
Eleven states went to the polls on Tuesday to choose their leaders. Forty-four states were also choosing legislatures and several states also had competitive ballot initiatives.

FOX News projects four incumbent governors winning re-election: North Dakota Republican Gov. John Hoeven (search), Vermont Republican Gov. James Douglas (search), Democrat Mike Easley (search) of North Carolina, and Democrat Ruth Minner (search) of Delaware.

FOX News also projects that Democrat Joe Manchin (search) has won the seat to replace retiring Democratic Gov. Bob Wise in West Virginia. Republican Jon Huntsman (search) wins in Utah, beating out Democrat challenger Scott Matheson Jr. Democrat Brian Schweitzer (search) defeated Republican Bob Brown in Montana.

Incumbent governors in Indiana and New Hampshire have both lost their re-election bids to challengers, FOX News projects. Republican candidate Mitch Daniels (search) is the winner in Indiana, unseating Democratic incumbent Joe Kernan. Democrat John Lynch (search) beat out current Gov. Craig Benson in New Hampshire.

FOX News projects that Colorado's voters rejected Amendment 36 (search), which would have proportioned the state’s electoral votes by congressional district as opposed to the current winner-take-all approach. Therefore Bush, who won the state, will get all of its nine electoral votes.

California voters passed Proposition 71 (search) in favor of establishing an institute for stem cell research. The measure provides up to $3 million in funding for the project.

The nationwide debate over gay marriage reached the ballot box in 11 states. In a resounding, coast-to-coast rejection, voters in 11 states approved constitutional amendments Tuesday limiting marriage to one man and one woman, FOX News projects.

Voters in different states also weighed in on hot-button issues such as marijuana legalization (search), stem cell research (search) and property tax caps.

To learn more about other key races, click on the headlines below.

California Backs Stem-Cell Research

Californians voted Tuesday to spend $3 billion on stem cell research, putting the state on the cutting edge of a field questioned by conservatives and the Bush administration.

Gay Marriage Amendment Victories Rolling In

Proponents of constitutional amendments banning gay marriage and civil unions say they are not surprised by the decisive victories in several states Tuesday night.

Eleven States Ban Gay Marriage

In a resounding, coast-to-coast rejection of gay marriage, voters in 11 states approved constitutional amendments Tuesday limiting marriage to one man and one woman.

Californians Face 16 Major Ballot Initiatives

In addition to choosing a president and U.S. senator, Californians are facing 16 major ballot initiatives.

Alaska Votes on Legalization of Marijuana

Voters were asked Tuesday if they wanted to make Alaska the first state to legalize the use and sale of marijuana.

Ballot Initiatives Could Drive Turnout

If this year's election is all about turnout, then gay marriage, marijuana and the minimum wage might just serve as bait to lure voters in key battleground states to the polls on Tuesday.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.