‘Gutfeld!’ on fake news, mental health

This is a rush transcript from "Gutfeld!," June 1, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Well, you're too young. It's not your turn. They're not ready for you. I've heard all of those things many times over the course of my career, but I didn't listen.


LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: Something tells me she'll be getting pretty stuffed on Capitol Hill then. GUTFELD! next.


HARRIS: Have I been told many times during my career, things from, oh, you're too young. It's not your turn. They're not ready for you. No one like you has done it before. I've heard all of those things many times over the course of my career, but I didn't listen.


GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: And the person who said all that was Joe Biden.

Oh. Welcome back. I hope you all enjoyed your Memorial Day. Or as those who failed history call it the long weekend. So I had a great time up at the lake. I actually went waterskiing with Caitlyn Jenner. We have --



GUTFELD: Amazing strength, those quads. But as expected Kat and her new husband spent the Memorial Day in typical fashion.



GUTFELD: (INAUDIBLE) an embarrassment and on Memorial Day. Memorial Day. All right. Anyway, that really happened. But how can you tell? According to CNN, you can't. Last week they reported on a study claiming that Americans exaggerate their ability to spot fake news. And surprise, Republicans are more likely to fall for fake news than Dems.


OLIVER DARCY, CNN SENIOR MEDIA REPORTER: This really just highlights this news literacy problem that we have in this country where people are consuming misinformation, conspiracy theories, things that are just not true.


GUTFELD: Yes. Coming from CNN, you dope. I got two words for you, Willie Willie. Yes, good call, uh? Russian collusion. Anyway, if the findings showed the reverse, CNN would never have run the study. If the story doesn't match their assumptions, it'll vanish faster than Jeffrey Epstein's little black book. The study found that overconfident people are more likely to share false content taken from untrustworthy Web sites.

o what's that sound like to you? At CNN anchor? If you remember, CNN put some of the most false stories ever. From collusion to obstruction. To Covington to Kavanaugh. These guys put out more fictional content than Stephen King. And now they say you can't tell the difference between real and fake news. I call it gaslighting. But only Pete Hegseth does that after eating a bowl of beans.

CNN -- I just figured maybe. CNN is like the guy on the corner selling fake Rolexes laughing at you for buying one. And in both cases, you know, the product is fake because of where you got it. One guy's just selling it from a T.V. studio. The other is naked except for a trench coat standing in front of a Time Square peep show. And they're both Don Lemon. But this study is brought to you by the Trump era, by destroying legacy media.

After four years of Trump, these guys were more exposed than Anthony Weiner on Snapchat at 2:00 a.m. Now we know the emperor has no clothes. I hope that doesn't include Brian Stelter. Sorry for the image. So it's not their fault for pushing fake news. It's your fault, they say, which leads me to another stranger study. Last year, Pew reported that conservatives were far less likely to be diagnosed with mental health issues than those who identified as either liberal or very liberal.

The worst suffers white women aged 18 to 29, who were given a mental health diagnosis at a rate of 56.3 percent. That's more than double moderates and conservatives. The first thing you learn from their surveys, there's a lot of mental health issues out there. But you also can learn that from being on Tinder for a week. But it raises the question, do leftwing ideas cause mental health issues or do people with mental health issues gravitate towards left wing stuff?

Another way to ask this is, was Pelosi back (BLEEP) crazy before she got into politics or after? Let's see what CNN thinks.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My sources are telling me that Brett Kavanaugh is breaking into people's homes and stealing their guinea pig.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How can you talk about Kavanagh when we've got velociraptors and T-rexes all over the country misgendering people

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There is a widespread transphobia problem in the velociraptor training. That is true.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And during Pride Month?


GUTFELD: During Pride Month. Meanwhile, over at MSNBC.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hello and welcome back to the 11th hour. I'm your host and original lead singer of the Beach Boys, Brian Williams. In today's top story, I'll be discussing the time I was best friends with Martin Luther King Jr. We met when I was training pterodactyls, how to read sheet music to babies. It was the same month I ascended the throne of Denmark and invented the color orange. That story and more after the break.


GUTFELD: Hmm. Save it. So why so many liberals experiencing mental issues? I'm no doctor, but I'm not going to let that stop me. If you're always digesting content from a conveyor belt of grievances while thinking there's a bunch of evil people hell bent on making the world worse. What's that do to your brain? Well, you get angry, you go outside, you scream at cops. You're told the world is nothing but two groups, the oppressed and oppressor.

But if you believe that people are irredeemably bad, and there's no justice, then how useful are you? If every day you're constantly monitoring stories of horrible inequality supplied by your media source, it's got to add up. And if your ideology demands, all of this behavior must be eradicated. What happens when you can't do that? You're helpless. You're just one person armed with only a woman study degree and a hat that looks like your privates.

You become divorced from reality from your friends and your family. It's now a clash between an impossible utopian vision and a distorted reality designed by the media just to make you mad. No wonder so many people are agitated, especially women who generally care more about the world than pigs like me. My solution of course, there's always going to be skepticism to step back and see how the media manipulates you.

And how that manipulation affects your mind and your moods. It's like being in a bad relationship, but you keep coming back for more, but it's not real. Seriously, by comparison, the Wizard of Oz is nonfiction. Then consider the lost opportunity cost of wallowing in oppression theater. Sometimes you use other people's problems to avoid your own. You display compassion for refugees, but you haven't spoken to your parents in years.

Instead rebuilding your resilience to overcome life's problems. You fail. But at least it's not your fault. It's those damn sweatshops in Sri Lanka. It's prison lunches full of gluten. It's anywhere but here. It's anyone but you. Of course, mental issues exist independent of the media. I have been insane for decades. And I could be getting worse. But the media has no compassion for your current state and they use it to their advantage.

Legacy media needs vulnerable people to watch the rage creating clickbait, but if you brought that up to CNN, they call it fake news.


GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. Her last name is Italian for free breadsticks with dinner. Outnumbered co-host, Emily Compagno. He's so handsome, even Gitmo detainees were thrilled to see him. "FOX AND FRIENDS WEEKEND" co-hosts, Pete Hegseth. She has a degree in English but always majors in drama, Fox News Contributor Kat Timpf. And he never loses a fight unless it's with a ceiling fan. My massive sidekick and host of "NUFF SAID" on Fox Nation, Tyrus.

Emily, how you doing? Everything good?


GUTFELD: How's Outnumbered working out there? It seems to be doing really well, despite you.

COMPAGNO: Yes. You told me what the ratings spiked yesterday when I wasn't on air.

GUTFELD: The rating -- the ratings are high when you're not there and low and you're there. But let's not get into that now. We're talking about my show. What is it -- what is your take on this mental ill -- it's not mental illness. It's more like mental issues. By the way, I do believe they have a low bar for that. It's like I can't -- I think I qualify for that because like I have -- wooh, did do you hear that?

TRYUS, FOX NATION HOST: It wasn't me. Nope.

GUTFELD: You're right.


GUTFELD: No, I was like, what was that? It was like a whistle that came out of nowhere.


GUTFELD: What do you think, Emily?

COMPAGNO: Well, it makes a little bit of sense because you had to be diagnosed.


COMPAGNO: So it seems like it makes sense that that group in particular enjoys all of their time in psychiatrists offices. But the best part to me was the condescending delivery of the study where it was like, oh, of course, because progressivism demands equality to such an unsustainable degree like essentially saying that yes, depression and anxiety thrive in environments where you're just caring so much about every minute issue on the planet and you can't hope to rectify it to your point in the intro which is fine.

Because while everyone else in that demographic are worrying themselves to death over which proper pronoun to address the waiter by it, I will be sitting over here with low blood pressure enjoying my beer.

GUTFELD: There you are.

KAT TIMPF, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: That's why I get depressed because I care too much.

GUTFELD: That's the test.

TIMPF: Well, I think that something else that's huge about it is at least like these days liberals really value victimhood.


TIMPF: It's how you get power, right? It's -- intersectionally, you have the -- things are the hardest for you and they undervalue strength and individual responsibility. And throughout my life, I have ADD, ADHD. I have anxiety, I have depression, but I'm also somebody who never wants to be defined by things I've struggled with or defined by bad things that have happened to me and try to focus on healing.

And also a big part of that, for me has been humor, something else that the left doesn't like, you know, making jokes about things that are potentially tough or dark, they actually crusade against that as a concept. So, I think that that's probably has a lot to do with it, too. And there's nothing wrong with some time in a psychiatrist's office, either Emily, I will tell you that.

GUTFELD: You know, Pete, if anybody, maybe outside Tyrus, deserves to be heavily stressed out, you have like 37 kids. So it's like, I mean, the idea that like that has got to be the hot -- I don't even understand how you live your life. But that's --

PETE HEGSETH, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: It's actually the only thing that stresses me out.


HEGSETH: Is kids, right? By the way --

GUTFELD: They're filthy animals.

HEGSETH: They really --

GUTFELD: Not yours, just in general.

HEGSETH: Well, mine are filthy animal. They all are.

TYRUS: They are.

HEGSETH: You're talking about beings.


HEGSETH: And don't go well with my kids either. It must be exhausting to keep score as -- for -- as long as the left does. And if you're a young person, female male, even by the way liberal male -- males had more instances of mental issues than conservative females. I mean, this is not just a gender thing. This is a political ideology thing.


HEGSETH: If you're running around with your white guilt, constantly trying to address every grievance and perfect mankind in real time. It -- how could it not send --


GUTFELD: And it's contagious.


GUTFELD: It's contagious.

HEGSETH: That's right.

GUTFELD: A mind virus.

HEGSETH: And you're inflicting everyone else around you with it, and no one wants to be around you and then you wonder why doesn't anybody want to be around me when I'm judging them all the time? How dare they? It's -- it infect every part of their life. And so I just -- I don't know. The utopia, the envision is not possible. You know what? We had a pastor on our show last weekend, he said, what we need is more radical grace theory, not radical race theory.

There's no forgiveness. There's no actual understanding. There's something bigger than yourself that we're all fallen. We all need help. And if you don't have that --


GUTFELD: That's a life alert.


GUTFELD: We've all fallen and we can't get up.

HEGSETH: It all fallen.

GUTFELD: You need a religious life alert.

HEGSETH: It's fantastic.

GUTFELD: You need like a little relay. Yes. It's -- but I, you know, you also need the real one.


GUTFELD: You do need the real one too.

HEGSETH: I might need it too.

GUTFELD: Wait. So I have a theory, Tyrus. Would you like to hear my theories?

TYRUS: Always. I -- with open arms.

GUTFELD: You are going to love it. This theory is so mind blowing that when I wrote it down, I put a little star.

TYRUS: Wait, wait, let me get -- let me get my (INAUDIBLE) face, go.

GUTFELD: So, I realized -- I realized on Memorial Day and on Christmas vacation and Thanksgiving, there's no news. So, the news --


TYRUS: Mind blowing.

GUTFELD: No. The news can turn it off when they want you because the executives and the people in charge are on vacation. So suddenly, there's no news. Do you ever notice this like on New Year's Day. No news. During the Christmas week, no news. And so, it -- they actually create stuff.

HEGSETH: Manufacture.

GUTFELD: They manufacture and create the stuff that we are supposed to get upset about. That's my theory, I almost burst a blood vessel there. I'm actually little lightheaded.

TYRUS: I'm proud of you. And I think Jim Acosta would have an issue with that because his new shows on the weekends. I think we're --



GUTFELD: Weekend shows?

TYRUS: Yes, yes, you get it. Yes, yes. But it's mid-afternoon.


TYRUS: When everyone else is about their day.

HEGSETH: I guess.

TYRUS: You know, I always -- the first thing I do get up was wear all (INAUDIBLE) in the morning. Get me with it. But I think we're -- I think we have a lot of people who like to self-diagnose.


TYRUS: That's for one. And anyone who you have an argument with will quickly, mostly liberal come up all of a sudden (INAUDIBLE) don't listen. We see it a lot with the news nowadays where the CNN is getting it back out. And because they talk about what's fake news.


TYRUS: Now it's coming back to them. Again, because I'm a little obsessed with Jim Acosta after the Trump era. I worry about him. The new thing is now they've discovered that the Wuhan flu might have come from a lab.


TYRUS: New information. So we had an expert from intelligence.


TYRUS: And he said, yes, it's no new news. We were telling you that but every time we tried to tell you, you say we were racist.


TYRUS: And he's like, I don't -- I don't believe that to be true. He's like, no, 100 percent. Every time we told you the truth about where it was coming from, it was either coming from a wet market, or it was coming from their lab, which Russia had been complaining about. And he literally wouldn't listen to him and then he came back with the best. He come, we didn't cover that on our Web site.


TYRUS: Game set match. But the point is, is that we see all these groups. When they get it -- when it comes back around and they don't have Emperor Trump to blame it on.

GUTFELD: Yes, then it's off.

TYRUS: The fake news was not coming from where they said, it is coming for them. So of course, all the -- if no one agrees with you of course, they're dumb. Of course we're dumb. We can't -- we can't understand because we don't buy their (BLEEP)

GUTFELD: Yes. All right. On that note, up next, our COVID names easier to speak when they're in Greek?



ANNOUNCER: Please God Make This In.


GUTFELD: Oh, should you take them to task for not wearing a mask? A Fox News poll, my favorite kind of poll. I ask, it says that 76 percent of people pass judgment on whether others were bathed -- wearing their mask or not. That was weird. You know, I missed the good old days before masks when we only judged people if they were ugly. That's where the good old days, weren't they?

The World Health Organization has announced that they're of coronavirus variants will now be named after letters of the Greek alphabet. Instead of where they were discovered to avoid any stigma. The four variants come from the -- or the four variants from the U.K., South Africa, Brazil and India, will now be known as alpha, beta, gamma, and John Stamos. With that one, you only wear a mask inside a full house. Everybody say.

And another news that seems totally unnecessary. Dr. Anthony Fauci is set to publish a book and it's titled on Truth later this year. It's called Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service, and the Way Forward. That's rich, a book about truth from the guy who's given us more flip flops than Tommy Bahama. Be sure to wear a mask while reading it.

Finally, the Sunday Times of London reports that British spies believe the theory that COVID-19 escaped from a lab is plausible. You know who's really happy about these developments? Pangolins or just another step closer to vindication. For more. Let's go to our newest correspondent, Jake, the Drunk Pangolin.


JOE MACHI, STAND-UP COMEDIAN: So first you want to eat ice then you want to blame us for COVID? Now it turns out that maybe made up. Well, great. Stop blaming us. Yes, unless that means you're going to eat us, then keep blaming us. By the way, Greg, great looking panels tonight. Only way to improve it would be if you had Joe Machi on instead of Pete Hegseth.


GUTFELD: Joe Machi instead of Pete Hegseth.


GUTFELD: That'd be kind of a very interesting replacement. What an interesting --


GUTFELD: Pete, Pete, OK. If you replace the names with Greek letters, isn't that Grecophobic? Like aren't you stigmatizing the Greeks? Having they had enough stigmatism?

HEGSETH: I mean, they've cross democracy on us.

GUTFELD: Yes. Exactly. They used to do the Olympics nude, Pete?

HEGSETH: They did.

GUTFELD: I think they did. I'm pretty sure I read that somewhere.

HEGSETH: But it was only colonialism that put the clothes on which you take them back off.


HEGSETH: Why not. It's so dumb. I mean, it's all -- listen, I can handle the fact that if this virus emanated from, say Cleveland.


HEGSETH: Or wherever. It can be the Cleveland virus. It doesn't have to be --


HEGSETH: It doesn't have -- that's true. It doesn't have to be the America virus. So I'll give it to China. Maybe not the China virus. How about the Wuhan virus? That's fine. We can localize it, where did it come from in the U.K., in India, in Brazil, South Africa. I don't know. Let's name it that. The whole country doesn't have to wear it. And the idea that Fauci would write a book about truth. What would his first principle -- like always be wrong first.


HEGSETH: A, number one --

GUTFELD: Never give a straight answer.

HEGSETH: Never give a straight answer ever and avert all risk at all costs.

GUTFELD: I think the key for his book to sell -- he's getting an advance probably. He'll probably get a seven-figure advance based on stories about Trump, right? That's what they really want. They want to hear what -- what's going on behind the scenes when -- the nicknames he had for Fauci? Yes. What are you thinking, Tyrus?

TYRUS: You know, I think what's disheartening to me is I remember when doctors and scientists were doctors and scientists, we didn't know much about them. And when they spoke, we were like, wow, I learned something. Why would you write a book when you're still working?


TYRUS: You know what I'm saying? Like if he wrote a book when it was over - - yes, well, I won't. But he -- again, his whole thing the whole time about this -- how he would not be politicized and how he was about.



TYRUS: Oh, but I can make a buck. So you're 100 percent politicized. You want to try to sell this book. So basically, if you're running a book now, that means it's over. But you won't say that until after the book sales. So, I guarantee you there's going to be something that happens to where that information is going to be in my book.

GUTFELD: Oh, yes, yes, yes, yes.

TYRUS: So, I guarantee you he'll be on the interview going, well, I do discuss that in my book.

GUTFELD: Yes. You know that --


TYRUS: You know, and that's the sad, that's the tragic part.

GUTFELD: Like if they hold back stuff that could have an effect.

TYRUS: Effect. Yes.

GUTFELD: Because it sells books, Kat. You would never do that. What element of this block do you find most interested in? Is it the Greek -- the Greek letters?

TIMPF: Well, probably the book about truth.


TIMPF: Because he did say true things. But that's only because he said all the things.


TIMPF: It's not how the -- but shouldn't be -- you shouldn't be celebrated for that. That would be like you're filling out a multiple-choice quiz. You fill in every answer, you get 100 percent. They don't give you 100 percent if you do that. I know that because I did that in the first grade. They did not give me 100 percent, they gave me Ritalin.

TYRUS: Damn.

GUTFELD: So is that how you get Ritalin? I've been coming up with every lie in the book, Emily. Speaking of book. What do you make of the Fauci's book?

COMPAGNO: Well, I loved how there's like 30 different explanations of what it's about. He must have a P.R. team the size of like, pre-closing down the roster size. In one, it's like how to lead during a crisis and another it's like how to lead after a crisis and another it's how to be inspired, and another it's learned about his philosophy for life and how to be a better human.

Like this guy thinks he's Deepak Chopra. My only question is on the cover of the book, is he taking off his mask or is he putting it on?

TYRUS: You have to read chapter three to find out.

COMPAGNO: Right. Exactly. In the interview, I'm sure. And the thing about the Greek system letters is I just -- are the Greek letters is I feel like they should definitely double check with fraternities and sororities because if my sorority ends up being the next coronavirus, I will be so upset.


TIMPF: Good for you for looking at your sorority girls.

COMPAGNO: It's so important.

HEGSETH: I'm Delta Gamma 21.

GUTFELD: Yes. But I -- it would be an honor to have some kind of illness named after you, right?

TYRUS: Let's get it in. Gutfeld 19.


TYRUS: We personally know. Thank you.


TYRUS: I don't care what you call it, it's literally putting mammary glands on a bull. There's like no -- it's still a disease. It's like a typhoon and you go, Hillary. What? No. It's still -- it's killing people. I don't give it a name.

GUTFELD: Well, that's true. I don't know when they started naming things anyway. How silly is naming things? We'll talk about that then next block. Up next, the latest glimpse into campus wimps.


GUTFELD: They think Memorial Day should just go away. Some students at Georgetown University home to Hunter Biden, have backed a phony petition demanding America unrecognized Memorial Day because it glorifies imperialism. They could change the name to Kamala's long weekend that would be funny.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The question is can Americans even still unite around Memorial Day?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't think Memorial Day should be a thing that we celebrate personally.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I feel like it's a celebration of U.S. imperialism and colonialism. Personally, it's not like an attack on any individual but more of a system?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Absolutely not. I think it represents a lot of negative aspects of America and highlights something that you know, people shouldn't necessarily be proud of.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do think we should probably rebrand the Memorial Day like something else, like let's, let's celebrate something worthwhile instead of imperialism.


GUTFELD: Says they would be dead if it wasn't for people fighting for their freedom. But remember, it was a fake petition. One student after citing classes that teach hatred of the United States admitted he didn't hate America until he got to college.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I didn't really think of them this way until I got to college and like I took (INAUDIBLE) and gender studies classes and that put me on this path where I'm like, yes, like (BLEEP) the U.S.


GUTFELD: Nicely done. By the way, he was, if you notice he's wearing a Rutgers t-shirt. That's also a school, Pete, not named after this man, but should be -- it's Rutger Hauer, Emily. But here's why Rutgers University sucks beyond graduating Liz Warren. They apologized for condemning anti- Semitic attacks that spiked during the most recent Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The reason the apology angered a pro-Palestinian student group that claimed and contributed to racist efforts by Zionist to erase Palestinian identity and existence. In other words, when you say attacking Jews because of their heritage is wrong, you should also promote the attackers reasons for attacking. So, Rutgers is finally a top rated University when it comes to doing stupid (BLEEP). So, Pete, Memorial Day, you know --

HEGSETH: These little rebranding.

GUTFELD: Don't you love that? They're telling you to rebrand it.

HEGSETH: Rebrand it. The amazing part is, the thick of the men who stormed the beaches of Normandy or Omaha Beach.


HEGSETH: They were the actual real anti-fascists, and anti-racists who and we've deprogram young people so much. I mean, this is you go to any college campus in America, you're going to find the exact same thing. And the scary part is they're actually coming -- that guy's an outlier. They're not showing up to college thinking that Memorial Day is, is, is part of our colonial hair. It's in Rutgers, by the way.

Not only did they put out the statement, then they apologize for the statement. Then they deleted both of those statements, and then reissued another statement, which said absolutely nothing. It's like when Ilhan Omar did what she did. I tried to condemn it. And then ultimately, that was so watered down that it said we don't like hate.



GUTFELD: Good. Well, thank you for your service. You thank me for thanking him. Tyrus, what do you want to talk about?

TYRUS: OK. First, first of all, this is just sometimes. Sorry, Emily. Imperialism, long war, close, close, close. So, here's one thing, the reason why they're outside for interviews, because the dumb asses aren't in class. Second thing. This is really going to hurt the woke mind, you're going to be some explosions.

So, little history lesson. Decoration Day, A.K.A. Memorial Day, was actually started in 1865 when, during the Civil War, at the end, when the Confederates took over Charleston, they took over an old race track. I think I have a picture of it. We could put it up here real quick, Tom, whoever, where they took automated prison where they kept using soldiers and slaves and most of them died of exposure, starvation, brutality. They buried all 600 to 800 bodies and skip town.

Emancipation came and free men and women slaves and people in the community came dug them all up, gave them proper Bellary put flowers on it and then the most crazy thing happened. 10,000 people showed up, honoring the 54th, honoring Union soldiers and Confederate soldiers who died in the battle and it was the first recorded celebration of Memorial Day. And guess who founded it? Guess who started? Former slaves?

GUTFELD: Emily, do you have any great stories like that? Or you're just -- can we see Emily's car?

TYRUS: Is that the General Lee?


TYRUS: That just seemed like the right time to show that picture. I don't know why. It matches what you're wearing it,

COMPAGNO: I'm now going to wear orange every day just to match that car.

TYRUS: I've been meaning to bring that up, it's a little too close. We can talk about this.

GUTFELD: You have anything you'd like to add to this conversation?

COMPAGNO: Well, nothing that comes close to that. But just that the age of all of those a-holes there on the corner, that they are literally older than all of those young men who died on the beaches there, who have died serving this country men and women. My great, great uncle Joseph Llorens, who died in World War I in France. He's buried in Soren, he was younger than them. And it just kills me all of these kids who complain about their micro aggressions and their mental health and everything. They could not function if they didn't have 37 support groups and 27 apps to get them through the day. And meanwhile, there were generations above us who lay their lives down for our freedom and for them to live in the rain.

GUTFELD: And they just -- when they got out of war, they just wanted to go back and have a nice little home and live life like they weren't interested in and other people's lives. Kat, the only thing that bugs me about this story is that it was a fake petition. Does that matter at all that I mean, they were they were generating the responses. Is that?

TIMPF: I think that part of that could show something else too. There were kids that were like, oh, yes, it's apparently it's hate Memorial Day. But there's other people who might have not been thinking about it and then saw the petition were like, Oh, I got to sign this.

GUTFELD: Right, right, right, right.

TIMPF: Because I think that's how so many of these things happen. If they, OK, this is bad. This is racist, and you're like, OK, I don't want to be canceled. I want to be woke. So yes, I completely agree. I think that's what happened with the Rutgers thing. They said, OK, they said anti- Semitism is bad. And then people came out and were upset about that, they're like, oh, just get it. So, then they did that final watered down statement.

HEGSETH: I just feel like it take 10 -- if a dad takes 10 seconds that their kid takes him to Memorial Day event something, then you see that clipboard with that petition. And you look at that, of course, you'd be like you're going to get your ass beaten. Like, what are you talking about.

TIMPF: Look, I married a veteran. I am now half, I am now half veteran.

GUTFELD: IT doesn't work that way. It doesn't work that way.

HEGSETH: She's got half of a bronze star.

GUTFELD: That doesn't work. OK, we got to move on. Still to come, will those fixing to steal, love Cynthia Nixon's deal.


GUTFELD: Did an idiot suggest you should steal from CVS? Another added touch celebrity and made some dumb ass comments which means it's time for a new segment called


GUTFELD: "Sex in the City" actress and failed Gubernatorial Candidate Cynthia Nixon says poor people should be allowed to steal personal goods from stores. Between her and Cuomo, I haven't heard of a choice this bad outside of states that let inmates choose how they're executed. The bad democratic socialists tweeted, "A CVS on my corner has started locking up basic items like clothing detergent. And so, as many families can't make ends meet right now, I can't imagine thinking that the way to solve the problem of people stealing basic necessities out of desperation is to prosecute them."

You're right. So, how about an express aisle for people only stealing 10 items? I can't imagine thinking a business can stay open when shoplifters help themselves. She's more out of touch with reality than Miranda was when she thought Steve could change. "Sex in the City" reference. Nixon lives in Manhattan but in San Francisco Walgreens has had to close 10 locations at least due to rapid unchecked shoplifting. Now, they're the only ones in the Bay Area not selling drugs.

Tyrus, how stupid can this person be? There are -- the people that are stealing from CVS, it's actually organized retail crime. They go in, they're young, they steal. That's it. It's still poor people. I pisses me off.

TYRUS: It literally goes back to that same liberal thinking. I'm not affected by this.


TYRUS: So, instead of you donating to a cause, or starting a charity, or you may be taking one of your royalty checks from, what was it? "Hugs in the City? And buy a bunch of medication and maybe show up and hand them out in the truck like people did with turkeys. Instead of that, you know what they should do? It's no different than saying let them eat bread. Let them rob people who are working every day to pay their bills. And so let's just take from them because I'm not giving anything but it's that type of out of touch stupidity that we just see. And then because they're a celebrity and smile afterwards and have a good eight by 10 we're supposed to repeat it.

COMPAGNO: I don't know if that's a good eight by 10.

GUTFELD: It doesn't matter like, like the thing is it's not even she ran for governor. So, the, the celebrity thing is it she actually thought she could be governor. And she, and to your point, she is a white leftist and the people being hurt by this idea are minority families that live near a (INAUDIBLE) like in San Francisco in that neighborhood. Poor families and elderly are now going to have to walk where to the next CVS and maybe a maybe a neighborhood that's not that safe. She makes -- it's her mentality that drives that.

TIMPF: Yes. And also, if you allowed people to steal things, the prices go way higher, so poor people who don't steal would have pay a lot more. But look, everything about this was ridiculous so it's easy to miss. Perhaps the most ridiculous thing of all, which is her suggestion that she actually went to a CVS to pick up some laundry detergent for herself. That never happened. Yes, he's getting $10 million for the "Sex in the City" reboot.

GUTFELD: How much?

TIMPF: 10 million for the reboot.

GUTFELD: She's the least likable character. I could see Carrie getting 10. But Miranda, no. What about Steve?

TIMPF: I've actually never seen --

TYRUS: This is an actual show?


GUTFELD: Well, I don't know what's gotten into me lately but that was wrong, what I just did. Where were we?

TIMPF: I just I don't think that she actually walked to the store to get her own laundry detergent. Someone should ask her what it costs.

GUTFELD: By the way, so when you go to any drugstore in any major city, they have to lock up the, the, the razors right because razors --

HEGSETH: Correct.

GUTFELD: And every time you go in there, there's something else that's locked up because only high priced items that could be resold on the street are it's not people going I need a loaf of bread because you can get a loaf of bread free you can you just go to the, the churches have, have these. You know, no one's starving in these cities. This is retail theft.

COMPAGNO: Yes. And this is such a savior mentality. This is the total --

GUTFELD: A mental illness from the a-block.

COMPAGNO: Literally, it's so embarrassing. Meanwhile, she's prancing around the Upper East side being like, let the poor still there deterred. Everyone else is like, it's not a crime to be poor.

TYRUS: Why have you hid that voice from us? All these years. I would talk like that everyday.

COMPAGNO: And meanwhile, it's just it's just a crime to shoplift. And the worst thing to me, actually, was the fact that she drew an equivalence between locking up items and prosecution, like I am happy to show Miranda at any time what a real prosecution looks like. Because believe me sister, having to ask the clerk for a key to the razor is not it.

GUTFELD: And she equates --

TYRUS: Is not it.

COMPAGNO: I can't even do it again.

TIMPF: Do that voice in "OUTNUMBERED" tomorrow the entire show.

GUTFELD: Pete, that's a really good but she also equates the poor with an acceptance of thievery. It's like all poor people would do this, right? It's like if they need some they'll just go and take.

HEGSETH: The poor people in this story are actually the capitalists treating CVS as their stores warehouse. Because they're stealing the stuff, going out on the street and then selling it. It's exactly what they're doing. Yes, this is somebody to absolutely never run a business, wouldn't, wouldn't factor that in is dealing with the mental -- I mean, leftism is a mental illness. We know that. Is dealing managing that in real time, so we should feel for her that way, and she does reflect.

I mean, she could be governor or mayor and Governor as well as these left wing democrats are doing in cities and states right now. San Francisco, it's actually 17 Walgreens in the last five years. 17 in the last five years have closed because they can't keep anything under $950 it's only a misdemeanor, right to steal it. In $950 bucks, you got to work hard in a Walgreens to find something that 900 bucks.

GUTFELD: It's got to be, it's got to be a certain --

TYRUS: If violence is going to happen with store clerks trying to stop.

GUTFELD: So, they don't, they won't. That's why that's why this is happening. Nobody can do anything except close. They lose their jobs. Up next, our movie lovers finally leaving home, or they're still just watching alone?


GUTFELD: Theatres having revival or just clinging to survival. After 15 months of COVID closures, 72 percent of movie theaters are now open, and they've added a fresh layer of layer of butter to the floors. They just had their best weekend since the pandemic started. That's a low bar. "A Quiet Place II", a film about homeless men watching porn and libraries, I'm told, brought in an estimated $57 million across North America. And "Cruella," the Nancy Pelosi story, took almost 27 million, which is $4 million in 2020 dollars. What do you think? Do you go to movies?



TIMPF: I don't like to go to the movies because you got to sit there and watch it, and that's it.

GUTFELD: You sneak booze in though.

TIMPF: No, I don't. Look, I don't sneak booze in. I mean I have before, but it's not, like I don't go to the movies.

GUTFELD: Unless you're drunk.

TIMPF: If I'm just going to develop a drinking problem. I might as well, because you're going to accuse me of it every day. Like if I'm going to have to have the shame associated with alcoholism, I might as well get to enjoy the being drunk every day part of it as well. No, I like to watch the movies at home. Because that way I can play on my phone and then like every 10 minutes asked my husband, what's going on?

GUTFELD: Yes. After her husband leaves her for her drinking problem.

TYRUS: Yes, and her movie problem.

GUTFELD: Yes. You are an actor.


GUTFELD: What's your prognosis?

TYRUS: Well, I was an actor. Thanks, Fox. No, I'm good. I went to the movies yesterday, actually. Oh, I usually do. That's what I do with my kids. I go -- we have dates. Yesterday, me and my seven year old went on a date, we saw Godzilla and King Kong in the movie theater. So, for me, because that was always a happy moment you go. When I was a kid, we go on our bikes to the movies and watch movies, and then we go and the conversation afterwards where she explained to me how (INAUDIBLE) didn't like Godzilla, because who would like somebody with one head when you have three?

And I was like, you know what, that's brilliant. And whatever little mind was going it was just us, but that that part of I love that because as I'm sharing something with them. So, I hope they don't go away, but I realized that I'm getting old. I'm not quite in the, you know, commercial demographic what you are. But I could see in my lifetime the laziness of let's stay at home, and of course the numbers are down because you can see movies at home or in the theater. But I always choose a theater but that's what I grew up with.

GUTFELD: Yes, when you get to my age, it's all about the pee breaks and you get pee breaks at home, you don't get them. Pete, on my calculations, it would cost you approximately $947 to take your whole family to the movies.

HEGSETH: Give or take.

GUTFELD: That's like one way ticket to Hawaii.

HEGSETH: That's without the booze, too.


HEGSETH: Which they now sell booze at movie theaters.

GUTFELD: You don't feed booze to your kids, you sick man.

HEGSETH: Well, when there's no NyQuil.

GUTFELD: But that's it. Kids are going to keep movie theaters alive because it's a great place to go. You stick them in there. It's totally contained. They can't run around. They're forced to be there. And then I think they'll hold up the streaming services you know in this, what's that movie, Lonely Place? Is that really what it's about?

TIMPF: "A Quiet Place II."

TYRUS: About the monsters that hear you.

HEGSETH: Almost paper, people watching porn.

GUTFELD: That's my apartment.

HEGSETH: If you can hold off the streaming, you'll still make money.

GUTFELD: Yes. Emily, what are your thoughts on this? I'm sure you have one.

COMPAGNO: Fairly, fairly, (INAUDIBLE). OK. So, here are my thoughts. That movies aren't really returning because every movie that's in the theater, it's just an iteration of something before. Like that was Cruella, the like seventh iteration.


COMPAGNO: "A Quiet Place II." It's everything being recycled. I mean, it's like microwaving last night's pasta for lunch. That being said, everyone has obviously been in lockdown. And so of course, everyone is super excited to get out and go to the movie theater. But I, however, will be waiting for "Top Gun: Part II," and until then I'm fine with just "Hometown" on the couch.

TYRUS: "Hometown" on the couch.

GUTFELD: All right. All right. All right. That was very good. OK. "Top Gun II." Be right back.


GUTFELD: Set you DVRs every night so you never miss an episode. Thanks to Emily Compagno, Pete Hegseth, Kat Timpf, Tyrus and our studio audience. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with evil Shannon Bream is next. I'm Greg Gutfeld, I love you America.

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