Hannity: Biden waging 'all-out assault' on American principles

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," April 1, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: And welcome to "Hannity".

Tonight, we are witnessing what is an unprecedented effort around the country from the radical socialist Democratic Party to fundamentally radically transform this country. In his frail, cognitively struggling state, Joe Biden, the leader, might not realize it but his administration is now waging what is an all-out assault on the principles that have made this country great.

As we speak, the Democratic Party is now plotting a new court packing scheme to seize control over the judicial branch of government, a co-equal branch. They're eyeing statehood for D.C., for Puerto Rico, to guarantee, what, four new Democratic senators in perpetuity?

They are federalizing elections and prevent all forms of voter authentication. That means no voter ID whatsoever. That's through HR, SR-1. Thus increasing the opportunity for, what, fraud, abuse, no integrity, no confidence in future elections. That will be the result.

They want to get rid of the legislative filibuster. Why? So they can ram through this radical agenda their bills through Congress without any Republicans support and their policies will shred our Constitution starting with the woke canceled culture destroying, let's see, the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, and pretty much the entire -- the entire document.

Now, of course, none of this is about freedom, liberty, security or innovation, or making your life better. And for the leftist, it's about one thing and one thing only. Don't let anybody -- don't let anybody convince you otherwise. This is about power, power over our elections, power that favors them -- power over our courts that favors them, power over state legislatures even if it's unconstitutional, power over state and local law, power over your life, power in perpetuity forever and ever.

And here's the end game, the Democratic Socialist Party ultimately wants all of America pretty much to resemble California and New York, high taxes, high crime, horrible schools, burdensome regulation, massive government corruption and this is the dream. This is what they tell us, if you like New York and you like California, buckle up because that's what the united sanctuary socialist states of America will look like.

In New York City, if you are a peaceful, law-abiding tax-paying citizen, you better not jaywalk or go 50 miles over the speed limit or forget to wear your mask or exercise, God forbid, your Second Amendment rights, you'll go to jail with probably little hope of ever getting out.

But if you're a violent criminal unfit for society, New York state welcomes you with open arms. You want to loot, you want to attack cops, you want to light a building on fire -- let's see -- throw rocks and bottles and bricks, Molotov cocktails for police, well, you get to get out of jail free card literally with their new no bail laws in New York. In fact, many of these crimes are never even prosecuted.

Last year, a guy robbed four banks, got arrested, got released, right back onto the streets, then immediately goes to rob another bank. Gets caught, gets released, then robs another one.

Last night, we showed you this horrific video, a man brutally assaulting a 65-year-old woman, she was walking to church in midtown Manhattan, as you can see it's daylight and by the way pushing her to the pavement watch the face being stomped on again and again. The alleged perpetrator was out on parole after spending only 17 years behind bars for murdering his own mother with a knife.

Why was he ever released?

Meanwhile in Ithaca, New York, you have a convicted cop killer, that's right, cop killer convicted, recently paroled from prison, now sitting on the city's police reform board. Well, that's just genius. All across the country, that we are all witnessing similar things happening, like in California, which is also outlawed cash bail for those who cannot afford it. The state is also cutting funding for the LAPD. They are downsizing the hardcore gangs unit and guess what California is more violent crime than any other state in the nation.

So if you like California, you like New York, you're going to love Biden's socialist utopia. By the way, also both are sanctuary states meaning they shield even criminal illegal immigrants. Even those that get out of jail for violent crimes, they are protected by these states from deportation, and enforcing the law of the land.

But if you're a law-abiding citizen with no criminal record, work hard, pay your taxes, obey the laws, tries to follow the regulations, you better mask up, you better follow all of the COVID protocols, you get better get all of your required permits or you'll probably go straight to jail and your business could be shut down. You could face serious life-altering consequences. And God forbid, if you want to hold a church service somewhere.

Now, unless you're California Governor Gavin Newsom who in the middle of his state's draconian lockdowns enjoyed his maskless dinner at that fancy restaurant with a large group of friends, doesn't seem too distant to me.

See, when Democrats have all the power, the rules don't apply to their magnificent leaders. They'll defund the police, then they hire armed guards. They'll shut down the public schools because of COVID and send their own kids to private schools, just like Gavin Newsom.

They'll ban guns and then enjoy the services of their own state-backed private security, armed. Maybe this is why every single city in the U.S. with a high rate of violent crime is run by Democrats and has been for decades. And when any of their policies create a major crisis like, for example, the one that is real at our southern border -- well, Democrats just pretend it's not happening or that it's totally out of their control. Then they accuse anyone who criticizes them for being a heartless monster. Well, those conditions frankly are heartless that they're putting these kids in.

Here's a great example of all of this from today's press briefing. Take a look.


PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Has the White House considered beefing up border security now that there is video of a 3-year- old and a 5-year-old being thrown over the wall in Mexico?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Beefing up border security.

DOOCY: Well, there are -- there's video now of a 3-year-old and a 5-year- old --

PSAKI: I've seen the video and I think any of us who saw the video were incredibly alarmed by the steps of smugglers.

DOOCY: They still got close enough as you guys are talking about addressing root causes in the region for a smuggler to throw them over a wall into the desert. I'm just curious what the White House is doing to stop that from happening.

PSAKI: And are you concerned more about the kids' safety or are you concerned about kids getting in, or tell me more about your concern here?

DOOCY: Kids' safety is, as you just mentioned, the main concern.

PSAKI: Well, of course, it is, which is why I'm often surprised by some of the line of questioning in here.


HANNITY: Circle back Jen Psaki, why are you surprised? You saw the kid -- look at these kids being dropped 14 feet up in the air. Maybe you, and the president and vice president should have not invited those to seek asylum in the United States. You're letting all of these people in as was recorded by U.S. senators.

And by the way, what are the conditions like? Maybe you should tell the people that our borders are closed, our laws will be enforced, they will be deported and deported immediately. Then maybe finish building Donald Trump's wall, then maybe reinstate Donald Trump's policy which is "stay in Mexico", and get rid of catch and release. But we all know that's not going to happen, is it?

That you think they care that kids are being tossed over the wall? It's happening because they created this scenario.

What about the kids in Biden's cages? Think they really care about any of those conditions in those migrant detention facilities? Yup, Joe Biden just keeps building more and more cages. As you can see, if you ran a daycare center, if you ran a pre-K center and they came in and took photos like that, you would be arrested for child abuse.

Now, you think they care about national security risks at the border, the violent cartels that are making money they're making a bundle hand over fist. For Democrats, this is nothing more than a PR crisis only and in the end, it's worth it for them, apparently because they do nothing to solve it, they won't even acknowledge it like they didn't acknowledge the riots over the summer.

The left seems to believe that open borders means, oh, more Democratic voters will give them something of great value, amnesty, we just hope they vote for us.

And just take a look at this gleeful pandering from the first lady.


JILL BIDEN, U.S. FIRST LADY: When we come together, we are powerful. With love for our communities, with hope for our future, with faith in each other, anything is possible. So say it with me, si se pwaud-way, the future is ours. Thank you.


HANNITY: Ah, nailed it.

As you can see, everything Democrats do everything they say every bill they enact or through executive fiat and the stroke of a pen, every group they pander to, it is all a shameless attempt to use your money so they can gain power hopefully in their minds in perpetuity. But buckle up, you better brace yourselves. If they are successful, this Democratic socialism like every other socialist experiment before, it will fail, it will destroy the U.S., United States of America, as we know it.

Here with reaction, former White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan.

Congressman Meadows, let me start with you. You were there in the White House with Donald Trump. Four hundred and fifty plus miles a brand new wall.

Now, kids are being dumped 14 feet down. Now, you see these overcrowded detention centers. Frankly, I find it abusive towards these kids. The "stay in Mexico" policy worked, ending catch and release worked, and Joe Biden says this is Donald Trump's problem, he caused this. I beg to differ.

MARK MEADOWS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Well, you beg to differ because, actually, Joe Biden was warned. My good friend Jim Jordan has highlighted this. The Biden administration was warned that if they did the welcome mat at the southern border and said, basically, we're open for business, come on in, send -- send anybody from Central America and Mexico, we'll let you come on in, that it would create the very crisis that we have here.

But this is not just about that. This is about a leftist agenda and it's about the power. The Biden administration can't speak against this because they will lose their left and what happens is, then they lose the power that you were talking about. But they were warned about this.

President Trump had the right policy. We need to return to that, it'll keep Americans safer, and actually, it will keep those coming across our southern border safer as well.

HANNITY: Look at those pictures, Jim Jordan. Those are 3-year-old and a 5- year-old being dumped, you know, nearly 14 feet down. They hung them over a little drop, plop, good luck. You're on your own, kid.

And then you see the detention centers.

Now, they tried to keep all the media out. They were successful. We had "Hannity" show cameras with those 19 U.S. senators.


HANNITY: Our cameras were forbidden from going in.

Senator Cruz, Lindsey Graham, Ron Johnson, Tom Cotton, they gave us those videos. We'll show that in a second.

I mean, you see the overcrowding. You see the high COVID positivity rate. If I ran a daycare center and you saw those videos or a state representative saw the videos --

JORDAN: Right.

HANNITY: -- what would happen to me?

JORDAN: No, you'd be in big trouble and it is sad what these children these women are going through in this in this journey up here.

But Mark's exactly right. The president said, you undo my policies, there will be a, quote, tidal wave of illegal immigrants at our border.

But, Sean, your monologue was right on target. This is how crazy today's left is. Think about this: today, you cannot get into your Capitol, but anybody and everybody can get into your country.

It is not a crisis on the border. It is chaos on the border. And it's chaos because they undid the three key policies -- to remain in Mexico while you're being processed, they undid that. They said no more deportation moratorium on that, and they announced to the world, we will not finish the wall.

Those three things changed everything and you get this terrible situation that is causing harm to kids and women and all kinds of people on the border because that's the Biden administration. That is how ridiculous, that is how crazy today's left is.

HANNITY: All right. Mark Meadows, HR-1, pack the Supreme Court and all the courts, then D.C., Puerto Rico statehood, and the legislative filibuster and what would that mean to this country from your point of view?

MEADOWS: Well, listen, Joe Biden is making sure that our country really is treated like guinea pigs. He's trying to do this progressive socialist policy, and when he looks at, when you look at the bills that you were just talking about -- listen, they were talking about a transportation bill. But literally, they need to be talking about the freight train that's coming to Main Street America because what they're going to do is take the power, they're going to centralize it here in Washington, D.C. You know, that HR, SR-1, that is nothing more than taxpayer-funded, trying to keep politicians in office. They know it and it tilts to scale to their benefit.

And we need to defeat it because if not, your rights will be taken away from you and be given to politicians here in Washington, D.C.

HANNITY: Jim Jordan, we know that in the Senate, you need a quorum. There - - it's a 50-50 Senate.

Now, to get that that's not an instance where the vice president or some calling president -- seems like she's doing all of Joe's work lately -- that Kamala Harris is not, she cannot break a tie. That means that all of this can end in the U.S. Senate if every Republican senator holds a line and would be willing to walk out of the chamber.

Do you have confidence Lisa Murkowski, confidence that Mitt Romney, confidence that Ben Sasse, that they would hold the line on that with other Republican senators?

JORDAN: Yeah, Senator McConnell gave a speech a couple weeks ago where he said they will do whatever it takes to stop this radical agenda of the Democrats, and if they get rid of the filibuster, he's committed to do that. I think that was what was implied in his speech. I think that's the case and frankly, it should happen.

You know, let's also hope this, Sean. Mark and I always talk about when you get elected your job is real simple, what'd you tell the voters you were going to do, they gave you an opportunity to go serve them, do what you said you would do.

Kyrsten Sinema told us she would not change the filibuster Joe Manchin told us they would not change the filibuster. Let's hope they keep their word.

But if they don't, Senator McConnell had better do what he talked about doing two weeks ago, making sure we stop this radical left agenda from becoming law.

HANNITY: All right. Jim Jordan and Mark Meadows, thank you both.

Now, let's turn to another thinly veiled attempt by the Democrats to gain power, the so-called infrastructure bill, right? Sounds great, infrastructure will rebuild infrastructure.

Well, in reality, this is little more than a multi-trillion dollar far left Green New Deal wish list with plenty of handouts and a massive expansion of big government and Medicaid. According to Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, by the way, this is only a mere down payment, $4 trillion in new taxes, nearly $3 trillion in spending.

Take a look.


REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): If we're looking at ideals and what we think is the actual investment that can create tens of millions of good union jobs in this country, that can shore up our health care, our infrastructure, our housing, and doing it in a way that draws down our carbon emissions to help us get in line with the IPCC standards, we're talking about realistically $10 trillion over 10 years.


HANNITY: Now, of course, all of this, on top of the $2 trillion for the non-emergency emergency COVID relief bill, that's now we're up to a whopping $5 trillion dollars, $4 trillion proposed to new taxes, you're going to pay for it.

All here with more, former director of the National Economic Council, FOX Business host now, Larry Kudlow.

Larry, good to have you.

Okay, I don't know. I'm a simple guy. Simple math, $5 trillion on top of a year with a lot of other COVID relief, Larry, my calculator doesn't go that high. I don't see how it adds up.

And my understanding of the economy is, when you tax people at these rates, corporate taxes will be passed on to consumers, energy costs going higher, that'll be passed on to the American people. And yes, the American people are going to be whacked. Everything they buy, every bit of energy they use, they will be paying through the nose.

Who's right, them or me?

LARRY KUDLOW, FOX BUSINESS HOST: You're on target tonight, Sean. Your economics are superb. There's nothing I can say, I'm going to have to give you an A, absolute A.

And what you have to remember here is this is a great progressive left dream of centralizing more and more power in Washington, D.C., unelected bureaucrats, central planners, and the expense of the private investment free enterprise economy. You know, one of the -- there's so many statistics here that are bad, but one thing I want to point out, the tax hikes on corporations will come to about $1 trillion. That's going to set back investment, productivity. Middle class, blue collar wages will fall as a result of this because we won't get the investment and the productivity for family income boost that we had under Trump.

But meanwhile, they're going to hand out through the federal government more or less, Sean, $800 billion in subsidies. So let me get this right. We're going to take a trillion away from companies through higher taxes, but we the federal government is going to shovel billion in subsidies.

Now, what that amounts to is it puts the companies as hostages to the federal government and the government's political direction of the economy. This is new. The parameters here have never been seen before, and again this always was the proverbial Trojan horse to repeal Trump's tax cuts, to develop a tremendous increase in the social welfare state, to give the central planners in Washington as much money as they want.

But I'm surprised at the degree to which they're going to move to the demise of private investment decisions in the free enterprise economy. This is a radical change in the power relationship between Washington and the rest of the country -- very bad, extremely bad, with negative economic consequences coming.

HANNITY: Twenty seconds sum up, what's the net result of this to the economy and the American people?

KUDLOW: If this stuff passes, Sean, you're going to lose probably a trillion dollars of investment in the next couple years. You're going to lose about a trillion dollars in wages in the next couple years. You're probably going to see GDP, which is booming right now because of the vaccines and the reopening of the economy, absolutely booming, that will stop unfortunately. And you know, '22 and '23, 2022 and 2023 will be far, far slower. We're going to have some stagnation as a result of this.

By the way, when they put their budget out in the next few days, you're going to see huge increases in capital gains, huge increases in the personal income tax. We are less competitive than China, Sean. We go to 28 percent, states put us up to 33 percent on the corporate tax rate, guess what? China is at 25 percent. We will lose that war if we have this attitude, and get ready for one more thing. They're going to slash the defense budget, mark my word, Sean Hannity.

HANNITY: Oh, yeah.

KUDLOW: They're going to take 10 percent, $80 billion or more out of the defense budget, which is another nail in the coffin of our competition with China. China will have cheaper tax rates, and we have less national defense and security. It's just wrong direction every step of the way.

HANNITY: Well said. Thank you, Larry.

Coming up, Texas Governor Abbott visited the border, has a big update about what really is going on down there crime-wise and, of course, the abusive conditions for children. He's next.



HANNITY: Now, Texas Governor Greg Abbott traveled down to the border today and saw firsthand how Joe Biden's reckless open border policies are emboldening cartels, human smugglers and drug traffickers, and the like.

But the state of Texas, they are fighting back, with the launch of Operation Lone Star. Now this integrates the Texas Department of Public Safety with the Texas National Guard to combat the drug cartel activity taking place on the southern border.

Now, the state of Texas is doing what the Biden administration should be. They are focused on combating illegal activity on our border instead of incentivizing it.

Here's Governor Abbott from earlier today.


GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R), TEXAS: The Biden administration's open border policies have created an open season for human traffickers, for drug smugglers, for cartels and gangs. Because the federal government is failing to act to respond to these dangers, Texas is stepping up to secure the border and to keep our communities safe.

This problem is not going to be fixed until the Biden administration does its job to secure our border and to get this crisis under control.


HANNITY: Meanwhile, despite the hysterical meltdown from the media mob after Texas lifted its mass mandate, oh, lo and behold, the state of Texas seeing a sharp decline in COVID numbers across the board weeks after the restrictions were lifted. Oh, but now you have a high positivity rate of illegal immigrants flooding the border, thanks to Joe and Kamala Harris.

Here to explain, Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Governor, let me first commend you for what you're doing down there. You're basically put in the position that you've got to enforce the law because Washington, D.C., Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are aiding and abetting the law-breaking. Is that a fair statement?

ABBOTT: Sean, our biggest concern is the fact that with Biden's open border policies, it brings in a lot of crime that Texas law enforcement is stepping up and having to address.

Let me give you some numbers that we talked about today, knowing that it was just four weeks ago that I deployed the Texas Department of Public Safety. And in just four weeks, they've been able to arrest almost 600 criminals who were here illegally or engaged in illegal activity and apprehended more than 16,000 people here illegally and turn them over to the Border Patrol.

Let me give your audience just a couple of example. The Texas Department of Public Safety, they investigated a stash house. And in the stash house, they found four illegal immigrants, plus a gang member who was wanted on two counts of rape of a child. In addition to that, DPS, they pulled over a vehicle and in the vehicle, they found a smuggler with a car full of illegal immigrants, including a 14-year-old girl who the smuggler had sexually assaulted.

There was a story about a six-month-old baby that smugglers that were bringing people in these rafts across the river. They tossed that six- month-old baby into the river and it took a Texas Department of Public Safety officer to go into that water and to save that child.

These are the types of reckless criminal behavior that Texas is having to step up and respond to.

HANNITY: All right. We saw a three-year-old and a five-year-old drop from a 14-foot border wall fence. We're airing it again, three years old, five years old just dumped over and they run off in the -- you know, back into Mexico.

We see the conditions, these atrocious, inhumane frankly abusive conditions with kids. Talk -- we get lectured on COVID, meanwhile the high COVID positivity rate, and your Child Protective Services units within the state of Texas have been denied access to help these kids? Is that still ongoing?

ABBOTT: Sean, what's going on really is outrageous because what the Biden administration is doing as you were pointing out, they are flooding all of these facilities with far more people than are -- is what is allowed under federal law. And so, the Biden administration I believe is clearly in violation of what the federal standards are.

And as we have found in the Midland location, for example, not only what did we find that more than 10 percent of the unaccompanied minors at the Midland facility had tested positive for COVID, but also, we found that a lack of safety in the region, such as not having adequate fencing or guarding around it, with the possibility of people being able to get out.

In addition to that, there was no adequate running water at that particular facility, and there are still indeterminate matters about whether or not it is a safe location for them at that location, as well as other locations.

And the reason for that is because the Biden administration is allowing so many people in. We were flying over today, Sean, in the middle of the day. You know, it used to be these people would come over at night, not during the day, but in the middle of the day, there were busloads after busloads after busloads of people who are loading buses who had just come across the border as we were flying over today.

HANNITY: All right. So the law of the land is clear. We see the blackout that the Biden administration has for the media. The gag order put on border patrol agents. The law is clear.

My question is what if you as governor, if you uphold what is the law of the land and you tell people they cannot cross the border illegally and send them back.

Do you have to worry about -- are they going to come and arrest you? What would happen to those agents that were enforcing the legal law in this land?

ABBOTT: Well, that's exactly what both the Texas Department of Public Safety as well as the Texas National Guard are doing. They are enforcing the law by going into these stash houses, by making arrests, by making the apprehensions, doing everything that the Biden administration is supposed to be doing.

But even more than that, because what happens is, these cartels know exactly where they're doing and they distract the Border Patrol so that they can try to sneak into the U.S. drugs or people from terrorist- sponsored nations and that's exactly why we need Texas law enforcement filling that gap so that we can detect and crack down on crimes like that that may be coming across the border.

HANNITY: Last question, exit question, can you put -- can you send them right back and say get out?

ABBOTT: That's up to the federal government.

HANNITY: Wow, that's unbelievable. That's -- are they going to pay you all the money you have to now spend? I doubt it.

ABBOTT: Great question. So, no, we're asking the federal government to reimburse Texas for the cost that we are incurring because of this.

HANNITY: Sue them if they don't give it to you. Thank you, Governor.

Coming up, Biden, Democrats continuing to unveil these radical dangerous programs and their agenda. The GOP fighting back. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy will join us. What can Republicans do? Right after this break.


HANNITY: Republicans, they are pushing back against Joe Biden's latest massive spending plan. Now, this focuses less on infrastructure, more on overhauling the economy, raising taxes and trying to make the Democrats far left socialist fantasies and their New Green Deal become a reality for them and a nightmare for us. And get this -- we're also learning, tonight, some Democrats are demanding that Biden bring back the so-called SALT deduction into the plan which gives massive tax relief to wealth -- to the wealthy in big blue states, like New York and California.

So they want to raise taxes on corporations. The corporations will pass the cost on to you, the American people, but lower taxes for the limousine liberal rich friends in Malibu, oh, and out in the Hamptons and Long Island.

And of Biden's $2.5 trillion proposal, only a small fraction is actually roads and bridges, less than 25 percent. It's like the COVID relief bill, there's only 9 percent that went to emergency COVID relief, and Democrats they don't seem to care. They're on a quest for power, as I said in my opening monologue, and they want that power at all costs.

That's like Pelosi's latest effort she tried to steal a House seat in Iowa's second district, but thankfully, Republicans stood strong and Democrat Rita Hart has had to drop this election challenge in a race by the way that was already -- let's see -- they had a count, they had a recount, they had a certification, and the Republican in this case, Congresswoman Miller-Meeks, was sworn in.

Down in Georgia, Joe Biden, Democrats, they're spewing more and more lies about the new voting law down there, falsely claiming it's a voter suppression act when in fact the new law expands early voting access in most counties. And even the far left, Washington compost, they agreed giving Biden four Pinocchios for lying through his teeth, you know, claiming that the new Georgia law ends voting hours early.

Here with reaction, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

You were on my program yesterday just as you know this was happening with Congresswoman Miller-Meeks, but they wouldn't take that case to court because they knew they would lose. So, Nancy Pelosi tried to get the Democrats they came very close to stealing a seat won and certified by a Republican House member. So, you know, it may seem like a little win, but not to me, that's a big deal.

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA), HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: It's a very big win. Congresswoman Mariannette Miller-Meeks won her election for the fourth time yesterday. She won on election night, on the first recount, on the second recount, and then again last night when she went through.

And remember, Dr. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, we were in her district yesterday in Iowa, too. We were going to a vaccine. She was actually administering the vaccine. So it wasn't just about public health, it's about the health of our democracy.

When we put together the community who was outraged what was going on because you're right, the Democrat -- if they want to contest this, they should have gone to the election -- gone to the courts, and when they asked her that question, why aren't you going to the courts, why are you going to the Democrat-controlled Congress? She said because that's the only place I could get the outcome that I desire.

But when she saw the outrage that happened, her own Democrat papers who endorsed her had now gone against her, after we've spent our time in the second district, she dismissed the case yesterday, even though that weekend, Pelosi said she was moving forward, put a memo out to the Democrats that they would take this seat back because remember, Sean, they have the smallest majority the Democrats have had in more than a hundred years.

HANNITY: Okay, you're doing your part in the House. House Republicans for the most part are doing their part. I mean, there's a few exceptions always, but put that aside. I'm going to name names, Kevin, and start a big battle. I won't -- I'll stay out of that tonight but I can, I'm capable of it.

But I want to focus on the Senate. Now, I believe Mitch McConnell that he'll use every rule at his disposal to stop, for example, HR, SR-1, which would be in an unmitigated disaster. For that to happen, though, he needs all 50 Republican senators to be willing to walk out of the chamber.

Do you believe Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse, will they stay with Mitch McConnell and the Republicans and stop HR-1, or stop ending the legislative filibuster?

MCCARTHY: They should because it's against the Constitution. Remember what HR-1 does. That's the most important bill by the majority. So it's not about putting people back to work, back to school or back to health, it's about re-electing Democrats and changing the system so they can.

It's about making sure that taxpayers now triple what they are given to them. If AOC gets $200 online, you got to give her $1,200.

And we're watching what Biden is now trying to do in the so-called infrastructure bill. Do you realize that this infrastructure bill, it just raises taxes, Green New Deal, but it provides more subsidy for electric cars than it does for roads and bridges combined. This is nothing about infrastructure, because if it really was, Republicans would be right there to work with them to put an infrastructure bill that would build America.

No, this is about raising taxes, and don't you believe for one minute this is just about raising taxes on people making more than $400,000 or not, it is going to hit the middle class and it is going to hit them hard.


HANNITY: No, no, that $400,000 is for a couple.

MCCARTHY: And it's going to give subsidies to the wealthiest. Yeah.

HANNITY: Joe said, oh, nobody making under 4 -- no, it's $200,000 when you -- you know, he actually told the lie there.

Last question, do you believe that there are -- can you get the Democrats on record? Do you have the authority, the power, the ability to get them on record for every one of these radical views that they are now advocating?

MCCARTHY: Well, we're going to hold them to it. Remember, you started this interview by saying the victory we just had. The Democrats have more seats in the House. They tried to steal another one, simply for the fact that they know they're going to lose the majority in the next election. They want to change the rules and they want to pass the most socialist agenda they can.

We've got to stop them. We've got to stick together and we've got to fight each and every day.

HANNITY: Okay. Congressman, we're going to hopefully accomplish all of that. Thank you for being with us. Great job with Congresswoman Miller- Meeks.

When we come back, an update on the Derek Chauvin murder trial in Minneapolis, and Los Angeles continues to work to dismantle their police department. And in New York, by the way, yeah they actually took somebody that murdered a cop and put him on a commission to study police reform.

Leo 2.0, Greg Jarrett, next.


HANNITY: Now, during the fourth day of the Derek Chauvin trial in Minneapolis, George Floyd's girlfriend testified about both of their troubles with addiction. She revealed that in March of 2020, Floyd was actually hospitalized for several days due to an overdose. Now, the prosecution has argued that Floyd's addiction and, of course, the high dose of fentanyl in a system at the time of the arrest are irrelevant to his death or the cause of death, including pre-existing conditions, while the defense claims that Floyd's death or cause of death stem from the drugs along with several health conditions.

Now, we'll get to more reaction in a second, but more broadly, what are we looking at in the country. You have the "defund the police" movement that Floyd's death sparked. It's having deadly consequences all across the country.

Want to know how insane things have gotten beyond defunding the police and no bail? Well, in Upstate New York, a convicted cop killer is now sitting on a police reform panel as part of an initiative backed by -- you got it - - Governor Cuomo.

And out in Los Angeles, far left Soros-backed District Attorney George Gaskin is his name, he's continuing his destructive policies to embolden violent criminals, because -- get this -- he is actually downsizing the county's gang unit as prosecutors in the hardcore gang unit are expected to be transferred to other units.

In a statement to FOX Los Angeles, the L.A. County sheriff called the move a, quote, suicide pact.

Here with reaction, FOX News legal analyst, Gregg Jarrett, along with civil rights attorney, FOX News contributor, Leo Terrell.

OK, it's not an issue in dispute. Drugs were in the system. We know that from the autopsy and toxicology, Greg Jarrett. We know that there were health issues that George Floyd had, but here's -- here's what the question is going to come down to: would George Floyd in handcuffs? Would he have -- would he have died the way he died that day if, in fact, that knee had not been on his neck for nine minutes and 29 seconds? That's -- that's going to be the fundamental question at the end, am I wrong?

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Yes, you're absolutely right. In fact, it's what people call the but-for test and jurors often employ it. But for the actions of the police officer, would George Floyd have lived to the end of that day? If the answer is yes, then he is the substantial cause, doesn't have to be the sole cause, the substantial cause of death. But today was quite dramatic because we heard paramedics essentially make the case for third degree murder, which is reckless and dangerous conduct evincing a depraved indifference to human life.

They portrayed the defendant as completely depraved and uncaring. When they arrived, George Floyd was already dead and yet, Chauvin still had his knee compressing the neck of George Floyd. He lifted not a finger to help Floyd and he was duty-bound under police department policy. When he sees somebody dying her in distress in his custody, he has to render medical aid. He didn't do it.

HANNITY: Yeah. You know, to me, they were going to -- he was in handcuffs. They could have brought him right to the hospital. They have amazing abilities especially when people have overdosed, et cetera. Narcan is one thing, Leo.

Let me get to that issue and get your thoughts on it, but I also want to get to this other issue, a cop killer? A cop killer on a commission to reform -- you know, how can we reform the police?

Then we have this poor woman walking to church on the streets of New York broad daylight. You got a guy that killed his mothers, that I cannot believe the woman's even survived this horrific evil attack. I mean, he with the full force of his leg is pounding her head into the pavement. I can't believe she lived to be honest. Thank God she's alive.

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, let me just simply say this, regarding that cop killer being on the advisory board, thanks but no thanks. Of the million of people who could be on an advisory board, why do you want a cop killer on a police reform board? It is so ridiculous, but what do you expect from Cuomo and a Democratic city?

HANNITY: Well, you're a civil rights attorney. You go on the board. I'd rather have -- you know, somebody -- you've been fighting for civil rights your whole life.

TERRELL: Thank you. Anyone, anyone but a cop killer. It makes no logical sense, but again, that's New York, that's Cuomo.

Regarding this hate crime that took place involving a black suspect who stomped on a Asian woman, I don't hear the outcry of white supremacy like they talked about in Atlanta. That is a hate crime. They should be prosecuting that man regardless of his race for a hate crime.

But you hear crickets from the White House, from AOC, because his skin color doesn't fit their playbook.

I just want to make one other comment regarding the George Floyd case. Greg Jarrett is absolutely correct. Playing devil's advocate, the reason why the prosecutor had to put that witness on, the girlfriend, is simply because if they don't, the defense is going to and regardless of everything Gregg said which I agree with him, the medical experts have not opined yet and that's going to be discussed later on.


HANNITY: All right. Let me go to Gregg. Get your thoughts on the guy on the commission and this. I mean, horrific -- you have a cop killer, he's on the commission then you got a killer of his mother, he's walking the streets and going after 65-year-old ladies.

JARRETT: Yeah, putting a cop killer on that board, somebody said it's like putting El Chapo in charge of drug policy. It's outrageous. It's an insult to every cop. It's an insult certainly to the family of Robert Walsh, the dead police officer, executed by this guy point blank range.

HANNITY: Leo 2.0 Terrell, thank you. Greg Jarrett, thank you.

More "Hannity" right after this break.


HANNITY: All right. Running late, please set your DVR, so you never miss an episode. We will always be independent, never the media mob.

And let not your hearts be troubled. Laura Ingraham is next. Have a great night.

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