Parents: Daughters Were Sexually Assaulted by Kindergarten Female Classmate

Two parents have filed a lawsuit alleging school officials failed to protect their daughters from sexual assault by another girl in their kindergarten class.

The lawsuit claims both girls were subjected to repeated sexual abuse by the third girl during nap periods and on a playground in the fall of 2005.

It says the assaults took place even though the abusive girl's mother had warned a school official that her daughter had been a victim of sexual abuse and might be a threat to other children.

The lawsuit, filed last week in U.S. District Court, names the Eanes Independent School District and an elementary school principal. It seeks unspecified monetary damages.

It claims the two girls were victims of sexual discrimination, accusing the school district of treating the allegations as less serious than they would have if a male student had been involved.

Eanes Superintendent Nola Wellman denied the allegations, saying administrators took "immediate and appropriate action" to deal with the assault claims.