Philippines Landslide Victims Buried; Hopes Fade

Standing in a light drizzle, the handful of mourners didn't know any of the 30 people laid side by side in a mass grave Sunday as workers began burying the few victims recovered since a mudslide wiped out this farming village.

Anyone who could have identified the bodies was likely under a carpet of muck up to 30 feet deep, and hopes all but evaporated that more survivors would be found.

Only about two dozen battered, dazed people have been rescued from the debris left by Friday's disaster, which left some 1,800 people missing and presumed dead.

Weary search teams found more than a dozen bodies Sunday, and on Monday the number of confirmed deaths rose to 74. With no one left to claim the dead and bodies quickly starting to decompose in the tropical heat, officials ordered them buried in mass graves.

At a cemetery five miles from Guinsaugon, a Roman Catholic priest sprinkled holy water on 30 bodies, some wrapped in bags, others in cheap wooden coffins, then said a prayer through a mask worn to filter out the stench.

Volunteers lowered the bodies to men who placed them side by side at the bottom of the grave.

The only witnesses were local health officials, the provincial governor, some of her staff and a few nearby residents. Some evacuees from the landslide watched from the window of a nearby Catholic school.

Twenty more bodies were to be buried there Monday.

In the capital, President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo said Sunday that "all the efforts of our government continue and will not stop while there is hope to find survivors." But those hopes faded each hour — no survivors have been found since Friday.

On Monday, dozens of haggard U.S. Marines and Philippine soldiers resumed digging in the sea of mud covering the village.

A woman who escaped the destruction said the first inkling of the disaster was a mild shaking of the ground, followed by a loud boom and a roar that sounded like many airplanes.

"I looked up to the mountain and I saw the ground and boulders rushing down," Alicia Miravalles said Sunday.

She said she ran across her family's rice field ahead of the wall of mud and boulders. "I thought I was dead. If the landslide did not stop, I would really be dead now."

Her husband, Mario, said their nearly 4-acre rice farm was left a mound of rocks and mud.

"Our farm is gone. We have no more home," he said. "We can only rely now on the government's help."

Florencio Libaton, an injured villager, told of being caught by the soupy mush while trying to flee with his wife. He said he was rolled and tossed among boulders and tree trunks that were swept down the adjacent mountainside.

"I said, 'God, is this how we are going to die?"' Libaton recalled at Anahawan District Hospital, where he and other injured were taken.

Rescuers found him pinned under a tree trunk and mud. "I yelled out, 'Help! Help! Then they pulled me out after digging with their hands," he said.

There was no sign of Libaton's wife, Porfiria. He feared he also lost his children — a son and two daughters — when the mud buried the village's elementary school, along with 250 to 300 children and teachers.

Two shiploads of U.S. Marines arrived off Leyte island Sunday to help, diverted from military exercises elsewhere in the Philippines. More were expected Monday.

Communist rebels active elsewhere on Leyte warned the U.S. troops not to stray into insurgent zones, but said they would not attack unless provoked. The New People's Army rebels have been waging a rebellion since the late 1960s.

The hunt for survivors focused on the school after unconfirmed reports circulated that some of those inside had sent text messages to loved ones after the mountainside collapsed following two weeks of heavy rains.

Philippine military officials had said they feared 1,800 people, virtually the entire population of Guinsaugon, died in the disaster. But on Monday, Gov, Rosette Lerias of Southern Leyte province said 928 people were missing and 74 confirmed dead. There was no immediate explanation for the discrepancy in the number of missing.

Official figures of how many survivors were pulled from the mud on Friday have also differed, with counts ranging from 20 to 57.

Spirits rose briefly at the school site Sunday when Malaysian soldiers with sound-detecting gear reported movement. But with nothing else to indicate life, they had to admit the noise could have been settling mud.

A Taiwanese team of 32 rescue workers with heat-sensing equipment arrived to aid the desperate search.

Philippine Lt. Col. Raul Farnacio said teams using search dogs also were digging around the village hall, where about 300 people were at a women's conference when the mudslide hit.

In Geneva, the International Red Cross appealed for $1.5 million to buy materials for temporary shelters and health and cooking items.

Meanwhile, a landslide killed five people on another Philippines island hundreds of miles away, but it was not immediately clear what caused it.

Maj. Gamal Hayudini of the military's Southern Command said the slide engulfed two houses in Zamboanga del Sur province's Bayog town, 470 miles south of Manila. He said a woman was pulled out alive with a broken leg.

In November 1991, about 6,000 people were killed on Leyte in floods and landslides triggered by a tropical storm. In December 2003, 133 people died in floods and mudslides.