Is This HTC's Upcoming Windows Phone?

An XDA-Developer forum-goer who goes by the Twitter handle @Football4PDA has had a busy morning! He started the day by posting a list of alleged specs for the upcoming HTC One X+, but the tech-related tip-offs didn't end there: @Football4PDA followed up that juicy tidbit with screenshots detailing the look and specs of HTC's upcoming Windows Phone 8 handset.

That handset has long been rumored to go by the name HTC Accord, but according to @Football4PDA, the final name for the phone is the Windows Phone 8X. If true, we prefer the original.

The tipster also posted a spec sheet of purported specs for the phone, though it's worth noting that neither alleged name appears in the image itself. The picture says the HTC Accord/ 8X sports a 4.3-inch screen, a 1.2GHz dual-core processor, 16GB of storage, 1GB of RAM and an 8-megapixel camera capable of taking 1080p HD video and ultra-wide angle pictures. Beats Audio, NFC and a micro-USB port all are onboard.

HTC recently sent out invitations for a big September 19th event, and the styling on the announcement suggests that the company could out a new Windows Phone device that day -- but we could be looking too far into things. We'll just have to wait until then to see if our theory and @Football4PDA's leaks prove accurate.

Via SlashGear