Taliban Claims to Have Bodies of 2 Drowned Coalition Soldiers

The Taliban is claiming to hold the bodies of two drowned coalition soldiers on Friday, Sky News reported.

The claim comes as NATO revealed a manhunt was under way to find two NATO troops missing in western Afghanistan since Wednesday.

The soldiers, whose nationality have not been revealed, disappeared during a routine resupply mission two days ago, Sky News reported.

Afghan and coalition forces are both involved in the hunt for the service members, NATO forces headquarters said in a statement.

The Islamist militants' spokesman Qare Yousuf told Reuters that they had recovered the bodies of the drowned soldiers on Wednesday in the western Badghis province, Sky News reported.

The province's police chief, Abdul Jabar, said the two service members were Americans, who drowned in a river after arriving in the area during a gunbattle on Wednesday, according to Sky News.

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