Printshop Manager Pleads Guilty in British 'Shoe Rapist' Case

A printshop manager who sexually assaulted women and then stole their stilettos has pleaded guilty to a string of assaults dating back 20 years in the "Shoe Rapist" case, police said Tuesday.

James Lloyd, 49, admitted to four counts of rape and two counts of attempted rape in Sheffield Crown Court on Monday. The attacks occurred from 1983-1986.

The break in the case came when a forensic firm working with the South Yorkshire police department tried to match the suspect's DNA with a database of known criminals. Though Lloyd had never been arrested, his sister's DNA had been collected in relation to a drunk-driving charge.

CountryWatch: United Kingdom

Police questioned Lloyd's sister, who acknowledged having a male relative. Police called Lloyd — a married father of two and manager at a printing firm — for a DNA sample after establishing the link.

Lloyd immediately phoned a family member, confessed and said he planned to commit suicide, police said.

As Lloyd attempted to hang himself in his South Yorkshire home, police said his son walked in and stopped him.

Police then arrested Lloyd and discovered a cache of more than 100 stiletto heels under the floorboards of his office.

Also in his personal collection were jewelry and personal effects — identified later as belonging to the victims — as well as hundreds of pairs of pantyhose.

The majority of Lloyd's victims were bound and gagged with pantyhose, raped and then robbed of their high-heeled shoes — kept by Lloyd as a trophy, said Sgt. Sue Hickman, the case's chief investigator.

A judge has deferred sentencing in the case, pending the completion of psychiatric tests.