Sundance Premieres Have Hollywood Buzzing

Here are some other heavily buzzed-about movies making their premieres at this year's Sundance Film Festival:

"Art School Confidential'' - Terry Zwigoff ("Bad Santa") directs a dark comedy with Max Minghella and John Malkovich.

"The Night Listener" - Robin Williams is a radio personality who develops an intense relationship with a young man (Rory Culkin) and his mother (Toni Collette).

"The Silence of Sleep'' - Michel Gondry's follow-up to "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" stars Gael Garcia Bernal as a man whose life may be a dream.

"The Illusionist'' - Edward Norton and Paul Giamatti in a romantic thriller set in 1900 Vienna.

"Little Miss Sunshine'' - Kiddie beauty pageant spoof starring Greg Kinnear, Steve Carrell and Toni Collette.

"The Darwin Awards" - In this quirky comedy, Winona Ryder, in her first big-screen lead since her shoplifting arrest, plays an insurance investigator.