There’s new hope for children suffering with three kinds of cancer that are too often fatal.
A new drug called RH1 appears to successfully combat the treatment-resistant cancers neuroblastoma, which affects the brain and nervous system, as well as osteosarcoma and Ewing's sarcoma, which affect the bones.
Researchers at the University of Manchester found that the drug boosts cancer cell death by up to 50 percent. They want to continue with a clinical trial studying children with cancer.
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In the first clinical trial using adult volunteers who were cancer patients, the RH1 drug worked effectively in tumors with the enzyme DT diaphorase, often found in cancers of the lungs, liver and breasts.
"Survival rates for children with cancer are high at 75 percent," said Dr. Bruce Morland, chairman of the Children's Cancer and Leukemia Group. "But in many cases, patients become resistant to their drugs and need new options."