'Hannity' on Americans held hostage, Day 34

This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on September 17, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ANNOUNCER: Americans Held Hostage, Abandoned Behind Enemy Lines, Day 34.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: And welcome to "Hannity". 

It is now day 34, Americans held hostage, abandoned by Joe Biden behind enemy lines of the Taliban. That's right, terrorists. Our so-called commander-in-chief is ignoring the hundreds of Americans and thousands of allies, thousands of Americans with green cards -- or legitimately have a right to be here -- he abandoned them all in Afghanistan. 

These people, many are in hiding tonight, and with each passing day, the prospect of their survival, it gets worse and worse, and Joe doesn't want to talk about it. At this hour, Biden is not working around the clock to secure their release. He is not at a command center working on a solution. 

Instead, he's enjoying another long weekend off in Delaware. 

Someone in the administration needs to remind Joe -- Joe, you're the president of the United States. Americans actually could use your help right about now. Might be time to get off your ass and get to work to save American lives. 

If he's too weak, too frail, too slow to handle the job seven days a week, he should step down and retire, because right now, there are serious crises on multiple fronts this Friday news night. 

France, one of our top allies, just recalled their ambassador to the U.S. 

because of a dispute over nuclear submarines. Great job, Joe. We're once again respected on the world stage. This is embarrassing yet again.

Also breaking tonight, a shameful Friday information dump from the Biden administration. Remember that recent U.S. drone strike in Afghanistan when the Biden administration -- remember they told us they took out an ISIS terrorist transporting a bomb and they stopped the bomb that he was taking right to the Karzai International Airport in Kabul? Yeah, they wouldn't give us the name. That was the first tip-off that something was wrong. 

Today, they just officially announced they did not kill an ISIS terrorist, that that strike, Joe's drone strike killed innocent civilians, aid workers, instead of terrorists, including, oh, seven children. Did you get that Joe Biden? Over the -- your over the horizon drone strike killed seven innocent children and people that were there helping on a humanitarian level.

Yeah, Joe, you have blood on your hands. But how could it be? Because remember, Jen Psaki promised us that Biden's brilliant, over the horizon anti-terrorist strategy was more than sufficient. You might remember this.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: What we've seen over the past week is that our over the horizon capacity can work and has worked in going after ISIS targets and killing people who went after our troops. So that's where our resources and our focus is going to be on at this point in time.


HANNITY: Well, it did work for Trump and the caliphate and Soleimani and Baghdadi and associates and the al Qaeda leader in Yemen, but it didn't work for Joe Biden. 

Per usual, that was all BS. And just like the Taliban terrorists, they keep telling us they're so professional and business-like, as they're executing people, and beheading people, and beating women in the streets. Now, the first test of Biden's over the horizon, anti-terror strategy, a horrific failure, another embarrassment. 

Two weeks ago, General Milley, the genius that he is, he called this a righteous strike. Do you stand by this general tonight? And, by the way, you should be on administrative leave pending the results of a real investigation as to the seriousness of the charges against him. Take a look.


GEN. MARK MILLEY, CHAIRMAN OF JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF: Were there others killed? Yes, there are others killed. Who they are? We don't know. We'll try to sort through all that, but we believe that the procedures at this point -- I don't want to influence the outcome of an investigation, but at this point, we think that the procedures were correctly followed and it's a righteous strike.


HANNITY: You stand by that statement, General Milley? You still believe in Biden's over the horizon capabilities. Over the horizon, does you know what day it is? What about the allegations of treason against you, General? 

Because according to this upcoming book from Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, in the final months of the Trump administration, General Mark Milley reportedly, according to them, promised to give communist China a heads up if the U.S. was planning any attack. He's also accused of colluding with other military leaders and Nancy Pelosi to strip the president of his sole constitutional authority as commander-in-chief to launch a nuclear strike if he needed to. 

In a non-denial, denial Milley defended his calls with China. He called them perfectly within the scope of his job. Okay, you didn't tell the director of national intelligence or the secretary of defense. 

So, General Milley, did you or did you not promise to give China a heads-up before any attack? Can we get a copy of that transcript? Did you attempt to assert the constitutional authority of the commander-in-chief, the president of the United States on nuclear codes? Because if the answer to either of those questions is yes, that would make you, General Milley, a traitor and, by the way, that would make you an insurrectionist. And, by the way, we need to know Nancy Pelosi's role in all of this.

And tonight, even more damning revelations from this upcoming book of Woodward and Costa, and I do need to note, they say they are standing by every word of their reporting involving General Milley and every other issue that has come out. Now, according to this book, a very woke General Miller actually played down the violent protests that were going on in 2020, and he called them penny packet protests, whatever the hell that means. He even pushed back against President Trump's statement that the U.S. was suffering under these violent nationwide riots that were burning America down.

According to Woodward and Costa, General Milley stated, quote: Mr. 

President, they're not burning it down. Really? Okay, General, we'll show you the video. We'll remind you. What would you call all of this?


HANNITY: Excuse me, General, but law and order broke down completely in city after city after city. Police precincts were burned to the ground, hundreds of businesses were lit on fire, looting was rampant. Entire city blocks taken over by anarchists, dozens of Americans died, including multiple police officers. Thousands of other law enforcement officers pelted with bricks and rocks and bottles and frozen water bottles and Molotov cocktails. 

Around the same time that General Milley reportedly made these comments, on May 31st in New York alone, at least people were arrested, at least 47 police vehicles damaged or destroyed, 33 police officers were injured. That was just one day.

And coming up, the great one Mark Levin will have a message for General Milley you won't want to miss. He also will weigh in on Biden's border crisis, which is continuing to spiral out of control. Now, they tried to stop us from showing you these images and they stopped and the FAA stepped in, fully politicized, to stop the FOX News drone. We were able to get around it.

We also have video as promised from Senator Ted Cruz. We'll share with you throughout the night tonight, revealing a shocking scene at the southern border, thousands and thousands and thousands of migrants as far as the eye can see. But, of course, Biden's borders czar, Vice President Kamala Harris, as usual, nowhere to be seen and hardly ever heard from. She hasn't said a word about the border, in over four weeks.

And we had 200,000 illegal immigrants that we know of that were processed into the country, but they didn't get a COVID, by the way, vaccine mandate. 

Not even a COVID test. But they got dispersed all throughout the country. 

That would be the biggest super spreader event in all history.

So, clearly, whatever she did, if anything, to address this crisis has been a total failure and now in the middle of a pandemic, we have the single biggest, largest super spreader event in American history. Why do we have vaccine mandates for the illegal immigrants that they are processing into the country?

Here with reaction, he is now the author of what is the number one bestseller, now nine weeks in a row, "American Marxism", he's the host of "Life, Liberty, and Levin", also nationally syndicated radio host, Mark Levin. Now, over a million copies sold.

Mark, the reason this book is resonating is because it is a -- it is an antidote to what this country is now going through. 

I'll open it up to you. We've got General Milley, we've got Afghanistan, we've got a border disaster, we're now begging OPEC for energy. We've got inflation. We've got fuel prices up a buck 50 a gallon. Where would you like to start?

MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS HOST, "LIFE, LIBERY & LEVIN": First of all, none of this has to happen. Thank you, Sean, for having me.

And I would encourage people who have "American Marxism", go to chapter 7, please, and act on it. That said, let me hit some of this. 

General Milley -- they're going to have a hearing, everybody says, on September 28th that Milley will be present. What's going to happen is, if past is prologues, the Democrat Party will do everything they can to run interference for Milley. They're going to run interference family because they're running interference for Nancy Pelosi. 

Nancy Pelosi has a key role in this. There's a telephone conversation between Nancy Pelosi and General Milley, in which she who is absolutely nuts, accuses the president at the time, Trump, of being crazy, talks about nuclear weapons and Milley says he agrees with her completely. He goes back to the Pentagon. He calls in his subordinates and they talk about what is our process and let's go over it for using nuclear weapons. 

President Trump never even hinted ever about using nuclear weapons. There's no basis for this whatsoever, and I might add in a footnote. 

I don't know who's more loathsome, Milley, who is loathsome, or Woodward and Costa. If they're all standing by this and it's big time news and it is, they sat on it for months and months when the American people should have known, when Congress should have known and, of course, the people in the military should have known that we have a rogue general, if they're standing by it. It's appalling what "The Washington Post" has done with this country, just as bad as Milley.

Now, this over-the-horizon stuff, they think it's the Wizard of Oz over the rainbow. Over the horizon, that's a phrase that has absolutely no meaning. 

We have no intelligence whatsoever left in Afghanistan and you point out night after night, hostages, this whole country's been held hostage by Biden for eight months.

Let me tell you what's going to happen to most of those American citizens. 

They're not coming back. 

Let me tell you what's going to happen to most of those American green card holders. They're not coming back. 

Let me tell you what's going to happen to those 80,000 or so SIV visa holders, patriots, who served with us. They're not coming back, and they hope you forget it.

And so now they go to war on Florida and Texas and red southern states that Biden has no hope of winning. 

What are they doing now? Biden is holding back monoclonal antibodies from Florida and southern states that have been using these antibiotics effectively to save people's lives once they get the coronavirus, out of nowhere, with no warning to any of these states because the federal government buys them from the producer and then hands them out to the states. He's pulled them back from Republican states and Republican governors. 

Now, think about that. No president American history has ever done that either. 

Look at the southern border -- 11,000 Haitians trying to get in. Now, first of all, they had to come from an island nation to come to the United States. Notice when it came to the Cubans, they were clear. You come across those waters, we're sending you back. 

What about the Haitians? They're here. Why? Because they hope they'll vote Democrat.

America, we have an invasion. I don't care what "The New York Times" and "The Washington Post" has to say about that or anything else, we have an invasion. Millions of people are coming into this country illegally over a period of time. If he's president for four years, could be upwards of 10 million people.

Meanwhile his party in Congress is trying to hand out amnesty like lollipops as fast as possible. Our constitutional constructs under attack, our traditions in adherence to laws under attack, comity, C-O-M-I-T-Y, is under attack because we have this doofus as president of the United States. 

But I should add, he was a doofus when he had his wits, he's just a disaster.

A couple other quick things I want to talk about too. Pay attention to September 27th. September 27 is when the Democrats are back in town and they want to ram through the most disastrous omnibus bill in American history, certainly one of them, which will change our constitutional system, which will change our voting system, which will change our immigration system, which massively expands the welfare state which, is going to break the back economically of our children and grandchildren and generations yet born.

This guy Biden has lit a match, has lit a match to this society. And when he goes up there and gives these speeches, where he lies through his teeth, where he uses Marxist-like propaganda the -- he turns one people against another people, where he talks about the rich versus the poor and goes on and on and on, he is a destructive person. That's what he is.

And the people around him, they talk about diversity. There may be physical diversity, there may be genitalia diversity, there may be color diversity, religious diversity. But when it comes to ideology, there is no diversity.

And, finally, Sean, the media. 

You bastards in the media are so corrupt. It is you who have allowed this to happen. It is you. 

"The Washington Post" sits on a story like this Milley story for months. 

"The Washington Post" and other media push the phony Russia collusion story for years. Now somebody's finally been indicted. "The Washington Post" 

which undermines facts and "The New York Times" and so forth. 

And so, they have a horrific history. They failed to cover the Holocaust, the case of "The New York Times", they backed Stalin. They had a bureau chief that was sympathetic to the Third Reich. In 1959, they backed Castro, and that's the paper of record.

The media in this country is contributing to its destruction and turning it inside out. This is a battle between liberty and tyranny. There is simply no question about it. That's it.

HANNITY: Chapter seven. So I want to put a little emphasis on -- emphasis on this. There are seven chapters. This is the final chapter in your book "American Marxism". By the way, you can get it on amazon.com, bookstores everywhere.

And it gives us the road map to get America back to being the greatest country on earth, and it's a powerful chapter. It's over ten thousand words. That's a lot for a chapter in any book and I think one of the best chapters you've ever written. 

Great one, thank you. Congrats on the success of the book. Amazon.com, bookstores everywhere.

And joining us now with more reaction, FOX News contributor, Jason Chaffetz, former Trump White House chief of staff Reince Priebus.

Reince, let's start with you. We can start with Milley, the disaster of Afghanistan. 

You see what's happening at the border. You see what's happening now with the monoclonal antibodies, which by the way, God bless, you know, with now, we have breakthrough cases of COVID. We have a therapeutic that works, according to everyone I've talked to. I tell people to talk to the doctors.

And now, we're going to limit it, and we're going to politicize that? 

Because we have we have called -- we have checked. There's no shortage of these monoclonal antibodies. So there's plenty to go around for anybody that needs it. 

Joe only mentioned it for the first time last week, Reince.

REINCE PRIEBUS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Well, you remember the phrase that our teachers used to tell us -- honesty is the best policy. 

That's because policy is who you are. And you look at this border crisis, Sean, a 20-year record on the border, 200,000 plus illegal aliens coming across in August, 200-plus thousand illegal aliens coming across in July, in June. It's because now Biden's policies are front and center and they've been front and center.

Mark Levin, you know, he called it an invasion. The problem is this was a welcomed invasion by the Biden administration. Look at the -- on January 20th, you want to talk about who he is as a person. He signed eight executive orders on January 20th, all of which had to do with illegal immigration.

And three of the craziest policies are were in those executive orders. One was he was going to stop building the border wall, pretty crazy stuff. The second one though was that he ended -- get this -- Joe Biden ended the law that said that if you committed a crime in the United States and you were an illegal alien, that you would be deported. He ended that. Meaning, if you commit a crime, that's not going to be a reason to be deported anymore in the United States.

The last executive order, the craziest one, was that he said that now under the law of Joe Biden, this is true, he said to all the municipalities and cities out there across America, that you are to count illegal immigrants, illegal aliens in your number when counting for the census. So, in other words, if you're Los Angeles, we want you to include illegal aliens in your numbers so you can get more taxpayer money from the American people. It's insanity, but it's the policies of Joe Biden, it is who he is. 

And that's what's ultimately going to cause him the most trouble, Sean.

HANNITY: Abandoning Americans, Jason Chaffetz, open borders -- we're headed to two million illegal immigrants this year alone. We'll set a 25, 30-year record. Begging OPEC because he stopped energy production and abandoned energy independence. I -- look at what happened with France tonight.

Look what's happened with the economy, look at the price of energy, look at the price of everything we pay for going through the roof, I'm really worried for the state of the country, and I'm very worried about those Americans trapped behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. Very worried.

JASON CHAFFETZ, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: The president of the United States lied and lied many times. He did it before the election, he did it since he's been the president of the United States. What he said and what he's done has been totally absolutely -- the opposite of what he promised.

I don't know how long we can continue to have the commander in chief read a teleprompter and just lie to the American people. And I do worry who is behind the scenes. I think there are people like Susan Rice pulling these levers, thinking they could just hoodwink the American people into -- by saying one thing, having a compliant media, not really challenge them and then just go off and do what they want to do. 

I think General Milley should be dismissed. At the very least, he should be on administrative leave while there's a serious investigation. 

And why should America put up with this. If there is a person who is potentially involved in the insurrection, then they should actually be put on leave, and have an investigation. Why should we take the chance? We have the words and General Milley has not come out strongly and denied this. We can't wait two more weeks for some congressional hearing. They should be action now. 

But this is a very weak president, Sean. It's the weakest president I think we have ever seen. They try to compare him to Carter, President Biden is far, far weaker than Jimmy Carter ever was.

HANNITY: It's not even close. 

Great analysis, Jason Chaffetz, Reince Priebus, thank you both for being with us.

When we come back on this Friday night, the bide administration playing politics with life-saving treatments. Governor DeSantis, he's rightfully fighting back to protect the people of Florida. We'll get reaction from Senator Rand Paul and much more. Stay with us.


HANNITY: All right. This is a FOX News alert this Friday night. Breaking tonight, an influential FDA panel today rejected a plan to administer the Pfizer booster shots to the general public, exposing yet another massive Biden COVID failure, because remember back in August, this is what Biden said.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Earlier today, our medical experts announced a plan for booster shots to every fully vaccinated American, adult American. You know, this will boost your immune response, will increase your protection from COVID-19. It's the best way to protect ourselves from new variants that could arise.


HANNITY: All right. Well, so, Dr. Joe, it sounds rather than follow the science, Biden decided to get out in front of the science. 

And that's not all, because we have yet another broken promise from Joe Biden tonight. Just a week after the president said the administration was going to boost the distribution of life-saving monoclonal antibody treatments like Regeneron, the Biden administration now is slashing doses to the state of Florida, with breakthrough cases. Meaning fully vaccinated people now coming down with COVID, and Governor DeSantis set up these centers all around the state so that people that have either vaccinated or not vaccinated, that they'd have the ability to get the Regeneron. 

Biden only mentioned it for the first time last week. Donald Trump had COVID nearly a year ago and he had anti -- the monoclonal antibodies. 

The Biden team wants full control. What, you're going to take away distribution powers from states like Florida, playing politics with life- saving treatments?

Here's Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slamming this move. Rightly so.


GOV. RON DESANTIS (R), FLORIDA: We are very, very concerned with the Biden administration and the HHS's recent abrupt, sudden announcement that they are going to dramatically cut the number of monoclonal antibodies that are going to be sent to the state of Florida. But, man, to just kind of pull the rug out from anyone, a week after the president himself said they were going to be increasing the distributions by 50 percent, it's very, very problematic.


HANNITY: He only mentioned it for the first time last week. The centers were already set up by Governor DeSantis. 

And of course, that's not all. Dr. Doom and Gloom, Mr. Flip-flop Fauci, the liar himself, is floating even stricter vaccine mandates like getting on an airplane. Take a look.



DISEASES: I would support that if you want to get on a plane and travel with other people, that you should be vaccinated.


HANNITY: All right. But get this, it wasn't that long ago that Flip-flop Fauci was saying just the opposite, another flip-flop. Take a look.


FAUCI: If you let the local institutions like hospitals make the decision, usually that's better than a central federally mandated system.

I don't think you'll ever see a mandating of vaccine, particularly for the general public.

Because it is extremely unlikely that you're going to get a central federal mandate for vaccines. I mean, I cannot see that that's in the cards.

It's not I believe going to come centrally.

I doubt very seriously if it will be a central federally government mandated vaccination.


HANNITY: So when's the media mob -- when are they going to ask Fauci tough questions? Like new revelations that in fact the NIH did actually fund gain of function research at the Wuhan lab. Did Fauci lie under oath when he was asked by Senator Rand Paul?

Here to react to this and much more is Kentucky senator, he's also a medical doctor, Rand Paul.

The -- I have checked with multiple sources, multiple sources. They have confirmed to me, Senator, there's no shortage of monoclonal antibodies like Regeneron, Eli Lilly has a version of it as well. There's no shortage. 

Why would the federal government control it? 



SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): Realize this is the difference between socialized medicine and capitalism. Under capitalism, when there's increased demand -- and Florida has increased demand right now -- you increase the supply. 

Supply matches demand and capitalism. 

In socialism, you have political reasons. So, it could be that they think there are more deplorable people in Florida, more Republicans, or more of the unvaccinated, unwashed.

And so, decisions will be made for political reasons, but if this were capitalism and this were going out into the marketplace, the companies would be ramping up production and it would be distributed where it's needed. It is lifesaving. 

We also have to change the recommendations coming from Fauci and the CDC, allow people to take it as an in-patient. You can be an in-patient with relatively good oxygenation talking not yet on a ventilator, but they won't give it to you if you've gotten beyond ten days of symptoms or if you're an in-patient. 

You could have four days of symptoms, be put in the hospital, you still meet the criteria as far as symptoms, but once you cross the threshold from the ER into the hospital, they deny you treatment.

There's a lot of bad things going on a lot of lives can be saved if we would allow the monoclonal antibodies to be used. We also should be looking at allowing inhaled steroids to be used as an outpatient and also as an inpatient. 

They've known about these things, there are studies, trials, it all adds up to that they're good treatments but the government's stopping it. And by the government owning all the monoclonal antibodies, we no longer have any form of capitalism. What we have is socialized distribution and that's going to lead to problems.

HANNITY: I thought of you this week. You had COVID. You stated it publicly, I'm not disclosing anything private, and, you have decided not to get the vaccine.

Now, interestingly, Pfizer this week announced that the efficacy of their vaccine decreases over time. Same with Moderna and we're seeing it.

And then the actual researcher, Dr Robert Malone is his name, it was in the Epic Times, the guy that discovered the technology for the mRNA vaccine, that's Pfizer and Moderna, not J&J, he says that natural immunity antibodies -- the very things you've been saying -- are much better than the very technology that he himself discovered and then he cited a study out of Israel.

I'm not a doctor I'll ask you as a medical doctor.

PAUL: Over a hundred million Americans have gotten the disease naturally. 

All of the studies show that their natural immunity is at least as good as the vaccine. But the one from Israel shows that it's 27 times better. 

This is not an argument against the vaccine. It's an argument for treating people fairly.

Think of all the hospital workers who worked for a year with no vaccine available yet, risking their lives to save people's lives from COVID, thousands of them got COVID naturally, have immunity. And now, the hospitals because Fauci is breeding this ignorance and this unscientific approach, they're all being told if you won't take it, you'll be fired. How unfair and insulting is that to our hospital workers?

There's one thing the government could do though right now on the vaccine front. Instead of just approving a booster, the booster is not specific for delta. They should do what Donald Trump did and have Operation Warp Speed for the next generation, which will be a delta vaccine. And that actually would save lots of lives. 

It's already been created. It's already there, but it's languishing in the bureaucracy. Instead, they're going to prove the old one which doesn't that does -- the virus has now escaped from the old one, so it's not as effective. But they should allow a new variant to come forward and voluntarily being taken not given by mandate.

HANNITY: Dr. Paul, you've been very insightful. You were right. Dr. Fauci was wrong.

Up next shocking new developments surrounding the disappearance of 22-year- old gabby Petito. A fiance sister now speaking out. We'll tell you what she is saying. We'll get reaction from Nancy Grace when we return. This -- why this kid won't talk to the parents I cannot explain. It is -- I can't comprehend it, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now tonight, we are continuing to follow developments in the mysterious disappearance of 22-year-old Gabby Petito, who is believed to have been last seen on August the 25th in Wyoming. But unfortunately, the one man who likely has answers and was last likely to known to see her, her boyfriend, Brian Laundrie, is refusing to talk to the family, cooperate with authorities and has now just hired a lawyer.

And now, demonstrators have even gathered outside his Florida home, demanding that he speak out and explain what happened, where he last saw her. 

Now, the boyfriend's sister says she wants Gabby home safe. But why all the silence? Why is the boyfriend in hiding? And why won't the parents of this young man, you know, talk to their son and say tell us everything you know?

And last night, the Petito family, this young woman's mom and dad, stepmom and stepdad, they all came on this show. They made an impassioned plea for help right here on this program. Take a look. 


GABBY PETITO'S FATHER: The outreach is I think 350 million plus people asking where's gabby. I mean everyone's asking you got one person don't doing it. So, in all honesty, it's we're all trying to find the answer and the only person who knows it is sitting over in their house over there and you can't have a more frustrating situation.


HANNITY: All right. Right here with reaction, the host of "Crime Stories" 

on FOXnation.com, our friend, Nancy Grace.

You know, we've known each other for many years. One of the things I've always loved about you is when you take a case on, you put your heart, you put your soul, your blood into it. You just -- and I thought of you in this story and while I was interviewing the family last night wanting to know what your take is. I'm infuriated by this, Nancy. This kid needs to tell us what he knows.

NANCY GRACE, HOST OF "CRIME STORIES" ON FOX NATION: Sean, I'm surprised Gabby's parents haven't gone down there and are on that front yard themselves banging on the door, because think about it, if, if Gabby is still alive, knowing her whereabouts could save her life. If she's alive, I've been involved in a lot of searches, Sean, through dumpsters, waste, woods, on the water, where you try to find somebody, it's very difficult under any circumstance. 

We're talking about Wyoming, The Tetons. I hiked there many times. That's very rugged terrain. Every minute counts, if she's alive, and he knows where he left her. 

Now, think about this, Sean, even the sister -- the sister speaks out about how much she loves Gabby. Really? Even the sister hasn't talked to Laundrie. They're really keeping it close to the vest, they put up a cone of silence. Even the family isn't allowed to speak to him.

HANNITY: I know you've followed many cases over the years. I don't even want to go where my head goes on this. And, you know, I speak as a parent and every parent I think in many ways, this is your greatest fear, right, that something terrible might have happened to your child. At some point, where is the family saying, you need to go and talk to this family and tell them everything you know? Where's the family? I would not accept that. 

That's unacceptable.

GRACE: I'm with you. I'm with you. And keep in mind also, that he, Laundrie, gets home with Gabby's van, her van -- 

HANNITY: Her van.

GRACE: -- without Gabby, September 1. Yes.


GRACE: And the reality is that the parent -- Gabby's parents don't even find out until September 11. All this time, his parents know here's the van, here's my son, they know where Gabby is or do they? What has he told him? Whatever it is, it is so disturbing, they're not letting him talk to police. They're not letting him even talk to his own sister.

So what is it -- 

HANNITY: Let me ask you this.

GRACE: -- that they're keeping secret.

HANNITY: -- the family believes that the August 30th text that came from Gabby's phone didn't come from Gabby. Now, my question is, because he was home -- if my dates are right, September 1. Okay, the van was back September -- all right, so that's August 30th. 

Have they tracked down the ping of that? Because we can usually track where the cell phone tower -- what cell phone tower it came from. And what do we know about that and what do we know about the van that I understand is in police custody.

GRACE: Yes, the police seized the van, and I'm just wondering if a 2012 Ford transit has nav navigation information in it, that they could find. 

But regarding her phone, I'm very curious, has it been triangulated? 

I think that's one of the reasons, Sean, they've called in the FBI, because the FBI analytics are so much more sophisticated than any local police station. And I guarantee you right now, they're trying to find out where that last ping was. 

I agree that that was not from Gabby, which opens up another can of worm, Sean, that means this was staged, as we say. A random kidnapper or killer does not think, oh, I'm going to text her mom and throw her off the trail. 

No, it doesn't work like that statistically.

So, right now, I guarantee you, they are trying to ping every cell tower where her phone was, they're backtracking his trip home in that van. Did he order at McDonald's breakfast for one or two? Did he use ATM? Did he use debit cards? There's a lot of financial data and pinging data as I call it to be analyzed right now, and we need the feds.

HANNTY: All right, Nancy Grace. Don't forget our show live, Sunday 10:00 p.m.

All right. When we come back, another example of do as I say not as I do from the left. Mayor of San Francisco partying, maskless, just like at the Met party, at a nightclub this time. Joe Concha, Leo 2.0 Terrell join us next.


HANNITY: And now, tonight, more Democrats caught flouting their own COVID rules. Look at the failed San Francisco mayor, London Breed, who recently caught breaking her own indoor mask mandate while she was partying with BLM activists. We've reached out to the mayor's office for comment, shockingly, we didn't hear back. 

Meanwhile, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, the real speaker of the House, has been hit with a second ethics complaint over her recent Met Gala attendance over allegations she violated House rules of accepting gifts. It's 35,000 bucks a ticket. By the way, I didn't know as many people with masks there. 

They stood to get their pictures taken by the paparazzi. 

Here with reaction, FOX News contributors, Joe Concha, I want the Joe Concha media show, and Leo 2.0 Terrell, I want that show, too. 

I have no power obviously. 

All right. Joe, you look at this, you can see what's happening in San Francisco. Then you see, I'm watching this Met Gala, nobody has a mask on. 

I'm like, oh, I guess that's how it's works. 

Now, $35,000 a ticket. I would like to know the answer who paid for the ticket? Is that a fair question? 

JOE CONCHA, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: That's a very fair question, if you're talking about lawmakers being completely transparent as AOC promises to do. 

By the way, Leo, the Leo 2.0 show, I think we could go Joe Concha as well. 


LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Everybody is on that! Everybody's good on that! 

HANNITY: It's got to be Concha 1.0. Leo was a whole -- by the way, Leo is to rip down his mike, throw down that you ear piece and walk off the show. 

TERRELL: That's not true, that's not true.

HANNITY: Not true?

TERRELL: You have no evidence. That is absolutely false.


CONCHA: He's a lawyer, Sean, you're going to lose this one. 

Anyway, of course, the mayor of San Francisco went maskless, right, because she was probably following Nancy Pelosi's lead in getting her hair done without a mask while salons were shut down as the House speaker did last year. Or maybe she's in awe of the governor, in Newsom, who ate at the French laundry, indoors, pre-vaccine, with 12 other maskless people. Or maybe she's a fan of the former president who threw Obama-palooza, a tent the size of the superdome, with hundreds of maskless people, dancing the night away in Martha's Vineyard this summer. Or maybe she wants Muriel Bowser, mayor, D.C., who partied like it was 1999 in a wedding this summer,

24 hours after ordering a mask mandate in the U.S. Capitol.

There are other examples, but you get the point. Meanwhile, most of traditional media is not going to talk about this story. There will be no lectures from Don Lemon, or CNN, or Joy Reid on this because it's rules for thee, not for D's, Sean. Not for D's, as in Democrats. 

HANNITY: Well said. Leo? 

TERRELL: Definitely. Look, in San Francisco, the Democratic golden boy, Newsom, fought back the recall and all the Democratic elites are celebrating. That's why you see the mayor of San Francisco party and she was not singing. That's not singing. 

What the embarrassing thing is they are going to lock down the average citizen. They're going to deny the freedom and liberty and they are going to do whatever they want. The thing that's embarrassing, the mayor of San Francisco is Black Lives Matter, a racist, Marxist organization that tells you where her head is at. 

I'll tell you right now, this state is in trouble now because Newsom and the elites like Nancy Pelosi are going to put their thumbs on the average citizen while they live like kings and queens. Mask mandate, the restrictions do not apply to the Democratic elite. 

HANNITY: I mean, imagine all three of us are at a party and we didn't have the mask on. I mean, Joe, Leo, what would happen? Thirty seconds each. Joe? 

CONCHA: What would happen? It would be the apocalypse certainly.

And AOC, by the way, a limousine taken her from and to the event. That sounds expensive. And, by the way, why won't she take the subway, because at least check, limos are horrible for the environment. 

She also didn't wear a mask as you said, but the help at the Gala did, including the person who had to carry her dress out when she was walking back to said limo. So, the optics on here are horrible and that's what it's all about these days. 

HANNITY: I don't know, did you ever go to a $35,000 seat dinner, Leo? 

TERRELL: Never in my life and they never planted with those Democrats. At the thing about it is, they feel emboldened right now. They do not give a rip about the average citizen, and what scares me is that they have now taken the position that they can do whatever they want and they have dumbed down their constituents where they allow them to do it. 

Perfect case in point, what happened in California this week. Golden boy, Nancy Pelosi's golden boy is now controlling the state for another year and a half. We are in trouble in California. 

HANNITY: Thank you both.

When we come back, wait until you see the billboard somebody put up trolling Biden for his disastrous Afghan withdrawal, Afghanistan withdrawal. Much more when we continue. 


HANNITY: Before we go, take a look at your screen. Former Pennsylvania senator and electoral candidate Tom Wagner put up over a dozen billboards in the state of Pennsylvania reading "making the Taliban great again" with the picture of Joe Biden dressed as the Taliban. Okay, speaks a thousand words, doesn't it? 

Unfortunately, that's all the time we have left. As always, we do thank you for joining us. You make the show possible. Please set your DVR. Never miss an episode. Pray for the family of Gabby and pray for our fellow Americans behind a enemy lines. We hope you have great weekend. We'll see you back here Monday and let not your heart be troubled as Laura Ingraham is up next. We'll see you Monday. 

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