'Hannity' on COVID mandates, spike at border

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," August 3, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


We begin tonight with a FOX News alert. This Friday, the secretary of defense is expected to announce what is a vaccine mandate for all 1.3 million members of the U.S. military.

Coming up, we're going to break down all the latest COVID-19 rules, mandates, orders, threats coming from Democrats that said, get the vaccine and life's going to return to normal. Get ready for your vaccine mandates, your mask mandates, draconian measures like never before. This is now real.

Also, tonight, while playing a weird slideshow of different people hugging and kissing each other, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo is tonight refusing to resign. This as the governor might soon face impeachment. But we will explain why that is not his greatest threat. His greatest fear should be tonight the real possibility of serious criminal charges. That threat is real.

And according to a major breaking report, the New York state legislature now appears to have the votes to remove Cuomo from office. We'll have all the latest details, straight ahead.

And then later, Missouri's governor right here on this program pardoned -- he had promised a pardon to the McCloskeys who were forced to surrender their guns, pay a hefty fine, and plead guilty to misdemeanor charges, all for defending their home last year during what was a riot and people broke down the gates of their neighborhood and threatened them.

Now, congressman -- we'll have the latest on that. Mr. McCloskey will join us. Now, by the way, Congresswoman Cori Bush appears to be openly threatening the couple. Mark McCloskey, he's decided to run for Senate. So we have a lot of news, he'll join us tonight.

But, first, medical expert, Dr. Bill comrade de Blasio is now demanding in New York City that the people of New York City follow his strict new COVID- 19 guidelines or they risk losing their freedom, that their freedom will be taken away.

Pay close attention to what he says here.


MAYOR BILL DE BLASIO (D), NEW YORK CITY: The delta variant has changed the game. Unless we want to run the risk of going back to restrictions and having our freedom taken away and people losing their jobs again, it's really clear what we have to do.

So here's a clear message we're saying -- you want to go and enjoy great restaurants, amen. You want to go to movie theaters, go to the gym -- that's great. We want all that. You got to get vaccinated. You want to work in those places, you got to get vaccinated, for the good and the health of everyone around you as well. It's not that tough to do.


HANNITY: He says you're going to risk losing your freedom -- well, that's kind of strange because his measure takes away everybody's freedom. And by the way, Comrade de Blasio, our rights actually come from God, the creator, you know, of everything -- not from you, Comrade bill de Blasio.

But apparently, Bill thinks he knows best. He's a New York politician and a failure at that after all. So forget about consulting with your doctor or medical privacy or patient doctor confidentiality, if you don't follow Comrade de Blasio's rules in New York City, and get vaccinated and present your papers to anyone who requests it, you will no longer be allowed to enter a restaurant, a gym, see a movie, Broadway show, go to a concert -- nothing, you will be shut out. Show us your papers, get the vaccine mandated, or you're out.

What about people that have rare conditions who can't get the vaccine because their doctors tell them that it would harm them? What about those that had COVID? If we're following the science, the Cleveland Clinic says, very prestigious medical institution, that if you had COVID-19, you don't need any of the vaccines. What happened to follow the science? That mantra?

But now, as de Blasio just mentioned, we don't follow his orders, all of your precious freedom not only could be stripped away, but he's stripping it away anyway at the drop of a hat. A perfect example of why it's never a good idea to elect a devout, well, socialist, Marxist, communist, authoritarian figure like Bill de Blasio.

And it's not just him. At Biden's request now, Democrats across the country, they're eagerly implementing new mask mandates. What happened if you get vaccinated, life goes back to normal? They're now mandating vaccine requirements and vaccine passports social distancing even for kids in school, restrictions on all businesses.

And breaking tonight as we reported at the top, well, now our Pentagon will soon announce a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for every single member of our military whether they want it or not.

And Los Angeles, by the way, they might soon mandate vaccine passports, just like New York. And get this, yesterday, we had this genius that runs the NIH, their director, actually encouraging parents at home that have children that you must put your masks on at home inside your house.

Okay, we're now dealing with lunatics. These are the same people that said, if you got the vaccine, life goes back to normal. Are you going to believe them now? Because they lied to us, because that never happened, and clearly, they don't believe in something called freedom.

But if you question the so-called experts, you oppose the government mandates you're guilty of killing people, according to New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, another idiot, with one of those executive orders putting COVID positive people in nursing homes. Take a look.


GOV. PHIL MURPHY (D), NEW JERSEY: These folks back there have lost their mind. You've lost your minds. You are the ultimate knuckleheads and because of what you say or saying is standing for, people are losing their life, people are losing their life, and you have to know that. Look in the mirror, look in the mirror.


HANNITY: Did you, Governor, or did you not sign an executive order forcing nursing homes to take COVID positive patients? We're going to look at lectures from you?

Without a doubt, the dramatic lectures from the left are once again ramping up. At the same time, they're not going to say a word about the biggest super spreader event that has been ongoing since January 20th right at our own southern border. The Biden super-spreader, the state of disaster has now been declared in McAllen, Texas. Why? Because, 7,000 COVID positive illegal immigrants were released into that one city alone, including 1,500 just this past week.

This is now more than a million illegal immigrants were apprehended at the border. We're now at a 25-year high when we were at a 25-year low with Donald Trump's border policy. Now, we have no idea how many more were not intercepted by law enforcement, a record number of illegal immigrants from all over the world, many with COVID, none of them being tested, nobody's being vaccinated, no mandates for them.

And they're now being dispersed in buses and planes to every state in the - - in the country, and they're all being paid for by you courtesy of Joe Biden. But if you turn on fake news CNN or MSDNC or ABC, NBC, CBS or read "The New York Times" and "Washington Post", you're not going to hear anything about this massive super spreader event. They didn't tell you about Joe's cages for kids in the middle of a pandemic that were overcrowded and they're on top of each other -- yeah, in the middle of a pandemic with a high rate of COVID positivity.

But according to the mob, the media, big tech, the Biden administration -- well, Governor Ron DeSantis, let's blame him, the guy whose schools have been open now for a full year. They're going to blame him? All because why? He's not going to force three-year-olds to wear masks?

And today, Governor DeSantis -- guess what -- he had this powerful response for Joe Biden and circle back Jen Psaki. Take a look.


GOV. RON DESANTIS (R), FLORIDA: Joe Biden is taken to himself to try to single out Florida over COVID. Now, this is a guy who ran for president saying he was going to, quote, shut down the virus. And what has he done? He's imported more virus from around the world by having a wide open southern border.

Biden, he rejects science because he denies the fact that people that recover from COVID have long lasting immunity. And that's been proven time and time again and the data is very clear.

So, if you're trying to restrict people, impose mandates, if you're trying to ruin their jobs and their livelihoods and their small business, if you are trying to lock people down, I am standing in your way and I'm standing for the people of Florida. So why don't you do your job?


Why don't you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don't want to hear a blip about COVID from you. Thank you.


HANNITY: Well-said. And by the way, it was Governor DeSantis, he mobilized early. Every single -- every single sector of his government to focus on the most vulnerable, the elderly population in Florida, to protect them, unlike New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Michigan, oh where they were putting COVID positive patients in nursing homes and killing the most vulnerable population.

The Biden administration is actually concerned with the spread of COVID -- close the border, Joe. Close the border. That's the biggest super spreader.

You're responsible for the biggest super spreader event in the entire history of the COVID pandemic in this country.

That would prevent thousands of unvaccinated illegal immigrants that you're processing every day by not literally enforcing the laws of the land from pouring across our borders illegally. That would stop those infected with COVID-19 from getting into the country, likely infecting American citizens that you keep giving conflicting messages to.

But clearly trashing Governor DeSantis is more important to Joe Biden.

Joining us now with the full report, what is a very real crisis at our southern border, again, our own Bill Melugin is there.

Well, you know, it was your drone shot, we saw all these -- you know, hundreds of people underneath the bridge the other night. The reality is, I'm hearing from my sources in -- on the Border Patrol and people every day that the numbers of positive COVID cases of illegal immigrants are through the roof.

BILL MELUGIN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, Sean, they are. And just to give you an idea of how bad things are getting down here, the city of McAllen has declared a local disaster and you can see over my shoulder, they just built this emergency tent shelter literally overnight. This was not here as of 5:00 p.m. last night.

And what this is is they say they're housing illegal immigrants who have been released from Border Patrol custody. They say the feds are essentially just dumping illegal immigrants into the city of McAllen and they don't have the space to put them anywhere anymore. So they had to build these emergency shelters.

Take a look at this video we shot here earlier today when we first found out about this tent compound. You can see there was a group of about a hundred migrants who quickly showed up they get services here, food, water, that sort of thing. There's a couple of EMS tents where they get health checks, that sort of a thing.

But the city is essentially saying the feds have been dumping so many migrants, dropping them off at this Catholic charity in downtown McAllen, the charity is completely over capacity. So there's a risk of hundreds of migrants just being left out on the streets of McAllen, and the city put out a scathing statement towards the federal government today.

Take a look at this. They write in part, quote: The city intends to demand relief from the federal government for the alarming number of migrants that are being released into the city of McAllen.

They also say: as these immigrants are released, the federal government does not test them for COVID. Well, who does test them? It's a third party who does it. Once they're dropped off in downtown McAllen, a third party tests them.

And take a look at this staggering stat right here also reported by the city of McAllen. They say immigrants released into McAllen by the federal government, there have been more than COVID-19 positive migrants in the McAllen area since February, 1,500 of which were just in the last week alone. We talked to some local residents out here who are not thrilled about this tent compound. Take a listen to what one had to say.


OTHAL BRAND, FORMER MCALLEN, TX MAYORAL CANDIDATE: There's probably not enough planes or buses to get all these people out of here, and this is probably an overflow from the rest of the center and we get that too. But again, there probably could have been a better location instead of sticking it right smack in the middle of McAllen.


MELUGIN: And back out here live, you can take a look at our FOX drone right now. There are protesters out here who have been gathering this evening. They are not happy with the location of this tent. They're holding up American flags, holding up signs that say impeach Biden. They say the city never gave them a heads up and it's unacceptable to have this here.

Well, I just got an email from the city they might have heard some of that backlash because they just announced they're going to be moving this to this tent compound to county property that's over by Border Patrol jurisdiction instead.

Sean, one last thing to mention to you, earlier this evening -- earlier this evening, there was a horrific crash in Brooks County near the Falfurrias Border Patrol checkpoint about an hour north of us. There was a van that was apparently smuggling 30 illegal immigrants. The driver crashed, hit a pole, 10 people are dead right now, 20 are hospitalized. There was no pursuit, just a horrible tragic incident.

And it just goes to show one of the many facets of this ongoing border crisis down here which is not getting better anytime soon.

We'll send it back to you.

HANNITY: And governor -- and Governor Abbott tried to stop that. And guess what? A court prevented him from stopping it.

Bill, great report. Thank you.


HANNITY: Here now joining us with reaction, Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Senator, you've been down there. You've been warning everybody how bad it is. This is the biggest super spreader in the country.


HANNITY: Now I'm going to argue, you know, the high rate of COVID positivity at that border, any American that is infected because Joe's not enforcing the laws of this country, you can blame Joe Biden for COVID, and if you die, I would put the blame on him too.

Why -- why won't they stop this super-spreader event? Because it's happening in the hundreds and hundreds of thousands.

CRUZ: Sean, you're exactly right. People across the state of Texas, across the country are pissed and should be pissed. People are dying and Joe Biden doesn't care. Kids are getting assaulted, sexually assaulted, raped, and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris don't care.

We've had over a million illegal immigrants in the last six months under Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, and they don't care.

You take the city of McAllen, releasing 7,000 illegal immigrants into McAllen, all of whom are positive with COVID. And I put that in perspective, McAllen is a city, its population is about 141,000. That means 5 percent of the population of the city consists now of illegal immigrants who've tested positive for COVID that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are just dumping there one after the other after the other because they won't enforce the law.

And instead what does Joe Biden do? He lectures the state of Texas. He lectures the state of Florida. He cannot stand that our states are opening. He cannot stand that our schools have been open. He cannot stand that people are going back to work.

He wants to get back to the jack-booted thugs. You had on Bill de Blasio this morning, I got to say -- earlier tonight -- if the jack boot fits, these Democrats, they want to shut down your business, they want to shut down your church, they want to shut down your school, they want to force you to get mandated and all of this is wrong.

HANNITY: For Americans, it's vaccine mandates. It's mask mandates, it's vaccine passports. But for Joe's illegal immigrant population -- it is no testing.

CRUZ: Yeah.

HANNITY: High rates of COVID positivity. Then you get to -- they're spreading it out all over the country and basically, nobody gets a vaccine, nobody gets a test.

They get processed. They get then taken care of by the states. States are responsible for food and shelter, education and health care.

Is that about right, Senator?

CRUZ: That's right, but it's even worse than that. The Biden cages where they temporarily detain these folks, I've been to them in these tent cities where you have thousands upon thousands of kids packed in on top of each other, crammed in unsafe -- unsafe cages.

When I was there a couple of months ago, I brought 19 senators with me to see firsthand what was there. The rate of COVID positivity was over 10 percent. These Biden cages filled with kids are COVID incubators.

And all of these folks that lecture self-righteously about science, they don't give a flip about science because they wouldn't be doing this if they did. They --


HANNITY: Hey, Senator --

CRUZ: -- power and control. Yeah.

HANNITY: If it wasn't for you, they wouldn't let my cameras in those facilities. You got that videotape. You shared it with this program, and if it wasn't for you and a few others, we wouldn't have been able to show Biden's overcrowded cages with kids on top of each other in the middle of a pandemic with no testing. But we'll take away the rights of every American.

Whatever happened to medical privacy, doctor-patient confidentiality? You - - you've argued before the Supreme Court with a pretty high percentage of winning many times, Senator. You tell me -- does that sound constitutional to you?

CRUZ: Look, it doesn't -- the left doesn't believe in your privacy. It doesn't believe in your freedom. And they try to portray it as an extreme choice. They say if you think people should have individual choice, then you don't believe in science and you want everyone to die.

No, look, you -- I believe in science. You believe in science. This is a dangerous disease. We'd take extraordinary steps to deal with it.

When it comes to vaccines, I believe in vaccines. I've been vaccinated. My family's been vaccinated, but I believe in individual choice. I think you have a right to make a choice whether or not you want to take the vaccine.

And you could measure the costs and benefits and in my view there should be no COVID mandates. That means no mask mandates, that means no vaccine mandates, that means no vaccine passports and these authoritarian Democrats are wanting to mandate and force and stick a needle in your arm, doesn't matter what you think, doesn't matter if you think you need it.

As you noted, they don't care if you've had COVID and have natural immunity. It's not about the science. It's about them controlling your lives and the contempt they have for individual Americans making choices for their own families.

In times of crisis, someone's character is revealed, and I think Biden and Harris and Newsom and Cuomo and all of these Democrats have really revealed their characters.

HANNITY: Joe Biden's policy is -- are causing Americans to get sick and I think if you look at the percentages, some of them will die.

Joe, stop your super-spreader event, enforce the laws and control the border.

Senator Cruz, thank you for being with us.

CRUZ: Thanks, Sean.

HANNITY: Well, here with more, Donald Trump Jr. is with us.

You know, your dad put the travel ban in effect. He took a lot of heat for that, Don. Your dad was able to get not one, not two, but three vaccines that helped save lives. Your dad helped with therapeutics like Regeneron and others.

Your dad put in place to stay in Mexico policy built the wall and he ended catch-and-release. Boy, a lot has happened in six or seven months, hasn't it?

DONALD TRUMP, JR., EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AT THE TRUMP ORGANIZATION: It really has. It's sort of amazing how quickly our country can degenerate with incompetent leadership. I mean, Joe Biden's only legacy, Sean, at this point is going to be showing America how good they actually had it under Donald Trump.

The policies are asinine. Everything that you've been talking about, the whole show are absolutely ridiculous.

Imagine Donald Trump released 7,000 COVID infected patients into a small town in Texas. Now, that doesn't cover the rest of the border, so it's probably that.

Think of how much exponential spread of this disease is there because they're simply not willing to enforce rules against illegal immigrants.

Americans -- law-abiding American citizens are now second-class citizens in their own country based on the actions of this administration and it's disgusting.

HANNITY: You know, I can't really put it any better but you're right because mask mandates, mandatory vaccines now are happening, passports are happening.

And meanwhile, we're not talking about just seven thousand, there's now over a million since Joe Biden's president. Illegal immigrants, in the middle of a pandemic, hardly any of them tested for COVID, and then transported all over the United States with a high rate of COVID positivity, and I'm like, you can't make this up.

Americans have no rights. Illegal immigrants, they get treated. You know, they get the red carpet treatment, no need to test you. No need to mandate a vaccine. No need to put a mask on when you're in one of his overcrowded cages that he built.

TRUMP JR.: A hundred percent, it's insane. I mean, think about it. They are knowingly releasing COVID positive patients into the United States. You can't even go to a restaurant in New York City, according to the rules that Mayor Bill de Blasio wants to impose without a vaccine passport.

You can't go eat. You can't go to the gym. You can't go public places and you can't work at them either, under the new rules there. As a citizen of the United States, you don't have that choice.

If you're an illegal immigrant infected with a perhaps deadly new strain of COVID, the delta variant, you are free to roam, Sean. You can go wherever you want --


TRUMP JR.: -- and do whatever you want with no consequences.

It's literally insane. Not only are they imposing a caste system, a two- tiered system within our own country of American citizens, those who are vaccinated and those who aren't, you get to abide by different rules and get to go to different places. They are imposing segregation.

If it was the right doing it and the left commentating, they'd say, this strikes me similar to the Jim Crow laws because in New York City, for example, the largest demographic of unvaccinated people happens to be African-Americans.

And now, you're telling them they can't travel freely. They can't go to restaurants. They can't live their lives because they don't used to let the government impose restrictions on them.

HANNITY: I've got to tip my hat to you. You're a lot smarter than I am because you got the hell out of New York. I need to follow your lead and so does everybody else. Anyway, great to see you.

TRUMP JR.: Florida is a wonderful place, Sean. I'm loving it.

HANNITY: Now you're putting the knife in and twisting it. All right. Fair enough, I agree. I'm a dope.

Good to see you. Thanks for being with us.

When we come back, all right, legal troubles, they're real, mounting for Governor Cuomo New York. Gregg Jarrett talks about how real this is.

The great one Mark Levin, oh he's got a lot to say about vaccine mandates and mask mandates and passports. I'd say on a scale of one to ten, he's a 100 fired up, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Now, disgraced Governor Andrew Cuomo remaining defiant tonight, still refusing to take any responsibility for his behavior, following the explosive findings in a state general's damning report.

Tonight, we've also learned Cuomo is now under, as we knew yesterday, real criminal investigation -- one in Manhattan, one in Albany, and one in Westchester County. None of this includes the nursing home scandal. A total of 11 women have made serious allegations and they will be fully investigated, and the AG report was clear in stating that both state and federal criminal laws were broken.

Ultimately, that is the far bigger problem that he's facing. Not impeachment, as a lot of the media in New York is talking about.

Here with full analysis is FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett. Gregg, you broke down a lot of this yesterday. Now, it's not just Albany. Now you add Westchester. Now you add Manhattan. This now -- forget about the politics of it, I don't see how he survives.

On the legal side of it, the strong words of the attorney general, now you have three prosecutors investigating. What happens from here?

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: He's in serious legal jeopardy. In the last 24 hours, Sean, four different district attorneys announced investigations into whether Andrew Cuomo committed crimes. They have primary jurisdiction because the accusers say they were violated by Cuomo in those individual counties, Albany, Manhattan, Nassau and Westchester.

And the possible crimes here are forcible touching, which is unwanted fondling, groping of sexual and private parts, assault and battery, and criminal harassment.

You know, a lot of people are saying, well, why didn't the state attorney general bring charges given what she described as the overwhelming convincing evidence against Cuomo? Well, part of the problem is she has a conflict of interest because a division in her department is required to defend the governor in various actions. So you can't prosecute and defend simultaneously.

So, these four D.A.s have made a formal request for all of the evidence gathered by the attorney general and they'll use that to build their own cases.

Now, separately, Sean, there's a federal investigation into whether Cuomo cooked the books and lied about the number of nursing home deaths in order to avoid a Department of Justice investigation. Well, the law says, trying to prevent a government investigation constitutes obstruction of justice. You may have false statements in perjury as well.

Finally, there's another investigation, Sean, into Cuomo's $5 million book deal, whether he used government workers to write and edit the book. The law says that converting government resources for personal financial gain that is a crime. It's called corruption.

And, of course, on the civil side, all 11 accusers could use the evidence gathered to bring lawsuits for money damages against Cuomo and the state of New York for -- three things -- sexual harassment, retaliation and a hostile work environment. Those are the laws that the A.G. Letitia James concluded that Andrew Cuomo egregiously violated.

HANNITY: All right. Gregg Jarrett, we'll keep updating this story is warranted and we'll get back to it.

But back to our top story tonight, the vaccine passport push, the border crisis, the double standard, the military vaccine mandate. Now, vaxxed and masked and ever changing standards.

Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows along with Republican Congressman Jim Jordan.

Mark, we'll start with you tonight.

You know, I mentioned this to Don Jr. The policy at the border was working great. How come Joe Biden -- now we're at 25 -- we're on track to have a 25 or 30-year record of illegal immigrants, at the height of a pandemic, thrown in cages, not tested and dispersed all across the U.S., many of them high rate COVID positivity.

Can you explain that to me?

MARK MEADOWS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Well, obviously, there is no explanation other than Joe Biden is missing in action. Not only is he ignoring what's happening at our southern border, but he's ignoring what's happening in our city.

He would rather support mandates and passports in New York and give the people coming across our southern border a free pass than anything else. When we look at -- he's providing buses, he's providing transportation. He's even providing jobs.

But he's not providing any protection to the American citizens against these people coming across. You know, Kamala Harris wanted to find the root cause of this, the reason she didn't go to the border is she only had to walk down the hall to the Oval Office. There's the root cause -- Joe Biden and this administration.

But it's really very hypocritical -- but why should we be surprised out of this administration?

HANNITY: And you know what? Three vaccines, the travel ban that the president on ten days after the first identified case of COVID, Jim Jordan, that was all Donald Trump. Regeneron, that's Donald Trump too. That's saving lives now, especially with these breakthrough cases.

How do I know? Because one of my friends fully vaccinated got COVID on Saturday had a Regeneron infusion on Sunday, and he's feeling great. Here it is on Wednesday. That all happened because of Donald Trump.

Joe Biden didn't want the travel ban, didn't push for vaccines. You know, he is giving more rights to illegal immigrants in the hundreds of thousands, now over a million, and draconian measures for American citizens? How does -- how does that happen in this country?

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): No, it's crazy. President Trump provided real leadership. President Trump got real answers. President Trump secured the border.

Sean, think about this -- March was the highest a month on record for illegal crossings until April. April was the highest month on record until May. May was the highest month on record until June.

This is a bad trend. That is going -- it is a crisis situation. If Joe Biden wants to get control of COVID, secure the border. But instead what's he do, he lectures Governor DeSantis. He lectures Governor Abbott.

I mean, that's how out of touch this guy is with what's going on. And frankly, Sean, this is why we're going to crush this. I think we're going to win this thing big, take back the House in the next 16 months.


HANNITY: Well, if you don't, the country is screwed in a million different ways.

And that raises a lot of questions here, Mark Meadows, in terms of -- okay, I'm not really sure. We keep hearing 57 percent of Americans don't even think Joe's making the decisions.

How do you give more rights to illegal immigrants? How do you not -- if Donald Trump decided, well, I'm only going to enforce this law that I like but not this law that I don't like, how do they get away with that?

MEADOWS: Well, listen, they won't get away with it. You know, you notice I'm without a tie tonight. You know, I'm here in Wyoming. Even in Wyoming - -


HANNITY: By the way --

MEADOWS: -- they're talking about how --

HANNITY: I would never wear a tie again. I like this look better. I think it's the real -- it's the real Mark Meadows, the North Carolina Mark Meadows.

Well, it is. But even here in Wyoming, they're talking about the fact that that Joe Biden is wanting to put more mandates on our kids going to school, on what we do in the privacy of our home. Now with vaccine passports and yet what we see is that he doesn't have any control over what's happening. When we start to see the misdirection, the direction, the misdirection and back-and-forth, going on from the CDC and from the White House, it's an inconsistent message.

You know, the truth of the matter is Dr. Fauci, when I was in the White House said that all we're going to be able to do is slow this down, that eventually everyone is going to ultimately either have an immunity to it or get it.

And so, now, all of a sudden, we're acting surprised by all of this? You know, I find it just beyond the pale that we are having Joe Biden trying to lecture Governor DeSantis or anyone else.

And Governor DeSantis was right. Don't start lecturing us until you actually start to do your constitutional duty which you're ignoring.

HANNITY: Are these illegal immigrants that that in many cases have COVID? Jim Jordan, are they showing up in your home state of Ohio?

JORDAN: They're showing up all over the country, Sean. I mean, we have a whistleblower come forward and talked about what's happening on the border. They're not detaining the people they should. They're not sending back the people they're supposed to under the law. They're not following COVID protocols.

But, frankly, Sean, that shouldn't surprise us. When have the Democrats in Washington ever done what they're supposed to do? There's always a double standard with these guys. That's why we're going to win.

HANNITY: You know what, we -- I -- we've got to stop this. This is madness.

All right.

JORDAN: It sure is.

MEADOWS: I agree.

HANNITY: Mark, I don't know. I think -- I think the Wyoming Mark works for you. I just -- I don't know, if you get a ranch, just give me a little like you know guest cottage. I'd love to visit.

MEADOWS: Well, I tell you. The state of Wyoming needs to get a new representative in the House of Representatives. It will happen soon.

HANNITY: Oh, you think? Yeah, I love how Liz Cheney -- you know, I love how the people that called her father a war criminal and a murderer and Bush-Cheney lied and people died and claimed that he was corrupt at Halliburton, she's now allied with them. Wow, strange -- strange bedfellows.

All right. Thank you both.

JORDAN: Sean, we'll raise it a lot. We're going to raise --

HANNITY: Oh, sorry. Oops. We'll have them back soon.

When we come back, the great one Mark Levin weighs in on all of this and much more. He's fired up, next.


HANNITY: So, tonight, if you don't have proof of vaccination, guess what? You can't eat at a New York City restaurant. You can't go to a movie. You can't go to a sporting event. You can't go to a Broadway show.

But if you cross the southern border illegally, none of this applies to you. That make sense?

Here with reaction, author of now three straight weeks in a row, number one "New York Times" bestseller. Now, here's the interesting part of it. Mark's new book, I think, it's his best and I think it's his most timely. And his last chapter "We Choose Liberty" is maybe one of the best chapters he's ever written and one of the most important.

But it's now sold over 750,000 copies, this book. It has outsold the next top 15 to 20 books combined. That's how powerful this book is. It's also why I call him the great one, Mark Levin.

Mark, you know, for your personal success I'm happy. But we've got to get this country on track. I know you've got a lot to say. Congratulations on the book. Well, thank you and we do and that's the whole point of the book. But I can't cover it all right now.

So let me just address this -- Joe Biden is the most disastrous president of modern American history. I don't care if it's by design or by the fact that he's done with. It doesn't much matter to me.

It would be like a president when we have a polio vaccine telling everybody to get vaccinated but inviting people into the country who he knows has polio. No president has ever done this to his own people. This guy is a coward. He buckles to the radical left in his party. He's a fool.

The idea that people who are vaccinated are the ones who are going to be punished, it's like the gun owners who are law-abiding are the ones who are going to be punished. It's like the successful people in this country. They're the ones they intend to punish with the tax code.

Is there anything going right in this country? Gasoline prices going up, food prices going up, anything going right on this country? The border wide open.

You're going to have people flooding into our school districts, flooding into our hospitals, law enforcement is overwhelmed, towns are overwhelmed.

And let me tell you why he's doing it. Let's be blunt. He wants to turn Texas blue. He wants to turn Arizona blue.

This street politician from Wilmington, Delaware, the dumbest man to ever serve in the Senate, the dumbest man to ever be vice president, is now the dumbest man to ever be president.

He's got a massive ego. He's a narcissist. He wants to go down in history as the greatest president. He's going to the history is the greatest disaster.

He's doing more to weaken this country than the communist Chinese could ever pray to do. He could ever pray to do. And moreover, he's justified a federal statute -- a Supreme Court decision. He knows that the CDC doesn't have the power to extend these -- these moratoriums on rent. He says we're going to do it anyway because he listens to this Harvard emeritus professor Laurence Tribe. He's just violated the federal Constitution.

Now, let me say this. I brought this up on my radio show last week. Republicans -- have you ever heard of the word impeachment? Are you guys going to go down to the border and whine yourselves to death? I know you're not in the majority but you need to start explaining to the American people.

This man just violated a Supreme Court decision. This man is the border wide open in violation of our immigration laws. I mean, you impeach Donald Trump when he's out of office because of a letter, you set up a phony incitement insurrection, this man is doing enormous damage to this country.

People with the virus -- he knows they have the virus, his government knows they have the virus, they're pushing them into the interior of the country. Now, what kind of a president does that to his own people? If he's not at least going to look out for the health and safety of the American people, then he needs to be removed.

I know who's behind him but the point is that's what impeachment is for, not for the Democrats to chase every Republican president, but to get rid of this guy. He is a disaster. And again I don't care if he's dim-witted or just stupid, it doesn't much matter.

To allow people into this guy -- first of all, to tell law-abiding Americans, you're going to wear a mask even though you've been vaccinated. Little kids who do not give the virus or get the virus, you're going to be wearing masks because the NEA and the AFT told me to do so.

Isn't it time to remove this -- well, isn't it time to remove this guy from the Oval Office or at least make an effort? So, you tough guy Republicans who come on here, you tough guy Republicans on radio, how about it? The I- word, impeachment. Let's start to talk about it or the 25th Amendment, it'll never happen. But let's start to talk about it.

He's doing more damage to this country as far as I'm concerned than any single one of our enemies. That's it.

HANNITY: "American Marxism", number one "New York Times" bestseller, outselling the other top books combined, amazon.com, Hannity.com, bookstores everywhere, "Life, Liberty and Levin", Sunday at 8:00, nationally syndicated radio show, 6:00 to 9:00 Eastern, every night, right after my radio show. We're like a tag team.

Anyway, great one, thank you. Congrats.

First after the break, when we come back Missouri governor just pardoned as he promised on this program he would, the McCloskeys. One squad member is not particularly happy about it. Mark McCloskey has a message for that member, next.


HANNITY: Missouri Governor Mike Parsons who made a promise on this program that he would pardon Mark and Patricia McCloskey in their high-profile gun waving case last summer, he followed through on that promise. That occurred after BLM protesters, they broke through a private gate, marched to their neighborhood.

Congresswoman Cori Bush did not take the news of the pardon particularly well. Oh, well, too bad. But listen.


REP. CORI BUSH (D-MO): They stood there. They pointed their guns totally reckless to a group of nonviolent protesters walking down the street that had no clue that they live there, didn't care that they lived there, didn't know them, didn't want to know them. Didn't want to know them.

Mark McCloskey is an absolute liar. He has spat on my name. And because of that, his day will come. You will not -- you will not be successful in all that you're trying to do.


HANNITY: Mark McCloskey joins us now.

First, I give credit to the governor for keeping his word. He said he would do it, number one.

Number two, Congresswoman Cori Bush is saying that they were nonviolent. Correct me if I'm wrong, they broke down the gate. Didn't they make specific threats to human to your wife, very specific threats?

MARK MCCLOSKEY, MISSOURI GOP SENATE CANDIDATE: They threatened to kill us. They threatened to rape my life. They threatened to kill our dog. They threatened to take and burn our house.

They threatened everything you can possibly imagine. They said you got a business. Your business is gone. We are talking hundreds of people. All screaming every kind of violence you could possibly imagine.

And, by the way, you know, this is the same crowd that had burned downtown St. Louis, shot four police officers that night, killed a retired police captain, David Dohrn. In the month between when they stormed St. Louis when they stormed my house, they shot a total of nine police officers in St. Louis and I'm supposed to believe they're nonviolent?

HANNITY: I would say that's not the definition of nonviolence. You're now running for the U.S. Senate. Tell us about it.

MCCLOSKEY: I sure am. That was kind of an awakening. As I said before, God came knocking on my door disguised as an angry mob. The most important thing was that after that I went to work with the Trump campaign and going around the country, we were doing, for example, on the team Trump bus in Pennsylvania, seven rallies a day and getting out there and talking to the folks around the country.

We learned that everybody is just really upset with the status quo, sick of cancel culture and critical race theory and the lie of systemic racism. They want some real change.

I mean, I was listening to your last guest, Mark Levin. It's time for, as he called them, or tough guy Republicans to actually stand up and make a difference, not just talk about problems but actually fix them.

The world is sick. The United States is sick of being ruled by an angry mob. People like Cori Bush. She stood out in front of with a megaphone chanting, "You can't stop the revolution." And then she had a hypocritical gall to stand up on the floor of Congress and say no one who supports insurrection should be allowed to walk the halls of Congress when she is the only person there I personally have heard advocate the violent overthrow of this country.

And now she gets elected the House of Representatives. And now, she threatens me.

HANNITY: Unbelievable. We are going to follow that race closely. I do again applaud the governor. He said on this program that he would do this and he follow through. We are going to watch your race closely.

Congratulations and thank you for being with us and glad that it had in the end the right and just ending. Pretty scary what you're describing.

More HANNITY after the break.


HANNITY: Ever think there'd be a time where your government would give more rights to people that violate our laws and don't report our borders or sovereignty over the rights of American citizens? This has to be solved.

All right. That's all the time we have for this evening. As always, thank you for joining us. You make the show possible.

Please set your DVR. Never miss an episode.

In the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. Why? Because you got -- Laura Ingraham is up next.

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