Biden pick to lead ICE 'fits right in' with open border agenda: Former acting ICE director

This is a rush transcript from "Tucker Carlson Tonight," April 28, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


About an hour from right now, and we'll carry it live, Joe Biden will deliver his first address to a Joint Session of Congress. He will be making his way from the White House to the Capitol shortly.

Now, the early excerpts, the short ones we've seen of his speech amount in effectually, mushy casserole of cliches that are designed to calm your suspicions that anything weird or scary might be going on in the country, and to reassure you that everything is going to be fine, just fine, in fact, better than it was.

In that way, it has the same narcotic intent of the Biden campaign itself. Remember that, don't worry, we're moderates. We'll make everything normal again.

Whatever you think of Joe Biden, that turned out to be one of the greatest lies ever told. In four months, this White House has changed America more quickly and more radically than any before it. They have moved so fast and with such stunning aggression, that even people who are paid to keep track of it like us, can barely keep up.

Every change they have forced has moved the country in the very same direction, away from democracy where every voter has the same power as a voter and towards something very different, toward tyranny.

Most ominous of all, and this is the hallmark of tyranny, they have not hesitated to use the force of law to punish their political opponents. Here's the latest example and it may be the scariest.

At 6:00 a.m. this morning, Federal agents raided the home of former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani. They seized his personal property, including his electronic devices, which include all of his digital communications and records.

Before they did this, the Feds notified their allies of the Democratic Party's campaign operation, The Lincoln Project. The Lincoln Project then bragged online that they knew this raid was coming.

Now, you may have thought The Lincoln Project was done. We told you that in fact. We believed it was permanently discredited by a child molestation scandal, which they admitted, but it wasn't. Under this administration, The Lincoln Project is stronger than ever, strong enough to know about an F.B.I. raid before it happens.

And of course, it's stronger because The Lincoln Project is an ally of the White House. And so by definition, they can do whatever they want, and they do.

But Rudy Giuliani is not a political ally of the White House. In fact, he was the personal attorney of the former President whose communications by the way the Feds are, of course reading right now, tonight as we speak. And in the end, that was Giuliani's core offense, being Trump's lawyer. That, and having the gall to try to learn more about what exactly Joe Biden and his son were doing in Ukraine several years ago.

The Justice Department announced today that asking too many questions about the Biden's dealings in Ukraine is effectively a crime. They called it something else, but that's what Giuliani did.

What's interesting is the one electronic device the Feds didn't seize, the F.B.I. did not take in today's raid, was a copy of Hunter Biden's hard drive from his laptop. Giuliani had a copy of that in his apartment.

At one point agents picked it up and looked at it, but when Giuliani told them where it came from, that it came from Hunter Biden, they put it down and they left it there. It was the one thing they didn't want. And that's very strange, if you think about it.

The Justice Department is now telling us that Giuliani was somehow involved in foreign tampering with our democracy. Russia, by implication was involved. So you'd think they'd want to examine Rudy Giuliani's own copy of Hunter Biden's laptop. Why? Because Hunter Biden himself just told us on television that that laptop that hard drive could be tied directly to Russian Intelligence. You know, the fake Russian laptop with all the Photoshopped pictures of Hunter Biden smoking fake Russian crack with those fake Russian hookers.

So why wouldn't the F.B.I. want to see Rudy Giuliani's own copy of that? Well, you'd think they would, because as Joe Biden told us during the October debate on TV, Joe Biden himself believed that Rudy Giuliani was a pawn of Russian Intelligence.


JOE BIDEN (D), THEN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We're in a situation where we have foreign company -- countries trying to interfere in the outcome of our election. His own national security adviser told him that what is happening with his buddy, well, gosh, I will -- his buddy Rudy Giuliani. He is being used as a Russian pawn. He's being fed information that is Russian. That is not true.


CARLSON: Oh, he is being fed information by the Russians, by Russian Intelligence, by Vladimir Putin.

So if Rudy Giuliani was working for the Russian government, as the now President of the United States claimed in public, you would think Biden's Justice Department would want all the Russia related evidence it could get from Rudy Giuliani's apartment. Oh, but they didn't. That's not what they wanted.

Instead, they told Giuliani they had a search warrant for all communications between him and among others, a journalist called, John Solomon. If the name sounds familiar, John Solomon often appears in Sean Hannity's hour, right after this one.

So why are they interested in John Solomon? Well, we don't know. But here's a guess.

At one point, John Solomon's reporting uncovered the fact that a key figure in the Mueller investigation, a Ukrainian businessman called Konstantin Kilimnik, was in fact an informant for the U.S. government.

Now, that was an essential fact to know, but Robert Mueller did not disclose it in his final report. Instead, he portrayed the Ukrainian as a Russian agent. Now that was a lie. It was a lie by omission, and that lie helped prop up the whole collusion hoax.

John Solomon exposed that lie and it looks like the Biden people haven't forgotten about it.

Now, the F.B.I.'s pretext for investigating Giuliani -- all of these things have a pretext -- is that he violated something that no one in America even heard of a few years ago called FARA, that's the Foreign Agents Registration Act. It has been around an awful long time.

For 50 years, a total of seven people faced criminal charges for violating FARA, only one was convicted. In fact, the U.S. Attorney's manual at the Department of Justice said that you should warn lobbyists who don't comply with FARA, not prosecute them, warn them.

Most violations were ignored. In fact, they still are ignored. It's extremely common in Washington, and it is not Russia that people are lobbying for. But they are treated as civil matters.

That all changed when Donald Trump was elected. FARA investigations became a tool that the D.O.J. used against mouthy and inconvenient Republicans. There have been more FARA prosecutions in the past three years than we've seen over the past half century.

These are process crimes and they've been weaponized against political opponents, political opponents of permanent Washington, and particularly of the Biden administration.

ROGER stone would know. He has got a PhD in that subject. Roger Stone has never been elected to anything, you could argue he has never wielded profound political power. But he has been a longtime informal adviser of Donald Trump, and in 2019, for that crime, Roger Stone was arrested on the grounds that he lied to Congress about a subject that honestly no one now can seem to remember. What were the details? Nobody knows. It was that insignificant.

And by the way, the context is this: lying to Congress. It happens all the time, like roughly every day, and sometimes it gravely hurts the country. James Clapper, for example. He was the former Director of National Intelligence, and he lied to Congress when he said that the N.S.A. was not spying on millions of Americans.

The N.S.A. was in violation of our constitutional rights. He committed perjury. No problem.

Brennan, the former C.I.A. Director lied when he said the C.I.A. wasn't spying on the U.S. Senate. Can you imagine an Intel Agency spying on the Legislative Branch? That was happening. He lied about it. Another case of perjury.

And yet, here is the interesting thing, neither Clapper and Brennan was ever prosecuted for perjury. In fact, both got better jobs. You can see them on TV tonight, collecting their paychecks from the networks. Why did they get off? Because they are on the right side.

Roger Stone, by contrast, advised Donald Trump and here is what happened to him.


JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Exclusive footage you're looking at right now from CNN as the F.B.I. arrives at Roger Stone's residence in Fort Lauderdale, Florida taking him into custody.

They arrived before dawn there, before six or just after 6:00 a.m., a dozen officers we're told.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: F.B.I. Open the door.


CARLSON: A CNN exclusive, well, CNN was tipped off to that raid before it happened. Imagine a country in which the Department of Justice, men with guns who can literally shoot you and get away with it use the American news media for political purposes to hurt you before you've even been put on trial.

That's corrupt and what you just saw on television, that clip, that's one of the most grotesque displays of corrupt justice to happen in this country in our lifetime.

In the end, Roger Stone got a presidential pardon in the final moments of the Trump administration. But the story wasn't over for him. The harassment continued.

The Biden administration has now announced that they are suing Roger Stone for nonpayment of interest in penalties on his taxes. He has paid the taxes, it is not an easy thing when his prosecution left him unable to work. When the Judge in the case that he couldn't even speak in public. He was completely broke.

Stone paid everything he owed. He was negotiating a settlement for the penalties and the interest. He was negotiating with the government as many do, and then the day after Joe Biden was inaugurated, the Feds pulled out of the negotiation and went after him publicly and sued him.

Roger Stone is broke. They've wrecked his life. But guess who is doing great these days? Can you guess? Hunter Biden. And it turns out that Hunter Biden has tax problems, too. We know that from his laptop. It indicated that he may have taken millions of dollars from Communist Party officials in China.

The question is, did Hunter Biden pay taxes on that money? The Justice Department at one point was wondering that, too. They had a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden's tax question. But you haven't heard a lot about that investigation lately, have you? That's weird.

Well, maybe it's not so weird, because on Inauguration Day, Joe Biden named a new head of the criminal division of the Department of Justice. That man is called Nicholas McQuaid, and it just so happens he was a law partner of Hunter Biden's defense attorney for years. Funny how that works.

Under McQuaid's leadership, the Feds have become more aggressive than ever in using the force of law to crush political dissent. In the leaks to the media, for example, the Feds announced they were investigating Congressman Matt Gaetz of Florida for the crime of sex trafficking. You could read about it in "The New York Times." They told "The New York Times" which dutifully wrote an entire piece about it. That piece essentially destroyed Matt Gaetz, it took him completely off the map as a rhetorical force.

Whatever his flaws may be, Matt Gaetz is smart. He is articulate, and he is brave.

Matt Gaetz is one of the very few members in the entire Congress who bothered to stand up against permanent Washington on behalf of his constituents. But you're not hearing much from him now because Matt Gaetz is a sex trafficker.

So the question is, who exactly did Max Gaetz sex traffic? We can answer that question because no charges have been filed. So, all that remains is the stigma.

The remarkable thing is and we're almost getting tired of these contrasts, but here's the most vivid. There is apparently material on Hunter Biden's laptop that suggests Hunter Biden was involved in the sexual abuse of minors. Now, if that is so, the F.B.I. would know it of course because they have a copy of the laptop.

And yet here's the funny thing, no one has leaked anything about this to "The New York Times" or POLITICO or NBC News. Hunter Biden has not been charged with this, not with sex abuse. He hasn't been charged with the Federal firearms felony that he committed.

We can say that conclusively. He lied on a background check. He committed a felony, a Federal firearms felony.

So is he going to jail? No. He is thriving. Hunter Biden got a million dollar book contract -- multimillions, we have read -- from Simon & Schuster, and then he got a gig teaching at Tulane.

So it's good to be the President's son.

You know who is not good to be? It's not going to be a Trump voter. That's very clear now.

Watch this partisan Federal prosecutor, a man who is completely out of control, explain on television that Republicans who so much as trespassed at the Capitol on January 6th will be treated like al-Qaeda.


MICHAEL SHERWIN, FORMER ACTING UNITED STATES ATTORNEY FOR THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA: After the 6th, we had an Inauguration on the 20th. So I wanted to ensure, and our office wanted to ensure that there was shock and awe, that we could charge the as many people as possible before the 20th and it worked, because we saw through media posts that people were afraid to come back to D.C. because they're like, if we go there, we're going to get charged.

We wanted to take out those individuals that essentially were thumbing their noses at the public for what they did.


CARLSON: Okay, that guy is a lunatic, he should not have power. But more to the point, what he just said is the opposite of justice.

In a just system, you punish people for the crimes they committed equally with everyone else who has committed those crimes. You don't punish some people extra to send a political point, or to deter future behavior that might inconvenience a political party or to stop a dissent and that's exactly what he did. That's not legal by the way.

A District Court Judge, Christopher Cooper just released one man who has been in detention for four months now. That man is 60-year-old named Richard Barnett who had made the mistake of entering Nancy Pelosi's office without permission.

He didn't burn it down. He didn't hurt anybody. But for that crime, for trespassing in Nancy Pelosi's office, he was locked away in solitary confinement. There, he was allegedly beaten by prison guards, including a guard who told him that he hated all white people.

Now, Judge Cooper, who we should tell you is an Obama appointee had to inform the Department of Justice this week that Richard Barnett, though you may not like who he voted for, still has rights in a constitutional democracy. And so Barnett was finally released from jail, thanks to the Judge.

But that case was not unusual. Barnett was one of more than 36 protesters from January 6th who have been held in solitary confinement at a D.C. jail for months now. This is so disproportionate, especially considering the people who torched buildings including Federal buildings and raped others and commit gun crimes and rape, are getting out of prison in a day.

This is such a grievous treatment that Democrats in the Senate, we are including real lefties like Dick Durbin and Elizabeth Warren actually said something about it, quote, "Solitary confinement is a form of punishment that is cruel and psychologically damaging." Elizabeth Warren said. Elizabeth Warren. And we're talking about people who haven't been convicted of anything yet.

Well, thank you, Elizabeth Warren. You may be wrong on everything, but you're right on that and bless you for saying so.

In a functioning democracy, every member of the Democratic Party would be saying exactly the same thing. Republicans would be saying it, too. Where are the Republicans, by the way? What does Mitch McConnell do for a living? He hasn't said much about this. They've been silent about this egregious abuse of human rights.

In a functioning democracy that cared about justice, there would be demands for the immediate release of every nonviolent protester who went to the Capitol on January 6th, but there aren't. So the White House is likely to lock up more people that disagrees with them.

Just today, we should tell you, Victoria Toensing, who has been a guest on this show many times, former Federal prosecutor, a serious person, an attorney of 50 years in the District of Columbia had her home raided by Federal agents and her electronic devices seized. Why? We'll tell you when we know.

Brett Tolman is a former United States Attorney for the District of Utah, and he joins us tonight.

Brett, thanks so much for coming on. It's hard not to get exorcised when you're connecting these dots, because this is so scary that this is happening, but let's just focus precisely on the Rudy Giuliani case.

They're telling us they raided his home over a FARA violation. Could that really be true?

BRETT TOLMAN, FORMER UNITED STATES ATTORNEY FOR THE DISTRICT OF UTAH: You know, it's reminding me of one thing that stood out when I was in the Department of Justice and that was a placard that said that the hallmark of fairness in the administration of justice is consistency.


TOLMAN: And yet, you cannot find consistency right now, Tucker, and you highlighted that and a FARA investigation, you wouldn't execute a search warrant on that, possibly not even bring a criminal charge. But if you did, and you're determined to charge that case, it is pretty ironic that months ago, Giuliani and his attorneys reached out and indicated that they were willing to cooperate, answer questions or provide documents.

So why wasn't it good enough, then, but now it is okay because they are going in at 6:00 a.m. with a search warrant?

CARLSON: I mean, it's -- FARA, in case we didn't explain this, there's a law that prohibits lobbying for foreign governments without registering as a foreign lobbyist. That is what it is.

It looks to me though, as a non-lawyer, but who has just been watching this parade for the past five years that they are intent on walking up, discrediting, destroying their political opponents using the force of law, is that what you see?

TOLMAN: Yes, it is Tucker. And it's disconcerting because for the longest time, we've always heard that those in the trenches, you know, they are good people. They are agents that want to root out crime, they are investigators or they are prosecutors in D.O.J., but look, the path to corruption is lined with individuals that were just following orders.

And here, they go into the home at 6:00 a.m. They could have had material and an interview, but apparently turned that down. And then when they're in there, so they have a search warrant, by the way, that is one of the broadest you can have. It allows you to search anywhere you want in that particular home, because you can find, you know, flash drives in any nook and cranny of a home.

So they search everywhere in this home, and they are they find a hard drive, and they are told that the hard drive has on it evidence of child pornography or worse or evidence of further crimes, and they put the hard drive down.

Not only is it right within the heartland of their search warrant, but I don't know an agent, I never worked with an agent that would have put that down. They would have taken that. They would have taken the statement seriously and they would be analyzing that hard drive right now.

CARLSON: That's such a great point. By the way, there's kiddie porn on that hard drive. No, not interested. We're just the F.B.I. You know, it's kind of out of our purview.

TOLMAN: That has a 10-year mandatory minimum.

CARLSON: Yes. Well, it ought to be. Brett Tolman, appreciate your coming on tonight and adding that perspective as someone who has been there. Thank you.

We should tell you that former Mayor Rudy Giuliani will be joining us on this show for his first television interview. That will happen tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. Eastern. We hope you'll join us for that.

I want to take just a minute before getting back to covering the President's imminent speech to share some news about "Tucker Carlson Originals," which is our documentary series.

We can tell you that the second episode comes to FOX Nation tomorrow morning. That means two episodes available at This one is called Green Energy scams and the focus of it is on the decimation of the last great standing forest on the East Coast of the United States, the Great North Woods of Maine. Here's a preview of it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Maine is such a beautiful place. It has such special characteristics. Fresh air, the forest, the fish, the deer.

And look at what we're about to do -- is destroy that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This corridor is going to cut right through that habitat and destroy it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is it. There is no place like this on East Coast anymore.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What we're up against in the state is some corporate corruption and political corruption.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Trees are one of the greatest requesters of carbon that we have.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Heavy equipment, bulldozers, everything is going to be sedated.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If we don't stop this thing, the whole State of Maine will become an ugly place.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For CMP, to come through with this project and say it's in any way green is kind of a slap in the face to me and the thousands of other managers who are fighting against this project.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They take the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and through photosynthesis, they create wood. Okay, that wood sits there for a long period of time. That carbon is sequestered. But when you go into a power line, you're taking that down, that sequestration is lost.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want to say it's something like 3,000 acres of clear cut when it's all said and done. And that's clear cut that's never coming back. This is forest habitat for animals.

CARLSON (voice over): Environmentalism used to be about saving the environment, nature, the land.

We need more trees in this country, not fewer.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But this CMP corridor is going to cross something like 180 small streams, wetlands and other areas where the brook trout thrive is a bit of a problem because they've been extirpated almost everywhere else.

What are they worth? What is a wild brook trout worth to a recreational guide in Western Maine? It's priceless.


CARLSON: If they care about the environment so much, why are they destroying it?

Well, that's the second episode of our documentary series. It's on as of tomorrow morning.

Our first episode, "Chicago in Crisis" with about thousand hours of remarkable and never before seen footage, what is actually happening in Chicago is also there.

This stuff is worth it. It's not some product that we're selling or getting some percentage of it. It's actually good. We think, I hope you'll take a look at

As we said, we're awaiting Joe Biden's address to a joint session. A lot of violence in America's cities, as you know, police officers resigning all over the country. Will Joe Biden address that? We'll find out in a minute.

He's again not yet departed the White House for the Capitol, but the moment he does, we'll have it for you.


CARLSON: Joe Biden is about to leave for the Capitol to deliver his address to the Joint Session of Congress. He is expected to tell the rest of us we had better take that vaccine, but there are some people who don't want to take the vaccine partly because they watch Joe Biden who is fully vaccinated and still wearing his mask and they ask themselves, what is this about?

But it doesn't matter, they have to anyway. We're learning tonight that there are people getting fired because they haven't taken the vaccine.

FOX's Trace Gallagher has that exclusive story for us tonight. We are happy to have Trace. Good to see you.

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CHIEF BREAKING NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Tucker, yes, you, too. Houston Methodist has eight hospitals who have 26,000 employees and those employees have now been notified they have until June 7th to get a COVID vaccine or they could be fired.

Hospital CEO Marc Boom sent an e-mail to staff that reads in part, quoting here, "It is our sacred obligation to do everything possible to keep our patients safe. By choosing to be vaccinated, you are leaders."

So far most employees are complying, but about 10 percent or 2,600 have not and many of them are vowing to fight. A doctor who wants to keep his name out of it told me on the phone that he and many of his colleagues don't yet trust the vaccines and are simply asking the hospital to allow more time for them to be studied.

In a letter to Texas Senator Ted Cruz, a doctor writes, quoting here: "These Houston Methodist employees have had a difficult year. They had been understaffed, but have stepped into the breach of this pandemic. These same frontline heroes are being told to comply or lose their jobs and healthcare benefits."

Ted Cruz, who has been a big supporter of vaccine choice has not yet responded to our inquiry.

Houston Methodist says employees are welcome to apply for religious or medical exemption. But the hospital also acknowledges many of these claims have been denied.

So in just over a month, the choice appears to be the jab or your job -- Tucker.

CARLSON: Trace Gallagher, thanks so much for that.


CARLSON: What a weird story. Pretty strange the people who work at a hospital wouldn't want to get the vaccine. I wonder what that's about.

Well, Joy-Ann Reid, the race lady over an MSNBC took a quick break from haranguing whitey yesterday to reveal something deeply personal about herself on television. Now, we don't want to mischaracterize what she said in any way because it's of clinical significance, as you'll see.

So we're going to play you the whole clip. Here it is.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: Dr. Gupta, I am among the fully vaccinated, joined team Pfizer, and I did go jogging today in the park. And I did -- this was the mask that I wore with a doctor's mask under it. And most of the people that I saw that were in the park, the park was packed, I would say like 95 percent of people still had masks on.

There are people who are getting really upset about that. I won't name them. Should people be freaking out that some people like myself who are vaccinated are still wearing masks outdoors? Should we do that?


CARLSON: I joined team Pfizer. You did? So, they gave you a shot of medicine and then suddenly you've sworn allegiance to the creepy multinational pharma conglomerate that made it? That Joy Reid is quite the consumer. Talk about brand loyalty.

You never hear about anyone joining team Advil or team erythromycin. Really, those guys need to spend more on marketing. It works with Joy Reid.

But it was the next part of the clip that had us concerned. "I'm fully vaccinated," Reid explained, and that's why when I went jogging in the park today, I put two masks over my face, just to be safe. Of course, vaccination then two masks.

You wonder how is that different from getting a vasectomy and then wearing two condoms? Alone? Not to be vulgar, but that's exactly what it is like. It is demented.

That's not a precaution, it is a compulsion. It's like washing your hands 37 times before you allow yourself to brush your own hair. Freud wrote about this.

Joy Reid clearly needs help, a lot of people do.

You just heard Joy Reid say that 95 percent of the New Yorkers she saw yesterday had masks on while they were outside. Can that number be real? Even if it's half true, we have a major problem here. This is mass psychosis.

Thankfully, there may be a solution to it. The people who run the Burning Man event out in Nevada just announced that they will not be gathering this year. They're too afraid of COVID.

That's obviously bad news if you enjoy body painting and interpretive dance on acid, but it also means there's an opening on this summer's roster of nude festivals. We see that as an opportunity.

Why not replace it with burning mask? The nakedness gathering in the desert. Five days of totally unimpeded breathing. No more moist cotton clinging to your face. No more struggling to fill your lungs. No more mandatory suffocation. Just deep, satisfying breaths, as many as you want. Unrestricted airflow in nature. Gulp it down. It's allowed here.

And then on the final night, a pagan ceremony under the stars, the burning of the masks. A ritual bonfire of PPE, a liberation, a cleansing of the spirit, a word that by the way, means breath.

In a single blaze, COVID neurotics will turn the instruments of their emotional oppression into heat and light, and ash. At Burning Mask, America's Joy Reids will immolate their fears and emerge once again fully human, or at least somewhat less uptight and annoying.

How is that not a great idea? Actually, now that we say it out loud, it doesn't sound entirely crazy. It is certainly a lot more sane than jogging through the park with two masks on.

We've been trying to keep you up to date on what's happening to police departments in this country since many had been defunded and since all police officers had been attacked as a group, and the predictable is happening. They're resigning. They've been demonized.

Law enforcement itself has been demonized by the Democratic Party and so many are giving up.

In the City of Seattle, which desperately needs law enforcement, 66 police officers have left the force just this year, and that number is set to hit a hundred by the end of next month.

Jason Rantz is radio host in Seattle. He joins us with more on the story. Jason, what -- tell us the state of the Seattle Police Department if you would?

JASON RANTZ, SEATTLE RADIO SHOW HOST: Well, the state will be 300 in total since last year, since this defund movement has taken a hold of the City of Seattle. That puts the City of Seattle having the lowest deployable police staff since the 1980s, which of course from that time, we've seen almost, a double increase in the population here and of course with less police, and an embracing of a culture of lawlessness that the Biden administration has taken on and Democrats as a whole, we've seen an increase in crime.

We just hit last year, a 26-year high homicide rate. Q1 in the county just saw a 34 percent increase in homicides over the last four years. That report just came out yesterday.

This is not an anomaly for Seattle, either. We're seeing similar results in big cities all across the country -- New York, Portland. Louisville, for example, and this is a really good example, because now they're under investigation in this war on policing. They lost 230 officers in the last 16 months. Murders are up 75 percent.

And when you look at the data as to who is being murdered, these are predominantly black people who are being murdered.

So when we talk about Black Lives Matter, and we have to defund the police, well, you're hurting the black community most.

CARLSON: Does anyone notice this? The people who did it? The City Council of Seattle, the Mayor, your neighbors, that people are dying, children are dying, totally innocent people are dying, because of what they did? Has anyone apologized or tried to reverse course?

RANTZ: There's definitely no reversing course. What they usually do is they deflect. They say, actually, this doubles down on why we need to put even more money into these community programs to replace police officers.

And of course, that makes no sense. You want to put money into community programs that go at the root cause of violence. Okay, but that kind of work takes years, if not even decades to see long term results, meaningful results. And so what are you going to do in the meantime as crime rates are going up?

But really, at the end of the day, what we're seeing with the Biden administration, he is not going to talk about this tonight, but what they're going to do is, they will announce even more investigations like they're doing in Louisville, then they will put in place consent decrees. And then of course, the Department of Justice and the local activists will have a bigger say in how the police stations operate.

So instead of just fully defending the police, they're going to dismantle it institutionally via the Federal government, and then rebuild it in the image of these progressive viewpoints.

It's what happened in Seattle. It's happened at different police departments. It is what's going to happen in Louisville.

CARLSON: You keep waiting in this country for the adults to show up and say, "I'm sorry you can't take our police away. You're not allowed to throw people into solitary confinement because they didn't vote for you, you know, to restore some sense of decency to the country. You hope that does happen soon.

Jason Rantz, in the meantime, we appreciate your reports from out there. Thank you.

RANTZ: Thank you.

CARLSON: Joe Biden, on his way to the Capitol right now. We have heard he has a police escort, but the war on police has intensified under this administration.

Heather Mac Donald is one of the very few people who spent the last 30 years studying data on this question, on policing, on law enforcement and how it intersects with culture.

She is the author of "The War on Cops." We talked to her at great length today for the latest episode of "Tucker Carlson Today." It was fantastic. Here's part of it.


HEATHER MAC DONALD, FELLOW, MANHATTAN INSTITUTE: You attack an officer, you're not just attacking an individual that's bad enough, you are attacking the very possibility of civilization. This is why people understand this are terrified every time it happens and why they target officers because they stand for law and order, and law and order, obviously to the left has this racist, echo, dog whistle. It's a racist dog whistle.

But it has a perfectly legitimate meaning that we will regret when we lose it.

The drive-by shootings that the press turns its eyes away from last year, four dozen black children gunned down in their beds, in their front yards, at barbecues, at birthday parties sitting in their parents car, not a single one of those dead black bodies say their names was protested by Black Lives Matter. They were not covered by CNN.

If white kids start getting gunned down in these insane, brutal, savage, out of control drive-by shootings, then we will see CNN and "The New York Times" start paying attention to what happens when you demonize the cops.

CARLSON: Right. So what you're saying -- and it is such a smart point, not surprisingly, you're saying is that the violence will not awaken the country to the threat of cops, but to the threat of criminals.

MAC DONALD: Right. Right. And the fact of the matter is, I mean, every time you turn on CNN or MSNBC now, you get some gripe about how terrible it is to be black and how whites are the enemy in this country and they are to blame for everything and that's just -- it's not the case.

You know, there has to be a serious conversation about the pathological inner city culture that is creating the problems and nobody wants to talk about that.

So instead, we've got this phantom narrative going on about? Well, it's somehow white people that are to blame and, you know, it was interesting, immediately after the Bryant shooting, I think conservatives were naive enough that they thought, oh, well, now we know, we know for sure that there was a homicide in progress here, so everything is going to be fine.

CARLSON: A life was saved.

MAC DONALD: Yes. And it kept going. So the degree of, of excusing and normalizing of black violence is now to the point where it's okay to stab somebody, even that's going to be turned into the white supremacist narrative.


CARLSON: So we talked to Heather Mac Donald for about an hour, and it was an edifying, fascinating hour. Really, a smart person and a deep person. It's on under "Tucker Carlson Today."

So as members fill the House Chamber, you can expect Joe Biden to talk a lot about the climate emergency, no one will ever explain what that is. They'll tell you there's consensus on it. Shut up. We need to take more control over the government.

What's so interesting, though, is that as Joe Biden talks about it, people who voted for Joe Biden are responding to it. They are thinking through how to save the planet. Now, that does not include picking up litter or making the water cleaner. No, that would be too obvious. That would actually help the planet. No.

Hurting people is the way to help the planet. "Vogue" Magazine, for example, has now asked whether having children in this country, not in Africa, but in this country, is quote, "environmental vandalism."

The magazine published a piece by someone identified as Nell Frizzell and it begins this way, quote: "Before I got pregnant, I worried feverishly about the strain on the Earth's resources that another Western child would add. The food he ate, the nappies he wore, the electricity he would use et cetera et cetera."

She is explicit, she does not worry about more children in other faraway poor countries. That's totally fine. Children in our country are the problem.

Sean Duffy is a former Member of Congress and quite a prolific father. We are impressed by that, and he joins us tonight. So, Sean, thanks so much for coming on. I guess what I'm so struck by is how they have racialized the environment, like what is the color of the kid have to do with his effect on the environment?

Why pollute something as inherently decent as wanting to save the environment with their creepy evil race politics?

SEAN DUFFY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I mean, listen, I don't know why they're injecting race into this, Tucker. But I look at it from my own perspective, as a father, it's outrageous how the critical environmental movement has infiltrated from grade school, middle school, high school, college, and all of these kids -- they have disagreements on everything, but the one thing every child agrees on, is that the climate is going to end and it's going to end soon and that's because parents don't talk to their kids.

We don't talk about, you know, issues like the environment and debated and give them another side. They just get the one leftist perspective in school. And that's why you get, you know, people who are afraid to have kids and you know this.

One of the most great joys of life is having a family. It's complicated, right, and not always wonderful. But yes, I mean, families are what we're made to do and raising kids is rewarding in to think that we want to tell kids that to have a kid -- a child -- is going to be environmental terrorism, or, you know, what kind of rules is the child going to be raised in because they don't have clean water, or we can't grow crops. They are scaring the hell out of kids. They don't want to have kids of their own.

And so again, this is just more radical leftism that is ruining America and ruining the globe. And you know, this, and you talk about it, Tucker, but you have an environmental movement that is about carbon and carbon is about capitalism and this is about changing the political system in the country to socialism. That's what this is being used for.

CARLSON: If you preside over a dirty city like New York or Washington, you're lecturing me about the environment -- but it's just, they're telling people that working for some soulless investment bank, or you know, slaving away in a warehouse for Amazon is more meaningful than having children? I mean, why does no one stand up and say, you're lying? That's not true.

DUFFY: Bill Gates tonight, and I care and I care about the environment. I'll have carbon offsets as I fly around the world in jets. And I also -- private jets, by the way, and I also have, you know, massive homes, John Kerry is the same.

I mean, the hypocrisy of this is real, and it's just because, again, this is a political movement, not a scientific movement. I mean, if we were going to look at science, right, when we were in school, we learned about the scientific method. You have a hypothesis, you test the hypothesis, you debate. That doesn't happen at all.

The science is settled in climate. The science is settled in masks. The science is soon going to be settled with regard to critical race theory. So, it just disturbs them.

CARLSON: Yes, just check the book of science and you'll find it. These people. Sean Duffy, I appreciate your coming on tonight. Thank you.

DUFFY: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: So Biden just showed up at the Capitol for his address to the joint session. How is this going to get covered? This speech? Well, here's a clue.

"The New York Times" just ran a story entitled "A hundred days of vice presidential style." Now, according to the most important newspaper in the world, Kamala Harris doesn't want to talk about clothes, neither does Jill Biden." No, of course, they're way too -- they don't even care about clothes. That's how deep they are.

But lots of people the paper tells us still want to know what they're wearing. Oh, the rest of us shallow plebes care. They don't care because they're running the world.

A few months ago, "GQ," the former magazine weighed in on this. They declared Joe Biden is more than the savior of the Union. He is a true blue style icon, too.

The magazine knew that Ralph Lauren designed Joe Biden's outfit on Inauguration Day, which is news to most of us who though Ralph Lauren our business like 20 years ago, but it didn't, apparently. They're working for Joe Biden now.

Mark Steyn is our fashion correspondent and a well-dressed handsome man he is. He joins us now. So of all the lies in this piece, the one that stuck out was Jill Biden and the President, Kamala Harris don't care about their clothes. Like who do you think you're talking to? Of course, they care about their clothes. What?

MARK STEYN, AUTHOR AND COLUMNIST: Well, this is the way they have to justify. They have to do this sort of postmodern journalism, Tucker, where you write about the fact that oh, clothes aren't important. But as everybody reads "The New York Times" knows but at the same time, people out there as you say, the plebes, they care about the style, the wackiest.

I mean, this is literally the Emperor's New Clothes. The "GQ" story isn't about guys who have posed for a shoot as Obama and Clinton and Al Gore did. It's about -- it's about Photoshopping Joe Biden into clothes he has never worn.

I mean, literally the Emperor's New Clothes, like, so to a fool, Joe Biden may look like a guy who spends most of his day sitting in the basement eating tapioca, but to the wise man, he is Cary Grant in that touch of mink.

He has an epaulette natural style. If you look at that picture you just put up of him holding his guitar in the cowboy outfit in his dreams, he is Joan Crawford's ex-lover in "Johnny Guitar" in 1954.

He is frolicking in that fantasy land. He is perfectly content. They bring him out and prop him up.

He has such style that he wears a mask. He's the vasectomy and two-mask guy you were talking about that a couple of minutes ago. He wears two masks, just in case when he is talking to Boris Johnson and Vladimir Putin via Zoom. That's his style.

We don't even know whether it's him behind there because he's got such style so much of his face is covered up, it could be one of the look-a- likes behind there.

Democrats are always about their style. You know, JFK, he didn't wear a hat and the hat business collapsed. Now, we have Biden who is governing without his marbles, so the marbles business will collapse. They are always about style, the Democrats, and in fact they've got actually the black hole of style here, and they are actually Photoshopping him into his style. It's amazing.

CARLSON: Is that -- I hadn't followed the story. Just to be clear, did that actually happen? He didn't sit for a photoshoot. They just put fake clothes on his picture?

STEYN: Well, he say it's the all American makeover of his, but really our dreams. He's not -- these aren't -- this is -- they basically --- he hasn't sat for any of these pictures. This is Joe Biden. This is a fantasy photoshoot.

CARLSON: So it really is North Korea. Well, that's like beyond belief. He shot an 18 in golf this weekend. Mark Steyn, thank you so much.

STEYN: Thanks a lot, Tucker.

CARLSON: So Biden about to come out and talk to the Congress. We have seen a lot of change in the first hundred days. He recently formed a commission to study how to pack the Supreme Court.

Meanwhile, Democrats in the Congress are working to make D.C. the 51st state, a new flag.

Biden hasn't spoken against that, will he tonight? We're guessing he won't. But Jonathan Turley joins us tonight to assess the likelihood.

He is Professor at George Washington diversity Law School. Professor, thanks so much for coming on. You've said before that you think packing the Supreme Court and most Americans, according to all polling agree with you, is a really radical destructive move. Do you think Joe Biden will say something about it tonight?

JONATHAN TURLEY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, that would be a refreshing change. Many of us have been waiting for the Old Joe Biden to show up, I had great expectations for Biden, as President. Many of us interacted with him when he was in the Senate.

I respected him a great deal. He would on occasion, bring people back to the center to dialogue. But we started to see a different Joe Biden during the campaign when he refused to actually state his position, unpacking the court, which was bizarre, because a lot of citizens wanted to vote based on a full knowledge of his positions on such questions.

And then after becoming President, he created this Commission, which is looking at a number of wacky ideas, quite frankly, but when a bill was put on the floor, which was raw court packing, adding four justices to give a one vote margin to the left of the court, we heard nothing but silence and that's a failure of leadership.

You know, leadership isn't giving a presidential patina on whatever's popular with the far left of your party. It is getting in front of that crowd and saying, wait, we might want to reform the Supreme Court. We might even ultimately want to gradually expand it. But we won't pack it like this, not, while I'm President. That's called leadership.

And when he said I'm going to make those tough calls, I'd like to see him make a couple of those calls tonight.

CARLSON: Yes, if you want to unify the country, act on its behalf. I agree with you completely and nicely explained.

Professor, thank you.

TURLEY: Thank you.

CARLSON: So you're seeing Kamala Harris and the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi on your screen as they wait for Joe Biden to arrive. "The Washington Post" is reporting that Biden will, quote, "recommit himself to overhauling the immigration system during tonight's address."

In the meantime, Biden has nominated Texas Sheriff Ed Gonzalez to head I.C.E. During the Trump administration, Gonzalez opposed immigration raids that resulted in the deportation of people here illegally. According to Ed Gonzalez, illegal immigrants don't represent a quote, "threat" to the United States.

Jonathan Fahey, he is the former director of I.C.E. He knows the job well. He joins us tonight.

Mr. Fahey, thanks so much for coming on. What do you make of this apparent appointment?

JONATHAN FAHEY, FORMER DIRECTOR OF I.C.E. Well, I think it's an -- unfortunately, I think he fits right in with the open borders and amnesty movement that dominates this administration.

You can see from his record, it wasn't just opposing immigration raids. He opposed what was called a 287-G Program which is a program which State and Federal law enforcement worked together to identify dangerous criminal aliens that are in jail and worked together to deport them. He opposed that and he eliminated that in his jail.

He also opposed sanctuary -- a law that was going to ban sanctuary cities in Texas. He oppose that law, and again, sanctuary cities are what allowed illegal alien criminals to be released back into the community as opposed to being deported, which, again, it's hard to really justify that policy in any way other than they are just trying to have as many illegal immigrants in this country as they can for political reasons, for votes, and also to encourage people to come across the border.

And that, you know, the reason we have the border crisis is because once people get here, they get every right, privilege and benefit that American citizens get. In fact, illegal immigrants, you know, in effect, have greater representation in Congress and certainly in the White House and the American citizens.

And it's a true disgrace that this is going on. And again, the people that bear the cost of these policies never get to speak about it. But you know, what's really interesting about this, you know, a couple of weeks ago, they said the I.C.E. employees cannot even use the term illegal alien anymore. It's, I guess, disparaging and they have to use some sort of euphemistic language.

You know, it's ironic, because when you were just talking about the war on cops, and the I.C.E. agents have borne the brunt of this more so than any agency, we have a Vice President that as a senator compared I.C.E. agents to Ku Klux Klan members.

I wonder if they've banned that yet. I wonder if that's in the in the new guidance.

CARLSON: Really good point.

FAHEY: Or was it just illegal aliens? You know, this is going to encourage more illegal immigration. And, you know, it's open borders and amnesty.

CARLSON: Yes, for a reason, as you pointed out. They are targeting the State of Texas to return into Democratic control. Of course, the Governor of that state should wake up and recognize that or they're going to lose it.

FAHEY: It's all about the votes.

CARLSON: As always. Director Fahey, thank you so much.

FAHEY: Thank you.

CARLSON: So the other channels cheer whatever the administration says. They'll do the same tonight. How many times have they covered Hunter Biden or Tony Bobulinski who told us a lot last fall in an hour-long interview, not too much.

They're also not spending a lot of time talking about the fact that Hunter Biden instead of being hauled up on gun felony charges, he committed a gun felony is not. He'll be teaching a course at Tulane University in New Orleans. It's called Media Polarization and Public Policy Impacts.

Tulane tells us the course will discuss, quote: "The current state of the media landscape in the United States and how media polarization, fake news and the economics of the news business impact public policymaking in Washington, D.C."

Well, Miranda Devine knows quite a bit about this, since her reporting and "The New York Post" reporting where she works was shut down by the tech companies when they talked about Hunter Biden.

Miranda, hard to believe this is real. I couldn't resist getting your take on it as we close out tonight.

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Hi, Tucker. It's amazing, isn't it? And you know, we've always known that Joe Biden has called Hunter Biden the smartest man he knows. And it turns out that wasn't fake news at all, because Hunter Biden is now going to be a Professor. And it's quite brilliant of Tulane University to decide to get him to teach a class on fake news because no one is more of an expert in fake news than Hunter Biden.

And he is just an ordinary purveyor of fake news like say, "New York Times" reporters who write that Trump supporters killed the Capitol Police officer with a fire extinguisher. Hunter Biden has something extra, something special because he can turn real news into fake news.

Like for instance, our story about Hunter Biden's laptop last year. That was a real story. It was real news. And it had e-mails from Hunter Biden and from his business partners, which showed that Joe Biden was involved in his influence peddling operation, which was not just real news, but it was big news.

But somehow because of Hunter Biden's special magic quality that he can turn real news into fake news, the rest of the media decided our story was fake news. Big Media, Big Tech decided to censor it and to ban our account for a couple of weeks and you had former spooks calling it Russian disinformation. It was absolutely genius.

CARLSON: And disgusting, and you wonder if Hunter Biden will mention any of that in his class at Tulane, all so shocking. Miranda Devine, thank you so much. Had to hear what you thought.

DEVINE: Thanks, Tucker.

CARLSON: That's it for us. Tomorrow night, former Mayor Rudy Giuliani joins us live to tell us what happened when the F.B.I. raided his home this morning.

In the meantime, our coverage of Joe Biden's first joint session, his address to the Congress continues now with Bret Baier and Martha McCallum.

BRET BAIER, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CHIEF POLITICAL ANCHOR: We are now just minutes away from President Biden's speech to a Joint Session of Congress. It will be followed by the Republican response delivered by South Carolina Senator Tim Scott. Good evening from Washington. I'm Bret Baier.

MARTHA MACCALLUM, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: Good evening, everybody. I'm Martha MacCallum. So the President is in the Capitol Building, ready to deliver his address to Congress.

It's a little bit later than usual. We usually see this in February or so. But for a number of reasons, it is happening almost at the 100th day of this presidency.

BAIER: It is historic, it's different. There are only roughly about 200 people physically present in the House Chamber because of COVID. There's usually about 1,600. It's also historic, as you watch Dr. Jill Biden, the First Lady walk into the Chamber.

It's also historic because of the women who are standing behind the President tonight. For the first time in American history, two women will stand behind the President on the House rostrum, Vice President Harris and Speaker Pelosi, as they honor the First Lady coming in.

This is the succession -- the line of succession. Number one, Vice President Harris and then Speaker Pelosi.

MACCALLUM: We saw the Vice President's husband, the first man, first gentleman, Douglas Emhoff, as he was seated up there. So it not the typical sort of raucous handshaking, slap on the back walkthrough for all of these people. It's definitely a more sedate affair. And we've seen this all throughout the campaign for the Biden campaign, very sparse crowds.

Remember, we were, you know, with the honking horns in the parking lot. And now, we've got a very small audience for this address.

BAIER: In fact, only one Justice from the Supreme Court, the Chief Justice John Roberts just walked in. Only two members of the Cabinet, the Secretary of Defense and the Secretary of State.

So you see a much smaller crowd here. In fact, lawmakers are spread out all over the chamber to provide seats, you'll see the markings on different seats where they can't seat.

MACCALLUM: You'll need to assign a designated survivor since there are lots of people who are not in the chamber tonight. So that's a little bit unusual, as well, as we looked at the Vice President and the Speaker who greeted each other with an elbow bump when they came in tonight. Obviously pleased to be to women on that dais this evening.

BAIER: Let's bring in our panel as we watch more come in here, these are the Diplomatic Corps. Chris Wallace, host of "FOX News Sunday" and Katie Pavlich, news editor at

Chris, your thoughts on these images, obviously a lot different than we usually see in joint addresses or State of the Union.

CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL ANCHOR: You know, it's interesting, because yes, there are a lot of changes. But there are some things Bret and Martha that are very much the same. One thing that always happens before these presidential speeches, is there are briefings all over town, there were a bunch of them today.

I was fortunate enough to attend a briefing with a small group of reporters with the President, a separate one with Speaker Pelosi and Democratic leader, Senator Schumer. And there was one clear message from all of the top Democrats in town and that was full speed ahead.

You're going to hear the President today lay out his plan for $1.8 trillion, the American Family Plan, things like child care, free community colleges. He is also going to talk of course, about the jobs plan, infrastructure plan, that's $2.3 trillion.

I wasn't very good at math, but that adds up to more than $4 trillion of new spending and new taxes and they intend to pay for it all, as I said with new taxes. And it was clear from all the Democrats, they want to go for the whole shebang. They want to go for the whole thing.

The President will say tonight, he is willing to negotiate. Will they negotiate on the scope of the package, willing to negotiate on how you pay for it, but what they were talking about in terms of compromise was a whole lot more than I think Republicans are going to be able to stomach.

And it's pretty clear that if it comes to it, they will pass this the same way they did the COVID Rescue Plan by reconciliation.

I want to read you two quotes today from the session with the congressional leaders, Chuck Schumer, when I asked him at one point, is this going to be one package or two packages? Are you going to pass it on a bipartisan compromise or reconciliation? He said we're going to pass the biggest, boldest package we can get.

Pelosi talked about the insatiable appetite for more. They think this is a smart policy play to improve the lives of Americans, and is a smart political play to show, you put Democrats in charge in this election and we are going to produce for you.

MACCALLUM: And you're going to see a lot of money spent, over $6 trillion in this total package since the beginning of 2021. Let's take a moment here to listen to the action down on the floor as we pause at the top of the hour.

President Biden just moments away.

BAIER: A live look at the U.S. Capitol, beautiful evening here in Washington, a lot warmer than usual February day where we have these speeches as now we are just moments away from President Biden and tonight's address to a joint session of Congress.

Good evening from Washington. I'm Bret Baier.

MACCALLUM: And I'm Martha MacCallum. Any moment now, President Biden will take the podium he will be announced as is the tradition on the floor. The familiar call of the Sergeant-at-Arms.

BAIER: It is going a lot quicker because there aren't that many people to call in. They're kind of walking in quickly and the lawmakers are not posted on the aisle there as much as they usually would be.

White House correspondent, Peter Doocy is on the North Lawn with a quick preview of what we expect to hear tonight. Good evening, Peter.

PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS CHANNEL WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Good evening, Bret and Martha. President Biden will argue tonight, the solution to some of the country's most pressing issues is to make the government bigger, and he will take credit for some of the improvements he thinks have been made since Inauguration Day with this line. "Now after just 100 days, I can report to the nation, America is on the move again, turning peril into possibility, crisis into opportunity, setback into strength."

The President is going to try to make multi-trillion dollar progressive proposals easy to understand. So officials here say one thing you won't hear from the President tonight, acronyms -- Bret.

BAIER: Peter Doocy, live in the North Lawn. Peter, thank you.

As all of the lawmakers continue to get in there, Senator Pat Leahy, Senator Dick Durbin and Bernie Sanders, of course, you can see that familiar figure making their way down the aisle there to their seats.

And as we mentioned, it's all separate. There's Amy Klobuchar making her way down and the Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer who has talked a lot about the big things they want to get done very quickly.

MACCALLUM: Yes, there's no doubt that big is the mood of this presidency. Enormous packages that are proposed. Tonight, we're going to hear about basically free kindergarten through free college, four years of free education, as we wait for the announcement.

We understand the President still in the holding room, likely making his way over at about this moment and we will hear in a moment from General William Walker, who is the House Sergeant-at-Arms, and he will make that announcement just seconds away now.

BAIER: Again, it is an interesting image here with Vice President Harris and Speaker Pelosi standing behind the President. We should also note that this is the first time that a lot of these lawmakers are in the House Chamber since January 6th when they were escorted out of there in an emergency when the rioters took Capitol Hill.

So this is kind of a moment of getting back to the Capitol and this formality.

We have Brit Hume, quickly before the Sergeant-at-Arms comes in. Brit, your thoughts on this night?

BRIT HUME, FOX NEWS CHANNEL SENIOR POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, I was covering the White House not so many years ago when Bill Clinton stood before a Joint Session of Congress and said the era of Big Government is over to widespread cheers from Republicans and I guess, some Democrats as well.

I think that the message tonight is clearly going to be from everything we've heard that the era of Big Government is back and how. So we expect the President to be full -- that's what full speed ahead, I think means, Bret, no question about it.

MACCALLUM: Brit, we're waiting for the announcement, it could come at any second, but Joe Biden has sat up on that dais and just watched this happen about 10 times to joint session -- addresses to the Joint Session of Congress, but tonight, he is the man of the hour. He's out front.

HUME: Yes, he is and so far is his job approval ratings are holding up pretty well in the face of all that's happened. How well -- how much longer they'll last? It's not clear.

BAIER: Let's listen in here to General William Walker, the House Sergeant- at-Arms announcing the President of the United States.

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