Free Nokia Music Streaming Service Launches for U.S. Lumia Owners

Traditional wisdom assures us that the quickest way to a person's heart is through his stomach, but Nokia is hoping to win over phone owners by taking a different route entirely: through their ears. Today, the company announced that it is bringing its mobile Nokia Music service to the U.S. for the low, low price of free -- but only for Lumia owners.

The service features over 150 musically varied playlists from "an expert team of US based musicologists" along with a Pandora-esque station creation function that whips together a playlist based around an artist or genre of your choosing. The app also includes an MP3 store, an offline mode and an interesting Gig Finder mode that taps into your phone's GPS and highlights nearby shows.

When Nokia says Nokia Music is free, it doesn't mean that you'll be spammed with constant product pitches to compensate: the app is completely devoid of ads.

The app should pop up for Lumia 710 and Lumia 900 owners in the Nokia Marketplace today. Not-so-coincidentally, Nokia and Microsoft have a major press event scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, during which the companies are expected to announce Nokia's first Windows Phone 8 handsets -- the Lumia 820 and the Lumia 920.

Nokia via NASDAQ; Image via Nokia