Utah Gov. Huntsman Calls Special Session to Gain Fourth Congressional Seat

Gov. Jon Huntsman is pressing ahead with a plan to call state lawmakers to the Capitol to draw a map that could help give Utah a fourth seat in Congress.

In Washington, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee has said he won't act on a bill to give Utah an additional seat until state leaders agree on new boundaries for all seats.

Utah is part of legislation that would give the District of Columbia a voting member for the first time. No matter who wins the election Tuesday, Congress will be controlled by Republicans through the end of the year.

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U.S. Sen. Bob Bennett, R-Utah, doubts a bill will emerge before the end of the year. He told KSL radio there are "just enough quibbles" to keep it away from a vote.

Nonetheless, Huntsman said he'll soon call for a special session of the Utah Legislature.

"If we don't get it done quickly, we don't get a fourth district," he said.

Senate President John Valentine, R-Orem, said a new map likely won't satisfy either party.

"It will feel too rushed. ... Redrawing boundaries is a tough issue. It usually takes us an entire session to do it," he said.

House Speaker Greg Curtis, R-Sandy, was more optimistic that lawmakers would be able to come up with an acceptable map.

"I think it would clearly have the potential of benefiting both (parties). It doesn't need to be a partisan issue," Curtis said.

Two Republicans and a Democrat now hold Utah's congressional seats. If Congress does create a fourth seat, all four districts would face a special election because of new boundaries.