Report: Britney to Take Hubby's Name

Britney Spears (search), newly married to dancer Kevin Federline (search), says she would like to take his last name and wants to start a family next year, a German magazine reported.

"Britney Federline. I like that," Bunte quoted the 22-year-old "Oops! ... I Did It Again" singer as saying.

Spears said she would like to have a child, but still needed to get some business affairs sorted out beforehand, according to this week's Bunte.

"Next year, when I'm 23, I'll be ready," she was quoted as saying. But she intends to continue her music career, according to the interview.

Britney Spears last week finalized her marriage to dancer Kevin Federline, three weeks after a hush-hush ceremony that was her second wedding of the year.

Her spokeswoman said documents formalizing the marriage were filed Oct. 7.

Federline appeared in the movie "You Got Served" and performed as a backup dancer for singer Justin Timberlake (search), Spears' former boyfriend. He was previously involved with actress Shar Jackson of TV's "Moesha." They have two children — a 2-year-old and a newborn.

In January, Spears married childhood friend Jason Alexander in a surprise wedding in Las Vegas. That marriage was annulled 55 hours later.