U.N.'s Timeline for Iraq

A look at the time guidelines set out in the U.S. resolution adopted unanimously Friday by the U.N. Security Council.

— Iraq has until Nov. 15 to accept its terms and pledge to comply.

— Iraq has until Dec. 8 to provide weapons inspectors and the Security Council with a complete declaration of all aspects of its chemical, biological and nuclear programs.

— Weapons inspectors have until Dec. 23 to resume their work in Iraq. Chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix said he will have an advance team on the ground Nov. 18.

— Weapons inspectors are to report to the Security Council 60 days after the start of their work. If inspectors resume their work on Dec. 23, the latest they would be able to report to the council would be Feb. 21, 2003.

— Weapons inspectors, however, are to report immediately any Iraqi interference with their work, any failure by Iraq to comply with disarmament obligations, and any false statements or omissions in its declaration.

— Upon receipt of such a report from inspectors, the Security Council will immediately convene to consider the situation and the need for full compliance in order to restore international peace and security.