White Baby Born to Black Parents to Have Full Genetic Test

A white baby girl born in Britain to black parents is scheduled to undergo full genetic tests, it was reported Wednesday.

Doctors say baby Nmachi Ihegboro, who has blond hair and blue eyes, is not an albino and attribute her appearance to an unknown genetic mutation.

Parents Ben and Angela Ihegboro, from London, are also trying to discover whether they have any white ancestry to explain the mystery surrounding their new daughter.

The couple believes there are no white relatives on either side of their Nigerian families that could have led to Nmachi's skin color.

But Ben's mother Amebo, 70, does have blue eyes.

Ben and Angela agreed to let experts study Nmachi as geneticist Dr. Mark Thomas, of University College, London, said the odds of the baby's white coloring were "between many millions to one and a million to one".

"I suspect there's been a mixture of a mutation, like albinism, combined with a dormant white gene," he said.

"It doesn't matter to us quite how she came about but we will do what we can to find answers," Ben said. "She's a beautiful, miracle baby and we love her. She could be green and yellow — we would love her the same."

Nmachi is now at home in Woolwich, southeastern London, with siblings Chisom and Dumebi.