Robbie Knievel to Perform Motorcycle Jump in Butte

Motorcycle daredevil Robbie Knievel, son of legendary stuntman Evel Knievel, has agreed to perform a motorcycle jump in Butte during Evel Knievel Days later this month.

Evel's pulmonary fibrosis is making it harder for him to breathe, and Robbie says this may be his dad's last Evel Knievel Days celebration. Evel has not watched Robbie jump since 1997.

Robbie says he's wanted to be part of the annual celebration ever since it started five years ago, but things hadn't worked out until this year.

Robbie's last Butte jump was in 1990, when he cleared 15 pickup trucks.

His next one is scheduled for July 28th.

Organizer Bill Rundle says the jump details are still being worked out, but he says it will be spectacular.

This year's Evel Knievel Days are July 27 through the 29th in Butte.