More models have Wi-Fi from Panasonic's high-end GF6 to Fujifilm's waterproof XP200

Whether you spend a lot or a little for a digital camera, you're more likely than ever to get a camera with wireless capabilities. Of the eight new cameras in our Ratings, all but one have wireless capabilities. They range from pricey SLR-like models, such as the Panasonic Lumix DSC-GF6K, $600, to lower-priced models, such as the rugged-and-waterproof Fujifilm FinePix XP200, $280. Fujifilm claims the FinePix XP200 is waterproof to about 49 feet and claims it can survive a drop from 6.5 feet.

Today's Wi-Fi cameras offer a variety of features: Not only can you quickly transfer photos to various devices, but you can also enhance or extend your ability to operate the camera. For instance, almost every major camera maker includes an app for your smartphone or tablet that you can use to control the camera remotely from your mobile device.

However, just because a camera includes Wi-Fi doesn't mean it's a great performer in every way. For instance, our testers found the Canon PowerShot N, which has some of the most versatile Wi-Fi features, shot just poor-quality flash shots, which were worse than almost every point-and-shoot on the market.

For more on our advanced and basic cameras, check our Ratings.

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