Queen Elizabeth II Celebrates 83rd Birthday

It is a party fit for a queen when the city of London celebrates Queen Elizabeth's birthday.

The queen turned 83 in April, but tradition holds that the public party — known as "Trooping the Colour" — is held in June when the weather is better. The custom dates from 1748.

This year's parade was held in bright sunshine.

It featured more than 1,100 soldiers, including the famous Foot Guards, who wear bright red coats and bearskin hats.

The queen wore a peacock blue coat and matching hat as she traveled in an open carriage down The Mall through central London, accompanied by her husband, Prince Philip. Prince Charles and Princess Anne rode on horseback behind her.

Princes William and Harry also attended the ceremony, accompanying their stepmother Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

After the parade, the family gathered on the balcony at Buckingham Palace for a Royal Air Force fly-by.