'Hannity' on Biden's 'humiliating' moment, tight margins in races for governor

This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on November 1, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. Tucker, thank you.

Welcome to HANNITY.

ANNOUNCER: Americans Held Hostage, Behind Enemy Lines, Day 79.

HANNITY: All right. It's November the 1st. There are still hundreds of Americans trapped behind enemy lines, thousands of green cardholders, our allies, 92 days since Joe Biden promised not to abandon `em and he did,

And Joe Biden by the way who is now once again today humiliating himself and our country on the world stage. This trip to Europe has been a complete, total disaster. It's sad. It's embarrassing. It's humiliating, but Joe Biden pictured as you can see there taking a little nappy poo in public during a meeting about climate change.

Now, Joe just couldn't seem to keep his eyes open peacefully sleeping not a care in the world and then of course an aide has to rush over about, Joe, hello, Joe, Joe, Joe, wake up, Joe. This is the latest humiliating moment out of Biden. I guess Donald Trump was right, sleepy Joe living up to his name.

Now, this week when Biden wasn't dozing off, he was busy apologizing including a blanket apology to Europe for America's evil ways, the same America that saved Europe.

Let me -- let me figure that out while you watch this.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I guess I shouldn't apologize but I do apologize for the fact the United States -- the last administration pulled out of the Paris accords and put us sort of behind the eight ball.

Really, Joe, it was the United States of America we saved Europe and the world, Joe Biden. And under Donald Trump, net emissions, carbon emissions went down and went down dramatically. As a matter of fact, Joe, Donald Trump led every single country in reducing carbon output. So instead of Joe Biden apologizing to Europe, he ought to be showing them how we did it.

Also, Joe, you pushed our western European allies right into that hostile actor Vladimir Putin's arms, giving Vladimir that special pipeline waiver while simultaneously taking away high paying career jobs for Americans on the Keystone XL pipeline other energy industry jobs. Great job, Joey.

And now, he's reduced our supply of oil and gas and at the very same time, now for the second time, he is begging OPEC and Saudi Arabia and the Middle East and Vladimir Putin to pump more oil. Senator Barrasso says we get more oil from Putin than we are getting from Alaska. Does that make any sense? Take a look.


BIDEN: When the cost of a gallon of gasoline gets to above 300 -- 300 -- $3.35 a gallon, it has profound impact on working-class families just to get back and forth to work. So I don't see anything inconsistent with that, but I do think that the idea that Russia and Saudi Arabia and other major producers are not going to pump more oil so people can have gasoline to get to and from work for example is not right. But -- and what we're considering doing that I'm reluctant to say before I have to do it.


HANNITY: Joe, you got rid of energy independence that Donald Trump handed you. You single-handedly reduced the supply on the world market because you went with New Green Deal radical socialism.

Here's a question: does that make any sense from an economic standpoint, a national security perspective and environmental perspective? Producing less oil here at home and then import more oil and you're concerned about climate change?

Well, if the oil is being pumped here instead of there and we get it cheaper when we pump it here, it's going to still have the same net effect on the environment and on the planet earth that you love so much.

And, by the way, now we have to go to countries that hate our guts and beg them to produce more oil because you artificially reduced our supply? Because that's exactly what is happening right now thanks to Joe or Joe's handlers or whoever's making the decision these days, more pollution, higher costs, fewer American jobs. But don't expect Joe to have to answer any tough questions about any of this because during his only press conference in Europe, Biden once again first said I'm not allowed to talk. I get they get mad at me and everything. And then said, all right, I'll call on a small list of support reporters, pre-selected, pre-screened as per usual by his staff. You can't make this up.

Joey, you're the president. You get to decide.


BIDEN: Please sit down. I apologize for keeping you waiting. We were playing with elevators, long story. Anyway, good evening.

And now I'm happy to take some questions and I'm told I should start with AP, Zeke Miller.

Zeke, you have a question.

I didn't recognize you, mask on, mask on, I apologize.


HANNITY: I'm told I should start. Joey, you're the president, Joe. You get to decide. Your staff shouldn't be making that decision for you.

Right now, America is fast facing slow economic growth, record-setting inflation, a massive worker shortage in part because of your policies, a supply chain fiasco because of your policies, high energy prices which means everybody's paying more for everything, a crisis you caused at America's border, Americans you abandoned in Afghanistan.

But Joe Biden is either unwilling unable to have a lengthy, open, unscripted discussion with the press. And according to a new NBC News poll, 71 percent of you the American people believe the country is headed in the wrong direction including a majority of Democrats. Get this NPR, Marist poll finds a plurality of Democrats think that replacing Biden in 2024 will give them a better shot at winning. They're not wrong.

The numbers are so bad that even one of MSDNC's top Democrats, Chucky Todd, he's trying to sound the alarm. Listen.


CHUCK TODD, NBC NEWS HOST: Good Sunday morning. Happy Halloween.

We have a brand new NBC News poll out this morning that's filled with some scary news for the Democrats. The overarching message: Americans have lost their confidence in President Biden and their optimism for the country, at least, they have right now.

Just 22 percent of adults say we're headed in the right direction. A shocking 71 percent say we're on the wrong track and that includes a near majority of Democrats.

Republicans, believe it or not, have double-digit leads in dealing with border security, inflation, crime, national security, the economy and -- shockingly -- on getting things done.


HANNITY: More shocking, 22 percent of Americans think the country is going in the right direction, what direction is right?

Now, there's no plan whatsoever to fix any of the Biden administration's self-inflicted crises. For example, the administration seemingly -- you know, their only plan to fix the supply chain is just call FedEx? We get lectured again to call FedEx? Oh, I guess we should lower our thermostats and put our sweaters on and go right back to Jimmy Carter's malaise factor.

Here's Biden's commerce secretary over the weekend.


TV HOST: There are reports that those -- while the president announced the opening, that that's not actually happening out in California. That there are still backups. Business community has been complaining about that.

GINA RAIMONDO, COMMERCE SECRETARY: There are backups and as I said, this isn't something that can be fixed overnight. But the important thing is, you know, fundamentally, supply chains and logistics are run by the private sector. You know, people say to me, will Christmas gifts be delivered? To which I say, call FedEx, you know, that that isn't what the government does.


HANNITY: Oh, let me translate. You have no plan, you're on your own, shop in October for Christmas, settle for less, pay more, unless of course you're an illegal immigrant, then you get special rules applied to you. As a matter of fact, if you thought it was bad, when they're not covered testing or having a vaccine mandate, preferential treatment for illegal immigrants, well now, you'll love this -- as we told you last week -- the Biden administration is now out there with a plan to give certain illegal immigrants $450,000 each for their pain and their suffering -- pain and suffering by the way that they caused themselves because they didn't buy -- they decided to violate our laws and not respect our borders and our sovereignty. That I guess is fairness in the minds of the Joe Biden Democratic socialist party.

And by the way, it's only one small part of the Biden administration's plan to spend trillions and trillions of dollars on this New Green Deal social welfare build back worst program of his that will cause backbreaking stagflation, transform the country into a socialist train wreck. It's why every single election, national, state and local is important, and especially tomorrow. In Virginia, New Jersey, Americans can send a very important message. We can begin the process of getting this country back on track. You have to go to the polls. You have to show up.

Now, coming up we have a live report from Virginia. Our own Ainsley Earhart is on the ground. Glenn Youngkin is with us. Jack Ciattarelli will also join us. He is running in the great state of New Jersey.

But, first, here with reaction, "For Such a Time As This," Kayleigh McEnany, along with FOX News contributor Lara Trump.

Lara, we'll begin with you.

You know, the one issue of energy alone I think -- and I've said this before -- your father-in-law did not get enough credit for: keeping prices of production low. The cost of filling our tanks had never been lower. Heating and cooling our homes had never been lower, that means the cost of transporting goods has never been lower.

Now, everything is flipped and flopped, and it's never been higher.

LARA TRUMP, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: That's right. Well, you heard Joe Biden happy to give out an apology earlier about the Paris climate accord. He does owe quite a few apologies, Sean, and he could probably start with the energy workers, remember, who about a year ago he lied to saying you're not going to have to worry if I become president. You're going to keep your jobs.

What did he do? Day one, canceling the Keystone XL pipeline, putting thousands of energy workers out of a job, and to your point, making sure that America was no longer a net energy exporter, no longer energy independent like we were under President Trump. We are now relying again on the Middle East, on Russia for our oil. I mean, think about the implications of that from a national security standpoint -- you know, forget just what it does cost wise here in the United States.

But how about also, Sean, maybe he could apologize -- I don't know -- to the family members of the 13 soldiers killed during his botched departure from Afghanistan? How about an apology to every single border state, border town, I don't know, basically every city in town in America right now because these people are overrun with our fully open border?

He has not just allowed people to come into America illegally, he and Kamala Harris invited him in. When they campaigned, they said, come on, doesn't matter where you're from, come on over our southern border. You don't have to follow any rules.

He could also apologize maybe to the mom and pop shops out there who've had to close their doors now after they survived an entire pandemic because of the supply chain shortage that he himself and his energy policies have caused, as you just pointed out. How about the thousands of workers out there, thanks to his vaccine mandates, who are without jobs? These were the heroes of last year, our frontline workers, our nurses, doctors, firefighters, police officers who now are without a job or about to lose their job because of his vaccine mandate.

He could also probably apologize to our children, because our children are being indoctrinated all across this country thanks to Joe Biden and the Democrats and what they believe in with critical race theory -- a poison that teaches our kids to judge one another based on the color of their skin not on the content of their character to hate one another, hate their country and then to label their parents as domestic terrorists for trying to find out what their children are learning in school.

So Joe Biden could offer up quite a few apologies, Sean. Those are just a few he could start with.

HANNITY: I look at this, for example -- we're looking at the video of Joe taking a little nappy today, Kayleigh, and I know you have a young one at home. So I know, you know, some people need to sleep. The president -- President Trump used to refer to him as sleepy Joe, but he needed an aide to walk over and wake him up. That's how bad it got.


HANNITY: And then he apologizes to America. So I'm not really sure what I'm more embarrassed about, our president falling asleep and needing a wake-up call, or the president apologizing to Europe when we had the lowest net emission standards under Donald Trump, and he could have been lecturing them about how we were able to accomplish this.

MCENANY: Well, both are embarrassing. I can say this, Sean, it appears in this video here that some days -- apparently, Joe Biden naps longer in public than my daughter Blake who's upstairs naps on any given day. I mean that was a rather long time to have your eyes closed during a huge climate change summit.

Remember, Sean, this is an existential crisis, one that is such a crisis that we need an 80-car motorcade for Joe Biden. We need John Kerry traveling on private jet with his family, emitting more CO2 in just six months than the average American driving a vehicle. It's such a crisis, though, that Joe Biden in fact will nap through it.

This is exceedingly embarrassing. It's why in the polling from NBC today, it's not just Democrats underwater. On nearly, every issue, the economy historically underwater, underwater more so than any time since 1991. But systemically, people believe this president's incompetent, he can't handle crises. On each and every metric of being able to lead the nation, he does not prevail.

And one thing I can say never happened to me at the podium, I never stood there when Republicans were saying they wanted another nominee other than President Donald J. Trump.

Jen Psaki, next time she goes to the podium, she'll be going there with more than 60 percent of Democrats saying maybe we should look into someone else as our nominee for president. Wow, what a state of affairs for Joe Biden.

HANNITY: And Donald Trump would say, no, you're going to pay your fair share. No, we're not going to sign bad trade deals anymore, and Europe ended up doing everything Donald Trump wanted and made better deals for the American people.

Kayleigh, thank you. Lara, thank you.

Now, tonight, we turn to the race in Virginia. Polls show it is extremely tight. But according to our sources, late deciders now are breaking in mass for Republican Glenn Youngkin. Now, Terry McAuliffe is in panic mode, turning to the oldest trick in the Democratic playbook. We talk about this every two years, four years -- Republicans are racist, and sexist and misogynist and homophobic and xenophobic.

Anyway, late last week, in a vile stunt, several individuals reportedly Democratic staffers dressed up as tiki torch carrying white supremacists pretending to be something they're not. That's Glenn Youngkin supporters at a campaign stop in Charlottesville.

Turns out the Lincoln Project -- remember these guys claiming that they're great Republicans but they just don't like Donald Trump --yeah, they're taking credit for this stunt. Meanwhile, Terry McAuliffe was busy calling Virginia parents racist. According to Terry, the outrage over critical race theory is a racist dog whistle and CRT has never been taught in Virginia schools.

The only problem with that lie of Terry is the phrase critical race theory actually appears multiple times on the Virginia Department of Education website, including a presentation from 2015 when he was the governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, encouraging teachers to embrace CRT in order to re-engineer attitudes and belief systems.

And now, Terry's closing pitch to the people of Virginia, there are too many white teachers in Virginia schools. That's the problem. Listen.


TERRY MCAULIFFE (D), VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: And we've got to work hard diversify our teacher base. Fifty percent of our students, our students of color, 80 percent of the teachers are white.


HANNITY: Well, forget the dream I guess of a colorblind society.

Anyway, other than having too many white teachers, Terry seems to think Virginia schools are perfect even though he sent four of his kids -- four out of five -- to private school.

Here with reaction, a brand new book is out today. It's on amazon.com, hannity.com, bookstores everywhere. It's called "Beyond Biden: Rebuilding the America. We love it's everywhere that books are sold, FOX News contributor, former speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich.

You know, if things go well tomorrow in the commonwealth of Virginia, I would argue if Youngkin wins and he's going to join us tonight, that'll be the equivalent of you taking back Congress after 40 years in exile. That would be a big deal.

But it would also be the beginning of what your book title is "Beyond Biden". We'd start right -- it can start tomorrow.

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, in a sense, Glenn Youngkin's campaign fits the book beyond Biden because it's a positive campaign. It's a solution-oriented campaign. It didn't focus negatively. It focused positively on the kind of Virginia that Youngkin would like to help create.

I do want to make one comment about something you said -- the most racist single comment in this entire campaign was McAuliffe saying there are too many white teachers. I mean, you talk about breaking down -- forgetting the content of your character, let's go straight for the color of your skin, how can somebody run for governor basically complaining on a racial basis, not that they're competent or incompetent, not that they work hard or they're lazy, but they happen to be white? And I think it just tells you the depth of fear that in order to pander to the African-American vote, he made that statement which I think is an incredibly racist comment.

By contrast, I think it's been a fascinating campaign. Youngkin decided he was going to run a Virginia campaign, focusing on Virginia issues.

And then McAuliffe made this crazy comment in the debate that he didn't want parents to be involved in schools. That began to eat him up and then the Loudon County school system or the Loudoun County School System turned out that that they had actually lied to the parents about a girl who was raped in the girls room by a guy in a dress. And by the way, that guy was transferred to a different school without telling them about his problems and he attacked another girl in a different school.

So, people felt that the whole system was lying to them. And I think brilliantly, the Youngkin team had an ad up less than 12 hours after McAuliffe made this mistake and they have been pounding away education in the last poll is the number one issue in Virginia more than the economy. And both of those frankly hurt McAuliffe.

I think you're going to have -- as you put it -- I think pretty well. This is the first beyond Biden election. If the outcome occurs the way we think it will, for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general and assembly, this is going to be a very historic moment tomorrow night.

HANNITY: You know, it's going to be very historic.

Do -- does Youngkin need to win for this to have the maximum impact? What if it's really tight?

GINGRICH: No, if it's real -- look, if it's, first of all, it's really tight, they'll steal it. So you can't afford to have a really tight election. You have to win by a big enough margin they can't steal it.

Second, the difference in -- if Youngkin wins which I think he will if everybody turns out to vote tomorrow, if Youngkin wins, this is an earthquake. If Youngkin almost wins, it's an interesting tremor, but it's not going to shake things up.

I thought and I hope that the Republican National Committee has already lined up a commercial because Kamala Harris comes into Virginia and says, you know, if Youngkin wins, that tells you we're going to lose in '22, we're going to lose in `24.

Well, if he does win as I think he will, I hope that by Thursday, we have an ad that says Kamala Harris was right, Youngkin won, goodbye Democrats in '22 and `24.

I think they will panic. I think most of the socialist big government program is going to actually be stopped in its tracks and you're going to see the Democrats and the Congress start biting each other and in a real sense of fear because this is the beginning of a tidal wave.

And by the way, you -- I'm really glad you have the Republican candidate New Jersey on because that race has suddenly become much closer than we thought it would be and he has an alley he has a real shot at winning.

HANNITY: And we we've got our pollsters coming up, Matt Towery and Robert Cahaly.

Mr. Speaker, congrats. "Beyond Biden", new book, bookstores all across the country, Amazon.com. Sir, thank you.

When we come back, on the ground in Virginia. Our own Ainsley Earhardt, she'll join us with the latest ahead of tomorrow's election.

Also, Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin, he's been barnstorming the entire state. He'll join us.

The New Jersey Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli will also join us as they make their final pitch before election day.


HANNITY: All right. Now, tomorrow is Election Day in the Virginia governor's race. The gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin will join us in a few minutes. He continues to surge in the polls. He continues to energize voters. Terry McAuliffe seems to be imploding, especially on the issue of parents and education, saying that parents should not be telling schools what to be teaching their kids, and by the way, brags about -- well, our kids went to uh schools in Virginia, four out of five went to private schools.

Anyway, can a deep blue Virginia really turn red tomorrow? How real is this?

Now, co-host of "FOX and Friends," Ainsley Earhardt, she'll be hosting a town hall with parents tomorrow morning. She was out with Virginia voters tonight, and here's what they had to say.


AINSLEY EARHARDT, FOX NEWS HOST: Who are you voting for tomorrow?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I am voting for Glenn Youngkin tomorrow.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I've already voted. I voted for Glenn Youngkin.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would support Terry McAuliffe.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I am hoping that Terry McAuliffe wins. I worry about Glenn Youngkin and his agenda.

EARHARDT: What are the biggest issues for you?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Really, taxes, regulation, you know, things that affect the economy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think the issue obviously is the big one, is the schools and parenting.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Climate, women's rights, critical race theory.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Terry McAuliffe's comments on not wanting parents to be involved in their children's education, I think that's -- that's really consequential and really put me off as a voter.

EARHARDT: What did you think when Terry McAuliffe said CRT is not being taught in the school?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I happen to know that's not true. I hear from my friends who have students what their kids are telling them.

EARHARDT: And who do you think will win?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tomorrow, I think Glenn Youngkin's going to win. I'm excited.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know it's a super close race, and I hope everybody's going to vote.


HANNITY: Joining us now, "FOX and Friends" co-host Ainsley Earhardt, tomorrow morning we'll be interviewing a panel of parents from Loudon and Fairfax Counties.

You know, when Terry McAuliffe first said, I don't think parents should be telling kids what they should teach, that got everybody's attention. Then he talked about his own kids in school, inferring that they went to public schools -- four out of the five went to private schools.

And now, he's suggesting that if parents don't want critical race theory taught, which he denied was taught during his first term as governor was, he's suggesting that there somehow there's racism involved. When you talk to people today, how passionate were they about these issues in particular?

EARHARDT: Oh, Sean, they definitely have already chosen their candidates. And if they were Democrats, they were in his camp. They were in Terry McAuliffe's camp, and if they were -- if they don't like what's happening in the schools and they're against critical race theory -- keep in mind, some people are for it, and you heard that in some of those interviews -- but the ones who are against it and want to have a say and a voice in their children's schools, they are definitely pro-Youngkin.

And if you look at their rallies, the numbers are pretty -- pretty interesting. Youngkin's rallies, he's getting a thousand people at each rally, and Terry McAuliffe's getting anywhere between 30 and a hundred. Now, maybe that's because they know where McAuliffe stands, he used to be the governor here.

This would be the first time if Youngkin wins that they will have a Republican in that office in more than a decade, Sean. But they are extremely passionate and we went to that grocery store today and talked to several people as they were coming out and we asked them, can we get your opinion? Oh, yes, you can have my opinion. I'll be glad to tell you how I feel.

Republicans are the ones for Youngkin. They really cared about education. CRT, they're against it, schools and taxes. And then those that were for McAuliffe, they cared about the climate, women's issues and their pro-CRT. And I said, well, what about his comments that CRT is not being taught? But you -- we have evidence that it is being taught and some of these parents are telling us and they said, oh, what's happening is they're saying they're against it or they're for it and then they're taking a little bit of what they say and they're changing it and spinning it.

So -- and many of those have been die-hard Democrats for a long time.

HANNITY: And tomorrow -- so, you're going to do a town hall, do you have both sides of --

EARHARDT: Yes, yes.


EARHARDT: Yes. So, most of the people that we're going to be interviewing though, Sean, are people who we've interviewed in the past. We've -- I've been having conversations with these parents, since the mass mandates went into effect, since schools were requiring vaccines, we came down to Loudoun County, we went to Fairfax County. We've interviewed all of these parents throughout all of that during the pandemic.

Then when all these school boards started to get heated and this race became so close, we came back a few more times. And so, a lot of those parents are going to be on the panel, just talking about why they're getting involved, how when they were zooming or on virtual classrooms with their kids. They were hearing teachers say things that they didn't approve of. Some of them have said they have children with special needs and they needed to be in the classroom and we've had some people say they've pulled their kids out of some of these public schools and put them into Catholic or Christian schools because they want that conservative teaching and training.

But we're going to have all of them on the on the panel tomorrow. We have 10 people, 10 parents. We have a teacher, we have voters on the panel and we're going to hear both sides and their opinions and why this election's so important.

HANNITY: I'm definitely interested also in hearing about their reaction to the memo of the Department of Justice to look at parents at some of these meetings being investigated as domestic terrorists. I don't think that's gone over well. It certainly didn't go over well with the Senate last week.

Ainsley Earhardt, we'll be watching "FOX and Friends" tomorrow morning. Thank you for being with us.

All right. Now, Glenn Youngkin has an opportunity to make political history in the state the commonwealth of Virginia. Republicans haven't won a statewide contest in Virginia in 12 years. Youngkin appears he is now on the verge of changing all that. His supporters, they're energized, they're ready to turn out and vote, and ready to turn deep blue Virginia red and send a message to McAuliffe, his campaign, and to the destruction that is the Democratic party under Joe Biden, and that left-wing agenda that's failing all across the country.

And, by the way, if Virginia can do it, what will it mean for the rest of the country?

Here to make his closing pitch, the man with all the momentum, Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin is with us.

You know, it's -- I see the crowd behind you and I'm laughing because I -- I've been looking at Terry McAuliffe's events and often, he has more members of the press than he actually has people showing up. He had an event yesterday I think 40 people showed up.

GLENN YOUNGKIN (R), VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: Yeah, Sean, I just got to the airport and landed and these folks were just here to meet us. We're actually on our way to the rally and they just stopped by to cheer us on as we got on the bus to get to the rally. The crowds have been amazing.

And it has been so much fun to travel around this great commonwealth of Virginia and see Virginians come together like never before. We're winning the independent vote by a bunch. We're seeing Democrats walk across the aisle.

This is about unity and bringing people together and charting a new path for Virginia.

HANNITY: Let me get your reaction um about Terry McAuliffe. It all started with, I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach their kids. Then we find out that four of his five kids, they went to private school. Now in the final hours of this campaign, he's brought race into the issue of educating our kids. I want to get your reaction to it.

YOUNGKIN: Well, first of all, this is about parents and Terry McAuliffe wanting to put government between parents and their children. And we in Virginia have a law that says parents have a fundamental right to make decisions with regards to their kids' education. I stand for it. Terry's against it. It's that clear.

And voters are standing up and rejecting Terry McAuliffe, and he's just running the playbook that he wrote. He's the godfather of the modern day Democratic Party, and he doesn't know what else to do other than introduce race into this.

And I'll tell you -- I'll tell you, Sean, I'm not going to be lectured by a guy on race who embraces someone who wore blackface and then asks them to leave and then gets them back and has somebody on his ticket who wore blackface. This isn't about race. This is actually about parents coming together across Virginia and standing up for their children for a quality education and they have not felt that school boards or government has listened to them.

And I'm going to stand up for parents, I'm going to stand up for kids, I'm going to stand up for teachers, and we are going to do what Virginia schools should do which is educate our children to have a great life.

HANNITY: One of the big differences that I'm -- I've seen in the way you both have conducted yourself in this campaign is okay, Terry McAuliffe brings in Stacy Abrams, Terry McAuliffe brings in Joe and Jill Biden and Kamala Harris, and Barack Obama.

He's tried to make this a national campaign for whatever reason I don't specifically know why. And you're pretty much stuck to local issues, state issues that impact everyday lives. I got to imagine that that's probably what has resulted in the surge.

How do you explain these poll numbers that have now shifted in the last number of weeks dramatically in your favor?

YOUNGKIN: Well, we've been focusing on the issues most important to Virginians, low taxes, schools that deliver for our children, safe communities, a growing job market versus a stalled out one, and, oh, by the way, government that'll work for us and not tell us what to do all the time.

And Virginians have embraced this platform. It's been amazing, across the country, we've been hearing from families saying stand up for us too, Virginia, because we don't get to vote this year, we have the same problems that you have.

These kitchen table issues, this is what America is focused on right now. I mean, our website is blowing up at youngkinforgovernor.com as people come in and give us encouragement, because they know Virginia has a chance to stand up for our country as we go to the polls for these kitchen table issues about low taxes and great schools and great -- and great safe communities.

This is what Americans want. This is what Virginians want, and this is why we are surging ahead. But by the way, polls don't win elections. Votes do. So we're encouraging everybody -- get out and vote tomorrow. Have your voice heard. And Virginia's going to lead like we know we can.

HANNITY: You look at the early vote numbers and we're going to go to our pollsters in a minute. Just your thoughts on early voting. In the past, Republicans have been reluctant to vote early. That seems to be shifting and I believe it needs to shift. I think Republicans need to be as competitive in early voting as Democrats are.

What are your -- what are your models showing in terms of turnout tomorrow and how important is the turnout tomorrow in very specific areas that you're looking at?

YOUNGKIN: Well, we've done very well in early voting. We've encouraged people to go vote early, and I think we're going to surprise everybody with the strong turnout that we've had in early voting and, oh, by the way, the weak turnout that my opponent has had.

There's no enthusiasm for his campaign. In fact, the only person excited about Terry McAuliffe has been Terry McAuliffe.

And so, we think we did very well in early voting and then we expect to do very well tomorrow. And we're going to sweep our statewide office and march to victory and we're going to bring in a new House of delegates and make a statement that Virginia's back. And this early voting I think has been something we embraced -- we embraced, we encourage everybody to get out there bring 10 friends and let's make a statement that Republicans can vote early too.

HANNITY: Well, we're going to be watching. Glenn Youngkin, it's going to be a very interesting day. If you pull this off tomorrow it is a political earthquake that the entire country will hear, it will resonate from coast to coast. We're going to be watching very closely. We wish you all the best tomorrow and I hope people in Virginia get out and vote. Every vote matters. Everyone needs all hands on deck. Thank you for being with us.

All right. Now, we head to the state of New Jersey where in the final hours, polls have now tightened within the margin of error, with Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli now is closing the gap against Democratic incumbent Phil Murphy, and promising to undo Murphy's job- killing tax hikes, put a freeze on property taxes, reform education, and make the state more business-friendly.

Here to make his final case, Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Ciattarelli is with us.

You had told me that your internal numbers were showed a tightening. Robert Cahaly will join us later, shows it's now within the margin of error. I think this is probably even a bigger surprise than maybe the commonwealth of Virginia. Do you believe this is now within striking distance?

JACK CIATTARELLI (R), NEW JERSEY GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: Oh, without a doubt, Sean. Internal polling in both camps has it as a dead heat and you know the history of New Jersey. Republicans have won six of the last governor races and no incumbent Democratic governor has been re-elected in more than 40 years. Not Jim Florio, not Jim McGreevey, not John Corzine, and quite frankly, Phil Murphy is far left of all three of those combined.

So we're right where we need to be at this point in time.

HANNITY: What are the main issues of focus -- that people have focused on there? Obviously, education just popped all over Virginia and it went viral, it went national. What are the biggest bread and butter issues? From what I can see, a lot of it is COVID mandates, the nursing home scandal that was the equivalent of what happened in New York, although Governor Murphy seemed to get away with it more than Cuomo did. And then the issue of oh, if you're against my high taxes, probably New Jersey is not your state?

CIATTARELLI: New Jerseyans are the highest taxed people in the nation, Sean, and this is a guy who said he wanted to make New Jersey the California of the East Coast, but then he topped that, he poked his finger right in the eye of New Jersey when he said if taxes are your issue, we're probably not your state. I mean, he poked them right in the eye.

So, we've talked all about property taxes. Ours are the highest in the nation and making New Jersey a better place to do business particularly for small business. Year over year over year, New Jersey is ranked the worst place in the country in which to do business. We've also got a state government that's bloated, it's inefficient, and it's been corrupted by special interests. Those are the three main fiscal economic issues that I've talked about all throughout this campaign and it's resonated with New Jerseyans.

HANNITY: Well, we're going to be watching New Jersey very, very closely tomorrow. It's a big race and if Virginia and New Jersey flip tomorrow, wow, I can't think of what that will do to put the Democrats into a tailspin. We wish you all the best. Thanks so much for being with us.

Now, coming up, we have polls in both Virginia and New Jersey, massive late-breaking shifts in each case towards the Republican Party. We have Trafalgar's Robert Cahaly, Insider Advantage Matt Towery -- our pollsters break it all down. That's coming up next as we continue. Thanks for being with us.


HANNITY: All right. As we continue our HANNITY election coverage here, to break down the state of the race both in Virginia and New Jersey, latest poll numbers making their predictions from the Trafalgar Group, chief poster Robert Cahaly, and the chairman of the polling group Insider Advantage, Matt Towery, is with us. To their credit, both of them nailed 2020 and 2016, and the Georgia Senate races.

You have a great track record. Interestingly, you almost have identical polls for the commonwealth of Virginia.

Matt Towery, we'll start with you.

MATT TOWERY, INSIDER ADVANTAGE: Well, Robert -- Robert does a great job and I'm trying to keep up with him.

Yes, Virginia -- what happened in this race are two things, Sean. You had the comment made by Terry McAuliffe several weeks ago or whenever about the parents in the classroom. But what really changed this race was the decision by the Democrats to go heavy national. And you heard Donald Trump's name in ads and disgust in every single speech they gave, and all they did was turn this race from being a close race to being a not so close race. In the last three days, we saw the numbers shift phenomenally towards Youngkin.

So it's going to be close, but the acceleration for young particularly among independent voters we noticed has been phenomenal in the in the last three or four days as the Democrats decided to make this about Donald Trump. Well, it's about Donald Trump in a sense, and it looks like Donald Trump is going to turn out a winner, along with Youngkin.

HANNITY: You know, as I look at these numbers, we just put up the FOX poll. I felt the FOX poll, when I dug a little deeper into the poll, I felt it was an outlier. Do both of you agree with that or not agree with that? Real quick, Matt?

TOWERY: Well, I mean I think that they were getting probably a fair representation. We all weighed our polls differently. I don't think it's going to be an eight point difference. Our FOX affiliate that we polled for in D.C. today, we showed it a two-point race. It could have been a three, three and a half if we weighted it a little differently.

But quite frankly, I don't think we're going to get to eight.

HANNITY: And you're kind of in the two area where I have been and, Robert, you've been in the two to three areas. Well, where are you now with your final poll?

ROBERT CAHALY, CHIEF POLLSTER AND FOUNDER, THE TRAFALGAR GROUP: We -- Real Clear rounds it to two, but it's a 2.3. It's what we have it at and we feel pretty confident with that. What we are seeing is the undecideds that are still -- there aren't many -- but they seem to be breaking toward Youngkin, and we definitely see this as a trend. There's just -- there's no one -- there's just no enthusiasm right now of -- and they're trying to gin it up, but it's just it's just not effective. This usually wasn't very effective.

HANNITY: A friend of mine, Robert, sent me a picture of Leesburg where the final rally is happening for Youngkin now after he did the interview with us, and it looked like a mini Trump rally. The crowd was massive and anecdotally, and you can't go by crowd size, what we've been seeing with Terry McAuliffe events are very few people showing up, in some cases, more members of the press. One recent event, I think yesterday, today, 40 people showed up. There doesn't seem to be enthusiasm at all for him, and even when he brought in Obama and Biden at best, they had two thousand.

You know, compare that to a typical Trump rally, you have forty thousand that can't get in the stadium that's packed.

CAHALY: Absolutely. The Democrats in Virginia and it's a lesser extent, New Jersey, seem to be about as excited as Joe Biden at the climate Senate -- as a climate summit.

HANNITY: Yeah. When he fell asleep, I still can't believe the aide had to go over and wake him up.

The -- one of the things that I've complained a lot about, Matt, is the electoral map because if you're a Republican and you want to be president, you got to win Florida. You got to win Georgia, you got to win North Carolina, you got to win Ohio, you got to pick off Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin or a combination thereof.

Then you got to look at New Hampshire, then you got to go out and look at Arizona and Nevada and hopefully pick off states there. Now, would this be a moment where we could have a demographic shift in a state like Virginia? Would it would have -- would we be reading too much into it to think that things might change now?

TOWERY: We might be, but I think the greater lesson we would get from this change in Virginia that takes place is that it's going to be representative of what's going on in other states that are even closer to being red states or purple states that could go red. I think you're beginning to see a wave. The Biden administration's polling numbers are disastrous. It's just been a complete wreck.

You have two pieces of legislation sitting on Capitol Hill that don't seem to be going anywhere because the two sides of the Democratic Party can't agree. And if I'm Joe Manchin, there is no way I'm going to get near this legislation after a Virginia defeat.


HANNITY: Well, he's pretty angry today about the phony accounting tricks that the Democrats are using, which is something we pointed out last week.

So, let's go to New Jersey. What do you see happening there, Robert, because you showed a tightening of that race?

CAHALY: We do. We showed a lead around 4, I think 4.2 for the Murphy. But what's interesting is we haven't seen him get over 50, and what I find is if all the undecideds were to break against him and he's an incumbent and undecided don't tend to favor incumbents this late, then that that race could go right into a very close election, and it could go either way.

So the lack of -- the lack of ability to get above 50 and stay there on the part of that incumbent I think really makes this thing a lot more competitive than people saw it. Lots of talk -- open-ended questions about the vaccine mandates, and there's a lot of cops and stuff like that, and first responders from New York who are very frustrated who live in New Jersey.

HANNITY: Any chance, Matt Towery? We got 10 seconds, New Jersey.

TOWNER: There's always a chance, and even if it's close, it's going to tell us something about the rest of the country.

HANNITY: All right. Matt Towery, Robert Cahaly, thank you both.

More HANNITY after this.


HANNITY: Unfortunately, that's all the time we have left for tonight. Tomorrow night, big night, high-stakes elections. We are watching the governors' races in Virginia and New Jersey. We will have full coverage and results, we hope you will tune.

In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled because Laura Ingraham takes it from here.

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