'Hannity' on crime surge, debates over defunding the police

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," June 29, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right, Tucker, and thank you.

And welcome to HANNITY.

All right. Tonight, your president, President sippy cup Joe Biden, he's not doing well yet again. Earlier today, struggling yet again with another public event. More of that creepy whispering came back into play, trouble with the teleprompter and, of course, plenty of -- well, mass confusion. We will play the low lights coming up.

Plus, China's puppets in the WHO, the World Health Organization and California's Gavin Newsom, they want you to put your mass back on, apparently indefinitely.

But, first tonight, America cities, they are in crisis. Look at the statistics. They're everywhere -- rape, robbery, assault, murder is skyrocketing.

In Portland, the murder rate is up a whopping 800 percent. In Minneapolis, it's up by a whopping 56 percent. Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., Los Angeles, New York, Chicago also now suffering through major spikes in violent crime.

Now, what do all these cities have in common? One, they are all run and have been for many years by far left Democrats. Number two, the same Democrats that vilified law enforcement slashed police budgets, defunding the police, vowing to defund and dismantle as well, and acting soft on crime policies like no bail reform, refusing to prosecute people that we have video of rioting and looting involved in arson, and other violent criminals.

During the summer of 2020, these Democrats, they bent their knee to an angry mob, denied the reality that was playing out before the entire country. In Minneapolis, city leaders allowed a police precinct to be burned to the ground. In Seattle, entire city blocks were ceded to rioters and criminals for weeks. Downtown Portland was lit on fire almost every night for months.

And all across the country, police were assaulted with bricks and frozen water bottles and rocks and Molotov cocktails. Several other cities experienced arson, looting on a massive scale.

Look at your screen, scenes like this in Santa Monica, California, there were widespread, looting in broad daylight. In Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, dozens and dozens of storefronts smashed and looted. In Times Square, over the weekend, a marine was hit with a stray bullet.

In Oakland, where the city council where they just voted to defund the police, a gunman tried to rob a camera crew during an interview with the city's crime prevention chief at city hall. Petty brazen.

A few weeks earlier in San Francisco, another news crew was robbed at gunpoint again in broad daylight. Take a look.


DON FORD, KPIX REPORTER: The car came up here while we're about to do an interview. Three guys jumped out. One had a gun, put it up to my face and said, we're taking the camera.

REPORTER: Ford, a veteran journalist, said the whole encounter with a Glock in his face took less than a minute.

FORD: My whole thought at the moment was let's be calm, let's not get this guy excited, he's got the gun, I don't. So you take the camera. It's yours, buddy.


HANNITY: The violence is out of control and it's happening in many cities all across the country.

Instead of cracking down on crime and restoring law and order so we can be safe and secure and pursue happiness, while police budgets, they're getting slashed. Officers are now being restricted. They're told to stand back and stand down. Many criminals who loot and riot and steal, they're not even getting arrested, and most of those that have been locked up that just quickly let out of jail and then all charges even with videotaped evidence has dropped.

For example, 118 individuals arrested in New York City during last year's looting spree almost every single case was just dismissed. Tons of evidence.

Now, after a year of chaos and violence and mayhem, almost no one in America supports this insane defund the police movement. Only 18 percent according to a recent poll. And meanwhile, a brand new Harvard/Harris poll shows an overwhelming majority, nearly 70 percent of Americans have, in fact, a favorable view of police. According to a Pew poll, minorities including African-Americans are worried about crime and opposed cuts to police funding.

Obviously, these are not good numbers for Democrats that have sat idly by and silent and spent the last year themselves vilifying the police, defunding and dismantling.

But tonight, the Biden administration, well, they have a bold new plan they tell us. Unfortunately, that plan has nothing to do with making your cities safer. Instead the geniuses in the new administration, they're now accusing Republicans. They're saying they're the ones that want to defund the police.

Okay, I'm not making this up and we've got the videotape to prove it. Take a look.


CEDRIC RICHMOND, BIDEN AIDE: Look, Republicans are very good at staying on talking points of who says defund the police, but the truth is, they defunded the police. We funded crime intervention and a whole bunch of other things.

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Part of his announcement is also ensuring their specific guidance to communities across the country to ensure that they have funding to get more community police around the country, something that was supported by the American jobs plan that was supported -- that was voted into law by Democrats just a couple of months ago. Some might say that the other party was for defunding the police. I'll let others say that, but that's a piece.


HANNITY: That's what you call it outright lie. You could even call it a conspiracy theory, if they actually believe that crap.

And where are the so-called fact checkers at "The Washington Post" or fake news CNN or PolitiFact? Maybe they want to weigh in on this one.

This might be the most blatant lie in modern American politics, but you don't have to take my word for it, because we actually have proof. It's called videotape. Thank God for videotape.

Take a look.


REP. AYANNA PRESSLEY (D-MA). : Yes, I support the defund movement because this is about the investment in our communities which have historically been divested.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): One that I'm actively engaged in in advocacy for is the reduction of really truly talking about the reduction of our NYPD budget and defunding $6 billion NYPD budget.

REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): This model of saying not only do we need to defund but we need to dismantle and start a new allows us to really re-imagine what public safety should look like in our community.

KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You know, in many cities in America, over one-third of their city budget goes to police. So we have to have this conversation. What are we doing?


HANNITY: Remember last year, Democrats, they wouldn't call "riots" riots, and the same Democrats never mentioned it at the DNC, all that had gone on last summer.

Kamala Harris herself even promoted that bail fund to get violent criminals out of jail. During the DNC, no mention of last summer's violent riots.

Even Joe Biden himself, he said that police have become the enemy. And he agreed that cities should absolutely redirect funds away from law enforcement. They're now blaming Republicans for this, but we've got more videotape to prove they're wrong and they're outright lying. Take a look.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Surplus military equipment for law enforcement, they don't need that. The last thing you need is an up- armored Humvee coming into a neighborhood it's like the military invading. They don't know anybody they become the enemy. They're supposed to protecting these people.

So my generic point is that --

UNIDENTIIFED MALE: But can we agree that we can redirect some of the funding?

BIDEN: Yes, absolutely.


HANNITY: At least he didn't say, come on, man. Are you a junkie?

Now, just to recap, the radical socialist based of this new deal Democratic Party demanded that the police be defunded, they did it. Democratic leaders in the House and the Senate, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, they all agreed.

Local Democrats on the city-state level then rip billions of dollars out of police budgets. New York, Los Angeles and Minneapolis, that's just a start. They reduce the size of their police force. They let violent criminals out of jail. They stop prosecuting a multitude of very serious crimes, including violent crimes and predictably violent crime is skyrocketing. And now, Democrats they want to blame Republicans? Okay, our memories might be short but they're not that short.

And the Democratic Party thinks that we the American people must be that gullible and stupid.

And at the same time, this is the guy they just put in the White House. Take a look. Thank goodness for videotape.


BIDEN: Please, please, please sit down. I once said that the big crowd was in the evening. I said, please sit down, and there were no seats that were out in the football field, and the press pointed out Biden's losing it, and I can see you all had seats.

This bipartisan breakthrough is a great deal for the American people, not just for folks in cities, not just for red states or blue states but for everybody. This job -- this jobs -- the jobs that are going to be created here largely would be those for blue-collar workers.


HANNITY: This job, this job, the job, okay, we've shown you tape from Joe Biden in 2012. That seemed like the same guy to you?

Do you trust Joe Biden with your safety and security? You think he's going to come up with a plan to reduce violent crime in America. I don't think so. We'll let you decide.

Joe Biden seemingly barely knows what day of the week it is. His radical New Green Deals socialist base, they seem to be in charge. And make no mistake, they are hell-bent on dismantling law and order. We can tell by their actions.

Here with more is Senator Ted Cruz of the great state of Texas.

Senator, I don't know. I don't recall you denying riots or riots last year. I don't know any Republican that wasn't out there saying we need to restore law and order, and I don't know any Republican that was out there or conservative saying, we need to defund and dismantle the police. But if you remember, please tell us because my memory is pretty sharp on these issues.

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Well, Sean, I got to say, it's remarkable that the White House is now apparently employing comedians. You know, there's an old Yiddish word for that, chutzpah.

You know, for them to run out and claim that it's Republicans who want to defund the police, that's like an arsonist showing up at the fire and blaming the firemen. That's like the Chinese blaming the Americans for the Wuhan virus. That that's like OJ saying he's going to help find the real killer. That's like Democrats saying they're the ones that want to build the wall.

It's absurd. It's ridiculous, and they know it. But you know what? They're also counting on the media, all encircling Joe Biden and saying, poor Uncle Joe, he doesn't want to abolish your police.

Well, last time I checked, Bill de Blasio, the Democratic mayor of New York, campaigned on defunding the police, cut a billion dollars from the NYPD, and you know what? De Blasio was standing on that same Democratic stage with Joe Biden.You might not remember it, but de Blasio was right there.

Last I checked, AOC is a Democrat. Last I checked, Tlaib's a Democrat. Last I checked, Omar is a Democrat.

Last I checked, the summer of love -- you remember when you had the CHAZ, autonomous zone, you had a Democrat going, oh, it's just the summer of love.

I mean, I want to see the Democrats make the case to the American people. Put us in charge, like the mayor of Portland can say, put us in charge. Let us abolish your police. If you don't like your murder rate, we can increase it eight times, 800 percent.

Look, the Democrats understand they're in trouble. Abolishing the police is stupid. The American people know that. By the way, African-Americans and Hispanics overwhelmingly oppose abolishing the police.

And so, so, suddenly, these rich white liberals that said let them eat cake, let them be without police, are realizing, oh, no, this is unpopular. And so, they're trying to claim these aren't the droids you're looking for. They've never supported it. It's absurd. It's ridiculous.

And, Sean, if you want to know what Joe Biden thinks, look no further than two of the senior officials he appointed to the Department of Justice -- Vanita Gupta and Kristin Clarke. They are two of the leading advocates for defunding and abolishing the police. Last year in writing and congressional testimony, they advocated it. Biden appointed them to two of the top positions in the Department of Justice.

And, by the way, out of 50 Democrats in the Senate, you know how many voted to confirm both of them? All 50, every single Democrat voted to confirm vocal advocates for abolishing the police. That's who's helping run the Department of Justice right now.

HANNITY: Let me ask you as a constitutional attorney that has successfully -- great track record actually -- argued before the United States Supreme Court and even Alan Dershowitz said you were one of the brightest students that he ever had, the honor of having in his class.

You know, I understand that our Constitution -- and you step in and correct me at any point I'm wrong -- I understand it to be the foundation for our rule of law, in this great democratic republic we live in. When we have laws, I always thought you don't get to pick and choose which ones you decide to obey.

Your state of Texas, all our border states now, are living with record lawlessness, the highest number of people coming into the country, illegally. Not only are they just being processed and allowed to enter, but then it seems like Joe Biden, Kamala Harris's policies are aiding and abetting in the law breaking, as they then disperse and give travel assistance to illegal immigrants to other states all over the country.

Is there anything legal about that, Senator? Because I'll be down at the border with Greg Abbott who I'm very fond of, and with President Trump tomorrow.

CRUZ: Yeah. Look, as you know, it's complete lawlessness and the Biden administration refuses to enforce the law.

A couple of months ago, I brought 19 senators down to the border to see firsthand what was happening. I've been to the border many, many times. I've been out with the border patrol on midnight patrol. It is worse than it's ever been. Over a half million people have crossed illegally.

And I got to tell you, for many of the people who are crossing illegally, they don't even have to be apprehended by the Border Patrol. They go and seek out the Border Patrol and turn themselves in because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris deliver them the rest of the way.

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the last mile of the human trafficking network that's resulting in abusing thousands of little boys, thousands of little girls. It's utterly lawless and it's striking.

So one of the things the trip that President Trump is taking to the border and we're glad to welcome him back in Texas, it did prompt Kamala Harris finally to discover we had a southern border and she traveled to the southern border.

But amazingly enough, she didn't go to the Rio Grande Valley. She didn't go to the epicenter of the problem. She went to El Paso which is a wonderful city, but it's 800 miles away.

It is -- it is -- Chicago is closer to Washington D.C. than El Paso is to the Rio Grande Valley.


CRUZ: And there's a reason, Sean, that Kamala didn't go to the Rio Grande Valley because if she -- if she had, she would have had to have seen the Biden cages. You've seen the Biden cages.

HANNITY: Oh, those cages that we showed.

CRUZ: Cage after cage after cage of little children, and she didn't want the news media to cover it because, you know, the media today, they don't pretend anymore. They are the Praetorian Guard protecting Biden and Harris.

And so, she went to El Paso to say, see, I went to the border, everything's fine here, while ignoring we're on a pace for more than 2 million people to cross illegally. It is a crisis.

And if you want to know how bad it is? McAllen, Texas, great city down in the Rio Grande Valley, historically bright blue, 80 percent Democratic -- they just elected a Republican mayor because the people said, enough already with this chaos that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has given us. We need to enforce our law. We need to secure the borders.

HANNITY: Senator, that would be a good start. I thought laws, I don't think -- I never knew you could pick and choose the laws. I never thought a president and vice president can pick and choose either.

I get to be in your home state of Texas. I happen to have reported from the border, I think this will be my 15th time being down there, from the Rio Grande, all the way through San Diego, at the actual border, by the way. Just in case anyone's interested.

Senator, look forward to seeing your state --


CRUZ: Buy property in Texas, we want to make you a Texan, Sean.

HANNITY: Listen, I'm getting out of here. I promise you. It's coming. Stay tuned.

All right, Senator Ted Cruz, thank you.

Joining us now with more the host of our brand new show here on the FOX News Channel. It's called Bongino filtered -- I'm sorry, "Bongino Unfiltered".

There is no such thing as Bongino filtered. I don't you know, of course, it's unfiltered.


HANNITY: From a law enforcement standpoint, you were on all summer with us last summer, Dan. We watched as over 3,000 police officers were hit and hurt with bricks and bottles and rocks and Molotov cocktails. We saw it with our own eyes.

Now with these states like New York have made a decision that even if you're involved in looting and arson and throwing bricks and bottles at police officers, even though we have all the incontrovertible evidence, your video, your face doing it, we're not going to prosecute you? How does that not result in more of this behavior?

BONGINO: Yeah. Listen, it's time to stop screwing around with this. And I think too many Republicans and, you know, not you or me, but too many Republicans have been too delicate, everything like this whole cutesy time crap. That's not my bag of donuts.

It's time to start speaking the truth here, okay, Sean? We know what works in law enforcement because we've tried it. We've been there. I was a cop in the Giuliani era in New York, and they had a policy on rioting. It was very simple.

The first person who throws a rock goes to jail. The second person who throws a bottle, Sean, you know what happens to him? He goes to jail.

Here's a pop quiz, what happens to the third person? Nothing, because there is no third person. That's why we didn't have any significant rioting back then. It's not a complicated anti-riot policy, just don't let people riot. It's not hard.

Not only that, we know that works, they threw that out the window. They just said the old David Dinkins, Stephanie Rawlings-Blake approach, you know? Ah, let them blow off some steam -- and blow up some steam while they're burning down your building.

It's interesting how people with no skin in the game want people to burn down other people's buildings. But what makes it worse is this why I say this whole cutesy time thing is over -- we need to call the Democrats out for what they are. They're either one of a couple things here -- either they're the dumbest people on planet Earth, which I don't I don't believe. I'd love to say that but it's not true, or they're deliberately destroying America's cities.

Option two is more frightening, because they know -- they're not stupid. They saw the broken windows policing implemented across the country. Bill Bratton, Jack Maple, Rudy Giuliani and others across the country, where they enforce low-level crimes. You know what happens, Sean, when you take the low-level criminals off the street, they're not on the street to commit high-level crimes. This -- you have to understand, this was a revolutionary thing, and I lived through it as a police officer at the time. And it cleaned up New York City like that.

So what does that say to you that they're throwing that out the window? They're willing to see watch people die to make a political point? That's really sick.

HANNITY: But apparently, they're just in a state of denial. Now, if you don't prosecute the people when you have the evidence of them committing crimes, how is there any other outcome except you're going to get more of that behavior? Because it's pretty much a get out of jail free card and, oh, you're not going to get in trouble card. Why wouldn't we expect more of it? I mean, it seems like the obvious conclusion.

BONGINO: Yeah. You know, it's isn't it weird that you and I have to have this conversation?

HANNITY: Kind of, yeah.

BONGINO: Listen, you and I are pretty -- we're -- you and I are pretty decently intelligent guys. We're not Stephen Hawking. I'm not Albert Einstein. But you and I are like -- hey, so I got this idea right, let's let criminals out of jail and not prosecute for them for committing crime and you said to me, well, more crime is probably going to happen, right? And then I'm like, yeah, Sean, more crime is probably going to happen.


HANNITY: And yet, Democrats --


BONGINO: But there are Democrats like scratching their heads like oh my gosh, Hannity is a genius. What just happened on his show?


HANNITY: You know, it's funny but it's all so sad. You know why?


HANNITY: Because every weekend, I can come on this show every Monday and I can give out the statistics of human beings that are shot. Many of them minorities, many of them whose names will never hear, names that I have scrolled since the Biden-Obama years that nobody ever cares about because they can't politicize it.

BONGINO: Sean, no one -- you're the only one doing it nobody cares. No one. If there's a police use of force incident, even if the cops arrested, there's a process going on. It doesn't matter. I see the name scrolling now, in the return. They don't -- they'll go crazy.

Yet you're scrolling -- look at all these names. Enriquez, Smith, Hampton, Charles Binder -- these are real people, folks. These are -- Sean's not making these names up. He didn't just pull these names out of the phone book and say, hey, let's put this segment on the show to get a -- you know, to get people welled up in the eyeballs.

Johnny Edwards, that's a person. That's a real person who's dead. Why doesn't he matter? Juan Bonilla, who -- these are real people with families. They don't matter? Why not? Why don't they matter?

HANNITY: Hey, Dan --

BONGINO: Because you can't go -- and I know it matters to you in this show, but it doesn't matter these other people.

HANNITY: Matters to us. We got to keep fighting.

BONGINO: I know it does.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you. Congrats again on the success of the show.

When we come back, our own Dr. Nicole Saphier sat down with former President Trump and called out the left for their COVID agenda. We'll have that.

Also, Iranian-backed militias reportedly firing rockets at our forces in Syria, following these week's airstrikes. Lindsey Graham reacts.

And the great one Mark Levin, he's fired up. We'll tell you about what, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Yet again, failed far left leaders in the country, places like California, are yet again threatening more knockdowns and mask mandates. Here on this show, we've exposed night after night the dangers when you politicize science and the dangers of distorting information for political reasons -- well, like how flip flop Fauci downplayed the lab leak theory publicly while being warned privately as early as January 31, 2020, privately.

Anyway, our own Dr. Nicole Saphier sat down with the 45th president of the U.S., Donald Trump, to unpack all of this. Let's get his take.


DR. NICOLE SAPHIER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Trump suggests Dr. Fauci deserves all the heat he is taking.

DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT: Look, he's a great promoter. He's a much better promoter than he is a doctor and he's a much better promoter than he is a prognosticator, because as you know, he didn't want to close the borders to China.

And then he said four months later, very graciously, that if President Trump didn't do that, we would have lost hundreds of thousands of people more.

He used to speak horribly about masks. I remember he was saying masks are terrible and now he's got you know wrapped around three masks on every part of his face.


HANNITY: You can see that full interview on FOXNation.com where if you're a veteran, you get a year free.

Here to explain more, FOX News contributor, Dr. Nicole Saphier.

You know, Dr. Oz, I thought said it really well, when politics and medicine, when they intersect, politics always wins. Now, when you talk about ivermectin and Regeneron and Operation Warp Speed and shutdowns, can we look back through the prism now of history and realize that politics in many instances one?

SAPHIER: Well, Sean, I mean, of course. There's a whole reason I wrote the book "Panic Attack" because I wanted to bring to light all the ways that the crisis has been politicized. I mean, you saw it from day one, from the origins, to hydroxychloroquine, face masks, children in schools, the vaccines -- everything they could do they destroyed with their partisan politics.

That knee-jerk anti-Trumpism made it all worse. You see it going on right now. We have House Republicans trying to convene the committee to look into the origins now that more data continues to come out, and we still have Speaker Pelosi saying that she's not going to be holding any hearings on this because it's a diversion.

Well, I'll tell you what, Sean, national security is not a diversion and that is what they are paid to do. So they need to get together and they need to look at this so that something like this does not happen again.

And even recently, Sean, the NIH deleted earlier viral sequences at the requests of Chinese scientists. Why would they do that? Actually if we had those earlier sequences, that would actually potentially give some credence to the natural spillover theory.

But instead, China's -- Chinese scientists said they wanted them deleted. If they don't have something to hide, if the virus didn't leaked out of that lab, then why would they want them deleted? That needs to be investigated.

HANNITY: When they talk about vaccine hesitancy, now they're talking about more shutdowns. My understanding, Dr. Saphier, was that if people got the vaccine, they were told that you would be protected regardless of what other people do? Is that changed or is there something they're not telling us?

Joe Biden, Jill Biden, Nancy Pelosi still wearing masks indoor, fully vaccinated.

SAPHIER: Well, no, Sean, and as there's more speak about the Delta variant, that hasn't changed. The case fatality rate with the Delta variant has not gone up, which is great news, and it looks like being fully vaccinated is still very protective even against this most recently circulating variant.

But you have to look across the country. It's not one size fits all. You do have areas of the country that have low vaccine rates. They are going to have surges with this more transmissible variant. That is going to happen.

I really hope we don't see horrible surges in the winter like we did over the last winter, but if these states can't get these vaccination rates up, they're probably going to have a rise in cases.

And unfortunately, with those rising cases may come some restrictions.

HANNITY: I will be watching a full interview on FOX Nation. Dr. Saphier, thank you.

We now turn to developments overseas tonight. Iranian-backed militias reportedly firing rockets at U.S. forces in Syria, following this week's airstrikes. Damage is still being assessed at the U.S. base in Eastern Syria. So far, no injuries have been reported.

Here with reaction, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.

Senator, I don't know if I'm allowed to talk about an off the record conversation we had, but this is exactly what you predicted to me would happen.

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): Yeah. So here's the game plan, number one, the Iranians are playing President Biden like a fiddle.

The ayatollah, Sean, is a religious Nazi. Hitler wanted a master race. The ayatollah wants a master religion. They're trying to drive us out of Syria and Iraq so they can dominate Syria, Iraq and Iran, the Shia crescent.

They're trying to build a nuclear weapon to hold the world hostage and one day destroy the state of Israel. They're on the path to accomplish all that unless we make a correction now. I've never been more worried than am right now about a war between Iran and Israel.

HANNITY: Well, you know, I think the biggest under -- well, the most underreported story was the Chinese, the Russians are now giving weapons to the Iranians so they can fight their proxy war in the rest of the Middle East.


HANNITY: I don't know. Am I the only person on national TV that seems to notice that's a big problem?

GRAHAM: You're the only one that talks about a lot of things. Number one, the Russians and the Chinese believe that what's bad for us is good for them. They're making a mistake with Iran.

Again, the Iranians want to dominate Syria, Iraq and Iran. They want to build a nuclear weapon to hold the world hostage, and destroy the state of Israel.

The state of Israel is in a bad spot here. How much longer do they wait -- do they wait before they act? I don't think you can trust the United States with Israel's security.

What Biden doesn't understand is who the ayatollah is. The ayatollah has a game plan that doesn't include Christians, Jews or moderate Muslims, Shia or Sunni.

So this is the most important event since the `30s. We have a chance to keep Iran on the ropes. We have a chance to keep them in a box, but every day, they get stronger because Biden doesn't understand the nature of the threat.

HANNITY: I -- you know, if I'm right and if my observations and the observations now of many people are correct that Joe is seems out of it, on a regular basis --


HANNITY: -- does raise questions about, you know, how strong he is and how capable he is of even understanding it. Then it raises questions about who's making the decisions -- I would imagine that these hostile regimes from Russia to China to North Korea, to the Iranian mullahs, to radical Islamic terrorist groups, they probably are feeling somewhat emboldened now? Is that a wrong observation?

GRAHAM: Oh, my God.

Well, we're cutting our military's budget. Biden's budget increased non- defense spending by 17 percent, defense spending less than inflation. We're withdrawing from Afghanistan where we had a few thousand troops to keep al Qaeda and ISIS at bay.

But here's my message to your viewers tonight -- the Iranian regime are religious Nazis. They would kill all the Jews that they could. They would dominate the Mideast with a former religion that would make the world an unbearable place to live and they would come after us.

They're trying to drive us out of the Mideast. They understand that Biden is weak and he's making the world a much more dangerous place by showing weakness.

When Trump kills Soleimani, it reset our relationship with Iran. Everything Trump has accomplished Biden is undercutting.

HANNITY: A pretty scary scenario. Senator, thank you for keeping us updated. We appreciate it.

When we come back, he's fired up. The great one Mark Levin will tell us the real reason crime is going up around the country. That and more as we continue. Thanks for being with us.


HANNITY: All right. Now, sippy cup President Joe, well, he continues to make a blunder after blunder after blunder, spinning in a million different directions as Democrats defund the police disaster is now leaving cities less safe, more violent than ever before.

Here to break it all down, he is the host of "Life, Liberty, Levin", number one show Sunday nights here on the FOX News Channel.

See that book? "American Marxism", I'm probably the only person besides his publisher that has now read it covered to cover.

I've interviewed you for all your books and may I dare say that I can't choose between them, but I think this is your best book.

The great one, welcome back.

MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS HOST, "LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN": Thank you. I think it's the most important book and I hope people will jump in and pre-order, comes out in two weeks.

You know, Sean, you may not know this. I don't think I've ever told you this story but Joe Biden and I have a special bond. You know, a few years ago, I was on an Amtrak train. And you know, he rides the Amtrak train like kids ride Disney rides.

And he walked and Dr. Jill walked in with her patient Joe, and they sat down. I pretty much ignored them, but at some point, you know, I had to go to the men's room and I -- I'm walking by him -- and this is true. And I said to Joe Biden said, hello, Mr. Vice President and he responded "you're a smart ass", pretty much that's what he said. So he and I go way back.

I want to say something to Joe Biden given our bond and I want to say it in a way that Joe Biden understands given his speech or whatever it was last week.

Joe, you're a screw-up. You're screwing up immigration. You're screwing up the economy. You're screwing up female sports. You're screwing up the price of gasoline.

What else? You're going to destroy our economy with taxes on successful people and opportunity and all the rest of it.

Joe and the Democrat Party have blood on their hands. What's going on in our inner cities, putting everything else aside is utterly avoidable and unacceptable. These are Democrat Party policies.

War on the cops, the war on the cops has resulted on war on innocent people in the inner cities, Black and Hispanic people in particular. Murder is going through the roof. Murder is going through the roof. We have systemic murder taking place in our inner cities and the reason the Democrats can't do anything about it is it's their policies.

You heard these frauds on the Sunday show, including some of the hosts I'm embarrassed to say, saying the Republicans didn't vote for trillions of more dollars and within that -- and within that bill, they could have used money to help the cops to spend on the -- wait a minute, they slashed the budgets of the cops. It wasn't a matter of a lack of resources.

From one major Democrat-run city to the other, they slashed the cops' budgets. What did Joe Biden say about it? Nothing.

What about the riots throughout the summer, what did Joe Biden say? Nothing. What did Kamala Harris do? Well, she helped support the rioters.

What did Nancy Pelosi and James Clyburn do when Donald Trump sent federal law enforcement to the Portland courthouse to protect the third branch of government? They called them storm troopers.

The only time they support the cops is when the cops are protecting the Capitol building, then they call in the National Guard. But what about average citizens? The fact of the matter is, please listen, America, the Democrat Party has put policies in place that are costing Americans lives, particularly black Americans and Hispanic Americans in our inner cities.

Joe Biden gave an incoherent, rambling, babbling speech -- in other words, one of his usual jobs -- last week. What do they wanted? They want to go after gun dealers. You know, they want to go after gun dealers. They want to go after gun manufacturers.

I have an idea if we're going to sue gun manufacturers and we're going to eliminate immunity for cops and sue cop, how about we sue Democrat mayors and Democrat city councilmen? How about President Biden waive immunity so we can sue him too for the policies? These are policies the Democrats put in place.

You know, people like AOC, others, Bernie Sanders who talk about these grand Marxist schemes -- we need to provide for children. We need to provide for women. We need to provide for the other. We need to provide for the poor.

They never talk about individual human beings. They don't believe in compassion for individual human beings. They don't know the names as you did and you scroll down with our buddy Dan the names of the people who've been murdered. They have no idea who these people are, who their families are.

Bernie Sanders goes back to Vermont, not exactly a state that's that diverse. The others go to places -- they don't live in these inner cities where some of them even represent these folks.

And they're doing the same thing on the border. You have chaos. You have anarchy. You have the complete lack of compassion. They don't treat human beings as individuals.

The reason why Kamala Harris didn't go down to the right place on the border is she caused this. The reason why Joe Biden won't address crime in a serious way, he has caused this.

The Democrat Party controlled the cities. The reason why education sucks in the inner city is because the Democrats control it with their union buddies. They don't believe in school choice.

The reason why you can't find jobs in the inner cities is because they destroyed small businesses to the Democrat, with taxation and all of the rest.

The Democrat Party is a disaster. It was a disaster during the Confederacy. It was a disaster during Jim Crow, of which Joe Biden knows a lot.

It's a disaster today, because it doesn't embrace Americanism. It doesn't embrace capitalism. It doesn't embrace individual human beings.

It talks about groups. It seeks to push racism. It seeks to push socialism, because it doesn't believe in the American people. The Democrat Party has blood on its hands. That's it.


HANNITY: The great one, Mark Levin, two weeks. The first interview will be right here and it's called "American Marxism". Great one, "Life, liberty and Levin", every Sunday 8:00 p.m., on the FOX News Channel.

After the break, the Biden border crisis continues to escalate, and Republicans are now mobilizing to send law enforcement relief to Texas and Arizona, many states joining in, Jim Jordan, Reince Priebus they react. That's next.


HANNITY: Now, tomorrow night, the show will be live from the epicenter of the Biden/Harris border crisis, yes, the one they created in south Texas. We'll bring you the very latest developments on the ground, on the southern border, along with Texas Governor Greg Abbott and our 45th president, President Donald Trump. I promise you don't want to miss it.

And developing tonight, the Republicans are mobilizing to send law enforcement relief to Texas and Arizona as this crisis gets worse and worse and worse.

Here with reaction, we have Republican Congressman Jim Jordan, along with former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.

Look, guys, I have been down there -- Jim Jordan, I've been down there more than a dozen times, all the way from the Rio Grande to San Diego. Not away from the border, but on the actual border.

We now are on track to a 25-year record of illegal immigrants, and all Joe and Kamala doing are processing and aiding and abetting lawbreaking. How did they get away with that?

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): Well, they're clueless, Sean, and they've created this problem. I mean, think of it in a broad sense -- the president won't go to the border. The Vice President Harris only went to the border because President Trump announced he was going to go with secretary --

HANNITY: She didn't really go.

JORDAN: Yeah, right, she didn't get to the border.

Secretary Mayorkas, when he did go to the border, he wouldn't let the press in the facilities that he was touring. And now, tomorrow, Secretary of State Blinken, the guy who's supposed to be looking at the root causes of migration, tomorrow, he's going to announce what? That you can choose your gender on your passport.

These guys are out of touch. So, of course, governors have to step in and start sending law enforcement down there to help with the situation because the Biden administration, as Mark Levin said, caused this problem and they're clueless as to how to fix it.

HANNITY: Their policies are failing, Reince Priebus. They're failing on the border. They're failing with energy.

They're failing with inflation. They're failing with COVID. They're sending mixed messages.

Is there -- you know, and now, even the radical Squad feels like nothing is getting done. Where did they go from here considering they don't really have another agenda but that radical agenda?

REINCE PRIEBUS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Well, you've been touching at it all night, Sean, which, you know, starts with just six months what the Democrats have done and heading into the sort of destruction of everything that was built into this country.

You talk about shooting up cops. You have illegal immigrants pouring over the border. You have Olympic athletes turning their back on the flag. You have men competing as women breaking weightlifting records.

And this is all to be applauded by the Democrat Party, but it's going to catch up with them because 80 percent of the American people in a poll last month said that illegal immigration is a serious issue. And 68 percent of those people said it was Joe Biden that was encouraging illegal immigration.

Last year, 6,000 people immigrated illegally -- illegally across the border. This month or last month, 178,000 people did the same thing. But the issue is all found -- the way to fix this is all in the executive order that Donald Trump signed on January 25th. And in that executive order, not just that he addressed the issue, it said that continued illegal immigration with a clear and present danger to the interest of the United States.

And in that document, the reason why we didn't have to do what these Republicans are trying to do today was that in the executive order, it gave authority and directed the secretary of DHS and the attorney general to work with states and to fund the protection of our border, which isn't happening today.

And so, we've gone 180 degrees to the opposite direction.

HANNITY: Jim, what is the motivation here do you see?

JORDAN: Well, I mean, who knows? It's a different policy than President Trump's. It seems like sometimes, that's all the motivation Democrats need.

But I think you're right, Sean. One reason the Democrats talks so much about January 6th, what else can they talk about?

They're going to talk about the crisis on the border? They're going to talk about inflation? They're going to talk about the tax increases coming? They're going to talk about crime in our urban areas?

I mean, they've got nothing to talk about that, so they talk about that, all the while, while the problem on the border gets worse.

So, again, that's why Republican governors are stepping in and say, we've got to deal with this because individuals are coming across. They're getting either a plane ticket or bus fare to some community in our neighborhood. And that's a concern to those governors and rightly so.

HANNITY: And the governors don't have the authority to even stop the law breaking. That's a federal government's role.

All right. We'll be down there tomorrow night.

Jim Jordan, thank you. Reince Priebus, thank you.

When we come back, we have more "Hannity" right after this.

Stay with us.


HANNITY: All right. Before we go tonight, a programming reminder, former President Trump, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, they will join me for a special "Hannity" town hall at the U.S.-Mexico border. You don't want to miss it, tomorrow night, exclusively right here.

Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for being with us. Please set your DVR. Never miss an episode.

But in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, Judge Jeanine in for the vacationing Laura Ingraham.

Judge, always great to have you.

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