
Andrew Card is chief of staff to President Bush.  He also was the chairman of the "Bush for President" operation at the 2000 Republican Convention.

An engineer, Card served as president and chief executive officer of the American Automobile Manufacturers Association from 1993 to 1999.  After that, he became vice president of General Motors

Card served in several positions in the administration of George H.W. Bush, including deputy chief of staff, Secretary of Transportation, and transition team manager.  He identifies his claim to fame as leader of the 1992 disaster relief effort for Hurricane Andrew.  He was also an aide to Ronald Reagan.

A native of Massachusetts, Card was a four-term state legislator and candidate for governor in 1982. 

He attended the University of South Carolina, the United States Merchant Marine Academy, and Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government.

Card is married to Kathleene Bryan.  They have three children and four grandchildren.