'Hannity' on Biden leading Democrats over political cliff

This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on October 13, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. And, Tucker, thank you.

And tonight, welcome to HANNITY.

ANNOUNCER: Americans Held Hostage, Abandoned Behind Enemy Lines, Day 60.

HANNITY: Can you believe it? Sixty days since Joe Biden abandoned our fellow citizens, our friends, their families, our allies in the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan and he has not mentioned these hostages held by the Taliban that can't get out in over 40 days, the ones that he said 13 days before he abandoned them that he wouldn't abandon.

Now, breaking tonight, we have a FOX News alert. The Biden administration will now reportedly allow certain Afghan citizens once employed by the brutal terrorist Taliban before 2001, they are now welcome to travel to the United States, free of all terror restrictions even though the Taliban is a terrorist organization.

I'm sure that will have no consequences at all, right? Does he not remember 9/11? They were at war with us. We weren't at war with them.

Sadly, tonight, Afghanistan is only one of many self-inflicted disasters all caused by Joe Biden and all of them preventable. This week, more horrendous economic news. Another month of record-setting inflation.

We're now at a 30-year inflation high September now marks the fifth straight month with inflation over five percent. We have a guy on the Atlanta Fed said no, this is here to stay, this is real, might go until deep into '22 and further if it's possible.

Add to this, America's supply chain is in a complete state of meltdown and chaos. Energy prices are now reaching 10-year highs, again self-inflicted. Staffing shortages, now it's plaguing major industries all across the country.

But don't worry Joe Biden, he says he has it all under control. Now, he wants to increase the bureaucracy and taxes on business, and he's telling business to come in and bail him out. Pretty interesting, the dichotomy there. Take a look.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATE: Back in February, I signed a piece of legislation on supply chain -- executive order on supply chains. I'm joined by the executive director of the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach, Gene Seroka and Mario Cordona. I'm mis -- I apologize, Mario.

And I especially want to thank Joe Porcari -- and I think Joe's done one heck of a job, my special envoy specifically on ports. The world has changed. Prior to the crisis, we cheered and -- you know, the focus on lean, efficient supply chains.


HANNITY: Oh, excuse me. I'm acting like Joe.

That does not inspire confidence in anybody, can barely speak at this point. Joe took zero questions as per usual, then immediately retired for the day. Yup, you got it, a 3:30 p.m. lid. Per usual, no responsibility for the economic crisis he has caused, his policies have caused.

And why would he? This is what Joe Biden himself promised he would do. Remember the Biden-Bernie manifesto. Oh, it was very clear. We outlined it before the election nearly a year ago. This was all by design.

Let's take you back in history. Not very long ago, it was 2019. Here's Joe Biden vowing to sacrifice jobs and wreck the oil and gas industry all in the name of -- that's right -- climate change. Remember this?


MODERATOR: Would you be willing to sacrifice some of that growth even knowing potentially that it could displace thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of blue-collar workers in the interest of transitioning to that greener economy?

BIDEN: The answer is yes. The answer is yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If we don't stop using fossil fuels --

BIDEN: We're all dead. Doing away with any subsidies for fossil fuels, number one. Number two, holding them liable for what they have done, particularly in those cases where your underserved neighborhoods and you know the deal, okay?

And by the way, when they don't, want to deliberate, put them in jail. That's what I'm from -- I'm not joking.


HANNITY: I'm not joking. I want put oil execs in jail. The people -- it's the lifeblood of the world's economy. If you find a cheaper, cleaner form of energy, I'm in. I'm all the above. But until then, oil, gas and coal, it's the lifeblood of the world's economy.

Now, those were among the few promises Joe Biden actually kept. In January, he halted immediately the Keystone XL pipeline, all while giving that hostile actor from that hostile regime, Vladimir Putin of Russia, a brand new pipeline to Western Europe so he can supply the energy to our allies and Americans got pink slips. He stopped oil and gas exploration in parts of Alaska, like ANWR, other federal lands. Now, he's begging OPEC and other foreign countries to produce more oil. By the way, they gave us an answer - - no. You should be asking Texas and Oklahoma and North Dakota and Alaska, and then we can get all the energy we want because we have more natural resources than the entire Middle East combined.

Oil and gas prices now through the roof, all caused by Joe Biden. Natural gas -- well, he's making Vladimir Putin rich again. It's up 112 percent since January, oil prices are up a whopping 65 percent, heating costs are set to soar just in time for winter. Some families may be paying a thousand dollars or more extra. That'll be the Joe Biden heating tax.

The federal government said it expects American households to see their heating bills jump as high as 54 percent. Okay, do the math. Gas and diesel prices already at a -year high because he artificially reduced the supply in the world, the demand remained constant. And guess what that does to prices?

Oh, you don't need an MIT or a Harvard business degree. Demand remains constant, you reduce the supply like Joe did, prices go through the roof. Fossil fuels are the lifeblood of the world's economy.

I'm an all the above guy. You give me something better and cheaper, I'll take it. But you don't have it yet. Everything you buy, everything that is manufactured, yes, it relies on oil and gas to get it to the store so you get to pick it off the shelf and go pay for or check it out yourself.

Now, everything you buy is more expensive. To make matters worse, we have a labor shortage now wrecking America's supply chain. And now, not only is everything more expensive but also it might take months to arrive in the mail. In other words, your Christmas presents for your kids, it may not arrive on time or even at all.

But according to Jen Psaki, it's not her problem. Circle back on this, Jen. Take a look.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Overtime, as the economy was turning back on, we'd see some of these transitory effects. That's what we -- that's what's been predicted. That's what we are -- have been planning for, and of course, next year, we expect it to come down.

REPORTER: Can this administration guarantee that holiday packages will arrive on time?

PSAKI: We are not the Postal Service or UPS or FedEx. We cannot guarantee.

The American people are, of course, impacted by rising prices of gas in some parts of the country, not all. We all understand the American people are not looking at cost to cost comparisons from this year to two years ago. They're looking at cost-to-cost comparisons to their checkbooks from eight months ago, or 12 months ago. And even though factually, if you look back to two years ago, things may be comparative, that's not how people look at things.


HANNITY: Yes, it is. Gas prices are up everywhere. By the way, Jen, just do a little reading and research.

And I guess you're going to tell those kids, oh, you'll get your Christmas presents next year, the one Santa didn't leave you this year because they didn't arrive in the mail. Oh okay, and you're not UPS and you're not FedEx.

There is a massive supply chain crisis caused in part because of a lack of workers and that brings us to Biden's vaccine mandate and that's only making things worse. Half of Chicago's police force may now soon be forced to go on leave. Now, we look at the military, we may lose thousands of our military, brave men and women, that are willing to put their lives on the line for our freedoms because of Joe's mandate.

Hundreds of airlines employees, they are facing termination. Thousands of teachers -- now get this -- we may lose thousands of health care workers, including all of those nurses and front-line health workers that in the beginning of COVID every day, they walked into a Petri dish to save their fellow Americans lives. Many of them even got COVID. They have what's called natural immunity.

And by the way, the nurses -- they dove on COVID grenades every day. And you want to just dismiss them and fire them? Because they're getting fired or will be fired in coming weeks.

State employees, federal employees, members of the military, employees at large, private corporations, all face termination if they don't comply with Biden's vaccine mandate. So, Jen, circle back, talk to Joe if he's awake. How is this going to help America's economic recovery?

And what about the Democrats new proposal to empower the IRS? They want to comb through your bank account. They now want to monitor transactions, every one of them over bucks, everything you buy, all the money you transfer, over six hundred dollars, Democrats want to know about every aspect of your life?

You give six hundred dollars to your son or daughter, the Democrats need to know about it. You Venmo 600 to a friend, they need to know about it. You buy a chair for 600 bucks, the Democrats want the IRS to know all about it.

Oh, that's right -- that's right, they're spending nearly a hundred billion dollars for the IRS, why? So they can figure out a way to tax and squeeze you dry.

By the way, welcome to my world. That is the world where you get audited every year, even though you pay all your taxes. And I advise everyone, pay your taxes. It's stupid not to.

Green New Deal socialism is not cheap. And so, they're looking for new creative ways to pay for this even though they say it won't cost us a penny. That doesn't make sense either. This will, of course, hurt low and middle come in -- middle-income Americans, they will be hurt the most.

Just like inflation, just like supply shortages, in Joe Biden's America, the middle class and the poor are paying the price, literally. Joe Biden's radical socialist agenda is -- trumps everything, no pun intended. And the polls now for Joe have never been worse. He has more polls in the 30s than, well, Barack Obama had it this time or Donald Trump.

Joe Biden's valiant protectors, the media mob, they're now falling on the sword. They're blaming themselves for Biden's poor performance. Lyin' Brian, humpty dumpty, the whole blue check media mob cult on Twitter. Take a look.


BRIAN WILLIAMS, MSNBC HOST: How much should Biden and the people around him be worried about these polling numbers? And here's a free shot, how much of it is the result of really crappy reporting by mainstream news media?

BRIAN STELTER, CNN REPORTER: The idea, you know, Biden says every, every conversation becomes a confrontation, like there is some truth to that concern. I'm sure he's watching and getting frustrated by coverage of the DC budget battle. There is some truth to that.


HANNITY: There are dead bodies floating in front of my hotel, which wasn't flooded.

Okay, we're going to listen to them? So the media mob, they're now saying, we're probably being too hard on Joe and maybe Nancy Pelosi is right. We got to do a better job of selling Joe's new green deal socialism.

At least one person on CNN is warning that Joe Biden is leading the Democrats off a political cliff, I don't often agree, but he's right here. Take a look.


VAN JONES, CNN COMMENTATOR: I think that right now, you know, the honeymoon's over. There was a moment where it's like Trump's -- you know, goodbye, Trump, hello vaccines. We're so glad to see you, Joe Biden.

The problem is that he put himself in a position where he made big bold claims about the rest of the agenda. You think this great stuff that we did is good, it's nothing. Wait until this summer when you're going to get all this other stuff. And then he steps on a rake and then he slips on a banana peel and he falls down the stairs with some marbles.

Right now, the Democratic Party is looking over the edge of a cliff, and there's a lot of fear and concern. And we -- you're not seeing that strong Joe Biden leadership that I think people were expecting.


HANNITY: I was not expecting it. It's worse than I thought. I knew it was going to be bad.

Yeah, I -- and by the way, why don't we ever remind people? Notice fake news CNN, MSDNC, remember all during the Trump years, they had up, how many people had COVID, contracted it, how many people died, how many people were hospitalized. More people died in 2021 from COVID than 2020. Labor Day to Labor Day, 300 percent increase from election year last year. Why doesn't the media put those little signs on the corner of their -- you know, the lists up every day? Because they're biased.

Joe Biden is not capable of strong leadership. I don't think he knows what day of the week it is. He's not even really in charge. We all know that.

Instead, Biden does the bidding of the radical left of which he's a part of. They are in charge, and now, we are seeing a taste of that Green New Deal socialism firsthand. It is not a pretty picture.

Here now with reaction, former White House press secretary and FOX News contributor, Ari Fleisher, and always glad to have back, White House senior aide, Kellyanne Conway, is with us.

Kellyanne, we'll start with you. If you look at the big picture, from Afghanistan to COVID to energy to China and Taiwan and the economy, there's not a single thing that is even -- that you can point to as even a remote success.

KELLYANNE CONWAY, FORMER WHITE HOUSE SENIOR AIDE: It's a big hot mess and policies have consequences. This is a president who on day one killed the energy pipeline here in the country, then he had some Russian energy collusion with Putin to make sure he approved the Nord Stream 2 there. And these have consequences because people are now feeling Biden economics at the gas pump and in the grocery cart, and the winter discontent is coming. They project that our home heating costs will rise as much as 54 percent.

The other thing to note here is that under President Trump, we had energy independence. Net exporter of oil and natural gas for the first time in our history. Now, in addition to all these poor policies leading to higher costs for consumers, particularly middle class and lower income consumers, we have on top of that, $630 billion in $3.5 trillion Biden-Bernie package, Sean, to prop up the Green New Deal, which nobody wanted last time.

One more thing, when you think about energy independence, it also comes with jobs. It comes with things that are made in America. We have enough energy under our feet and off our shores to be energy independent.

But Joe Biden, he unraveled the Trump policy out of spite. There's no clear rationale that there was a philosophical difference. It was Trump bad, Trump this.

And one last thing, with the vaccines, President Trump's administration under Operation Warp Speed, we handed over three approved vaccines to Biden-Harris. All they had to do was run a marketing campaign. That's all they had to do, we did the science part. They were approved and ready to go. Thirty million Americans received the vaccine while Donald Trump was still in the White House, including none other than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

So they've hit a wall. His poll numbers have caught up with him. He's underwater on every metric.

Quickly as a pollster, we look at two things -- personal attributes and performance metrics. People now say that he doesn't care about people. He doesn't have the will to lead, and he's under water on the economy, immigration, the southern border, Afghanistan, national security.

They don't see him as a competent commander-in-chief and they don't see him as a sensible domestic steward.

HANNITY: You know, Ari, you're really great at communications and help me out here. If you start with abandoning Americans in Afghanistan, then the disaster at the border, including the -- you have people entering the country illegally and they get preferential treatment, no COVID testing or vaccine mandates, then giving up energy independence, then the COVID explosion under Biden, now the economy, all self-inflicted.

But here's the question, I don't see a way that they can fix this. Maybe you do. I don't -- I don't see them reversing course.

ARI FLEISCHER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think that's the core issue going forward for all elections. And when you look at what the polls show, right track, wrong track. Is America on the right track or right direction or on the wrong track? And the average right now is only 32 percent of the American people feel the country is on the right track, 61 percent say we're in the wrong direction. That is extraordinarily low and very hard to reverse.

Look, I think there's just two fundamental things the American people have got to realize and are realizing about Joe Biden. The first is he likely was never qualified for the promotion of the presidency. He was a senator for 40 years, which meant he knew how to talk but he didn't know how to get things done. That's why he was a senator. And it's showing up in every metric you can watch in the White House.

And the second is, he's really turned everything over the progressive agenda. He is not a moderate. He's not the Joe Biden people thought he was, and he thought that the path to success in America was to do what the progressives told him to do. And he sacrificed everything that he used to stand for to advance a progressive cause.

Meanwhile, everything in America from just as you guys have been talking about, from energy, to the border, to just how we feel about our daily lives of the price of the food we buy at the grocery store and the gas, we put in our tank or the rent that we pay, and the home heating oil we're about to pay is growing out of control. It's created a malaise, a Jimmy Carter-like malaise and Joe Biden is increasingly morphing into a blend of Bernie Sanders and Jimmy Carter.

HANNITY: Yeah, and, you know, the average family can pay up to a thousand dollars more just to heat their homes this year. It's 35 bucks more to fill up your gas tank. It's more for every item you buy in every store you go to. It's bad.

Thank you both. Kellyanne, great to have you back. Ari, we love having you. Thank you.

Tonight, Joe Biden's poll numbers as Ari mentioned are tanking, and his vice president's numbers are not that much better. Many Americans see Kamala Harris as pretty phony, incompetent, not particularly bright, effective. Recently, she teamed up with a company called Sinking Ship productions -- perfect name -- to film what is a bizarre cringe-worthy PR video, and they had to hire child actors and they all went all in.

Here with some analysis, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, and FOX News contributor Lara Trump is with us.

Did we really need the child actors and then all the extra peppy talk? Why isn't she down at the border? Why isn't she helping lower energy prices or doing something other than this movie that she made? Lara?

LARA TRUMP, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, Sean, Kamala Harris is basically the picture-perfect example as to why woke virtue signaling does not work because whenever you give someone a position based on anything other than merit, anything other than what they actually could bring to the table as part of your team, what you get is Kamala Harris.

Remember, she wasn't chosen for any other reason other than how she looks, and they were happy to tell us that during the campaign. I bet if you ask a hundred people on the street right now anywhere in America to name one thing that Kamala Harris has actually done successfully as vice president, not a single person could name one thing -- from failing at the southern border, being schooled by the Guatemalan president as to just how poor a job she was doing there, she didn't bother to stand up for our closest Middle Eastern ally Israel when given the chance.

And now, we have this ridiculous NASA video where as you pointed out, we paid a Canadian company Sinking Ship Productions, you couldn't even make it up if you tried, we paid child actors because I guess no kids could actually be recruited to try and make her more likeable.

And this was all in an effort, Sean, to make her relatable. Hey, remember when Afghanistan was crumbling and people were saying, where's Kamala Harris? We now know, she was shooting this video to make her a more likable person. So she couldn't be bothered to do any job other than to worry about herself and even that was an epic failure.

You know, Governor Huckabee, I don't know about you. I've now done radio 33 years, we just celebrated our 25th anniversary. I'm very honored to be here on the FOX News channel. It's changed my life. I'm blessed beyond words.

I doubt you ever hired a makeover person, because two PR makeover people apparently according to reports have been hired by Kamala Harris. Then they hired the child actors to do this movie, because I look at it as a movie, while ignoring all the real problems like abandoning Afghanistan and the economy and energy prices going through the roof and Taiwan and China and everything in between, I think they'd be better served to actually solve problems. But what do I know?

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I want to tell you something if I had hired some makeover people, they ought to get fired because they did a lousy job with me. That's something I think most Americans could agree on --

HANNITY: Actually, no. You were great at the presidential debates. You -- I -- they might have a makeover on the beard thing. I think the jury's still out on that part.

L. TRUMP: You don't need makeover at all, don't worry.


HUCKABEE: Thank you. Thank you, Laura.

The truth is, these kids all ought to get Emmys or Oscars for their acting because they really were performing brilliantly to pretend that they were interested in what Kathleen Kamala had to say. There's something that I think we need to recognize about this whole ridiculous video, and the fact she's trying to come out and be public.

She's been invisible for most of her vice presidency. The truth is, like Joe Biden, they're both better when they're in the basement. It's when they come out of the closet, come out of the basement, come out of the darkness, when we see who they really are.

And you know, people say, well, she's just got a lot of gas. That's -- these aren't gaffes.

Sean, it's been said that a gaffe is when a politician accidentally tells the truth. So when she goes out and makes some blunder, what she's really saying is what's going on. I really think that I'm like a lot of Americans who feel like that with Joe and Kamala in the front seat of the car, honestly, I think, I'm like a backseat passenger in a car being driven by Thelma and Louise right off the cliff.

HANNITY: You know, I think this might be the line of the night, Laura. You got to admit, this is good.

I think these the president and vice president are better off when they're in the basement. Wow. That's speaks volumes. Problem is, these are real problems and we've got a mess on our hands.

Lara Trump, thank you. Mike Huckabee, thank you.

When we come back, Biden's crisis at the border -- oh yeah, it got worse tonight. Our own Sarah Carter investigative reporter, exclusive video, suspected cartel members and Governor Rick Perry, he'll also check in with his solutions to both energy and the border problem, straight ahead.


HANNITY: As we continue tonight, more big breaking news tonight on our southern border, where a new document obtained by FOX's own Bill Melugin reveals that over 70,000 illegal immigrants now have been released into the interior of the U.S. since early August. Oh, they haven't been telling us that part. A whopping hundred and sixty thousand since March and it gets worse, because tens of thousands have been given temporary legal status through what's called parole.

So tens of thousands of illegals released into the country with zero certainty that they will ever show up for the hearings. Remember, in some cases, they only get a request, not a requirement that they show up. And no certainty as to where their -- what their whereabouts are, that this is what America last open borders look like.

By the way, preferential treatment. That means no COVID testing and no vaccine mandate. It also means that Joe Biden, Jen Psaki, and DHS Secretary Mayorkas, all of them have been lying to you. Remember Jen Psaki said, oh they don't need a COVID test because they won't be here very long.

And remember, Mayorkas lied when he said the administration is following the immigration laws that Congress passed, lie. And that procedures are in place to make sure illegal immigrants show up for their hearings, another lie. Biden repeatedly refusing to even admit that the border is in crisis at all. He hasn't been down to the parts that matter, nor has his borders czar.

And this HANNITY exclusive video tonight obtained by investigative reporter Sara Carter, it shows suspected cartel members in Mexico dressed in tactical gear holding long guns and Sara Carter joins us now with the very latest live.

What's dangerous about this is all of our resources, border patrol resources are focused on these areas where there is a heavy influx of illegal immigrants. Now, they're not allowed to enforce the law because Joe Biden is aiding and abetting law breaking. That means the rest of the border -- oh, the people that are happiest are the drug smugglers, the human traffickers, the gangs and the cartels. Am I right or wrong?

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: You're right, Sean, and the drug cartels and the human traffickers, they just feel that they can operate with impunity. They know no one's going to hold them accountable and they realize that the United States government is doing very little to stop the flow of traffic. This is just one example of many.

Over the past month, there have been three incidences in which drug cartels, suspected drug cartel members. In this case, this is the north east cartel, this is an offshoot of the very dangerous cartel, Los Zetas, which has been battling in Star (ph) county against the Gulf Cartel for control of our border that is to traffic not only humans but deadly drugs into the United States.

These cartel members at this -- this was on Monday -- 12 of them went into the Rio Grande River, they taunted our national guard members who were there patrolling the border, they contacted Texas Department of Public Safety who then sent a helicopter to monitor the situation, and that's where they caught this amazing footage of these cartel members, all dressed in tactical gear, carrying heavy arms. This time, they weren't sure if they were carrying AK-47s or not, but they were certainly carrying assault rifles, and they followed the van.

Now, remember this is the third time and one of the biggest problems that our DPS and our federal law enforcement officials have right now with these incidences is are they going to escalate? They've already escalated to the point of taunting the National Guard, but what they're terrified of is the fact that maybe one of these cartel members is going to start shooting across the border and cause an international incident.

This isn't the only thing that's been happening, Sean. In El Centro, California, there was another incident where a child was literally dropped from the top of the fence down by a smuggler and then left abandoned in an area that is extremely dangerous, that has rushing water where many people have died. They found this poor little seven-year-old girl walking alone on her own, much like they found many other children. I've covered this over and over again. Many children that have been abandoned or who have to travel like this girl from El Salvador to the United States alone.

And the border patrol agents are frustrated because they say even if they're going to prosecute smugglers to the full extent of the law, it actually requires getting the support of the federal government. And the federal government under Joe Biden refuses to do so.

So once again, you have children being abandoned and she's one of the lucky ones. I want you to think about this -- she's one of the lucky ones because so many children are never found and so many children disappear before they even reach the U.S.

HANNITY: Unbelievable report. Sara Carter, investigative reporter, thank you.

Here with more reaction to all this big breaking news, former Texas governor, former energy secretary, Rick Perry.

Okay, let's start with the border. I've been down to the border with you. I've been on boats with you. We've been on the border at the Rio Grande while people were crossing illegally together.

And we had this under control, 25-year low under Donald Trump's policies. Now, they've opened up the border and Joe Biden's not enforcing the laws and aiding and abetting the law breaking, and they get illegal immigrants get preferential treatment. What do you do when a president steadfastly refuses to enforce the law but aid in a bet law breaking?

RICK PERRY, FORMER ENERGY SECRETARY: Yeah, it is a massive problem, all along the southern border, but particularly for the state of Texas. I think the message is clear for Texans regardless of what your political persuasion is, we don't care about you. We just want to have open borders, the people on the left are driving this president's agenda, and an open border agenda is what he believes in.

Well, Sean, here's an idea -- why don't we -- we just -- we've spent three billion dollars, three billion dollars since the first year in the state of Texas, Texas taxpayers' money, to go down and try to defend that border. Why don't we take some of that money and go hire every bus company that we can all across the country and these people that are coming in, they've clearly said, you know, that they're not going to -- they're not going to follow our laws and transport them to Wilmington, Delaware, would be a good spot to start, all across those blue states that think it's a great idea to have open borders.

I think after about a week of that you would have an uprising across this country in Washington, D.C. and telling this president go secure the border, Mr. President. I think it's going to take something drastic like that to really get this man's attention, so that he recognizes what's going on.

The tragedy here is not only what's happening in America. The tragedy is in the sexual trafficking of these people. This is drug cartel driven. This is the drug cartels at war with America and until we understand that --


HANNITY: They're winning it.

PERRY: Yes, indeed --

HANNITY: They have no respect. We're losing -- 90 percent of the heroin comes in through that border. Now, fentanyl, we're losing over 300 Americans a week from opioids.

Let me switch gears a little bit here. Under Donald Trump and you were a big part of this, we achieved energy independence for the first time in 75 years. I don't know, maybe I'm a little old-fashioned and too America First, Governor, but maybe instead of begging OPEC and they turned Joe down to increase production of oil, maybe we should ask your great state of Texas -- I'm an honorary citizen thanks to you -- or we should ask Oklahoma, we should ask North Dakota, we should ask Alaska, we should start rebuilding our pipelines and start exploring for oil anywhere we can, because we've got more energy than the entire Middle East combined. Why don't -- why do we beg Texas to do there -- to start producing?

PERRY: We have a hundred years of natural gas in this country. I mean, the idea that we're asking anyone to develop their energy resources and sell to us is asinine. It all goes back to this administration being driven by, being owned by the left in his party, the AOCs, and Green New Deal, the people who -- they worship at the altar of climate but can't really tell you why, they just want -- oh I think I know why actually.

I saw a quote by AOC's chief of staff who said this isn't about climate change. It's about wealth redistribution. That's the issue.

HANNITY: Governor, former Secretary, thank you for being with us, right on the money.

When we come back, polls show of real tightening race and -- believe it or not in the state of New Jersey -- that blue state, this is all happening in less than a month. Is it possible in the commonwealth of Virginia and New Jersey that Republican gubernatorial candidates can win? We'll find out. That candidate in New Jersey joins us next, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, high stakes gubernatorial races could be an early warning sign for Democrats ahead of 2022. It's still an uphill battle for Republicans. But in Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, he's actually really cratering. This is a dead heat race against Republican Glenn Youngkin.

Is it possible that blue commonwealth of Virginia could go red on November 2nd? Polls show this race is dead heat.

In New Jersey, not quite as close. Polls showing the race is tightening. Incumbent Governor Phil Murphy trying to stave off the Republican Jack Ciattarelli, a businessman, former member of the state assembly. He is promising to lower property taxes, and make the state more friendly for business, support law enforcement, embrace school choice, increase the quality of life all across the Garden State.

His opponent, Governor Phil Murphy, still refusing to take any responsibility for gutting the state's economy with never-ending COVID restrictions, putting sick patients in nursing homes, about 8,000 people died in that state. Why he didn't get as much publicity as Cuomo, I don't know. Taking key education decisions out of the hands of parents.

Joining us now, New Jersey Republican gubernatorial candidate, Jack Ciattarelli is with us.

You know, the problem, Jack, you have -- states like New York, California and New Jersey, conservatives have left in droves. They've been pushed out. You even have a governor that says the tax rate is your issue, we are not your state meaning New Jersey. About 8,000 seniors, you had the same exact policies as Andrew Cuomo, and that is putting COVID positive patients in nursing homes after warn the patients will die, about 8,000 of them did.

And he doesn't follow his own mask mandate. Now, why is this guy in the lead in the polls?

JACK CIATTARELLI (R), NEW JERSEY GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: Hey, if you look at history, Sean, we do win races, but we don't get ahead until Election Day itself. So, we're right where we need to be at this point in time. In fact, we're in a better position than previous gubernatorial candidates on the Republican side of the aisle at this point in time.

So, we're going to finish strong over the next two weeks, and we'll carve out the razor thin margin that we've always had in the past. We won 6 of the last 10 governor races here in New Jersey.

HANNITY: Look, it is possible, more moderate Republicans, Chris Christie, Christie Todd Whitman, et cetera, I get it. But the reality is, he's done a really bad job for New Jersey. I never thought I would hear a governor say, if taxes are your issues, you need to go somewhere else. I'm like, okay, if you don't want me here, and you don't want my money, I'd be glad to take it elsewhere.

CIATTARELLI: He is telling people to leave. But then the other insulting comment was, he wanted to make New Jersey the California of the East Coast. Let me tell you something, the people of the state love the state. They realize it's broken. But they don't want to hear any governor telling them that if taxes are your issue, probably not your state, or that he wants to make this state the California of East Coast.

He is out of touch. He is tone deaf. He's an elitist. He's just not New Jersey. And we're just going to continue to pound that home over the course of the last two weeks here.

HANNITY: What about all the people that left the state and all the money they've taken with them? What's the impact of the state been like?

CIATTARELLI: Now, when you look at census data and IRS data, there has been a significant out migration from New Jersey and taken $24 billion with it. We can change all that. And my campaign is focused on making New Jersey's property taxes lower, but also how to make New Jersey just a much better place to do business. I mean, we have the worst business climate in the nation and Phil Murphy also made it worse. He's made our corporate tax rate right now the highest in the nation. And so, I just think we are dying a slow death economically, Sean, and we will change that with my administration.

HANNITY: I guess that's fine with the people of the state, because the rest of the people have left.

We'll watch this race closely. Good luck, Jack Ciattarelli. Thank you.

When we come back, after failing to deliver on promises made during the campaign, polls show African-American voters, they're turning big time on Biden. Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker joins us with reaction. There's a third party group that released an ad. We'll share that with you exclusively, next.


HANNITY: All right. Now, tonight, even that hard hitting news show on ABC called "The View" is admitting Joe Biden is failing to deliver promises to voters including African-American. Remember, Donald Trump set record low unemployment for every demographic group in the country. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A lot of African-Americans came out and voted for Biden. And Biden came in with a lot of promises about when he was going to do. A lot of African-Americans have seen other things happen. We have a lot of unfulfilled promises.

If you have done stuff for the black community, you have to tell us about. Get on social media. Your response is too low.


HANNITY: Now, according to Pew Research, Biden's approval rating among African-Americans fell from 85 percent in July to 67 percent in September. Imagine if during the campaign, the corrupt mob and the media ever reported on Joe Biden's partnership with the former Klansman Robert KKK Byrd. Yeah, they joined forces to stop the integration of public schools and busing. That's when Joe Biden said he didn't want schools to become racial jungles, his words.

This is now an opportunity for Republican candidates all over the country. Step up, run on principles that will benefit all Americans. One of those candidates is stepping up. That's Herschel Walker. He's running for Senate in the great state of Georgia, against the incumbent Raphael Warnock.

A new ad released from the group called Get Georgia Right is laying out just what is at stake. Take a look at this for the first time.


ANNOUNCER: Decisions in Washington caused runaway inflation, surging violent crime, rising gas prices, a border crisis, and businesses begging for workers. Raphael Warnock remains silent on what matters to Georgians. We deserve a senator who looks out for us. What Georgia needs is a bulldog.


HANNITY: Joining us now, Herschel Walker.

All right. I see you chuckling. You have not seen that ad before, I guess, right, or did you?

HERSCHEL WALKER (R), GEORGIA SENATE CANDIDATE: That was my first time seeing that ad. The ad is correct. Right now, my opponent voted for all of that stuff that is failing it system, failing the state of Georgia, failing the United States. And we've got to make a change. We're not holding people accountable. We're not holding our elected officials accountable. And that's the reason I'm in this race.

It is time for us to get this country back on track. It's time for us to get Georgia back on track, and what we have to do, we've got to stop this crime. We're going to get these gas prices down.

We've got to get their food -- you can't even afford eggs now. You can't even get to the store -- and I'll tell you, this is sad. It's sad that we have someone in Washington that is really failing the system right now.

HANNITY: And let's talk about this, because you're right. The cities run by Democrats for decades, law and order, you don't have safety and security. The school systems in most blue states, they spend more per student than any other industrialized country with the worst results.

What are the other issues most important that you think will be pivotal in the race in Georgia?

WALKER: Well, I think that's most important is, we've got to talk about the border. You know, we're in Georgia, and people don't think the border is important. But let me tell you the border is important. You know, I have to happen a listening sessions. I've been going around the state, have these listening sessions, and I didn't know that 70 percent of the drugs coming into this country comes to Atlanta, Georgia.

And, you know, if you got drugs in Atlanta, Georgia, you know what will be left here. Let's think about it, something's going to be left as it goes around the United States of America. Well, that's going to create crime. That's going to create crime.

And then you got to look at the inflation. Look at the inflation. Jobs, people don't have jobs. I even had today, a couple of listening sessions. And that's the problem people are having. We had a banquet tonight, it was for small businesses.

What have been hit right now, small businesses are being killed. Were those not the things this administration was supposed to do? We are not holding our elected officials accountable. It is time for us to do that.

HANNITY: Let me ask you --

WALKER: Now that the people are starting to wake up --

HANNITY: Yeah, I don't mean to interrupt you, but I want to ask you. Less than a minute. You said something to me. You said you want everyone in Georgia, you'll go to into every town, every city, every church, any place you're invited. Explain that in 30 seconds we have.

WALKER: Well, what I want to say is I don't care whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, I'm here to represent you, because everything that the Democrats want, I guarantee is what I want. We want law and order, we want border control, we want the prices to go down. We don't like inflation.

And that's what I said, you have to put Herschel Walker in the Senate seat to represent Georgia as your senator. So, you got to go to teamherschel.com.

HANNITY: So, you have the red hats like Trump, teamherschel.com? It's like Make America --

WALKER: Well, I was going to wear the hat, Sean.

HANNITY: I got to roll. All right. Herschel Walker, we'll follow the race.

More HANNITY straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that's all the time we have left. As always, you make the show possible. We thank you for being with us. And please set your DVR, simple, set it up, so you never miss an episode.

Great news is and I don't know what is coming but apparently some prank. Let not your heart be troubled. I had a warning last night it's coming. Laura Ingraham is up to no good, next.

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