Roeper Awaits Several Fall Movie Openings

Richard Roeper (search) is excited about several movies opening this fall, whether it's dramatic fare or comedic offerings.

The Chicago Sun-Times film critic and co-host of "Ebert and Roeper" says he can't wait to see "The Aviator," (search) the latest collaboration between Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio following "Gangs of New York."

"I'm looking forward to (seeing) Scorsese's take on Howard Hughes' life," he told AP Radio. "You've got (so many) great elements: Hughes had a cinematic existence ... and I love the idea of DiCaprio getting back to his acting roots, and not just being a movie star."

Another biopic that draws Roeper's interest is "Alexander." (search) But he admits he isn't sure if Oliver Stone's latest project will be a box office hit.

"I like Colin Farrell as an actor. And I love the idea of an authentic — or at least a more realistic — story about the life of Alexander the Great," he said. "But based on the posters, seeing (him) with that blond hair, I'm like, 'Is this going to be 'Troy', part 2?' Are audiences going to want to see this? I don't know."

Roeper also has reservations about "Alfie," (search) the 1966 classic now starring Jude Law. He says he can't imagine anything improving on the original.

"Jude is going to do the remake, reinterpretation, whatever you want to call it. I think the first film was pretty close to perfect, and Michael Caine was pretty close to perfect in the role. I like Jude Law a lot, but I think it's a questionable decision to try to redo that."

One genre Roeper thinks will definitely appeal to audiences are sequels. Two such movies on his radar are "Meet the Fockers" (search) and "Ocean's Twelve." (search)

"I think ('Meet the Fockers') will be very funny because you have some real memorable characters. There's also 'Ocean's Twelve,' (which) will be entertaining if they have half as much fun with the movie as they had making (it)."

Roeper also has similar expectations for "Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events." (search) "Jim Carrey seems like such an obvious choice; it's hard to imagine that it's going to go wrong," he said. "(He) seems like an inspired choice to run wild with the character. That, to me, seems like a surefire box office hit — maybe a critical hit as well."