'The Five' on Biden's warning to Big Oil

This is a rush transcript of "The Five" on June 15, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS HOST: Let me start the show. I'm Greg Gutfeld, along with Geraldo Rivera, Judge Jeanine Pirro, Jesse Watters, and she once mistook a bowl of skittles for a ball pit, Dana Perino.



GUTFELD: Ball pit.

WATTERS: I've been on a ball pit.

GUTFELD: Shut up.

WATTERS: Not that kind.

GUTFELD: President Biden hitting the next target in his endless inflation blame up palooza after pointing the finger at Putin, Republicans, and big meat. Biden is also going after big oil by sending a strongly worded letter to the heads of seven oil companies, boy. Threatening to use emergency powers if they don't boost supply after bashing them for turning a profit.

It comes as gas prices nationwide are officially top five gallons -- $5 per gallon with no relief in sight. And if you can't afford the sky-high gas prices the White House says just buy an expensive electric car.


JENNIFER GRANHOLM, U.S. SECRETARY OF ENERGY: If you filled up your EV by charging and you filled up your gas tank with gasoline and you have the same size tank you would save $60 per fill up by going electric rather than using gasoline. So, it's very compelling case. But again, to your point, we want to bring down the price at the point of purchase.


GUTFELD: Well, she knows money, she has stock in electric vehicles I believe. Biden's marks are so low on inflation that even CNN is turning on him.


ANDERSON COOPER, HOST, CNN: How does President Biden's performance rate?

UNKNOWN: Awful. I mean, --


COOPER: I knew that was the answer but --

UNKNOWN: But the answer is awful. I mean, you know, I'll compare him to Carter at this point in his presidency, right? Look at the disapproval rating that Joe Biden has on inflation right now. It's over 70 percent. Carter. Carter was not even there at this point in mid-1978.

When you're doing worse than Jimmy Carter is doing in the minds of Americans in inflation you know they are holding you responsible for the conditions that are currently on the grounds that are hoarding Americans in their pocketbooks.


GUTFELD: All right. There's a couple of pieces of positive news here that we are overlooking, and we go to you first, Jesse. Aren't you happy for Jimmy Carter that he is still alive to see that he's no longer the worst president in modern times?


GUTFELD: This is a big deal for him and his legacy. He gets to be here and see, I'm not the bad guy.

WATTERS: Yes, yes. The Carter renaissance I never thought I'd ever see him in my entire life. Greg, humor me. Take a trip down memory lane, shall we?


WATTERS: Let's go back to 2020. When a barrel of oil was less expensive than a slice of pizza. Do you remember it went negative for a while --


WATTERS: -- gas for a couple of months in that year? I think it was like less than $2 a gallon and ExxonMobil had its worst year ever. They lost $22 billion --


WATTERS: -- with a B, dollars. Things turned around. Demand went up the price of oil went back up and now they are making profit. So, Joe gets freaked out because every time the gasoline prices go up his approval rating goes down and he started screaming and threatening these oil executives. And tells them to increase supply.

OK. How about this. The New York Times, Biden administration cancels drilling sales in Alaska and Gulf of Mexico, that was in May.

PERINO: Right.

WATTERS: How's that going to help supply? These oils execs got to be thinking to themselves, can you do something on permits? Can you get the SEC off our back? Can you make those crazy radical left-wing green lawyers stop suing us every time we try to start a project, or how about helping us out building a refinery? We haven't built a major one since the 1970s.

So, he's panicking. And you saw this coming because he ran on getting rid of fossil fuels. That was a direct quote. We'll get rid of them . We'll phase them out. And then he gets in the Oval and he does everything to do that through lawsuits and regulations.

But now they think he is basically like the undertaker for the fossil fuel industry. Right? They're going to put you out of business if you're a head of one of these companies. And then he starts freaking out because he is going to lose the midterms and possibly the next election. And now he's drill baby drill.

When -- Joe Biden has turned into Sarah Palin. He's getting that desperate. And now he is threatening to confiscate their profits like some third world dictator. This is not how the president of the United States should be acting. This is not a coherent energy policy.

GUTFELD: Yes. He seems to be reaping what he sewed. Is that the phrase?


GUTFELD: Thank you very much, Dana, I do think though, again, the good news -- because I read your book. It's like what happened after Carter. We had --

PERINO: The Reagan.

GUTFELD: -- eight years, the Reagan revolution. So, if this is Carter 2.0, aren't we do for something really big?

PERINO: Perhaps. Yes. I mean this is really bad and also, it's also the refining capacity, right?


PERINO: So, it's not just getting the oil out of the ground . There's a lot of reasons we don't have enough refining capacity including a lot of place -- a lot of those were shut down during COVID. They need constant maintenance and they are under the threat of regulation constantly so why would you invest in more refining capacity?

So even if he goes to Saudi Arabia, let's say they are like OK, fine, let's drill a few more holes, you can't refine it. So there is a problem there. The other thing that I just can't stand is the P.R. stunt of sending a letter.



PERINO: It's like, the most weak thing that you can do and the media ran with it, there were headlines everywhere that Biden is going to send a letter today. Like, who cares?


PERINO: Plus, then he asked the secretary of energy, Granholm that you just saw there who has stock in the EV industry, he has asked her to convene an emergency meeting on the issue. Now? They are always so late.



GUTFELD: I wonder -- I wonder if Biden wrote the letter, put it in the envelope stamp, and then clipped it on the mailbox for the mailman to pick it up.

PERINO: You get the red flag up.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's what my mother used to do. Geraldo, what is with, like, how do you feel about all of the finger-pointing? You know, at one they're blaming, you know, they're saying this is important to transition Americans off evil fossil fuels and then you blame Putin for it. So, it can't be a good thing if you're blaming everyone.

RIVERA: I agree with you, and I'm just parenthetically a couple of notes. I am delighted that the EV revolution is getting a push by the shortage and the fossil fuel sector. So, I think we will all transition to EV eventually.

I deplore the fact that the president is going to go to Saudi Arabia and be (Inaudible), himself, excuse my language, to the Saudis to attempting to get them to increase production. I think it's really unseemly.

A letter? What the hell is a letter. Where is the energy to do something substantive to your point, rather than the silly writing a letter? The one place where I suspect that we differ is you are giving big oil a green light, or a free pass, there is no doubt, but that the average net profit margin for oil and gas production in the fourth quarter of 2021 was 31.3 percent, that's the average net profit, 31.3 percent. Exxon made 5.5 billion, Chevron 6.3 billion, Conico 5.8 billion. Big oil is reaping the windfall when the rest of us have to pay a pound.

WATTERS: Aren't you invested in big oil, Geraldo?

RIVERA: I do not believe I am.

WATTERS: That's you are.

RIVERA: I haven't checked.

WATTERS: OK. Of course. So, you are reaping the wind fill, too.

RIVERA: I am not -- I do not concede that point. I am not speaking personally.

WATTERS: I'll concede it for you.

RIVERA: Obviously, I'm a -- I drive a car that gets 12 miles to the gallon.

WATTERS: Exactly.

GUTFELD: Really? What kind of car might that be? You mentioned it. Doesn't it rhyme with Bentley?

So, Judge, last word to you. Care to respond, Geraldo?

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS CO-HOST: I think, I think, first of all when you say he is whoring himself to the Saudis it's really prostituting himself. But I think the issue is bigger than oil than what we're talking about the specifics.

The administration is not only unfeeling, not only demanding that we suffer more, but they are lying to us. And they lied to us every day. And they don't feel the pain that senior citizens are paying -- are feeling and so many Americans are feeling.

Every one of us here at this table is gainfully employed. OK? We don't have any idea what's going on in middle America. People who have to make a decision whether they're going to drive to work or drive to the doctor's office. And this administration is lying.

He gets up, Putin -- Biden, and he says there's no question Putin is principally responsible for the intense financial pain that American people and families are bearing. That's a lie, Mr. President, and you know it. Because we know that we get 51 percent of our petroleum, our gas and oil from Canada, 8 percent from Mexico. And it was 8 percent from Russia before we started cutting back because of what's happening in Ukraine.

So, to blame everything on Russia -- so we got all of our gas from them in the first place is an outright lie. And they are corrupt too. Jennifer Granholm, OK, she violated the stock disclosure law nine times. And she has exercise $1.6 million in stock options in electric cars.

These people are canning us. They don't feel our pain. They are giving us a run around with a letter to the oil industry, give me a break.


WATTERS: Don't forget about the meeting.

PIRRO: Yes. And the meeting. There is no question. Last month Biden canceled one of the most high-profile oil and gas lease sales pending before the Department of Interior. They don't care about us. All they care about is stuffing their own pockets and the rest of us, well, be damned with you.

GUTFELD: See, I just -- I don't think it's about money. I think it's the fact that he's not steering their ship. These decisions are like from young woke staffers who hate fossil fuels. It's really -- they don't care that we are being punished. I don't think it's about greed, it's just pure contempt.

PIRRO: But we can't afford it.

GUTFELD: I know.

PIRRO: People can't buy green electric cars.



RIVERA: I go with contempt over greed.

PERINO: (Inaudible) just buy it going to get the recount.

RIVERA: I think it is contempt.

GUTFELD: I think it's, yes, it's contempt for our society in general. And it disgusts me. By the way, I'm a man of the people. I went and ate at the Outback last week, judge.


PERINO: Is it good?

GUTFELD: It's delicious.

PIRRO: What did you have?

GUTFELD: A big potato and a steak and some creamed spinach. Whines election. Coming up, another huge night for Republicans and the biggest sign yet that Democrats could be in for a beat down.

RIVERA: Where's the outback in New York?


PIRRO: More proof the midterms are going to be disastrous for the Democrats. Republican Mayra Flores flipping a deep blue Democratic House district where 85 percent of residents are Latino. Flores winning the special election by flipping the House seat that was previously held by Democrats for more than a century. Take a listen to the message that resonated with those voters.


MAYRA FLORES (R), Texas CONGRESSWOMAN-ELECT: The liberal policies from Washington are tearing our community apart. As a wife of a border control agent, I pray for safety now more than ever. We must secure our borders and keep our families safe.

He denies that the increase of gas, of food, of medication, we cannot accept that. Under President Trump we did not have this mess in this country.


PIRRO: That comes as Democrats are accused of playing with fire. Their new strategy for the midterms liberal groups are spending millions of dollars meddling in GOP contests backing MAGA candidates to set up what they think are more favorable matchups in November.

Dana, I want to start with you. Mayra Flores, 151 years, the first time that district is flipped to a Republican.

PERINO: Yes. I mean, what an accomplishment for a Hispanic woman. A Mexican born. She is married to a patrol -- border patrol agent. And I just -- I think did I miss AOC's statement praising her?


PERINO: Did I missed that? Did I missed the squad saying wow, what an accomplishment for a brown woman?

GUTFELD: She said she's the new face of white supremacy.

PERINO: Yes. So, actually, on that -- on that, I'm not going to say to your point. So, we've been talking about a political realignment for a while but I think that the last two years was like an insulin shot to it. Because you had the pandemic and you had people realizing when crime is an issue, now border is an issue and education. And then you add inflation and gas, gas and grocery prices on top of that. And they were willing to listen to someone else.

The Democrats that were running against her try to tie her to January 6th. And the Spanish-language ads that were not working. They also tried to tie her to the abortion law in Texas, and that didn't work.

So, I think that Republicans have an incredible opportunity here. Now she has to go through the general election, and this is a new district and so we'll see. I think she's got real momentum behind her. I'm just really shocked that AOC hasn't put out a statement.

PIRRO: Well, what's interesting also, Greg, is the fact that she ran against a guy named Sanchez. And so, you know, they are being Mexican or Hispanic didn't matter. I mean, they are listening to the issues.

GUTFELD: Well, that's a very good point. You know, she was born in Mexico. Right?


GUTFELD: There goes your hilarious replacement theory that the Dems were pushing forever. We're going to get all the Mexicans in and they're all going to vote Democrats as long as we bribe them. And it was -- what's so racist just to assume that Democrats would buy in -- I mean that Mexicans would buy into or Hispanics would buy into any hard left precepts just because, we'll just give them all this free stuff.

People forget that Hispanics they're mostly conservative, right? They are basically 1950s Republicans.


GUTFELD: God, family, law. That is a far cry from pronouns and statute toppling. So, it's kind of interesting. The Republicans are the natural party for anyone who understands the hierarchy of needs, meaning, you know, food. Food and safety and work come first. Self-esteem and act self- actualization, which is now the Democratic Party, that's last on your hierarchy of needs.

It's like it's been flipped. You can't start chasing self-esteem if you can't put food on the table. The Democrats lost sight of that. Because the people in charge already have all the luxuries. So now it's just like who am I? Anyway.

WATTERS: Your bro.

GUTFELD: Your bro.

PIRRO: All right. Geraldo, it seems that some of these Democrat hacks are investing to manipulate the Republican candidates to put money into the pro-Trump candidate in the hope that they can get that pro-Trump candidate to win in a primary so that they think they can then defeat them. It seems to be backfiring.

RIVERA: That's way too Machiavellian for me to get my arms around. I can't -- I can't figure out what that is about. What I would like to say is that Mayra Flores is to me the mirror image of AOC. She's the exact opposite. But there's so many similarities that I am bursting with pride over her historic success.

As with AOC, Mayra Flores is a wonderful role model for young Latinos, particularly but I think for young ladies. And youngsters throughout -- throughout the land. And the fact that her back story so heroically American, six years old, work -- comes as an immigrant with her parents working in the field as a young child, you know, being hip and modern.

Quickly a brief anecdote. In 2019, I was in McAllen, Texas with President Trump who is visiting the border. There was a big anti-Trump demonstration in McAllen. Across the street was an equally big pro-Trump demonstration. It was pretty clear then that the Rio Grande Valley was going to the center. It was going Republican.

And Greg is absolutely right. Ronald Reagan said it, Latinos are Republicans natural born, they may not know it yet but they'll figure it out. I think that that is what's happening. And I think that her election really should send shivers through the ranks of Democrats.

PIRRO: And Jesse, I imagine that you agree. I mean, this is so shocking that the Democrats across the country have to look at this and say holy moly.

WATTERS: Yes. This tells me that --


GUTFELD: Holy moly.

PIRRO: Yes, the holy moly.

WATTERS: That stuff was good.


WATTERS: Remember the rainbow coalition Obama put together?


WATTERS: That tells me that this was whole a mirage. Right? Republican Party, old white party, they were on life support. But Joe and the Democrats made a fatal mistake with Hispanics. They assumed Hispanics liked open borders. They assumed Hispanics are soft on crime.


WATTERS: They assumed Hispanics were into identity politics. Latin X? What the heck is Latin X? No one likes that.

RIVERA: Not a word.

WATTERS: So, they then unleashed inflation high crime and high gas prices and it angers the entire country, including Hispanics. But, Judge, Hispanics hate Biden more than anybody. Twenty-three percent approval for Joe Biden among Hispanics. They hate him more than whites. They hate him more than seniors. They hate him more than high school diplomas. It's insane how much Hispanics hate Joe Biden.


WATTERS: And here's the problem.

RIVERA: Disapproving isn't exactly hate.

WATTERS: I go with hate, Geraldo. Here's the clip the Democrats can't fall of, all right? Romney and McCain were slaughtered with Hispanics, 70 percent to 30 percent. Trump did about 40 percent, 38. If you're a national Republican you can get one or two points better than 38 or 39 or 41, keep the base. You win every national election like that.

RIVERA: George W, 44.

WATTERS: You're right.

PIRRO: That's right. All right. Straight ahead, President Biden about to punish the border patrol agents he smeared as racist.


WATTERS: Who's next?

GUTFELD: Who's next?

WATTERS: President Biden sticking a knife in the backs of border patrol. His DHS in preparing to discipline multiple horseback mounted agents in connection with the infamous whipping hoax which saw border patrol agents accused of hitting Haitian migrants at the Texas border last September. It turns out those were just horse reins and those agents were cleared of criminal wrongdoing because they didn't do anything wrong.

But now Biden is going after them for administrative violations. It's not a surprise after how the administration and the media false smeared these guys, remember?


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: It's outrageous. I promise you those people will pay.

JEN PSAKI, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: We understand and agree that this is been an incredibly heart-wrenching issue.

UNKNOWN: You've been discussing those disturbing images of U.S. border patrol agents on horseback inhumanely (Inaudible) Haitians at the Texas border.

KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I was outraged by it. It was horrible. And deeply troubling.


WATTERS: Border patrol agents are fuming, with one saying to Fox the so- called punishment is effing B.S. Whatever that means. Dana, Joe and Kamala, they don't believe in due process, do they?

PERINO: I find this in the long list of embarrassing things for the administration, this to me goes to the top. Because it incorporates all of the things that are wrong. They've never been outside of the eastern seaboard so they don't know what it's like to actually ride a horse and utilize a horse.

They've convicted these guys before they had even investigated. Then when they found out -- it was horse reins, they didn't do anything wrong? They still didn't pull it back. They don't deserve anything but an apology.

All of these agents that were on horseback that day, they've been on desk duty since last September. We are down 2,000 agents at the border. So, you think that's a good idea? Maybe like, tell everybody like, cool your heels. And now to add insult to injury, to add administrative violations? What could they possibly be?

And the president could use his discretion here. Mr. Empathy. He could call the Department of Homeland Security and say let it go. Let these guys get back to work. But instead, they have to come up with some trumped up charges like some third world dictator, that makes me furious.

WATTERS: He's probably afraid of his base, Judge, don't you think? If he goes soft on these people --


PERINO: So why would they remember?

WATTERS: They wouldn't remember. This is all a media hoax to begin with, remember?

PIRRO: It's all -- it's all theater. It's all theater. Joe Biden is about theater. He's about making things up. It's about the last two blocks about the lies. I mean, it's just unbelievable. Look, isn't it the job of these border patrol agents to protect, or to prevent immigrants from entering?

I mean, what is their job? If you don't want them to do that, don't put them on a horse and don't put them at the border. But the truth is that the border patrol, they are afraid of doing their job for fear that they're going to be on national television, they're going to lose their job, and so what they are doing is they're doing nothing. The Mexican cartels are laughing at us as China's sending fentanyl. The cartels know that the border agents are afraid to exercise any kind of control. They're too busy monitoring the surge to even look for fentanyl.

And the bottom line is that it's just part of letting the world into the United States. When is enough enough? All right, so they'll come up with some kind of administrative nonsense. And, you know, just to create fear.

PERINO: But couldn't they sue -- couldn't they sue the president for defamation?

PIRRO: No, sovereign immunity. No, no. He's always protected.

PERINO: Baloney.

WATTERS: Geraldo, if these Border Patrol agents had hoisted the Haitian onto the back of the horse, and then galloped him into the country, Joe probably would have seen that and put a Congressional Medal of Honor with the agent's lapel.

RIVERA: Oh, stop with the nonsense, nonsense. First of all, I defer to Dana who is very measured in her emotions. And when she says this is the worst thing that she's seen, I respect that deeply because I know you don't --

PERINO: Oh, actually, baby formula is really bad too.

RIVERA: OK. But let me say about this. First, I want to say something about the Haitians. The Haitians get the short end of the stick every time no matter what when it comes to immigration. They have to -- they flee Haiti where poverty is extreme, and the government is dysfunctional and corrupt. They have -- and so they go from the island of Hispaniola, they go to Cuba on rickety boats. They get somehow into Central America or into South America by boat. Then they walk through the Darien Gap through the jungle. They use the risk everything, and then they get here and then they get set back at a much higher rate than any other nation. Haitian gets screwed first.

PERINO: But what does that have to do --

PIRRO: No, what about the Cubans?

RIVERA: Wait, let me finish. Now, in terms of the Border Patrol, it's true I was raised in New York City. We lived on the either coast, most of my life. I've ridden horses. I've watched the Border Patrol. But this is -- you must admit, when you look at this visual, put up a shot, put up for any of the shots of this series. We have four --

PERINO: No, this is -- that's not wrong. You're a lawyer. How can you --

RIVERA: We have four grown-ups.

GUTFELD: Yes, you're a lawyer.

RIVERA: Hold it. You have four grown-ups and they're riding these big horses, and you got these people just walked 5000 miles risking everything.

PERINO: Oh, my God.

RIVERA: And now these big macho guys --

WATTERS: How would you handle it? How would you handle it, Geraldo?

GUTFELD: Big macho guys -- you can't even give the give this one a little - -

RIVERA: I wouldn't -- I gave them everything --

GUTFELD: You know why? Because you can't apologize for being wrong on this.

RIVERA: I am delighted -- I am delighted that they are not being criminally prosecuted.

GUTFELD: No, you're not. That's not true.

RIVERA: I am absolutely -- don't tell me what I am feeling, Greg.

GUTFELD: Yes, I can see the obvious.

RIVERA: You can have your opinion, but don't have my opinion.

WATTERS: You sound like a married couple.

RIVERA: I think this whole sorry chapter is better off in the rear view mirror.


GUTFELD: Because you're wrong.

RIVERA: Not that horses --

GUTFELD: Every time you're wrong -- you wish it would be in the rear view mirror. But no, it's in the front view right now. I think the person who leaked this story is a genius because here's the thing. We don't know what the punishment is. And the reason why we don't know what the punishment is, is because it's been sitting on somebody's desk. Does somebody here force the government's hand?


GUTFELD: Because we kept asking, OK, you said you're going to investigate and punish these evil whipsters if they weren't guilty. Now, we found out that they were innocent.

PIRRO: And we talked about the end of it.

GUTFELD: So, where's the vindication?


GUTFELD: Where's the vindication and the apology? They didn't want to do that. So, somebody there leaked it to force the hand of this administration to actually man up and apologize. I think it's actually worse than lying. I think that Biden actually is so out of touch. He thought this was real. And this was fed to him by again, woke staffers.

You got to remember, this was the only story about the border that the media and the Democrats covered, not the coyotes, not the children in cages because it wasn't under Trump, not the sexual assaults, not the drug trafficking. They only cared about the border when they found a suitable villain. And the suitable villain was law enforcement, the people, Geraldo, that you say you love so much and they get stabbed in the back, calling a macho cowboy.

RIVERA: I stabbed them in the back. I stabbed Trump in the back. Who else do I stab in the back?

GUTFELD: Just about everything --

RIVERA: First of all, I stab in the front. I don't stab on the back.

GUTFELD: No, you always praise somebody and then you say how (INAUDIBLE).

RIVERA: How would you -- what if -- what if --

GUTFELD: I'm just calling you on your stuff.

RIVERA: What if that little Haitian kid was your kid?

GUTFELD: Did he steal something? And was he a kid? I think it was an adult and didn't he steal something?

RIVERA: Steal something? What steal?

PERINO: Well, one of -- one of the reasons that they were trying to push them back and they were trying to get -- that guy had just stolen the bag of woman who had --

RIVERA: Says who?

WATTERS: Says who?

PERINO: That's the investigation.

GUTFELD: And also the person you deeply respected, the person you deeply respected, Geraldo, said that.

WATTERS: All right, Geraldo --

RIVERA: Using those horses in that manner is ill-advised.

PERINO: Oh, my God.


RIVERA: Those Haitians deserve compassion.

PIRRO: Well, you know what? All --


WATTERS: Geraldo, if the Clintons had poured money into Haiti and had gone to Haiti, they wouldn't have to come there.

RIVERA: I was there. It's what he did.

WATTERS: All right, up next -- you were everywhere, Geraldo, except down at the border.

RIVERA: I've been at the border more --

WATTERS: Shocking new audio from Hunter Biden bragging about how he easily he can control his dad.

GUTFELD: It's hilarious.


RIVERA: Newly released recordings reveal more Hunter headaches for the Biden White House. The Washington Examiner obtaining 2018 audio from the drug-addled First Son's infamous laptop from hell. In the audio, listen closely, Hunter Biden can be heard bragging about the secret influence he has over his dad.


HUNTER BIDEN, SON OF PRESIDENT JOE BIDEN: He'll talk about anything that I wanted to do that he believes in. If I say this it's important to me, then he will work away in which to make it a part of his -- of his platform. My dad respects me more than he respects anyone in the world and I know that to be certain. So, it is not going to be about whether my dad thinks it's going to affect his politics.


RIVERA: All right, so there he is, Greg, bragging about the influence he has over his dad, but isn't he literally -- wasn't he blowing smoke?

GUTFELD: Probably. This is the problem with coke heads is that they talk and talk and talk and talk. And sometimes they record it and they think they're so brilliant. But we shouldn't lose the meaning of this story within all this tawdry stuff. It's not really about sex and drugs. It's about the cover-up of certain crimes of influence in excess and further proof that major institutions were corrupted.

You had the media, you had the Democrats, you had Intel organizations that signed the letter, right? You had the chamber of commerce that all came together. The disinformation chief that all came together to sway an election by burying the laptop so Joe would win. I mean, that's like -- why do you -- why do you think -- nobody trusts the media. Nobody trusts government. Nobody trusts any major institutions. It's because we have proof that this was covered up to help sway an election.

There's so much corruption and collusion and crack cocaine, we forget that this guy used the N-word like it was salutations, but that doesn't matter either. And that's on tape.

RIVERA: Do you blame dad, though, Dana, for the son's obvious, you know, dysfunctional?

PERINO: Well, you can't blame somebody for somebody else's, you know, addiction. And I feel a lot of compassion for parents that have children that are addicted to drugs because it is a miserable, heart-wrenching, terrible things that you never ever stopped thinking about in your entire day. And that said, I think what Greg says is absolutely true. I mean, when we've got the 10 for the big guy story, and that thing that the corruption piece of it, is a question that has to be asked.

And because the mainstream media has really ignored this for a long time, it's allowed outlets like the Washington Examiner, and Jerry Dunleavy and Andrew Kerr, for example, are the ones who are doing the old-fashioned gumshoe type of journalism to go through and try to find these types of things, and so more power to them.

RIVERA: Imagine all the crap he has on that laptop. I mean, when you think about it, isn't it just raising? I mean, those photos, the dope.

PIRRO: Well, it's disgusting. Look, I agree with Dana. I mean, you're a parent, you have a child who's got a drug problem. But at the same time, at some point, you become an enabler, all right. The Secret Service was trying to -- you know, getting in touch with the end and say his father needed to talk to him. You know, and you've got all of the information that we heard earlier about, they're paying each other's bills and who gets a cut of what.

But I think what's interesting is how it's all being managed now. So, Hunter comes out with -- yes, Hunter comes out with this book, a beautiful thing or whatever, and now he's an artist, he's a great guy came clean. The wife comes out with a book. And the book is all about how I didn't know we had a problem. I didn't see the alcohol. I didn't see the drugs. I didn't see the prostitutes and the horse. I didn't even know anything about expenses.

But here's the thing. What she's signaling to the Feds is don't call me as a witness, OK. Everything is orchestrated. It's all theater. And Joe and Jill, when they find out he's sleeping and having an affair with his -- with his brother's -- dead brother's wife while he's still married, they say, you know, OK, we're going to accept that. And when she's asked on television, the ex-wife, how did Joe and Jill feel about the fact that, you know, your husband is sleeping around his dead brother's wife. She said, well, they were concerned about the girls and they've always loved the girls. These people can pivot and dance like no one I've ever seen. This is a major theater orchestration.

WATTERS: Oh, you haven't seen me pivot.

RIVERA: Some people are outraged by it. I think it's so, so pathetic. His sister in law throwing his gun away. So, why, so, he wouldn't kill himself?

WATTERS: I'm not sure that was the reason, Geraldo.

GUTFELD: He would never kill himself.

WATTERS: I mean, I do know that he dumped the gun --

PIRRO: No, he's too egotistical.

GUTFELD: It's not too much fun.

WATTERS: Yes, he dumped the gun in the dumpster then blamed the Mexicans. And then the Secret Service --

RIVERA: No, she dumped it.

PIRRO: She did.

GUTFELD: But he blamed the Mexicans.

WATTERS: He blamed the Mexicans and the Secret Service came and they had to cover it up. I mean, Don Jr. didn't knock up a stripper and then run away from child support. Don Jr. didn't take a diamond from a Chinese communist.

RIVERA: I just hope --

WATTERS: Don Jr. isn't under federal investigation for money laundering. Hunter Biden is evidence of media bias. You just take that and you switch it to Don Jr. and it's the biggest story you've ever seen in the country.

RIVERA: I still think it's more pathetic than it is outrageous.

WATTERS: Well, it's corrupt because I listened to Hunter too if he was holding 10 for me.

RIVERA: But you're saying that the corruption -- not governmental corruption but media corruption.

WATTERS: It's both. Corruption runs wide and deep, Geraldo. Wide and deep like the Rio Grande.


RIVERA: "THE FASTEST" is up next.


PERINO: Welcome back. Time for "THE FASTEST." First up, apparently, a lot of people are suffering from face fatigue, except for Jesse. According to a new study, staring at yourself during video jazz may put you in a bad mood. Well, obviously, I think that's been a bad thing. Being on Zoom, sitting there looking at yourself all the time, making criticisms of yourself. What do you think, Judge?

PIRRO: Yes, I think it's terrible because you look at yourself and you say, I need a haircut.


PIRRO: You know what? I look heavy today or my eyebrows, they're not even today. I mean, it's so depressing. Don't even look at them. It's so depressing that you forget what you're talking about. You're focused on yourself but you're looking at yourself.

PERINO: Right.

PIRRO: And plus the lighting is always bad.

PERINO: You have to have good lighting if you're going to do -- keep on doing that.

PIRRO: I'd rather just be on the phone. And remember when that judge accidentally put on the cat filter during the hearing?


PIRRO: That's -- it's almost like every business should say if we're going to make you be on video to prove that you're there, that you -- everybody gets to choose a filter.

GUTFELD: Well, people like to look at things that bring them comfort. I mean, look at it this way. I'm very proud of you winning the 100-meter freestyle in the swim meet, but why are you wearing the -- why are you wearing the medal at work? I mean, really. I mean, look at this. You could take it off now, Dana. The swim meet was yesterday.

WATTERS: You're so bad.

PERINO: That's actually very funny. Now, I'm going to be super self- critical and stare at myself.

GUTFELD: You -- I'm sorry.

PERINO: He's been dying to use that.

GUTFELD: I know.

PERINO: Jesse?

RIVERA: Now you'll never use the dress again.

PERINO: Oh, no. I'll be wearing it once a week.


RIVERA: We should all get matching outfits.

WATTERS: I have no problem over Zoom. I just look at it, look at me, then I look at the person I'm talking to. Then, I look back at myself. I go back and forth.

PIRRO: Yes. And you like what you see?

WATTERS: Most of the time. Sometimes there's bad lighting, though.

RIVERA: My rule is never ever do anything that you don't expect is being broadcast for the entire world when you're on any of those -- when you open that computer, the whole world is watching you.

WATTERS: They all?

PIRRO: Tell Jeffrey Toobin that.

PERINO: Oh, the whole world. All right. Hey, up next, this boss means business. One manager causing an uproar online for posting this sign telling workers to show up on time, saying, for every minute you are late for work, you will be required to work for 10 minutes after 6:00 p.m. That'll show them, Greg.

GUTFELD: I wish this was real. I'm not sure it is because it feels like one of those easy stories you can do. You print something out and you say it's a real story. But that's the kind of boss I like. I hate people who show up late. I would keep you -- if you show up late, I used to just chase you out into the parking lot and beat you with a stick.

PERINO: And -- but if you work in television, Jesse, you can't be a minute late.

WATTERS: No. And that's why I love this industry because you have deadlines. And without deadlines, I'm kaput.

RIVERA: Right.

PERINO: You need punctuality. How important is punctuality?

RIVERA: I've never missed a deadline 52 years ever. It's very important. But I think that clock punching is obsolete. I think it's a relic. And it's what's wrong with office work and factory work right now, that obsession with clock-punching. I remember -- I associated with every bad memory I ever had as a working man.

PERINO: Judge, if people were late to court, did you just let them have it?

PIRRO: Oh, yes, absolutely. You know what I would do?

PERINO: Guilty.

PIRRO: When I was a judge -- when I was a judge, I would bring the jury out and have them sit in the jury box, have the defendant brought in, you know, with the court clerk and the snot for everybody's there, and then the defense attorney walks in like -- so, they never were late again.

PERINO: Yes, never do it again. All right, "ONE MORE THING" is up next.

GUTFELD: We're going to jail.


GUTFELD: Thank you. "ONE MORE THING," Geraldo.

RIVERA: He call on me first because they cut me out yesterday. So, I'm going to do two items. Number one, you know, we've got the beautiful, energetic, young, black Labrador Retriever. And you may have video. He is way too energetic. He's gone absolutely -- as you could see our designer cushions, scattered them all over the yard.

PERINO: Why don't you stop him? You're taking pictures.

PIRRO: What did you say?

RIVERA: Because it's -- anyway, I've taken Dana Perino's advice.

PIRRO: He's adorable.

RIVERA: And he's going to doggy college for a month.

WATTERS: He can get another designer pillow.

RIVERA: Yes. That's after that.

PIRRO: Yes, where's --

RIVERA: And other -- in other news, my old friend Cheech Marin of the group Cheech and Chong has created a brand new art museum. We're stargazing there. A brand new art museum known as the Cheech. It's called the Cheech in Riverside, California, that emphasizes Chicano art and culture, the very first of this scale in the country. I congratulate Cheech on the opening of his brand new museum.


WATTERS: Who likes skiing tricks?


PERINO: Hemmer loves this.

WATTERS: So, this is Andri Ragettli. He's a big-time skier. There he is juggling with a soccer ball on a ski tips.


WATTERS: And he can also do some other crazy tricks. He's doing some flips with chocolate milk. He doesn't spill the chocolate milk. And you can tell because there's no chocolate milk stains on the slope because they're white. And -- nothing racial. And there's another trick. Oh, he caught something. I don't know what that was but my producer Henry loves this, so we put it on.

GUTFELD: There you go.

WATTERS: "PRIMETIME" tonight 7:00. We find out how Fauci got COVID.

GUTFELD: Deep dive.

WATTERS: This is another "PRIMETIME" investigation.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes.


PIRRO: FOIA functioned.

WATTERS: FOIA -- no FOIA was needed with this one.

GUTFELD: I saw him making out with a bat. Tonight, oh my God, at "GUTFELD!", Jeanine Pirro, Rob Smith, Kat Timpf, Tyrus. It's going to be a great show. But let's do this first. Greg's Carrot Top News. Not a lot of Carrot Top news to go through until last night when Joe Concha made a remark about Carrot Top not being very good at economics. And so we have Carrot Top analyzing this.


JOE CONCHA, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Today, he said about inflation. "We've never seen anything like Putin's tax on both food and gas. Oh, you mean the inflation that's been going up 12 months before Russia ever invaded Ukraine? I mean, who's advising this man to come up with this BS about Putin, Carrot Top?


GUTFELD: Yes. What he doesn't know is Carrot Top has a Ph.D. in supply-side economics and an expert on currency markets. Joe Concha has apologized and offered to take Carrot Top bowling.

PERINO: That's fun.

GUTFELD: There you go. Where are we? Dana.

PERINO: OK, so there's a sixth-grader in Colorado named Brody Ritter, very upset because no one was sign his high -- his class yearbook. And that broke his mom's heart. And mom posted on a parent's group on Facebook and a group of seniors found out what was happening and they decided to take matters into their own hands. They found his class, took turns writing all the paragraphs and all the words of encouragement and advice, even phone numbers. And actor Paul Rudd heard about it and called him. So, that's like good stuff, right? People are good.


PERINO: Way to go, Brody.

GUTFELD: He got the ladies.


GUTFELD: All right, Jesse.

PIRRO: All right, a Weymouth girl, 5 years old becomes a -- becomes a Guinness World Record holder. This young girl is really going places. Her name is Bella-Jay Dark. She's been crowned the World's Youngest Published Author by Guinness. Her book The Lost Cat is about a kitten that goes on an adventure and learns lessons along the way. It sold 1000 copies and you are great.

GUTFELD: We don't care anymore. It's 6:00.

WATTERS: Did it go to number one, Judge?

GUTFELD: It's 6:00. OK, "SPECIAL REPORT" is up next Evil Shannon Bream.

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