsom out of here. This guy's a clown. Okay, look at this -- look at this place. I mean the guy's a mess.


HANNITY: Leo 2.0 Terrell. All right. My first question is how many people knew you from all your appearances on the show with that hat on?

TERRELL: Well, I'll tell you right now, they knew Sean Hannity first, Sean.

HANNITY: Oh, yeah, right, all right.


HANNITY: I'm not fishing for compliments. It's the hat. I don't have a Hannity 1.0 hat.

It's interesting, look, you're dealing with the bluest to blue states. If he's recalled, this is a political earthquake, you know, this is a 9.5 on the Richter scale. It's very difficult on question one, the voting's been going on forever. They're mailing out ballots to everybody.

I think it's always a felt it's an uphill battle, what are your thoughts?

TERRELL: Well, I'll tell you right now, the job -- first of all, this job as governor is too big for Governor Newsom, he can't handle it and that's why he's overwhelmed. He's been a disaster. You mentioned homelessness to crime, but I'll tell you right now, Sean, it's going to be same day voting. Conservatives, Republicans, if they come out -- if you see long lines tomorrow, it's going to be in my opinion a nail biter.

I know the polls favor Newsom, but same day voting can make this race very, very close.

HANNITY: All right. We're going to -- it's very interesting.

Now, when you're hanging out at Venice Beach, did you work out with the guys down there or what?

TERRELL: Well, first of all, they required me to keep saying how much they love the Sean Hannity show. So we got a lot of sound on --

HANNITY: OK. They know I work out every day. That's it. That's how I roll, so I can't walk.

TERRELL: They want you to come down here at muscle beach. They want you at muscle beach here.

HANNITY: I'd love to hang with them, I'd be fun.

All right. Leo 2.0 -- I like you in this role, I kind of -- I don't know. We got to do Leo 2.0's American.

TERRELL: Hey, this is a HANNITY team.

HANNITY: Exactly.

TERRELL: All day, all day on HANNITY. Thank you.

HANNITY: All right, Leo.

TERRELL: I'll be out tomorrow for you.

HANNITY: We're going to find out.

Now, Democrats pulling out to try all the stops and prevent Newsom's early exit and, of course, that means they're on questioning allies and the mob and the media, they're doing everything in their power to smear Larry Elder. And an "L.A. Times" columnist, they have one there saying Elder is quote a real threat to communities of color. Okay.

And meanwhile, Gavin Newsom appears to be trying to buy the votes of Californians. This blows me away as the state next week is dishing out another round of six hundred dollar stimulus checks, in addition to the previous batch that went out in late August, in the lead up. You get one before, you get one after. Before the recall election, after the recall election, and they're going to about 2 million Californians.

Here with reaction, former acting director of national intelligence and Fix California founder, Ric Grenell, along with the host of the "Rubin Report", Dave Rubin.

We welcome you back.

Ric Grenell, we'll start with you. I don't know. I grew up in New York, Ric, and I've lived all around the country. Where I come from, if you give people money before an election and then after an election, looks to me like you're trying to buy an election. But what do I know? I'm just a little old talk show host.

RIC GRENELL, FORMER ACTING DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Well, look, one thing that's clear is that Gavin Newsom is scared. He's got Joe Biden here today in Long Beach campaigning. They are paying people with stimulus checks. He is calling this the Republican recall. He's doing everything he can because they are scared.

I think no matter what happens over the next couple of days, Sean, we've already won. We conservatives, we -- Republicans in California, we've already won. We are putting to the vote of the people whether or not the governor is qualified, and there is a healthy debate, and we know that we have really terrible voter rolls here in California.

It's going to take us a couple of elections if we don't do an immediate turnaround here with the recall. I'm encouraged. I think we're already winning. I hope that every single person who's got a ballot in the mail will fill it out and vote to recall Gavin Newsom.

HANNITY: And, you know, Dave, I'm watching all this unfold. I read numbers. For example, Rudy Giuliani won as a Republican mayor, he was pretty liberal on social issues but that's not how he governed. Those weren't issues he was dealing with, and he turned New York City around, did a phenomenal job and saved a lot of lives in the process.

It is possible but it's now getting more rare as more and more conservatives, they're abandoning -- for the first time, California lost population in their 171-year history. That speaks volumes.

DAVE RUBIN, HOST OF "THE RUBIN REPORT": Yeah, well, first off, I want to thank you, Sean, on behalf of Ric and myself for sending Leo Terrell to Venice because Ric and I both live in California, but there's no amount of money that you could give us to get down there because it's an absolute disaster --

HANNITY: It really is.

RUBIN: of -- homelessness and drug use. So, hopefully --

HANNITY: He wanted combat pay. He literally said, this is a rough area, what are you doing? I'm going to get hurt down here. Yeah.

RUBIN: It's a true nightmare, I mean, joking aside. It's a true nightmare down there.

But, you know, in a broader sense, I'll tell you this. You know I've campaigned a bit with Larry and I'm obviously very much for his candidacy, and Larry doesn't want to become governor the way Gavin Newsom does, in that Gavin Newsom wants to rule over the people of this state as a king. Larry Elder wants to get out of the way and the meme that these people that Barack Obama and now Joe Biden and Gavin Newsom have put out there that somehow this is a Republican recall.

I've been on the ground, I've been to all these open up the state rallies and been there with real people. Most of the people supporting Larry, they are not traditional Republicans. There's plenty of Republicans and conservatives, of course, but these are regular Californians that are sort of apolitical or maybe Democrats or independents who have been mugged by the reality that you described -- all the terrible things that Gavin Newsom has done to this state.

So, tomorrow is truly one of the most important days in America in the last 10 years. It's like if we can fix California tomorrow --

HANNITY: So you really --

RUBIN: -- maybe that is a signal and everyone in America needs hope right now and maybe that's a signal we need.

HANNITY: Am I hearing you right, though, you think that on question one that he could be recalled? You believe that can happen?

RUBIN: I believe it's possible. This is America. Anything can happen, you know? They said Trump couldn't become president and he became president.

Look, are they probably going to do hijinx. Ric is dealing a lot with the with the voter rolls here. There's all sorts of weird stuff going on. We know that. So it's a one-party state and it's deeply corrupt.

But I believe in the people and I know people are angry, they're frustrated --


HANNITY: A lot of the people that would vote --

RUBIN: -- hand sign that recall in the height of the pandemic.

HANNITY: Yeah. Do you really believe on question one, Ric Grenell, that there's a fighting chance here?

GRENELL: Yeah, absolutely, there's a fighting chance. Look, we're up against a big title wave of mail-in ballots. They're throwing the mail-in ballots everywhere. But I believe that the anger is high. That's why I say we've already won. I know that we will have a real scare opportunity for Gavin Newsom. We could possibly see tomorrow Larry Elder as governor.

HANNNITY: No, that would be a great day. That would be -- that's a 9-5 on the Richter scale, politically speaking.

All right. Thank you both. Dave, good to see you. Ric, thank you for all your work.

After the break, anti-Biden chants, yep, F Joe Biden broke out again this weekend during sporting events. We've got the tape, the rest of the mob and the media, they're ignoring it, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, last week, we showed you footage of the anti-Biden chants breaking out spontaneously at college football games around the country. This weekend, it happened again. It also happened at a baseball game in bright blue New York City. Take a look.


HANNITY: I can't help it. It just cracks me up.

Anyway, sports fans everywhere are waking up to Biden's incompetence. Some are now also getting fed up with woke obsessions of the sports leagues, their leadership. By the way, you take the most unifying event, shared passion of a sport and a team, and you just ruin it.

Here's what Bill Maher had to say about the NFL's playing the black national anthem. Take a look.


BILL MAHER, TV HOST: I mean, I saw last night on the football game, Alicia Keys sang "Lift Every Voice and Sing", which now I hear is called the black national anthem. Now, maybe we should get rid of our national anthem, but I think we should have one national anthem. I think when you go down a road where you're having two different national anthems.

Colleges sometimes now have many of them have different graduation ceremonies for black and white, separate dorms. This is what I mean segregation. You've inverted the idea. We're going back to that under a different name.


HANNITY: Here with reaction, Florida Republican Congressman Byron Donalds and the founder of outkick.com and the co-host of the Clay Travis Buck Sexton show, nationally syndicated Clay Travis.

Congressman, let me start with you. I want to get your take on this.

And what happens if other groups want their anthem played?

REP. BYRON DONALDS (R-FL): Oh, well, first of all, I'll tell you that I never thought I would agree with Bill Maher, but I actually do. There is just one national anthem, It's the one that we all stand and we all sing to, especially when somebody's doing it in a fantastic way.

But I'll also tell you, Sean, I'm somebody who when I was in school early on, I also sang what is called the black national anthem, "Lift Every Voice and Sing". It is a song that matters a lot to many black people in our country. But it shouldn't be the other national anthem. There should only be one.

The NFL wants to do that at halftime if they want to do it at some other time, that's fine but there should be one national anthem without question. "Lift Every Voice and Sing" is a very good song and the thing I don't like is that it is now being used unfortunately in these any social media, in this political way of trying to bring division in the country. I just think it's wrong.

HANNITY: Clay Travis, your thoughts?

CLAY TRAVIS, OUTKICK FOUNDER: Look, Sean, I think sports fans are leading us back to normalcy the chants against Joe Biden, I was at the Cardinals- Titans game, may not want to call it a game because the Cardinals whipped our ass.

But what I love, Sean was they started to chant "USA, USA, USA" in the stadium, I've been going to games for 20 years in that stadium, I don't remember that happening for a long, long time. And I'm going all over the country on the Outkick bus tour right now. I got to watch Texas, Arkansas game, and meet all the Razorback fans. I'm going to be down in Gainesville this weekend.

HANNNITY: What's up with this? I don't get any invites to these games? How come you get to go to all?

TRAVIS: You're invited, Sean. I'll send all the invite. I'm going to be on the road the whole fall.

But I think we're seeing a great uprising for people from sports fans who want to go -- these are packed stadiums. Nobody's wearing a mask. It's hard to see how you can argue that you need to have the vaccine to get on an airplane when a hundred thousand people are showing up with their brothers and sisters and watching football games. I think it's a really good sign about America healing.

HANNITY: That looked like the big house, a hundred and ten thousand I think that seats.

All right, guys. Good to see you both. Thank you.

When we come back, John Ondrasik written a song about Afghanistan, "Blood on His Hands," next.


HANNITY: Five for Fighting has written a song about Biden's disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal entitled "Blood On My Hands". Very powerful, I have the statement in song on my website, Hannity.com, and he put some images of Biden leading from behind. Watch.


HANNITY: The whole video is on hannity.com.

Let not your heart be troubled. Laura, welcome back. I missed you.

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