Victoria Beckham Wins Libel Damages Over Claims She Was `Picky, Demanding and Rude' to TV Crew

Victoria Beckham accepted undisclosed damages Monday from a celebrity magazine that claimed the crew of her U.S. TV show considered her "picky, demanding and rude."

The former Spice Girl sued Star magazine over an April article that claimed staff working on the NBC show had also described her as "full of herself and not very nice."

Beckham's lawyer, Gerrard Tyrrell, told Britain's High Court that filming hadn't started at the time the story was published.

"The story was therefore completely inaccurate and defamatory of Ms. Beckham," he said.

Beckham wasn't in court for Monday's hearing.

Northern & Shell PLC, which publishes the magazine, apologized and agreed to pay Beckham's legal costs and "substantial" damages. The amount of damages wasn't disclosed.

Beckham, 33, is married to soccer star David Beckham. The couple recently moved to the U.S., where her husband is due to join Major League Soccer's Los Angeles Galaxy next month.

"Victoria Beckham: Coming to America" will air July 16.