Woman Spikes Strudel for Inheritance

Jennifer Clark apparently didn't do a good job of hiding the pills in her elderly friend's apple strudel (search).

The 26-year-old western New York woman faces six years in state prison for admitting to feeding the medicine-laced pastry to the 82-year-old neighbor she was taking care of.

Steuben County (search) authorities say the man had told Clark he was putting her in his will because of the favors she was doing for him.

Prosecutors say in September, Clark gave the man a strudel that contained over-the-counter pain pills (search). Authorities say Clark fed him the doctored food with the intent of speeding up her expected inheritance.

But the man noticed the pills in the strudel and called a relative, who called police.

Clark is expected to plead guilty later this month in a plea deal.