When To Update Your Estate Plan

Estate planning is not just a one-time thing. Regular updating is necessary to make sure that your financial plan is covering all of your bases.

Bob Carlson, creator of Bob Carlson's Retirement Watch newsletter, has created a list of situations and questions that would require you to get in contact with your estate planner to make changes. What should you be on the lookout for?

-- Any change in the marital status of you or any of your family members.

-- The birth or adoption of any children or grandchildren.

-- A serious illness or disability of you or any other family member.

-- Changes in the support provided for parents, children, in-laws or others.

-- New financial problems of any family members.

-- Gifts to family members, other than those scheduled in your plan.

-- Loans to family members, either given or forgiven, other than those in your plan.

-- The amount of life insurance provided or beneficiaries of the insurance.

-- Any aspect of your business ownership, including valuations, sales and new ventures.

-- The overall value of your estate, other than what was anticipated in the last plan.

-- Details of your will, including: executor, guardian, specific property bequeathed, charitable gifts and trust arrangements, including beneficiaries, trustees and ownership of property

-- Moving, even within the same state, or spending more time at a second residence.

-- Your choice of beneficiaries or goals for disposition of any of your property.

-- Death of any beneficiaries, including family and friends.

-- Has the succession plan for your business changed?

For more information visit http://www.retirementwatch.com