Russell Crowe Inspires Rugby Players

Russell Crowe's (search) halftime visit to an Australian rugby league team's dressing room appears to have inspired the players to gladiator-like feats on the field.

South Sydney, with longtime supporter Crowe watching, won for the fourth time in five matches, beating the Canberra Raiders 29-16 Saturday in the National Rugby League.

Crowe, who won an Oscar for 2000's "Gladiator," (search) visited the team in the dressing room at halftime, when they were trailing 12-6.

Although he didn't talk to any of the players, "It'd be nice to have him with us every week," said Rabbitohs coach Shaun McRae. "His presence was felt by everybody."

The 41-year-old actor had a beer with the team in the dressing room after the game.

"It was really nice to come down, see a good, solid win," Crowe said. "It's the last time I get to see a game this year in Australia and it means that in the five weeks so far that they've had 'Cinderella Man' (search) (an advertising patch for Crowe's recent movie) on their jerseys, they've won four out of five."

Crowe's screen credits also include "The Insider" (search) and "A Beautiful Mind." (search)