Virginia Student Group Seeks to Carry Concealed Guns on Campus

Some college students are pushing for their schools to allow them to carry guns on campus.

They say they should have the right to protect themselves in the event of a shooting like the one that left 33 people dead at Virginia Tech.

Andrew Dysart, a George Mason University senior, has organized a chapter of Students for Concealed Carry on Campus.

The group hopes to convince legislators to overturn a Virginia law that allows universities to prohibit students, faculty and staff members with gun permits from carrying their weapons on campus.

Dysart says that the students at Tech should have had a chance to defend themselves.

Virginia law allows schools to decide whether to allow students with concealed-weapons permits to carry their guns on campus.

One state school, Blue Ridge Community College, does allow it. Schools cannot prohibit non-students or other outsiders from carrying weapons onto campuses if they have legal permits.