Dave Portnoy and Doug Flutie offer Super Bowl LV predictions

This is a rush transcript from "Watters’ World," Feburary 6, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Turning Texas blue: that's the subject of tonight's Watters' Words. I'm going to be really blunt, because you guys deserve the truth. Joe Biden's immigration agenda has one goal -- flip Texas blue. If that happens, you'll never see another Republican in the White House.

And China and the Mexican drug cartels are in on the flip, it is a deadly alliance and we're going to explain how it all works.

So first, Joe Biden triggers a surge at the border. During the campaign he said we're going to give illegal aliens free health insurance, amnesty, and asylum. His pal, Pelosi promised illegals free vaccines, and even floated COVID checks for him. Biden stopped the border wall construction, he scrapped the zero tolerance policy. He is fast tracking naturalizations and he just blew the lid off Trump's refugee caps.


JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: This Executive Order will position us to be able to raise the refugee admissions back up to 125,000 persons for the first full fiscal year of the Biden-Harris administration.


WATTERS: All this sends a huge signal to Central America, "Just come on in, guys. Come on in." And that's what happened.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm here today because I'm dreaming to get to the U.S. What I want for my people, I just want patience and prayers that we can get to the U.S. because they're having a new President, President Biden. He is going to help all of us. He has given us a hundred days to get to the U.S."


WATTERS: They are coming so fast, Joe Biden is building tent cities in Texas for migrant miners. We can't hold them long. American law says we need to release them from the tents within a month. Where? Your guess is as good as mine.

Now the cartels control the migrant flow. The migrants pay the coyotes. The coyotes work for the cartels and the cartels protect the smuggling routes, human and drugs.

Most of the time, the kids are pawns. Kids are sent across alone or with their parents or with someone who isn't their parent. This family type of migrant flow, it is used to distract the Border Patrol, so smugglers can move product in a different direction.

The cartels also know Joe Biden loosened the rules, so when a migrant man shows up at the border with a 16-year- old girl, no ID, no way to prove that they are related, Border Patrol can't separate families -- families. So what do they do? American law says we can't detain adults and minors together, so we're back to catch and release.

That means, you show up with a child on American soil, and we let you come right on in. You're hearing? It's in five years, if you show up.

Now Trump put a stop to all of this when he cut the deal with the Mexican government. The migrants had to remain in Mexico while their asylum claims were processed.

Mexico has also agreed to put troops on their borders to stop the caravans. That's over now, though. Biden just put that deal on the chopping block. Biden says he wants an orderly immigration system. No, he doesn't. He wants to overwhelm the system and turn Texas blue.

So WATTERS' WORLD is predicting a massive border crisis this year. Biden aims to do to Texas what Democrats did to California -- illegal immigration turned California deep blue.

Remember, it didn't used to be like that. Ronald Reagan was Governor of California and he carried the state in both presidential elections. Bush 41 won California, but that was the last time a Republican did.

In the last 40 years, the Hispanic population in California tripled. Hispanics make up 40 percent of the state's population. California's Hispanic population boom. There it goes.

Now take a look at Texas, on the same trend line as California. Texas Hispanic population, again, explodes 40 percent of the total.

So Republican presidential candidates are winning Texas by smaller and smaller margins every election.

Republican presidential margins in Texas. Look at this. Texas has gone from a deep red 30-point Reagan blowout to Trump beating Biden by five. Now under five that's the danger zone. Then Texas is a tossup.

Let's just look at a map with Texas blue, shall we? This means Democrats start off with Texas, California and New York and all the other blue states. Democrats will begin with 257 Electoral College votes. They only need 270 to win. It's a layup every four years, and it's the end of the Republican Party.

Now Joe Biden knows this, so he is opening the borders intentionally to permanently lock Republicans out of the White House.

Let's be clear, if I were a migrant, I'd fight to come here, too, and illegal immigration isn't the only reason Texas is less red, but it's a key reason. If you're here illegally, you can't vote but decades of amnesty, asylum and birthright citizenship, legal and illegal immigration are turning border states bluer.

First generation immigrants historically vote Democrat. Entitlements play a role there and those are the facts. Although, the second and third generation less so, especially Hispanics. The culture has natural bonds with conservative philosophy, work, family safety and Christianity.

So Republicans need to work to win Hispanic votes while taking a much, much stronger stand on the border. Trump did it and it worked. Biden sees this and is going to use the media to shame Republicans out of it.

But Biden's Texas plan is dangerous for America. It plays right into the hands of our enemies. The cartels and the Chinese have formed an alliance.

Lara Logan broke it on WATTERS' WORLD last week. Watch her special on FOX Nation. Here's the breakdown.

China is shipping chemicals to cartels in Mexico. The cartels run labs with Chinese equipment that manufacture the chemicals into fentanyl and opioid 50 times more potent than heroin, a hundred times more powerful than morphine. You can OD basically off three milligrams.

The cartels exploit the migrant flows as cover and shoot products right through the lax border into Texas. And once the fentanyl is distributed, the Chinese wash the money.

Communists launder the drug money for the cartels through casinos, counterfeiting and even real estate. China is even scooping up Texas ranch land near the border.

So while the cartels are after the profit, China's strategy more sinister. Again, Lara Logan reports this. Hooking our homeland on deadly fentanyl is China's geopolitical strategy. It's called drug warfare and it has a very long history in China.

Just look at our industrial towns hollowed out by Chinese trade policy and killer fentanyl. The chemicals are made in China, just like everything else these days; 50,000 Americans OD on opioids every year and millions more addicted.

You draw a line from China to Mexico and across the Texas border. That's what drug warfare looks like. Biden is trying to open the border so he wins Texas, but we're going to end up losing the whole country to China.

Turning Texas blue makes America dead.

Joining us now for reaction, FOX News contributor, Newt Gingrich. All right, Speaker, what did you think of that?

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: I think that is largely correct. I think the -- first of all, I don't understand how liberals can imagine that you can send a signal to the entire planet over seven billion people and say: how would you like free healthcare? How would you like to get in the U.S. and not expect that the wave is going to get much bigger?

We talk right now about Central America. Well, wait until the Chinese understand it, wait until Africans understand it, you're going to have unlimited potential.

A Gallup once did a survey and found that something like 36 percent of the planet wanted to come to the U.S. That's, you know, a couple of billion people. And I just think that these people live in a fantasy world, and they don't understand reality.

And my guess is that by summer, the Biden immigration plan will be a disaster, and will be one of those scandals, which happened under Obama that just grows and grows. He took a system that was going to work with Donald Trump and achieve an amazing breakthrough with Mexico and Guatemala where a fence was being built, and he has destroyed the entire thing and replaced it with a welcome to America sign that has gone all around the world saying you know President Biden won, you heard the guy say it, he wants you to come here.

WATTERS: The Democrats always like to say facts matter, and like to paint the right as a bunch of conspiracy theorists. Well let's look at the facts on the border wall.

This is fresh off the D.H.S.'s website. Yuma sector since the border wall, crossings down 87 percent; Rio Grande Valley sector, crossings down 79 percent; El Paso sector, crossings down 70 percent.

And not only that, Speaker, when you put a wall up, it redirects smugglers to other ports of entry at other areas that are easier for Border Patrol agents to make apprehensions and drug seizures, and you're seeing that in San Diego, you're seeing that all over the border.

So this is logical, and to say that walls don't work is like saying wheels don't work. They don't want the wall to work. They want the migration flowing.

GINGRICH: All you have to do, to totally understand the hypocrisy is understand that while we are being told the wall doesn't work, they are building a wall around the U.S. Capitol.

WATTERS: Yes, there you go.

GINGRICH: So they don't want to protect the United States from foreign illegal immigrants, but they want to protect our capital from us, and it just tells you the total hypocrisy with which they approach this.

WATTERS: It's unbelievable.

GINGRICH: Yes, it is. And by the way, we should demand that they take down the fence around the Capitol.

WATTERS: Oh, absolutely. And then they say that's going to stay until April because they're trying to inflame a false threat to jam through this political crackdown.

Do you think Biden, that is his goal with open borders, to flip Texas blue? Because if you look at the Electoral College map, once that happens, they start out with such a head start with Electoral College votes, there'd be no way a Republican would ever get to 1600.

GINGRICH: Well, I think Texas, but they also realize, you know, North Carolina has a huge Latino population. I mean, there are a lot of places across America that would be influenced by an open border process, particularly if you tied it to the Biden proposal to have everybody eligible for citizenship within eight years of getting here.

And I think this is part of their plan, it is part of what happened in California, and I think that they've -- you know, now it was very striking, that Trump, in fact, got the highest vote among minorities of any Republican in the last 60 years, and then when you look at places like Florida, you currently have Governor DeSantis because he was doing much better with minorities than people expected.

So it's not an automatic equation. But certainly, the left hopes that the more people that come in that are dependent on government, the more people who come in, who don't understand American history, don't understand our culture, the better their chances of winning.

WATTERS: And we have to treat the cartel-China connection, like a national security threat, because we can't not realize the synthetics that are getting shipped from China to Mexico, to cook up and send north and hook our people and kill our people, and that's their strategy and we have to address it as an attack on America. And I hope Joe Biden does that.

GINGRICH: Well, I doubt if he will, but he should. You know, I think the fact is that this is an act of war that fits perfectly with traditional Chinese strategies, which are indirect and patient and try to undermine the psychological will of their opponent. They don't emphasize battles nearly as much as they emphasize subversion, and bribery, and dishonesty.

And I think we should have all along then dramatically tougher of the Chinese about fentanyl. And at some point, we'll have to confront the depth of strength that the cartels have in Mexico is I think, frightening.


GINGRICH: And it's very close to being a cartel owned state, and sooner or later, we are going to have to deal with that.

WATTERS: I do, too. I think we should designate them as a terrorist organization, the cartels. All right, Newt Gingrich, thank you very much for your analysis.

GINGRICH: Thank you.

WATTERS: How to stop the crime wave? Right back with Dog the Bounty Hunter.


WATTERS: The numbers are in for 2020 and crime wave. Homicides up big and we all know why. One, the Defund the Police riots killed proactive policing. Number two, dangerous DAs dropped charges against criminals all the time. Three, bail reform keeps letting felons out easy. And finally, number four, the pandemic squeezed drug profits and triggered some intense gang warfare.

And we know how to stop it, more police support the police and DAs and City Councils with brains.

But the mainstream media, they don't cover the crime wave. They cover it up. Instead they cover speech crimes, hate crimes, hate crime hoaxes, celebrity crime and anything Trump related.

But if you watch the local news, as the saying goes, if it bleeds, it leads now more than ever.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In downtown Chicago for this time period right now, there has been 14 shootings and three people killed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The NYPD says there has been a troubling spike in shootings.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The two LAPD officers involved in the shooting were uninjured.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's just unnatural that all of this violence like we're literally in a war zone.


WATTERS: So click on the TV at six o'clock and you're going to see hatchet attack in Washington, a dozen dead in a bloody Chicago weekend or a deranged homeless man pushes innocent bystander on the subway tracks in Manhattan.

Anybody who lives in a big city sees it. They feel it. Life is just more dangerous.

Some of us bought guns and left town, but others are stuck. The streets haven't looked like this in decades.

Biden doesn't have a plan so you're on your own. Be safe out there and protect yourself. It is going to get worse before it gets better.

Joining me now for more on this, Dog the Bounty Hunter, Duane "Dog" Chapman. All right, do you agree with my assessment? Those four things that are driving the crime wave? And what are we going to do about it?

DUANE "DOG" CHAPMAN, DOG THE BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, yes, kind of I agree, I just don't think there's that much gloom and doom. But, you know, I'd like to ever -- everyone is waiting to see what President Biden's crime plan is.

We hope that he is solid on crime and not that he is soft on it. We want him of course, to back the blue. We want officers protected. We want our civil rights protected.

And you know, we're going into -- I'm not -- I'm an optimist, so I'm excited about going into the new, you know, the new realm for America right now.

I want to see what President Biden has got for crime and hoping that the prosecutors are not all soft on crime, and let's see what he's got.

WATTERS: Yes, I mean, I agree with you, too. I don't think -- listen, the crime wave is up from a pretty historic low, but you can't let it get like this. And Biden's main deal is his messaging. He has to show verbal support for the local people because this is a local deal.

This is local DAs. These are local municipalities. And I agree, they have to balance treating people with respect, but also, you know, be aggressive and when you have DAs that has just dropped drug charges or dropped felony beefs because, you know, they believe that they're going to rehab them that way, and that's how they got elected, that doesn't do anybody any good. That just hurts the very people that you're supposed to be protecting.

When you are out in the streets, did you see crooked deals between DAs and judges and defense attorneys because we're seeing this bail reform, people are just walking?

CHAPMAN: Well, the two things they are saying about the bail reform, if you'd like to tackle that first, what reform -- what they're doing is that they say, you don't need any detour not to do the crime again.'

The detour that we had, and we have in some states still is that if you get in trouble and you committed a crime, you're more than likely to have done it, then you go to jail. To get out of jail, you need a cosigner, 10 percent of the bond, and you've got to check in with your bondsman, so -- for free.

The state doesn't pay the bondsman. So what everyone has said, now, some of the states are leaning towards light on crime. No, no, no. You go home free. They give you summons, you're arrested, you go to the jail, take a mug shot, and you go home. There's no detouring.

I was young and I used to ride through a place in New Mexico on the highway. This one Highway Patrol, you're going 78, he's got -- he got me three times, '79 and '81 you know what happened?

When I went, I paid $200.00 a ticket and it grew $100.00 a ticket. So at the end, I paid 400 bucks. When I hit that area, I slowed that car down because I knew I wasn't --

WATTERS: You better believe it.

CHAPMAN: But -- no, I'm telling you and a cosigner --

WATTERS: No, I agree. I am the same way.

CHAPMAN: Right. So that's a detour, a parent or a guardian someone like that also.

WATTERS: You've got -- you've got to send a message or else people aren't going to listen it. You've got to send a message. God, we're out of time. We're out of time. So we've got to let you go.

But we're going to have you back on to talk more about this bail reform and some of the DAs and some of the deals because I think there's some dirty stuff going on in some of these district attorney precincts and we're going to get to the bottom of that.

I appreciate you coming on WATTERS' WORLD.

CHAPMAN: Yes, sir. You're welcome. Aloha. Thank you.

WATTERS: Aloha. Liberals don't care about anything except themselves. The proof is next.


JON SCOTT, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Live from "America's News Headquarters," I'm Jon Scott.

The AFC Champions have arrived for the biggest game of the year. The Kansas City Chiefs led by the young superstar quarterback, Patrick Mahomes are set to take on the Tampa Bay Buccaneers tomorrow at 6:30 p.m. Eastern.

The ageless wonder himself, Tom Brady will be the quarterback for the Bucs. With Mahomes only 25, the age difference between the two is a record breaking 18 years.

And the Northeast can't catch a break, just a few days after a winter storm dumped more than a foot of snow, another system is set to slam into the Mid-Atlantic tomorrow. While not as powerful as the first, people in its path can expect up to eight inches of snow in some places including New York City.

I'm Jon Scott, you can catch me tomorrow 6:00 p.m. Eastern for the "FOX Report." Now we take you back to WATTERS' WORLD.

WATTERS: The Democrats are fighting Trump voters harder than they fought the war on terror, 9/11, some people did something. Fort Hood shooting, workplace violence; defeating ISIS, give them jobs, global warming is a bigger threat anyway.

And don't you dare profile.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: racially profiling predominantly Muslim neighborhoods, it is wrong. It's counterproductive. It is dangerous.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Republican hopefuls need to come out and be against this kind of Islamophobia.

BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: It's our responsibility to reject proposals that Muslim Americans should somehow be treated differently.


WATTERS: Don't profile suspected Muslim terrorists, that's Islamophobic, but if you post meme on Facebook, Democrats want to censor you, cancel you, you're a white supremacist basically and the F.B.I. is going to pay a visit. Put you on a watch list. That's a little MAGA phobic, don't you think?

But Democrats aren't stopping there. On MSNBC, they are saying we may have to treat Trump like a terrorist leader and kill him.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you took what President Trump said and you instead put it in Anwar al-Awlaki's mouth, we would be talking about a drone strike overseas.

NICOLLE WALLCE, MSNBC HOST: We had a policy of attacking terrorism at its root, and in the case of Anwar al-Awlaki in America and we know many American, with a drone strike for the crime of inciting violence, inciting terrorism.

The way you root out terrorism is to take on in the case of Islamic terrorism, kill those who incite it.


WATTERS: Just drone strike Mar-a-Lago, boom, MSNBC out of control. When these people preach about due process, privacy or the First Amendment, that's just for certain groups, that's not for you.

How many times have you heard them say how much they care about the children?


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY Kids go to school in a safe environment.

GOV. GAVIN NEWSOM (D-CA): Keep our kids safe.

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): Safely returning our children to school.

SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): Protecting our children.

REP. ERIC SWALWELL (D-CA): Get our kids back into their schools.

REP. SHEILA JACKSON LEE (D-TX): The precious children in my congressional district.

GOV. GRETCHEN WHITMER (D-MI): The education of our kids.


WATTERS: It's all a talking point. Left-wing teachers unions are refusing to go back to class and teach. Millions of children all over the country, many of them are from pretty poor backgrounds are falling behind, stuck in their apartments in a pathetic little Zoom classroom.

Congress spent billions -- billions -- upgrading schools to make them COVID safe. But the teachers unions are holding out for more money. WATTERS' WORLD believes teachers unions are extorting the taxpayers and pocketing the cash and we're investigating that.

The San Francisco teachers union refusing to go back to class, but they found time to change the names of schools like Lincoln because apparently, Lincoln was a racist. Yes, and these freaks teach our kids.

American students, they're fed up.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I feel like we were given up on. I feel like they gave up on us. I feel like they just kind of looked at the public school kids and was like, you know what? They are really not that important.


WATTERS: Joe Biden has given up? I agree. He hasn't stepped up while liberal unions are shaking down mayors and slowing down students. How much does the President really care?

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot lost it the other day.


MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT (D), CHICAGO, ILLINOIS: We are failing those children by not giving them the option to return to school.

Failing grades, depression, isolation, and so much more.

My patience for delays from the CTU leadership is over.


WATTERS: They always say how much they care about science.


BIDEN: We will follow the science. We will follow the science. Let me say that again.

Let's end the politics and follow the science.

If we follow science, and keep faith with one another -- with one another - - I promise you, we will get through this and come out the other side much faster.

Look, I think it's important to follow the science and listen to the experts, do what they tell you.


WATTERS: But the science says get back in class and teach. Follow it.

So pay attention to what the left says they care about. When someone tells you how much they care, make them show you how. If they can't, then they don't.

Joining me now, FOX News contributor and "New York Post" columnist Miranda Devine and host of "The Dana Show," Dana Loesch.

So Dana, the Democrats have made it their brand about how much they care about everything, but then when you see them in action, they don't care at all do they?

DANA LOESCH, HOST, "THE DANA SHOW": No, and Jesse, thanks for having me. I really don't get this like sentiment of caring from them, and I know that the big popular brands that they were putting forward was the branding of unity, everybody has to have unity, which I think in many respects people are conflating with civility.

Unity suggests that people just want power, whereas using civility and calling for that suggest that people want peace.

But for all of the discussion, Jesse, of caring, I don't really see a lot of care applied towards millions of Americans who voted a certain way and yet have their characters completely maligned as a result using identity politics.

And then when they're upset over the treatment of this then they're further referred to as extremists, et cetera. So yes, I'm not really getting any kind of -- any actual caring from them.

WATTERS: No, and you know, they don't really care at all like Dana said, Miranda about all these people out there, who maybe have a different opinion and tweet something that Democrats disagree with and that basically puts them on a terror watch list now.

I mean, remember the war on terror how crazy they went. When someone, I don't know, listened to a phone conversation. I mean, civil liberties are about to go out the window, but now it's with Trump supporters.

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, well, look, you've heard them talk about libertarians and, you know, Christians who are supposedly so violent. They're coming after Trump supporters, anybody who did not vote for Joe Biden is the enemy within.

They've come after, you know, the greatest patriots in this country, our military. It's happening so quickly. I think that people are blindsided by it.

They can't quite wrap their head around how malevolent the Biden administration could be that it is setting the security apparatus of the nation against American citizens. And it is obscene to compare Trump supporters going -- most of these people just went to a rally on the Ellipse to hear their President speak, and then are being cast in the same light as violent people who went and broke into the Capitol and fought with Capitol Police.

In fact, anybody who is a MAGA supporter, a Trump supporter, is now suspect, and this is terrifying and we need to speak up.

WATTERS: Well, you know, remember while we heard, Miranda, you know, you're right. Listen, obviously, you can't break in anywhere, and you can't break the law and that police officer obviously thought ...

DEVINE: Of course.

WATTERS: ... he was trying to protect the Capitol and the people in it, but what they said, Dana, I'll give you the last word on the war on terror. You know, there was one Muslim terrorist attack, and they said, oh, you can't paint all Muslims as terrorists. Well, that's what they're doing here with MAGA supporters. I'll give you 30 seconds.

LOESCH: Exactly, Jesse. Yes, Jesse. You're exactly right. And I hope that everyone realizes that that's why the media is focusing on Marjorie Taylor Greene so much.

I mean, it's really hard to argue that she is the avatar for the Republican Party, the same party that voted to retain Liz Cheney as Conference Chair, number three position and power in the House.

But to that point, they want to paint her as the avatar for all Republicans so that they can say there is a faction within the G.O.P. that is extreme enough to necessitate, as Pelosi called for, a 9/11 style commission.

And then remember back 2008-2009, the Tea Party, the targeting of the Tea Party by D.H.S. and others. That is getting ready to happen all over again. I hope it's not that on steroids, but it sure feels like it, Jesse.

WATTERS: Well, I've already been audited. I don't think I can go through that anymore.

All right, Dana Loesch and Miranda Devine, thank you guys so much for the commentary. I appreciate it.

Biden wants you to wear a mask for years now. Major backlash about that ahead.


WATTERS: Joe Biden ran on returning to normal, but White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki is saying, even once everyone is vaccinated, we still need to wear masks and social distance.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: It's not just a vaccine, it is obviously an incredible medical breakthrough, and we want every American to have one. But even after getting vaccinated, social distancing, wearing masks are going to be essential.


WATTERS: Joining me now, FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo.

Raymond, I'm a patient man. I'm a good boy. I wear my mask. But I'm telling you, if you're going to tell the American people after they get vaccinated, they have to wear masks forever or for years and distance, we're not going to go for that.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Jesse, none of this makes sense. Look, there's a new report from the W.H.O. saying the infectious rate has dropped 44 percent in the United States. They can't explain it. They know it's not because of the vaccine. Only eight percent of people here have been vaccinated.

But either the vaccines don't really work or they don't have faith in them or they just want to keep everybody in this fashion accessory. But I don't know about you, I can not only not hear what people are saying, I can't even hear any longer.

It's like -- it's a mess with the mask. We've got to put it away. It is inhuman.

WATTERS: Now, WATTERS' WORLD is pro-mask. We wear them when we are supposed to wear it.

ARROYO: I get it.

WATTERS: But if you're going to get people to slap it on until 2024. No, no, no, no, not after the vaccines.


WATTERS: All right. Some crazy stuff going on, Bernie Sanders has white privilege because Bernie wears mittens. Tell us what this is about, Raymond.

ARROYO: Well, this is a professor who wrote an op-ed, and she claims Bernie Sanders is engaging in white privilege because of that costume he wore, the puffy jacket and the mittens, and that that wasn't quite to the level of this grand ritual of Joe Biden's Inauguration.

Now, this wasn't exactly Gettysburg or Reagan at the Berlin Wall. I mean, let's be honest, the greatest thing about Biden's inaugural was the audience of flags and Lady Gaga doing her "Hunger Games" routine.

So let's put this in context. But look, if you had been treated the way Bernie Sanders was treated during that primary, you would have shown up in your boxers in a robe, so they're lucky he dressed at all.

I mean, this is also a man who during his honeymoon, you'll remember, Jesse, was photographed in Russia with no shirt at all. So I don't think Bernie is showing white privilege. I just think he is being Bernie.

WATTERS: Yes, I don't think Bernie owns black leather Isotoners, not at all.

ARROYO: No Prada in that closet.

WATTERS: All right, Raymond, we have -- they want to get rid of the Trump Presidential Library. They said at "The Washington Post" that he is not allowed to have a library. If you are going to run the Trump Presidential Library, what would you put in there?

ARROYO: Well, I read those pieces. POLITICO said the same thing. Oh, he shouldn't have a library. Well, I would put certainly the Diet Coke button that he had installed on the Resolute Desk. That would be something you'd want to see. The Sharpie pens that he signed every, letter every Executive Order with, that's big. The MAGA hats.

But look, if he decides to open a presidential library in say Orlando, Florida or Tampa, I promise you, this will be MAGA World and it will be slipped into every family vacation between Disney World and Busch Gardens, bank on it.

You could also put Melania's jacket remember, "I really don't care" jacket. There were iconic moments in the Trump years that could make great displays, I think.

WATTERS: Oh, yes. Absolutely. All right. Raymond Arroyo, he doesn't own mittens either, but he is very privileged.

ARROYO: No. Mitten free.

WATTERS: Thank you, Raymond.

ARROYO: Thank you, my friend.

WATTERS: The Tom Brady hate factor explained. Dave Portnoy and Doug Flutie on deck.


WATTERS: Super Bowl is tomorrow and Tom Brady is back. The quarterback playing in his 10th Super Bowl and his first with the Tampa Bay Bucs as they try to take out the champs, the Kansas City Chiefs.

Joining me now, Barstool Sports founder, Dave Portnoy and former NFL quarterback, Doug Flutie.

All right, Dave, you are my Brady expert. Explain the Brady hate factor to me. I don't understand it. They hated him in New England. Maybe it was because he was winning. And now he's in Tampa and they still hate him. Is it his looks? Is it the wife? Is it the perfect life? What is it?

DAVE PORTNOY, FOUNDER, BARSTOOL SPORTS: Well, I think with the Patriots, it is -- people just hate the Patriots. They didn't like Belichick, they didn't like Brady, the fact that "we" and I do say we won all the time.

And people a lot of times do hate greatness. I think it's actually not as severe with Tampa Bay. I think more people have come around to him now in a certain level once somebody beats your brains nonstop, maybe they just accept it.

So I actually don't think the hate is the same now that he is a Buc.

WATTERS: The media hates him more than ever, but I think the rest of the country you're right, that hate has leveled off.

All right, Doug, you're in Boston, are the Boston fans rooting for Tom Brady? What's the mentality like up there?

DOUG FLUTIE, FORMER NFL QUARTERBACK: I really think they are I think. You know, there's some disappointment when he left in Tampa. And that's not at all Tom's fault, whatever brought that about.

But I think 70 to 80 percent of the people that are betting on the game in the Boston area are betting on Tampa Bay. So they are supporting Tom, they're behind Tom. They're excited about seeing him do what he is doing without Bill, and, you know, that I think softens all those doubters that said, oh, they were cheating. They were doing this.

When Tom at 43 years old bounces over to another team and it has got him in the same spot.

WATTERS: Yes, now I have a very high source, as high as you can get, and they told me that Gisele was the one that wanted Brady to leave New England. She didn't think he was getting enough credit, and she thought he could do it alone. So if it doesn't work out on Sunday, you can blame the wife.

All right, Dave Portnoy let's talk X's and O's. Do you still have any money left after they rigged the market against you last week? Do you still have money to bet on the game? Probably a little -- who are you putting the money on?

PORTNOY: Yes, making a run, but yes, no, I still have got a little money. It's a tough game to bet to be honest.

WATTERS: It is. So what are you thinking here? I mean, they've got a lot of speed in Kansas City. Obviously, they'll probably run it a lot and just try to contain Hill on the outside.

PORTNOY: Yes, so I mean, I think the Chiefs are going to win. But that's a rational pick. I mean, Mahomes is so good. Nobody can slow down that offense.

But, you know, Tom Brady is the greatest football player of all time, the greatest quarterback of all time, so you bet against him at your own peril. He didn't play bright in the NFC Championship game.

But I mean, in many respects, if he won this game, it would maybe be his greatest victory of all time at his age, a new team playing, who people says is the heir apparent.

So knowing all those things, it's tough. That's why I said it's tough to bet against them, but I just don't think they're going to be able to slow down the Chiefs.

WATTERS: So Doug, it sounds like Dave is not going with his heart. He's going to go with his brain and he's going to pick against Brady, his boy, in the Super Bowl. What do you think?

FLUTIE: Well, if you're looking at the game, honestly, you say Kansas City deserves to be favored. Mahomes is amazing. He has had some slow starts and I think that's a key to this game is how quickly he starts.

But Tom has never had this many weapons in his life, and I did my podcast the other day with Brett Farve and Jim Kelly. And we all say the same thing. You know, Kansas City should be favored, yadah, yadah, yadah.

But none of us would ever bet against Tom Brady and Dave just said the same thing at the end. It's like, you know, Tom is going to be himself in this game. He just comes out, relaxed.

You remember the Super Bowl, we came out into a wide side come back as the first throw of the game. Nobody does that. You want something nice and safe. Tom, just you know, he's himself. He's relaxed. He goes in, you know, he's going to make everyone around him better. And he's going to play good football.

WATTERS: And he is home, so he'll be loose. So it looks like I'm taking the Bucs and Doug is taking the Bucs, and Dave, he is going with Kansas City. We will see how it shakes out, all right.

I'll talk to you guys later.

PORTNOY: Thank you, guys.

FLUTIE: Thanks.

WATTERS: Up next. Last call with some classic WATTERS' WORLD Super Bowl interviews.


WATTERS: A big part of the Super Bowl Weekend, obviously the parties. Everyone looks forward to hitting the red carpet and letting off some steam. So I thought we could take a look back at when I stopped by a few of those Super Bowl parties myself.


WATTERS: Do you even care about the Super Bowl? You're not really a football fan.

HOWARD STERN, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: I don't care about the Super Bowl. They can take football off the air as far as I'm concerned.

WATTERS: Do you even know who is playing in the Super Bowl?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh my gosh. That's like the most embarrassing question.

WATTERS: You have no idea.


STEPHEN COLBERT, TALK SHOW HOST: I am not running away from you in my driveway. That's what I've always dreamed of.

WATTERS: I know. That would be your biggest claim to fame.

Can you help me get a little more mustard on my serve? What do I need to do?

JOHN MCENROE, TENNIS PLAYER: You ought to stick to this. You seem to be improving?

WATTERS: Do you even know who's playing?

COLBERT: Yes, it's the Albuquerque Balloons.

WATTERS: Do you even know who is playing?

DAVID SPADE, COMEDIAN: The football guys.

DANA WHITE, PRESIDENT OF THE ULTIMATE FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP: I'm here to head for the party and you know, do Water world.

WATTERS: You don't strike me as a football type of guy, did you play football?

COLBERT: What are you talking about? I was a cornerback for an entire day in my high school.

WATTERS: Are you a WATTERS' WORLD fan by any chance?

STERN: No, I don't like WATTERS' WORLD. All of America rejects WATTERS' WORLD.



WATTERS: That's all for tonight. Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

"JUSTICE WITH JUDGE JEANINE" is next and remember, I'm Watters and this is my world.

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