Sister of Serial Killer Victim Awaits Justice

Sheree Bryant says her sadness and anger over the death of her sister at the hands of a Louisiana serial killer (search) won't be sated until the perpetrator is punished.

"He (the killer) has messed up five families' lives forever," Bryant said shortly after Louisiana authorities released the name of a suspect. "My closure will be when he's not breathing any more."

Louisiana authorities have issued a warrant for Derrick Todd Lee (search), 34, of St. Francisville, La., in connection with the centered on Atlanta.

Bryant said she heard news of the warrant from the task force of agencies searching for the suspect.

"They're always good about letting the victims' families know everything," said Bryant, whose youngest sister still lives in Baton Rouge (search). "They don't want us to hear it on the news first."

Bryant said the news brought some elation and more sadness.

"There's the fact that he's still on the loose," she said, "and we just hope nobody else gets hurt. Until he's caught, we're just patiently waiting, like everybody else."

Bryant said the family has marked each month since Green's death. She said Friday was the 20-month anniversary.

"My sister's life was taken from her -- as far as I'm concerned, for no reason," Bryant said.