Vandals Put Swastika, Anti-Semitic Slurs on NYC Jewish School Bus

A swastika and anti-Semitic slurs were smeared on a school bus parked outside a Jewish academy on the eve of Judaism's holiest day, police said.

The vandals used hand lotion to mark mirrors and windows inside the bus while it was parked near Bnei Shimon Yisroel of Sopron Thursday night or early Friday, police said.

Sundown Friday marked the start of Yom Kippur, Judaism's solemn Day of Atonement. According to tradition, it is the day divine judgment of Jews is sealed and their fate is decided for the coming year.

Administrators at the Brooklyn school did not immediately return a telephone message early Saturday.

The school is in a neighborhood with many Jewish residents and organizations, and "people in this area move on," said Yole Chajmovicz of the Williamsburg Shomrim Patrol, a community group that works with police. "It's sad because you see people doing all kinds of graffiti, and some people want to do this."