And now the most telling two minutes in television, the latest from the wartime grapevine:
FOX Fans: Missed the Grapevine? Watch it in the Screening Room!
President’s Job Review
Our new FOX News Opinion Dynamics Poll (search) out today shows that 65 percent of Americans approve of President Bush's job performance. That's down six points from last month, but up five points from two months ago. In addition, 53 percent of Americans now believe going to war with Iraq was "worth it," down from 64 percent two months ago. The poll also shows 54 percent of Americans believe Iraq's weapons of mass destruction were either moved or destroyed, 25 percent believe weapons of mass destruction are still there, and 12 percent believe they never existed. Meanwhile, 43 percent of Americans believe the dangers of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were not exaggerated, and an exact same 43 percent believe the dangers were exaggerated.
Foreign Affairs
Former British Cabinet Minister Robin Cook (search), who now says he does not believe "the claim...that Iraq posed...a 'current and serious threat',” had a sharply different view five years ago, when he was foreign secretary. In a 1998 memo brought to light at a Parliamentary hearing yesterday, Cook warned that Saddam could have a “offensive biological weapons capability" in a matter of weeks, and that Saddam may have Scud missiles capable of killing thousands when armed with VX nerve agent, the supply of which is still unaccounted for to this day.
Another Ralph Run?
Ralph Nader (search), the Green Party candidate during the 2000 presidential elections whom Democrats blame for taking vital votes away from Al Gore, now says he's considering another run in 2004. But, according to The Boston Globe, the Green Party may not have Nader back, so if that's the case, he says he hasn't ruled out running as, of all things, a Republican, which would put him up against President Bush in a primary. Nader says, "Wouldn't that be interesting?"
Coverage Clearance
Meanwhile, the licensing body for broadcasting in Britain has cleared FOX News Channel of all charges that its war coverage violated the "due impartiality" that is required of news broadcasters in Britain. The so-called Independent Television Commission has the authority to fine FOX News or even force it off the airwaves. But the ITC said its monitoring of FOX News "suggests that a range of opinions are heard on the station."