Paper Apologizes for Publishing Graphic Photo

The Boston Globe (search) apologized Thursday for running a photo containing sexually graphic images that purported to show U.S. soldiers raping Iraqi women.

In an editor's note, the newspaper said the photograph "did not meet Globe standards for publication" because the images "were overly graphic and the purported abuse portrayed had not been authenticated."

The photo accompanied a story Wednesday concerning a news conference held by Boston City Councilor Chuck Turner and Sadiki Kambon, director of the Black Community Information Center. Several photographs were displayed at the news conference showing men in unidentified military uniforms engaged in sex acts with unidentified women. Turner told reporters the authenticity of the photos couldn't be verified.

Four of the photos presented by Turner and Kambon appeared in a single picture that accompanied the Globe story that was published inside the Metro section. In early editions, the photo was large enough for sex acts to be seen; the photo was reduced in later editions, making the images less clear.

In a statement, Editor Martin Baron said the photo should never have appeared. "There was a lapse in judgment and procedures, and we apologize for it," he said.