Raw Data: Pope's Medical Problems

Dates of injuries, illnesses and hospital stays of Pope John Paul II (search):

— Feb. 24, 2005: Pope undergoes successful operation to insert a tube in his throat to relieve his breathing problems, hours after he was rushed to the hospital with flu-like symptoms of fever and congestion, the Vatican says.

— Feb. 10, 2005: Pope discharged from hospital.

— Feb. 1, 2005: Pope rushed to hospital with breathing difficulties and inflamed throat while battling the flu.

— Jan. 31, 2005: Vatican (search) announces pope has "mild" case of flu, forcing cancellation of appearances.

— Sept. 24, 2003: Pope skips weekly general audience due to an intestinal problem.

— June 15, 1999: Flu, with slight fever, keeps pope from celebrating Mass in Krakow (search), Poland, for 1 million people during pilgrimage.

— February 1997: Pope cancels general audience because of flu with fever.

— Oct. 8, 1996: Pope hospitalized for operation to remove an inflamed appendix.

— Aug. 15, 1996: Pope cancels general audience because of what Vatican calls an intestinal ailment accompanied by fever.

— March 13, 1996: Pope cancels Mass after Vatican says he is stricken by a similar ailment.

— Dec. 25, 1995: Overcome by fever and nausea, Pope interrupts Christmas message in St. Peter's Square and is bedridden with flu.

— April 29, 1994: Taken to hospital after breaking leg in a fall in his bathroom. Undergoes hip replacement surgery. Discharged May 27.

— Nov. 11, 1993: Dislocates right shoulder in fall down steps at Vatican audience. Undergoes operation and leaves hospital after overnight stay.

— July 15, 1992: Operation for benign tumor on colon. Leaves hospital July 28.

— June 20, 1981: Hospitalized for infection linked to injuries sustained in attempted assassination more than a month earlier. Undergoes operation Aug. 5 and is discharged Aug. 14.

— May 13, 1981: Pope shot in abdomen and hand in shooting attack by Turkish gunman in St. Peter's Square. Spends 20 days at Gemelli after undergoing surgery.