Time Magazine Lists 100 Most Influential People

Oscar winners George Clooney and Reese Witherspoon and German Chancellor Angela Merkel are among the newsmakers on Time magazine's list of 100 people who shape our world.

The list of 100 most influential, in the issue on newsstands Monday, also includes world leaders Hugo Chavez of Venezuela and Ehud Olmert of Israel, plus entertainers Daddy Yankee, Ellen DeGeneres and Meryl Streep.

There are a total of 104 names on the list of 100, with Tom Anderson and Chris DeWolfe, founders of the MySpace Internet sites, and former presidents Bill Clinton and George H.W. Bush sharing spots.

The list includes 79 men and 25 women from 29 different countries including Bhutan, Liberia and Luxembourg.

Separately, Time named 15 power couples such as singers Jay-Z and Beyonce and actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie, plus five couples from history including the artists Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera.