'Gutfeld' on Democrats' crime strategy

This is a rush transcript of "Gutfeld" on October 27, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: A glorious Wednesday or as Kat calls it, two days from vodka. I kid. She's never gone two days without vodka. Before we get to the news, however, it is time for.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Greg's Seven Jokes.


GUTFELD: President Biden has canceled trick or treating at the White House for Halloween. When ask why, Joe responded, children wearing costumes and going house to house for candy trivializes the very thing we are celebrating the birth of Jesus.

Comedian Kathy Griffin posted a video of her shaking her breasts from a balcony in Los Angeles. Authorities report it's the first time they've seen migrants turn around at the border and head home. We don't need a wall.

California Governor Gavin Newsom has mandated COVID vaccines for all state employees, but less than two-thirds have complied. Can't fault them in San Francisco for some reason there's a shortage of needles.

Sportscaster Joe Buck claims he once peed in a bottle while calling an NFL touchdown. Big deal. I once peed in a bottle on "THE FIVE" while doing an Animals are great segment. Then I told Kilmeade it was Gatorade. He didn't mind at all.

A Minnesota surgeon was fired for telling a school board to let parents make decisions about masking kids, which makes total sense. I mean, what does a surgeon know about masks?

TYRUS, FOX NATION HOST: A sexist would say.

GUTFELD: A sexist would say. That didn't even get a laugh, Tyrus. What's with this crowd? Some New York schools are banning any Halloween costumes based on the Netflix show Squid Game, which depicts mass murder. In a related story, stores are pulling all their witches costumes because the host on The View considered it cultural appropriation. Note to self, make all jokes about The View.

A hiker lost for 24 hours ignored calls from rescuers because they came from an unknown number. Even worse, he was in a Bed Bath and Beyond. And that was my seven jokes.

All right. So America, get ready for more crime. I'm so excited. We should all stand up and do the wave. Except this is a crime wave. So when we sit back down our wallets will be gone. Last night I went to dinner and you know what I didn't get murder? That's quite a feat when you consider I had the jalapeno poppers at the Time Square Applebee's. So as you can tell, I'm not dead.

But for how long? Last night we told you about Biden's 42-Page plan to promote gender equity. That's one page for every gender. Inside the plan is a proposal to eliminate cash bail for suspects, and not just the ones with the initials H.B. Now, this happens as freed repeat offenders have been killing and injuring people. Thanks to this new policy. It's turning repeat offenders into repeat, repeat, repeat offenders.

It's like binge watching Will and Grace. We've heard the examples. In Virginia, a man beats up his spouse, gets released on no cash bail. And then he kills her. The many attacks here on women some resulting in death, all done by thugs who've been arrested and then released. Some of that effect on women wasn't in the 42-page plan on gender equity. The radical D.A.s behind this don't seem to mind, maybe because it's working out the way that they want it to.

Nothing shall slow the revolution, including murder. You got to break a few eggs to make an omelet and instead of egg shells, ah, it's gun shells. And the media is there to help out. Every time we mentioned the homicide rates, what do you hear? That other violent crime has gone down. Take the L.A. Times reporting that California had a 31 percent jump in homicides. But they point out that the state's faring better on other violent crime.

Well, that's good to know. It's good to know that when someone attacks you, they're going to finish the job. Meanwhile, San Francisco families are hiring private security to keep them safe. So I'm curious how wealthy are these families since they can afford this? And more importantly did they vote Democrat because clearly they can afford that too. If you're living in S.F. and instead of moving, you just hire private guards, you must be doing all right.

And you're doing so well. You can avoid the hell that harms other people. That's the kind of privatization wealthy liberals love. Vote to defund the police for you than hire private police to protect themselves. Maybe it's time to introduce bills that ban private security by Democrats. I mean, if they can throw no cash bail at us, can't we throw that right back at them? If you support no cash bail why should you live in safety if the rest of us can't?

It's a direct result of your stupid destructive decisions, like slashing police budgets or putting Pop Rocks and Kat's vape pen. But you see the pattern, Dems get into power to exempt themselves from the laws they force on others. As long as they're in power, they can dance maskless in public and eat in a fancy restaurant while you're under house arrest (BLEEP) some can even marry their brother.

That must have been a cozy wedding. When they asked guests if they were relatives of the bride or groom they all just said yes. Talk about dysfunctional as Minneapolis gets worse and worse mentally ill Han calls the cops dysfunctional. But Omar calling anyone dysfunctional is like me calling anyone drop dead gorgeous. I mean talking about the pot calling the kettle black. You know what I'm saying?

Or in this case the wife calling the brother husband. But these lives are all safe and secure. Meanwhile, a grandmother must take two extra buses to find a Walgreens since they all closed in her neighborhood due to the retail theft sanction by liberal leaders. Now we wish the Democrat party might rediscover common sense, but they won't. They won. Now they see their experiment in action.

Burnt out cities, record homicide rates, looting as recreational behavior, rapes in schools covered up by flax. It's not exactly a brochure for Sandals Resorts and those pushing it demand even more. You know, you could say they're a glutton for punishment, except they're not getting punished. You are.


GUTFELD: Let's welcome tonight's guests. He left the Democratic Party in the 80s and it's the only time he ever left the party in the 80s. Former Director of the National Economic Council and host of Kudlow on Fox Business, Larry Kudlow. She so sharp cheek carved pumpkins with their thoughts. Contributor to The Spectator (INAUDIBLE) Kate Hyde. If she wants a scary costume she could just take her hair extensions out. Fox News Contributor Kat Timpf.

And he's stronger than a hippies B.O. after running the Miami marathon. My massive sidekick and the NWA's World Television Champion Tyrus. So Larry, I want you to know that despite my terrible choice and socks, I wore pinstripes for you.



KUDLOW: Looking really good.

GUTFELD: Yes. I like to think of myself as a Larry Kudlow Jr.

KUDLOW: You've picked up your whole game.

GUTFELD: I have picked up my game because you know what we're winning. And that's when you pick it up. You know what I'm saying?


GUTFELD: So am I missing something? Why double down on some kind of policy that everyone can see is killing people? I mean, no one can deny that this is bad policy. What's the underlying thing?

KUDLOW: I just think that the far-left Democratic Party, the progressives hate cops.


KUDLOW: And want to do everything they can not to help cops.


KUDLOW: And no bail. No cash bail. No any bail. It's a revolving door. It's about recidivism. I thought your opening was exactly right. And we have it here in New York. It's just awful. He talked to almost anybody in law enforcement. They want to repost bail.


KUDLOW: Keep him in, at least keep him locked up for a while. And I just want to go maybe one step further. I want to end sanctuary cities. I think they've been hiding. Illegal immigrants who are committing crimes constantly, recidivism and illegal immigrants is a terrible plague. People have been killed time and time again. They will not report it to the federal cops, to the FBI. And I think that's a catastrophe.

And I think that should be changed. In fact, I want no sanctuary cities throughout the country at all.

GUTFELD: I would be OK with sanctuary cities if they were sanctuaries for things I like to do. Right?


GUTFELD: You know what I'm saying?


GUTFELD: Yes. I mean, it's like OK, so if you can have a sanctuary city for illegal aliens, what about other illegal activities that I like to participate in? Then we could talk sanctuary cities, right? You notice, Kate, I've not said what my legal activity is.

TYRUS: Good job.


GUTFELD: Thank you. Exactly. And I'm not ever going to say what it is. Maybe. Call me. Anyway, Kate, could the equity part of this whole idea be that to -- like, raise the murder rate of women? So it's equal to men? Is that what this is about?

HYDE: You haven't exactly right. It's a -- it's a equality of insecurity. That's the equity that we're going for it. Because if we can't have safety across the board, we're going to make everyone safe. If you're not going to be safe in a city, you can't be safe in the suburbs. And what you're talking about with San Francisco was really interesting. I actually heard that the cast of Fuller House is now equipped with A.R.-15s.

GUTFELD: Really?

HYDE: Yes. But it's really sad what's happening in the cities. It's what the Democrats do across the board. If there's something bad, you just have to make it bad for everyone. And unfortunately, really the best solution, you said that they were hiring security and whatnot. But the best solution, I think, is actually to get out of San Francisco up and move to Florida.


HYDE: Access. Anywhere else other than the --


GUTFELD: -- promise they often bring their bad ideas with them. The lady over there, Tyrus, makes a good point. She says that when things are bad, the Democrats solution is to make it bad for everybody rather than like fix the bad. I think that's a very cogent point by that lady sitting over there.

TYRUS: You forgot her name again, didn't you?

GUTFELD: No. Her name is Kate. Kate Hyde.

TYRUS: Very good. Very good. But she's a lady.


HYDE: The only good point I've ever made. Thank you.

GUTFELD: Not true.

TYRUS: You know, I think we kind of be a little too tough on the Democrats. I mean, attempted murder is down, Greg.

GUTFELD: That is true. Yes.

TYRUS: It's way down.

GUTFELD: You know what's funny?

TYRUS: It's down.

GUTFELD: Yes. But that's because they murdered but you can't have both.


TIMPF: They're getting better.

GUTFELD: They're getting better.

TYRUS: There's nothing worse than someone trying to kill you and you call the police and the police come get him. And he's going away for a long time, ma'am. Don't you worry. And your sounds like yes, bye, bad guy. 17 minutes later, oh, no, he has a key and then the murder happens. Like that's literally what America is looking at now.

GUTFELD: That's what happened in Virginia.

TYRUS: And then they're like, well, because their definition of equality has nothing to do with equality because America is really about equality of opportunity. It's not everyone's equal. Because I'm not equal with a pedophile. I'm not equal with a man who beats his wife every night. I'm not.


TYRUS: So when they try to say, everything's -- that's their whole plan. I think a good -- the next -- whoever's running on the Republican Party, I'd wait. I wouldn't say anything now. But try this. Let's stop. It doesn't matter. Your sexual orientation, your gender, the color of your skin. Let's start focusing on people's character.


TYRUS: Because character is the only thing you can count on.

GUTFELD: Yes. Definitely. Absolutely. You know, Kat, I bet. No cash bail would have been a great thing when you were dating.

TIMPF: Yes, it would have saved me a lot of money.

GUTFELD: No, it would have. And then get -- and all of a sudden, so you go and you get married. And what do they do? They get rid of no cash bail, totally screwing you over.

TIMPF: It's almost like it's a personal affront to me. Now that I'm no longer dating convicts and married to a wonderful man.

TYRUS: Yes, we don't have to hear that. Oh, do I pay rent or bail him out?

TIMPF: No. I only -- if I paid the rent, you know, if I didn't, neither of us would have a place to live.


TIMPF: Months to get rid of that guy. He's always breaking his foot.

TYRUS: From the couch to the fridge.

TIMPF: Oh, yes. Anything else? I mean, I don't like -- I want to be safe. I do. I'm very -- I don't want to give anybody any ideas. But I am very murder (INAUDIBLE)

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true.

TIMPF: I mean, looking like I'm also like, not allowed to have a gun. So why can do someone tries to kill me? I can just go I -- no.


TIMPF: That's it.

GUTFELD: Yes. That's it.

TIMPF: And I don't think that's quite a match for a murder.

GUTFELD: Oh, no, no.

KUDLOW: Can I -- can I just go back to what -- I love, Tyrus.

GUTFELD: I know you do.

KUDLOW: I mean, I'm afraid of him but I love him. He's got his champions --


KUDLOW: Really tough for me. But I'm glad there's a lot of distance. Equality of opportunity.


KUDLOW: Equality. Look, you mentioned how the billionaires have their own security. You know, I admit that there's some hypocrisy there. But Greg, I want to be here to defend billionaires.

GUTFELD: That's true.

KUDLOW: At least we want to help them out.


KUDLOW: I think they take too much flak. Billionaires do wonderful things. They create businesses. Tens of millions of jobs, higher wages, more family income, and I think they need support. They need support groups. People like myself have to stand up and support them. And the reason I said equality of opportunity is these lefty Democrats want to punish success.


KUDLOW: And I don't. I want to reward success.

GUTFELD: Unless you're a successful criminal.

KUDLOW: That's the American Dream. Unless I'm a successful criminal.

GUTFELD: All right. Up next. Dems have a long way to go when they bring in babbling Joe.


GUTFELD: Virginia voters are pondering while Joe Biden keeps wandering. Yes. Terry McAuliffe's campaign brings in the man with no brain. So as inflation soars, supply chain problems persist and crime increases all over. What's our president up to? Campaigning for a governor. He said he's too busy to visit the southern border. But in his defense, Amtrak doesn't go there. But if anyone could put the goober in gubernatorial, it's him.

On Tuesday Biden spoke at a rally for Virginia Democrat Terry McAuliffe and I wonder if he still knows his own name.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: My name is Joe Biden. I'm Jill Biden's husband. In fact, we're taking a page from Terry's book when he was governor and when he'd be governor next time. We're emerging from this pandemic, and we want to expand pre-K for three and four-year-olds, millions of pre-K (INAUDIBLE)


GUTFELD: I'm going to pretend I knew what that was. But maybe there was someone else on the President's mind.


BIDEN: I ran against Donald Trump. Terry is running against an accolade of Donald Trump. Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump. And Trump and Trump, Trump. Donald Trump, Donald Trump, former President Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Donald Trump, Trump, Trump. It's not a Trump power (INAUDIBLE) He doesn't want to talk about Trump anymore. Well, I do.


GUTFELD: You mentioned Trump 24 times during that speech. That's once for every time he almost peed. Meanwhile, as Joe hits the campaign, the country goes down the drain. Thanks to inflation supply chain issues and labor shortages. This Thanksgiving will be the most expensive meal in the history of the holiday. But I guess that makes it a good opportunity to have a simpler, more authentic pilgrim Thanksgiving.

You can actually recreate the original menu that was there in 1621. Just ask Pelosi. She was there. Yes. Joe what gives?


TOM SHILLUE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Oh man. You're going to save money with Old Joe this Thanksgiving, not spend money. Just follow the rules. OK? First of all, any relatives who are not vaccinated, they can't come across them off the list. Right? Saving money right there. And anyone who's driving long distances can't do that. Global warming. They're off the list. And my ultimate Thanksgiving money saver. Turkey jerky. Oh, that's good.

Turkey jerky. Turkey jerky is better than turkey. Say it with me. Turkey jerky is better than turkey. Say it.


GUTFELD: Yes, Kat, you know, you have -- you have Biden constantly saying Trump over and over again. Is he like doing that thing where you use the acts of -- in a relationship to make the current relationship look better? So it's like he's with America, because remember that guy? But the problem is the memories are starting to look good.

TIMPF: Yes, sort of. But it's also all that he did throughout his campaign. So he's more doing that thing where he said he could headline but he only has five minutes.

GUTFELD: That's true.

TIMPF: But look, things are changing. People are noticing Virginia. I mean, Biden won Virginia like 10 points. But you have McAuliffe saying stuff like directly saying parents should not be telling schools what they can teach.


TIMPF: Just saying that, that is -- that is crazy. Like that wouldn't work anywhere. That'd be like if you call to like, order a pizza, and they tell you how much you owe. And then you sit -- you start to say, well, what am I going to get? And then they call you a terrorist.


TIMPF: That's what's happening in Virginia. And people are shocked. It's so simple.

GUTFELD: That happened to me with Domino's.

TIMPF: Oh well.

GUTFELD: They called me a terrorist.

TIMPF: That you said some other stuff to Domino's.

GUTFELD: Yes. That is true. You know, Tyrus, being like -- when you're -- if you're a Democrat, do you instinctively block out how Joe sounds? Or do you accept how Joe sounds and pretend it doesn't matter? It's like how people would go to me. How can you -- how can you sit there and listen to Trump? It's like -- because our heads would be exploding. And I'm going like I find it hilarious.

TYRUS: I think they're -- I have kids.


TYRUS: As you constantly remind me. You in several states. And I won't say which one, but there's always one a little slower.


TYRUS: The rest of the group. And when someone points it out to you, you always go well, it's a late bloomer or they're special.


TYRUS: So I think and then after a while, when you realize it's not growing out of it. Then you're like he's -- it's his mother, you know, you -- so, that's basically what the Democrats are doing now. It's not him. It was -- it was 4:00 in the afternoon. He naps at 3:00. They knew he should -- it's not on him. It's, you know, it's the weather. It's all this stuff. But the best part about this whole thing is we talked about Joe slipping but he's still playing the One Card he's got left.


TYRUS: If you say his name three times, he will come back. This is the best reason why President Trump doesn't have Twitter and social media. And I know he's sitting somewhere and it's probably gold going. Oh, no, don't say nothing. Let them continue to shoot their own feet and they'll keep calling him because they need him to answer that. They need him to come out and attack Joe because then that's the new spin, not deflation.

Not people, little girls getting attacked in bathrooms, not comedians trying to have their livelihood taken away from being funny. No, it's evil Trump's back. So Miss President, wherever you are, I know you're watching, just sit this one.

GUTFELD: Kate, could one argue that he's an irrelevant president at this point that everybody is pretty much assumed he's not there and someone else is running the show?

HYDE: You know, I actually would like if he was irrelevant, I kind of like that in the politician a little bit where it's like, you want them to just get the job done. Don't make a spectacle. Don't make it about you. There's a little bit of that. But I got to say, I think I had a little bit more of a romantic view of the idea of, if America had to go down the drain, and we were spiraling out of control and, you know, crime is up, and inflation and all this other stuff and having to show papers to work and to go into restaurants.

I kind of imagined that the evil behind that would be competent.


HYDE: But he just is not there at all. And there's a little -- there's something a little bit jarring about that.

GUTFELD: There's somebody else working the strings in the levers, Larry. You must enjoy this. It gives you a lot of content.

KUDLOW: I know. It's just wonderful for our show.

GUTFELD: Yes. Bad for America. You always had that. Bad for America. Good for the show. I would much rather, Larry, have A Great America and a mediocre show timeline. But anyway.

KUDLOW: Actually, I like I would too. I would too. But, you know, there's a nice middle ground here. Save America and kill the bill.


KUDLOW: Just save America and kill his bill, kill all his bills, because he's still dangerous. He's still the president. He still makes decisions. And he's still got people behind the scenes programming him.

GUTFELD: You were a Democrat? Did you deal with Joe at all? You must have at some point in the 80s, 70s.

KUDLOW: I knew him very well. Not -- on another network on another show every time he ran for president, he would come on as a guest.


KUDLOW: So I got to know him pretty well because he was always running for president.


KUDLOW: Unsuccessfully.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

KUDLOW: And I once asked -- I once -- we were talking about Iraq one time. And I was telling him well, you know, maybe things aren't so bad. Iraq, the Baghdad stock market is up and bond yields are down and he looks to me and says, you know, I don't know anything about that. I'm going to leave it to you. You figure it out. You can tell me later. OK? He hasn't changed much.

GUTFELD: No, he hasn't.

KUDLOW: It's the same story.

GUTFELD: I'm going to leave it to you. Anytime something goes wrong. It's always Americans who are at fault. It's like, you guys got to suck it up. I'm losing my patience with you. That's what he said about COVID. All right. Up next, he rode it on a horse now he's feeling remorse.


GUTFELD: He is overcome with regret over running an unsafe sex. Criminal charges could be filed in the accidental shooting death on the set of Alec Baldwin's film "Rust." Nothing was ruled out during a press conference today.

Plus, criminal defense lawyer, Mark Geragos, recently told Fox News that Alex responsibility as a producer could have been facing involuntary manslaughter charges. Investigators still don't know who loaded the gun or what exactly was loaded with prior to it being handed to Baldwin. So, there's still no proof it wasn't Hunter Biden's.

Although the Santa Fe Sheriff Department announced today that a live round projectile that was recovered from the scene. Meanwhile, on a film set, the person in charge of weapons is known as an armorer. For us, that was 24- year-old, Hannah Gutierrez-Reed. According to The New York Post, Hannah was accused of numerous safety violations earlier this year on the set of Nicolas Cage's film "The Old Way." She's alleged to be more careless with guns than Stelter is with carbs.

But that's not the kind of job you can take lightly like a barista or Secretary of Transportation. Cage reportedly stormed off the set after Gutierrez-Reed repeatedly fire guns without warning. And if things are too crazy for not like Nick Cage, you know, you're in trouble. I mean, we're talking about Nick Cage.




NICOLAS CAGE, AMERICA ACTOR: Like an elk (INAUDIBLE) he's going to touchdown.


Lots of bees. I love my eyes. My eyes.



GUTFELD: He is the greatest, possibly the greatest actor of our generation, right, Tyrus?

TYRUS: The "Pig" movie was phenomenal.

GUTFELD: The Pig movie was great. But also, if you ever see -- I always say you got to see Protocol. Bad Lieutenant. Amazing.

Anyway, off the subject. They could have had a real expert there, but they went with somebody that was clearly --

TYRUS: But you have to ask the question because it always comes down -- this is one of the problems with Hollywood. Nepotism. Her father was a great armorer. He's one of the best in the business. And his daughter. She made so many mistakes, dangerous mistakes.

Nick Cage left because you fired around live round in his -- within his eardrum. And her excuse was not I'm sorry, and I'll be better. It was like, well, I was really nervous. It's my first job. I don't even know if I really wanted the job.

GUTFELD: Right. Oh, this is great.

TYRUS: So, when I'm putting a movie together, and the resume is my first job, I didn't really know if I wanted it and was known for things like carrying guns under her armpit, which is great. The butts are this way, but the barrels are that way. So, everyone behind you is like, that, you know.

And then in this set, it was even -- it was more about taking photos and then using --

GUTFELD: Posing.

TYRUS: -- the same prop gun to shoot targets, to shoot around. And they get away with this because her only credential is her dad's success.


TYRUS: Now, when we see nepotism with a bad actor, like somebody a great actor, and then their kid comes on and they're terrible, it's just a bad movie.


TYRUS: But in this case, somebody is dead.

GUTFELD: Yes, no, it's true. This is -- and there was -- there was -- there's so much of a history with this woman that you can see, she's not like, she shouldn't have been given a weapon. Anybody -- my rule is anybody who likes to pose with weapons are more interested in the cool factor than the safety factor. And they should not be allowed with guns.

TIMPF: Right. Just like, where's the cancel culture on this one?

GUTFELD: Exactly.

TIMPF: It's a lie. You're going to have a lot more problems in Hollywood. Apparently, if you make an offensive joke, then, you know, you won't get another job. But if you are repeatedly dangerous with lethal weapons, you can keep getting hired. I don't understand these people.

KUDLOW: I mean, you piece the story together, every aspect of gun security was violated.


KUDLOW: Every aspect. And this -- and Baldwin, look, I don't know how this is going to turn out. And, of course, it's a tragedy. But, you know, you get a gun, you should look through the barrel to see what's in the gun.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

KUDLOW: Especially if you know you're going to shoot it.

GUTFELD: Exactly.

KUDLOW: And that wasn't done. So, I think there was quite a lot of blame spread around. And, you know, maybe Mr. Baldwin will have another look at the Second Amendment so that gun owners know how to use guns.

GUTFELD: If an NRA instructor was there, instead of somebody that maybe shared his political opinions, it would have been that -- the sharing of the political opinions didn't help. You know, you got it -- this is the whole thing about like separation. People have to work together and you gain expertise from different people. Who do you think is responsible, Kate?

HYDE: Well, you know, this is what really bothers me about the whole idea of Hollywood and guns, because they want to yell about guns all the time, obviously, and yell about gun control. And it's not so much that they hate people with guns, they don't trust themselves with guns, and then they project that --


HYDE: -- onto you and say, well, if I can't handle it, you can't handle it. And I want -- you know, that -- we can't be unsafe here. But if you're going to -- look, the reason that that gun was real and onset is because people in Hollywood think guns are cool. They romanticize it. They think it's cool. He wanted to throw it around.

These actors -- they didn't want a prop gun, they didn't want a light gun. They want to know what it's like. So, he's practicing. He wants -- no, you know, they want to feel it. It's like, you want to starve so you want to go to Applebee's and watch everyone else eat, you know, they need to get in that role.


HYDE: But just the idea that, you know, you don't have to be a gun expert. But the idea that you are throwing around a gun that you yourself or -- did not look into and if you don't know how to do it, ask anyone there, open that gun, show me there's no bullet in it. I mean, it's just -- if you're going to talk that much portly -- so poorly about guns, understand enough to know that you can handle it.

GUTFELD: I mean --

KUDLOW: Where's John Wayne now that we need him?

GUTFELD: Yes. Well, you know, what the thing is, we have the NRA. I think this whole -- this whole event vindicated the NRA because you will find -- I -- you know, I took the -- you know, just the basic training with what when I bought my gun, and you don't even joke. You can't make jokes about this stuff. You can't show up, they will slap you.

I mean, if you're like -- if you -- if you're holding your gun and you turn -- like, I'm holding my gun and I turn it to Larry -- at Larry, the guy will just whack the gun out of your hand or they'll throw you off the -- they'll throw you out of the range because they don't have any tolerance for that.

They -- and they don't understand it. Hollywood doesn't understand it. They think the NRA a bunch of rednecks hanging out there shooting stuff. No, it's you (BLEEP)

HYDE: -- finger guns, remember that whole thing?


GUTFELD: Finger guns. This was more dangerous on the playground pointing -- they could -- they would call the principal and have the kids suspended for doing this. Meanwhile, they can do that with the real thing. It's insane.

I will go back to my original point Nicolas Cage, greatest actor. He would never do this. If they listened to Nicolas Cage, she wouldn't be working. Not you. I was pointing out the girl.

All right. Coming up, Squid Game costumes should cease is the new rule from the fun.


GUTFELD: Schools are intervening, no Squid Game costumes this Halloweaning (PH). But are these administrators mean for taking the fun out of Halloween? Three upstate New York elementary schools, aren't they all? had banned Squid Game costumes citing the potential violent message aligned with them as the reason. Also, some of the children have seafood allergies.

Principals reportedly sent an e-mail to parents after noticing that kids were playing a version of the games on the playground. Of course, the parents were the ones that let the kids watch that stuff. Now, by a version of, I assume they meant that the kids were not actually killing each other on the playground. That would be funny and weird.

According to Superintendent Craig Teece (PH), no items that can be interpreted as weapons should be brought to school. And that costume should not be too gory or scary. Well, I got to say, that covers a lot. It doesn't leave us with many options, does it? I mean, A, you can't be daring. You can't be scary. You can't even be interesting. I guess that leaves us with one option.

Tyrus, got a lot of Halloweens to deal with this week. You got four kids. What's your take on the costumes?

TYRUS: You know, I -- sometimes I think this is -- they do it from marketing. Because if you don't mention it, nobody -- that's not a great costume. He looks like an auto work Mario bad guy that never got a chance to be on the turtle team. Like there's nothing exciting about a black mask with a circle.

But now because the school is against it, and they're coming out of it publicly, every high school -- every 14 to 17-year-old in America is like, I got to have that. Like they continue to do the wrong thing. They just don't get it. Dracula, we had zombies. I mean you name it, people would do it.


TYRUS: And when you don't make a big deal about it, it's not there, but now, it's a big deal.

KUDLOW: All right. I want to go as a billionaire.

GUTFELD: I think you already are.

KUDLOW: I think I'm really --

GUTFELD: Why did you change your outfit right now to go as a billionaire?

KUDLOW: Well, you know, come as you are.

TYRUS: You just switched the mug to like a gold mug.

KUDLOW: I mean, last year, I went as a tax cut. This year, I want to go as a billionaire. And I want to talk to these kids, you know, you're handing out candy. It's too much welfarism. You know, they've gone to school and their parent -- and the teachers have taught them to be woke socialists. So, I -- you know, I couldn't prove them. And we can talk about the virtues of equal opportunity and capitalism.

GUTFELD: Yes, just break off part of the candy bar and go, that's for the government.


GUTFELD: Then throw it into the street.

KUDLOW: And you have to have --

GUTFELD: Don't take it. Throw it into the street.

KUDLOW: You have to have workfare.


KUDLOW: Workfare.

GUTFELD: You're going to make, oh, kids show up at your house, make them do chores. Kate, what do you make of this costume?

HYDE: First, the only thing I would say she could put some hundreds in your -- instead of a pocket square, that's -- that could help your billionaire look.

KUDLOW: Benjamins.

HYDE: There you go. There you go. Speaking like a like a billionaire. But, yes, you know, what's so interesting is I've never heard of this show or what this game is. I am allergic to shellfish. So, you know, I'd also stay away from the squid.

But I -- again, they don't trust children to live in a fantasy world. And that's what's so strange is that it's like the adults are always the ones putting -- mixing fantasy and reality.


HYDE: And it's like, they can't trust that a kid knows the difference between dressing up as something scary and can murder and not murder someone, but they can't do it. That's why they bring in handmaid's tale and Harry Potter to make analogies for everyday life.


HYDE: And it's like you don't get calls that there's a bunch of feral cats running around New York City on Halloween when a bunch of middle-aged women are dressed as, you know, leopards and all that, you know what I mean? Like you just -- like -- it's Halloween and we're seeing, honestly, more violence on a day to day basis with all these masks that were forced to wear. You see more violence between just masking and unmasking than the one day we're supposed to mask.

GUTFELD: Exactly, the most dangerous is a mask.

HYDE: Or the unmasked.




TIMPF: Well, no, speaking of middle-aged women, they're the real victims of this.


TIMPF: Because this -email went out I think pretty late. What if they already had the kids' costume?


TIMPF: This is a war on women.

GUTFELD: It is a war on women.

TIMPF: I'm disgust.

GUTFELD: Me too. I would pick it, but I'm leaving.

KUDLOW: And no cash bail.

GUTFELD: No cash bail.

KUDLOW: All right. Up next, our men and women hear when it comes to shedding tears.


GUTFELD: Move over pregnant men. Scientists say you're just as hysterical, whether or not you carry testicles. A new university -- applause. And it wasn't even a good run.

A universe -- University of Michigan study bucks long standing gender stereotypes, concluding that men are just as emotional as women. It boiled down to what they define as emotional. For example, men getting passionate while watching sports counts. I suppose it counts as emotional too when my dad hollered, get away from the T.V. General Hospital is on.

Same goes for enthusiasm and nervousness, two emotions I get when Stuart Varney shows up at my house unexpected with a bottle of red and a bearskin rug. We go now to our sensitivity and emotions correspondent to see if this is all true.


JOE MACHI, COMEDIAN: How could you call me sensitive for the most, Greg? You and I have any feelings. Back to you.


GUTFELD: That's why we hired him.

Larry, in your experience, who's more emotional, you or your wife?

KUDLOW: Oh, without question, I am.

GUTFELD: Really?

KUDLOW: I mean, little more than 25 years ago, I went literally stark raving mad. Just off the charts. And she was very calm and instructed me to show the path to get out. But, you know --

GUTFELD: That was when they had good drugs back then.

KUDLOW: Yes, well, I sampled a few of them. So, I thought --

GUTFELD: I think you're being a little high, but not really, just a few.

HYDE: Just a sip.

KUDLOW: We're very sensitive -- we're very sensitive. Particularly billionaire man.

GUTFELD: You know what, here's the thing, Tyrus, this is a bogus study, because if it --

TYRUS: Oh, I'm glad you said that.

GUTFELD: Because if they showed differences, that would be -- that would be sexist and stereotypical. So, every study has to show that we're all the same.

TYRUS: Yes, because it's factually impossible to say that men are emotional as women, because when we get dumped, we go out and get hit by a truck or we walk into a bar and say, hey, you four guys, let's do this. You know what I'm saying? Or we dated really an attractive woman because she doesn't remind us of what walked out on us.

So, that's not dealing with your emotions. Well, I'm lying. OK? I'm lying. Right? OK, guys, sure. If we were able to express ourselves, we wouldn't be in those situations. We wouldn't make bad decisions. We wouldn't buy cars when we're 50 that we don't fit in. You know I'm saying? We wouldn't do things like that to feel better or get hair plugs and all this other kind of stuff. That's what guys do because they can't just say, my feeling, I'm hurt.


TYRUS: You hurt my feelings. Give me some ice creams and tissue. And I'm watching all the Batman leave me alone. Shoot me like, get out.

GUTFELD: That's true.

TIMPF: People are supposed to have feelings. Like everybody now is trying to this weird flex, like, women do it too. Like I don't care, like, other - - women, it's even more annoying. Like I don't have like all these feelings like other girl. It's like cool, Ted Bundy, like you're supposed -- you're supposed to have feelings. They can suck sometimes, they can ruin lives sometimes, they can be horrible, they can be miserable. But without the bad, you're not the good, without feelings, you're either -- you're a sociopath. It's nothing to brag about.

TYRUS: No, we have feelings, we just don't express them right.

TIMPF: You all have feelings.

TYRUS: We lock them up in there.

GUTFELD: I'd like to think I'm a sociopath.

TYRUS: Yes, you are, Greg, without question.

GUTFELD: Thank you. Kat, Kate, that's Kat, you're Kate. Difference of a vowel.

TIMPF: Only known me for like eight years.

GUTFELD: Stop it, Mary. All right.

HYDE: It's true. Men are full of emotion. My girlfriends and I have talked about it all the time, they show emotion differently. One way you can really get some emotion out of a man is to -- I -- I'm very emotional, I have feelings. Once you realize that as a human, that's OK to have feelings and let them out. It's good to cry. It's good to release. If you want to see an emotional man, show him that you're crying. They don't know how to handle that. If there's tears, there's a tear. What would I do? What's wrong? That really brings out emotion.

And honestly, I'm actually a little bit upset. I don't think they needed to spend so much money and time on this study. I think they could have just maybe opened up C-SPAN and studied at the Institute of John Boehner's of, you know, grand emotions. I mean, that guy was a rollercoaster.

TIMPF: You know what's also funny, one is when you -- when you tell them that you found out they were cheating on you and then they start crying.

GUTFELD: We'll be right back.


GUTFELD: We are out of time. Thanks to Larry Kudlow, Kate Hyde, Kat, Tyrus, studio audience. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with evil Shannon Bream is next. I'm Oprah and I love you, America.

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